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To Start the Oracle Business Inteligence Services:

Creating an ODBC Data Source: In the Oracle ODBC Driver Connect dialog box, enter the password obiee_read for the obiee_read schema and click OK.

Editing The Nqsconfig.ini Before staring the UI: Open C:\OracleBI\server\Config\NQSConfig.ini in Notepad and edit the repository name to point to the GateGourmetIFX4.rpd repository you just copied. In the Repository section, enter # before "Star" to comment out any other repository name entry. Then, below that entry, create a new line and enter Star = GateGourmetIFX4.rpd, DEFAULT; to point to your repository. ############################################################################### [ REPOSITORY ]




############################################################################### Editing The Instanceconfig.Xml Before staring the UI: Open C:\OracleBIData\web\config\instanceconfig.xml in Notepad and edit the Catalog name:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <WebConfig> <ServerInstance> <DSN>AnalyticsWeb</DSN> <CatalogPath>C:/OracleBIData/web/catalog/IFX4</CatalogPath> <!--CatalogPath>C:/OracleBIData/web/catalog/samplesales</CatalogPath--> Starting Services: To restore the Presentation Catalog, perform the following steps: Click Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > Services. In the Services dialog box, select the Oracle BI Presentation Server and select Action > Start to start the service. Also start the Oracle BI Server,Oracle BI Java host.

Logging Into the UI: In a browser, navigate to http://localhost/analytics, enter Administrator as the User ID and password, and click Log In.

Now you will able to see the Dashboards and Reports.

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