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Film Opening Treatment

Title: The Prisoner

Name: Glitch Productions

Genre/Sub genre: Thriller

Representation of key characters: Protagonist: a young male in his teens quite muscular Antagonist: a unknown male that likes controlling people he like the feeling of having that power and also is always seen with low key light

What exactly is going to happen in your opening? where will the opening credits appear etc? It starts at the victims house the victim is waking up and gets dressed he then walks downstair to see letters on the oor the victim then opens the letters one of the letters is a note saying your next the victim just screws the paper up and throws it into a bin the victim then puts on his headphones and walks out the door probably going to skateboard or jog/run. the victim will then get hit by a car, you then see a person shutting the victim in the boot of the car the victim then wakes up in a dark room he is pretty dazed hes vision is blur for a bit the becomes clear you then see the back of the psycho head looking into a room with two people, the victim and a new character.You then hear the psycho speak you hear the voice normal then modied, a light comes on and there is a bat placed in the center of the room the new character then gets up, picks up and hits the victim dead (titles start) during the title sequence you see the new character, this character is imprisoned in room that the psycho put him in, the footage from this point will be from cctv cameras and point of view shots the character will be working out cleaning himself up and also sleeping/ trying to sleep.

Potential Locations:

we will also be using a bedroom and the street and road

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