Advanced Sexual Practices Volume 2

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VOLUME 2 Consisting of: Scroll III: The Sexual Practices And Scroll IV: A Little Extra Insight



The entire work, worldwide except in the Republic of Cyprus, 2003 Quaral Trading Ltd. The entire work, within the Republic of Cyprus, 2003 Aralzon Institute Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the written permission of the copyright owners. Advanced Sexual Practices, ASP, Aralzon and the star/flower device are all registered trademarks of Aralzon Institute Ltd.

CAUTION: All the practices contained in this book are powerful and do work. As such they will have significant and marked effects on your body, your energetic system, your character and your life as well as on your sexual practice. The decision to use and apply the knowledge and techniques presented herein is yours and yours alone. Neither Sebastian Heller nor The Aralzon Institute nor Quaral Trading nor any other person, entity or body corporate will be held responsible for any effects, adverse or otherwise, resulting from the use or application of the material presented here. If in doubt as to the suitability of any of these techniques to you yourself (due for example to your age or physical condition) then meditate more deeply and get to the point where you can make up your own mind, trust your own judgment and take responsibility for your own life. If in the meantime you deem it wise or helpful to seek the advice of external authorities (for example, your doctor) then do so. It is recommended that if you're in poor physical condition or during sensitive periods of your life (for example sickness, pregnancy) you exercise care and caution in your use of some of the techniques presented here, if you use them at all.

Outline of Contents
VOLUME 1 Scroll I: The Foundation Practices I) II) The Meditative Practices The Five Tibetans (plus one)

Scroll II: The Orgasm Practices I) II) The Male Orgasm Practices The Female Orgasm Practices

VOLUME 2 Scroll III: The Sexual Practices I) II) Advanced Sexual Practices level I Advanced Sexual Practices level II

Scroll IV: A Little Extra Insight In twelve parts

Extras and Appendices

Table of Contents
VOLUME 2 Scroll III: The Sexual Practices
I. Advanced Sexual Practices: level I Foreplay Oral sex Cunnilingus Fellatio Thrusting techniques Male thrusting techniques Deep thrusting Circular thrusting Spiral thrusting Shallow thrusting Deep / full thrusting Deep / shallow thrusting Drawing strokes Full and long thrusting Curved and long thrusting Combinations and variations

The variation of thrusting techniques Female thrusting techniques The standard thrust: woman on top The straight thrust: woman on top The standard thrust: woman on bottom The circular thrust Thrusting in doggy-style Thrusting together Sexual positions Man on top positions Woman on top positions Rear-entry positions Side-entry positions Standing positions Sitting positions A note on the use of sexual positions Coming together Taking sex deeper The mystical purpose of sex Anal sex Ending the sexual session Having sex: an example of sexual practice at ASP I

The prevention of ejaculation Homosexuality, lesbianism and bisexuality Choice of sexual partners and the wisdom of the body Control and letting go II. Advanced Sexual Practices level II The deeper mystical purpose of the union of the sexes Placing your mind in your partners body How to tell when your partner has an orgasm Exchanging energies Directing energy into your partner Drawing energy from your partner Clearing the effects of mixed energies Chakric alignment Continuous, mutual, full-body orgasm Chakric melding: an introduction Chakric melding: the technique Orgasming as one within a melded chakra Clearing the effects of a chakric meld The soulmerge: an introduction The soulmerge: the technique Orgasming as One Controlling, modifying and preventing the soulmerge

Preventing and limiting the soulmerge Controlling and modifying the soulmerge The purifying effects of the soulmerge The soulmerge and astrology The Sun / Moon effect The wider effects Balancing your chakras and the softening of the natal chart Going for conception after a tantric session The three stages of sex / lovemaking Lovemaking: an example of sexual practice at ASP II Spirit joining

Scroll IV: A Little Extra Insight

1. The deeper aspect of the chakras 2. A deeper insight into astrology 3. The nature of karma 4. The nature of beauty 5. Soulgroups, soulmates and twin flames 6. Love and its nature 7. Loyalty, fidelity and freedom 8. Treating your partner well

9. Internal balance, sexual energy and health 10. Tastes and odours 11. ASP and the spiritual path 12. Sex magick

Extras and Appendices

Annotated bibliography and other resources Glossary Appendix I: The chakric cores Appendix II: Human physical anatomy Appendix III: Human energetic anatomy The Aralzon Institute Sebastian Heller


This book is dedicated to Venus, in memory of the days of friendship and passion. Mostly passion. My lady, truly have you mastered the art of being a woman. When the time comes, Ill be here for you babe. With great love, Sebastian.


