Cambridge - Professional English in Use - Medicine

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Professional __ English in Use Medicine Eric H. Glendinning Ron Howard =| CAMBRIDGE Contents INTRODUCTION BASICS @ Health and illness ‘A Asking about health B Sickness © Recovery Parts of the body 1 AA Pars of the body B Referring to parts of the body © Describing radiation of pain @D Parts of the body 2 A The ablomen B Theches © The pehis Functions of the body A Eating B The five senses © Other functions D Less common functions MEDICAL AND PARAMEDICAL PERSONNEL AND PLACES Medical practitioners 1 A Practitioners B Specialties © Choosing a specialty © Medical practitioners 2 [A Hospital staff 8 Medical reams © Shifts Nurses. A. Nursing grades B Support workers © Speci D The nurse's role 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 © Allied health professionals A Community health B Technicians © Proshesstsand onhorists D Opticians @ Hospitals ‘A Introduction to a bospital 8 Outpatients © Inpacens Primary care A The National Health Service 8 The practice team © AGP% day EDUCATION AND TRAINING ® Medical education 1 ‘A. Medical education in the UK B Extract from an undergraduate prospectus © A student's view Medical education 2 A ‘The Foundation Progra B People in medical edu: © Medical qualifications The overseas doctor A Types of registration 8 PLAB © PLAB stations and advice SYSTEMS, DISEASES AND ‘SYMPTOMS, Symptoms and signs 18 Describing problems 8 Presentation © Talking above symptoms Blood A Full blood count B Anaemia © Pemnicious anaemia 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 Bones A Bones, B Fractures © Treatment of feactures Childhood A Milestones B Comm © Coeliac disease nfectious diseases © The endocrine system A Excess and deficiency B Negative feedback systems © Goitre D Aettr of rete D the eye A Parts of the eve B Examination of the eye © Retinopathy The gastrointestinal system ‘A Examination of the abdomen B The facces Gynaecology {A The female reproductive sytem B Mensruaion © A gynaecological consultation D Contraception The heart and circulation 1 A Shortness of breath B Heart chythm Heart failure The heart and circulation 2 A Physical examination B Examining the heart and circulation Infections A Fever B Méroorgaions € Source and spread of infection 42 46 50 52 56 Mental illness Ak Paychatrc disorders Substance abuse Aective disonders Ne Other types of functional disorder otic and stress-related disorders Sensory loss Motor loss Loss of consciousness 8 c D E The nervous system 1 A 8 c The nervous system 2 A The motor sysem B Tendon reflexes ¢ Coma ® oncology A Neoplasms 8 Symptoms and signs of malignancy © Treatment of tumours Pregnancy and childbirth A Childbireh B Labour © Presentation and lie The respiratory system A Cough B Auscultaion The skin 1 Some types of ski lesion Rashes The skin 2 ‘A Injuries to the skin B Case report © Sores The urinary system {A Urinary symptoms B Urinalysis 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74

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