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Case FILE: The American Civil War


(American War Investigation)

American Civil War Casualties

Monday, April 29th Based on my prior knowledge I believe slavery caused the war. Two or three units ago, the Northern states complained that the new slave states joining the union is making the balance of power uneven. The Southern states probably didn't agree with the North so tension was probably raised. With the growth of slavery the Abolitionist movement most likely increased. The war also could have been caused by economic differences between the North and South. The Northern states were low in economic states compared to the Southern States because they can't grow cotton while the South could. I feel like these are the possible causes of the American civil war.

Day 1
Today's investigation proved very interesting. I think i've found my first suspect and its the climate. I'm very suspicious of this thing because it causes the North and South to work differently causing changes in the economy with the result of imbalance in power. The North does not need slaves, is industrial and filled with cities while the South is opposite. If it weren't for the climate, then slavery would not have been needed and there wouldn't be any need for a civil war.

Day 2

I got intel from former boss T.J. that the war would be caused by America's present generation. The North and South representatives are always arguing for their own selfish desires. Their compromises barely ever solve anything. The South even threatened to secede from the union all because of the proposal of the Tallmadge Amendment, admitting Missouri only as a free state if it joined the union. Shows how selfish people are for their own interests and fears.

Day 3
After today's thorough investigation I feel like I've found our main suspect... Congress! These guys refused to acknowledge the problem of slavery by the act of "table", to set it aside. After a while the subject of slavery was brough up again so they had to acknowledge it. Henry Clay came up with the compromise of 1850 to reduce the tension between the North and South and put slavery to rest once again. This however lead to the Fugitive Slave Law which further took away the rights the slaves barely had. Congress made things worse and therefore slavery was more unsettled.

Day 4

My main suspect for today's investigation is the one and only Harriet Beecher! She wrote a novel called Uncle Tom's Cabin, it was a book about a runaway slave who was enslaved again after being caught. The North and South colonies were both enraged by this novel. The North saw inhumanity in the South while the South claimed the book only revealed negative aspects of slavery and not everything. It was like pouring oil into a fire. My other suspect would be John Brown because violence occurred in the senate after he murdered with his zealous anti-slavery spirit.

Day 5
Now i'm definitely sure that John Brown is the main suspect. This man considered himself as "God's chosen instrument" and used that title as an excuse to kill for the end of slavery. He was soon enslaved and executed. However, before he died he left a little note which I translated, it said the only way to get rid of slavery is through war. I feel that this one note from the hero of the North and enemy of the South started the whole war. If I am wrong in suspecting this man my other suspects would be Dredd Scott and Chief Justice Tany for starting a court case that gathered so much un-needed attention.

Day 6

I honestly believe the Southern states is the only suspect for today. They act like little brats and take action based on their paranoia. For example, the election of Abraham Lincoln. They left/seceded from the union believe slavery would be abolished. The Southern's action is really based on selfish thoughts. They even had the nerve to attack Fort Sumter which pretty much called for war. On a side note they also illegally seceded from the union, president Abraham Lincoln even questioned it.

Final Charges & Letter to the Jury

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