Scroll III: The Sexual Practices

The mere use of all that you have attained so far through your practice of the techniques given in Scrolls I and II greatly enhanced awareness, sexual energy and sensitivity along with the ability to have deeper, more prolonged orgasms is sufficient to guarantee you a vastly improved sex life. The primary function of all of these, however, is more as a necessary foundation a foundation which can be greatly built upon using specifically sexual techniques. It is these specifically sexual techniques which we shall cover in this scroll. Advanced Sexual Practices level I (ASP I) deals with the more practical, mechanical aspects of lovemaking: thrusting techniques positions and their uses, mutual genital orgasms and so on. There are some energetics involved, but nothing really that extends much deeper than what you have covered already. The purpose of the practice at this level is, primarily, to refine the external form of lovemaking into a pure, effortless symphony where everything flows naturally in perfect harmony. Advanced Sexual Practices level II (ASP II) deals with the very much deeper, far more esoteric aspects of lovemaking. The work at this level is almost exclusively energetic. It is in this section that techniques dealing with the energetic exchange between partners, chakric melding, the effects of a close sexual partner on your character and your life and the merging of souls is covered. The primary purpose of the work at this level is to teach you how to take lovemaking and its pleasures to the very deepest and most profound levels possible. It is in fact lovemaking as practiced at this level that all the preceding work and techniques have been laying the foundation for, have been building towards: soaring to the greatest heights and reaching the greatest depths of the profound art of sex. As with the orgasm practices, though the techniques given here are complete in themselves, they are nevertheless still best taken as a starting point rather than as a rigid set of rules which must be followed. Once you have mastered them and they are all flowing easily and naturally then play with them: combine them in different ways, use them for different purposes, change them and develop them in your own direction. In other words, find your own path, your own techniques and your own way of doing things learn to be your own person and so become truly, fully free.


I. Advanced Sexual Practices: level 1

Whilst it is at ASPII that the deeper, more profound techniques are covered, the more mechanical techniques presented here are both a necessary foundation to ASPII and a pleasure in their own right. Widening and deepening your knowledge and understanding of these more mechanical aspects of sexual practice cannot but help to improve your lovemaking sessions. Further, its very possible that you will have some sexual partners with whom you will not want to or will not be able to take the practice much deeper than as covered at ASP I. In such instances, the techniques presented in this section will form the primary basis of the quality of your sexual sessions. All the more reason to master them for their own sake then.

In standard Western sexual theory and practice there has been a massive overemphasis placed on foreplay. So much so that many women have come to rely on it for their only orgasms during the entire sexual process and that for many couples it plays a more prominent role than sexual intercourse itself. This approach is deeply flawed. On the one hand because the arts of which foreplay consists are not there to be taken solely as a sort of aperitif to the main course, they are pleasures to be undertaken and enjoyed in their own right, for themselves. And on the other hand because if you have a high enough level of sexual energy and are with the right partner, no preliminaries to or preparation for lovemaking should be necessary. Both physically and mentally / emotionally the mere presence of your partner combined with the sexual focus of either one of you should be sufficient to make both of you eager and ready. Of course, mentally you are helped in this process if, through past experience, you have come to know and expect truly fantastic lovemaking, as should be the case once you have mastered the practices presented in this book; it is difficult to become excited and enthusiastic over the prospect of sex if it is normally mediocre, disappointing and conducive but to limited, shallow, energetically draining pleasures. Fortunately, that should not be the case for you ever again. Finally on this front, it must be said that women especially (but some men too) often become very attached to foreplay because in terms of lovemaking itself their partners are at best incompetent and at worst absolutely hopeless. Though by far the greatest amount of responsibility for your own orgasms rests on you and not your partner it must be said that a basic level of rudimentary ability, e.g. not to ejaculate in 2 minutes


