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Lesson Type : Step by Step Guide

Level : Intermediate

Scope : Networking/Wireless
Characters : Round About 700
Image : 21

Price : 200Ks
Wireless Network Troubleshoot
Network Wire Base Connection Wireless
Network Connection Wireless Connection

Wireless Network Problem

Wireless Network Problem Problem
Wireless Network


- Error Message
- Wireless Card
- Wireless Card Driver Version Device Manager
- Wireless Access Point
- Windows () Third-Party Program Wireless Setting Program

Third-Party Program Program Version

- Wireless Zero Configuration Running

Wire and Wireless Network Adapter

Router Plugged Wires Power Cord Router

Cable/ DSI Modem Wireless Network Adapter Switch "On"

Laptop OS Enable Red (or)

Blue Button Windows Device Manager Wireless Network Adapter

Windows Run Detect

Driver Compatibility

Wireless Network Adapter Device Driver Install

Device Driver Install Problem

Function Device Driver Install

Signal Strength

Access Point Signal Strength Low Network Performance

Cordless Phones Microwaves Electrical Equipment

Wireless Access Point 1m Wireless Access Point Channel
Client Test Access Point Radio Channel Change
Access Point LogIn

Wireless Setting Section Channel Setting

Save Client Device Manager Wireless Network Adapter Right Click

Properties Advanced Tap Channel Property Value Wireless Access Point





Signal Strength Physically Hardware

Wireless Access Point Client Channel

Signal Strength Client Channel

Access Point Location

Wireless Network Access Point Antenna Location

Access Point Antenna Side Ways () Downwards

(Antenna Pointing Upwards (Default)

(Antenna Pointing Side Ways)

Access Point Location Access Point Central

Location () Access Point Physical

eflective Surface

Installing a repeater for a performance boost

Signal Strength Access Point Client (PC or

Laptop) Repeater Repeater Weak Signal

Regenerate Signal Access Point

Client Access Point Repeats

Wireless Zero Configuration Service Run Wireless Zero Configuration Service Run

Wireless ZeroConfiguration Service Run

Start>Run Box cmd


Command Prompt Box sc query wzcsvc Enter

Windows Zero Configuration Service Run STATE RUNNING

My Computer Right Click Manage

Computer Management Box Services and Application Services

Wireless Zero Configuration Right Click Properties

Startup Type Automatic Start Wireless Zero Configuration

Service Verify the SSID SSID (Service Set Identifier) Laptop
Wireless Network

WirelessNetwork SSID Laptop SSID

Wireless Network SSID Network SSID
SSID Access Point Laptop Ping

Verify the WEP Key

Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) Encryption Configuration
WEP Configuration Wireless Client Wireless Access Point "Ping"
NIC Access Point WEP Encryption Key

... Brand Hex Format Brand Decimal

Format 40-Bit Support 64-Bit Support

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