Word List 1: Antedates Didactic Gaiety

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Word List 1

Antedate V. come before; Predate. The church antedates the village Itself. Didactic ADJ. intended to teach people a moral(usually disapproving). Audiences were turned off by the films didactic quality. Gaiety N. happiness, and excitement; happy and lively quality. The party had none of the gaiety weve seen in past years. Grudging ADJ. unwilling, reluctant. Her theories have begun to win grudging acceptance in the scientific community. Incongruous ADJ. unusual, abnormal, aberrant. His outburst seemed incongruous to those who know him well. Inexhaustible ADJ. exhaustless. The worlds supply of oil is not inexhaustible. Innate ADJ. original; natural; born with. Daciens most impressive quality was his innate goodness. Inherent ADJ. belonging to the basic nature of sb or sth; affinitive. He has an inherent sense of play. Intensity N. the quality or state of being intense; violence. The explosion was of such intensity that it was heard five miles away.

Carcase N. body, remains. Drastic ADJ. extreme in effect Vultures flew around in the sky, or action; severe or serious. waiting to pick at the rotting carcase The situation calls for drastic of the deer. measures\actions. Capacity N. the ability to hold or contain people or things. The restaurant has a large seating capacity. Contend V. maintain; acclaim, declare; to compete to win sth. These people contend that they have earned the right to the land. Conventional ADJ. traditional; ordinary. The number sign is the conventional symbol for labelling something measured in pounds. Denote V. to have(sth.) as a meaning; to mean(sth.); symbolize. The word derby can denote a horse race or kind of hat. Diaphanous ADJ. light, delicate and translucent. We hung diaphanous lace curtains in the windows. Durable ADJ. able to last a long time without becoming damaged. The machines have to be made of durable materials. Duvet N. a decorative cover for a bed. A duvet was covered on the bed. Exclusive ADJ. limited; privileged; stylish. We have exclusive use of the beach. Excerpt N also V. a small part of a longer written work. This article was excerpted from the New York Times. Expulsion N. dismissal; the act of expelling sb. The government engaged in mass expulsions.

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