flat, is necessary on the behalf of your partner. Without this, no matter how great your skill, it is very difficult for the sex between you to ever become really orgasmic and satisfying for either one. Sex is, after all, something of a joint effort. The primary reason however not to focus on the various arts of foreplay over those of lovemaking itself is that it is simply not possible for any other physical activity to lead to as high a level of pleasure or as deep a feeling of closeness between two souls as that which is accessible through lovemaking. Therefore by shifting the emphasis from lovemaking to foreplay you are shifting the emphasis from the deeper and more profound to the shallower and more superficial. And while shallowness can be very pleasant and highly enjoyable it is hardly a very worthy focus in any area of life. Its one perceived advantage that it does not entail any real degree of opening up of the core of your being is in fact a self-perpetuating disadvantage because it keeps you locked to the cycle of closedness, shallowness and aloneness. Nevertheless, all of this does not mean that foreplay should be omitted if it is necessary, desired or needed by one of the partners. It takes many people much time to open themselves up mentally and emotionally in order to be ready to and fully comfortable with making love with a new person (or sometimes to make love at all with anyone at all). And this mental and emotional comfort the absolute certainty and acceptance that you really want to be here now making love to this particular person is essential if your sexual practice is to proceed anywhere beyond the most superficial of purely physical levels. Foreplay gently and gradually prepares and opens up the physical. Because everything is connected this causes the energetic structures which constitute the mental and emotional parts of your being to open up also. Consequently, foreplay can actually help you and your partner to take your sexual practice to a deeper level. However, this is rather like temporarily remedying a problem rather than actually solving the problem itself. And that problem is accepting your sexual nature, embracing sex itself and, most importantly, being completely open mentally and emotionally to your partner. This does not mean selfindulgently airing all your thoughts and emotions to your partner, trying to convince her or him of their validity. This is just your conscious personality seeking control and approval and will likely produce many more problems that it solves. Instead, mental and emotional openness is achieved by realizing there is nothing fear: you are you and you know what you are; it does not matter whether your partner accepts it, judges you, loves you or anything else. You are in the relationship to give and not to receive, to love not to be loved and so what you receive and whether you are loved makes no difference. Though in practice once you


are stable and certain within yourself in this way partners who judge you, fight with you and dont love you wont come into your life. Like attracts like and fear draws that which you fear unto you. Once both partners have this degree of mastery, this deep calm and stability within themselves then they will both be completely open mentally and emotionally to each other because they will be free to be so. At the end of the day the only thing which is stopping you from being completely open in this way is yourself your own ego personality, your own fears and your own demands. Once a good degree of self-mastery is attained the only purposes of foreplay between lovers is either to prepare and open the physical and a strong sexual thought on the part of either partner (for they are connected) will be more than enough for this or for the novelty and relaxing lightness of foreplay itself (but in this case foreplay is not being used as a tool but enjoyed and appreciated for what it itself is and has to offer). Finally on this aspect of the topic, mental and emotional openness which comes from the core of your being is much deeper and more total than a mental and emotional openness which is temporarily produced as a result of foreplay or even as a result of words, gestures, physical beauty or a feeling of being accepted. It is for this reason also that the greater the degree of your self-mastery, the deeper and more profound will your lovemaking be. The arts of foreplay: kissing, caressing, stroking, biting, pulling, scratching, rubbing, licking and oral sex beyond the basic techniques are not covered in this book. Primarily because no deep esoteric knowledge or training is necessary to be able to be very competent at them, but also because mastery of the arts of foreplay is in no way conducive to the real deepening and heightening of sexual practice. Further, to comprehensively cover all the arts of foreplay in a complete and detailed manner is a massive undertaking and would easily fill an entire goodsized book on its own. Such a project is in the planning stages, though as a DVD not a book, and will eventually be released by The Aralzon Institute. Until then, for those who are interested, the basics of oral sex are included here.

Oral sex
Oral sex does not, cannot, lead to the highest summits and the most profound depths of the sexual experience. The necessary energetic connections simply cannot be established through oral sex. Due to this consideration we look at oral sex only briefly in this book and cover only the basic techniques regarding it. The full arts of oral sex, in all their


variety, will be covered in a DVD planned by The Aralzon Institute entitled: The ASP little box of tricks. Nevertheless, oral sex can be enjoyable for its own sake and can sometimes be useful as a warm-up to intercourse itself. Also, going about oral sex in the right way can help you to learn an important conceptual lesson, namely: do not do something only to please another; you yourself should also actively enjoy everything you do too. That way youll do it more totally, and with relish. As a consequence your partner will enjoy whatever youre doing a lot more too. Many men dont like the taste or the smell of their partners vagina and many women dont like the taste or the texture of their partners semen. True, a certain amount of internal purification is necessary to make ones love juices actively pleasant in taste and smell. But more importantly you need to learn to: 1) be willing to try to learn to like the taste and smell of your partners love juices; and then 2) actually do learn to like and enjoy the taste and smell of your partners love juices. It is true that it is an acquired taste and smell. But so too are those of coffee, beer and tobacco amongst other things. To just do what you like is a lazy approach, an approach too selfindulgent of your currently established state of being. You must learn to like what is good for you, what is best for your path and the goals you wish to attain. Only then will doing what you like have any deeper meaning, purpose or value to it. With this in mind let us turn to the basic techniques of oral sex. Who says sex cant be educational? And in more ways than one at that. Cunnilingus In cunnilingus the main focus of your attention should be her clitoris. With a tongue you simply cannot provide the necessary stimulation to produce any significantly worthwhile sensations anywhere else. That having been said you can at the start, and later on too if you like, lick and suck at the opening of her vagina and stick your tongue inside her vagina. For you, the advantage of doing so is that you get to really properly taste her love juices. For her, the benefit is more psychological / emotional: it lets her know that you actively enjoy her taste and smell and so allows her to relax into, and so enjoy, the whole process a lot more. In cunnilingus there are two basic ways in which you can hold your tongue: 1) Rigid and pointed. When your tongue is held in this way you can only effectively stimulate her with the tip of the tongue. However, a greater degree of accuracy and more force also is possible in your stimulation if you hold your tongue rigid and pointed in this way.


Dg. III-01: Holding the tongue rigid and pointed 2) Soft and broad. When your tongue is held in this way lighter and gentler stimulation is possible. Also you can stimulate her using most of the upper surface area of your tongue which allows for a much longer stroke. Dg. III-02: Holding the tongue soft and broad One last point before we get started: to do cunnilingus correctly, at least when youre still just starting out with a particular partner, you really do need to be able to see what is going on. So leave the light on, light some candles or go for it during daylight hours. Let us turn to the technique then, step by step: Start with a more circuitous approach for women tend to prefer a gentle, more indirect start. Gently stroke her genital area with your hand. Look at her genitals appreciatively. Take a good deep smell. Lick the vagina itself a bit, tasting her love juices. All this is for your own pleasure and enjoyment mainly but it also lets her know that you truly like and appreciate her pussy in all its aspects. And so she can relax and be comfortable. When youre both ready, turn your attention to her clitoris. To start with you might want to use your fingers to gently rub her clitoris through her clitoral hood. However, when the time comes to get in there with your tongue, pull back the clitoral hood with your fingers and hold it back, exposing the head (and perhaps some of the shaft) of her clitoris. It is the head, the tip, of her clitoris that youll be paying the most attention to from now on. Dg. III-03: Pulling back the clitoral hood With your tongue held rigid gently flick it across the surface of her clitoris such that it only just touches her clitoris. Use a down to up motion. That is to say your tongue moves up and down but only comes into contact with her clitoris when moving from down to up. The movement can come either from your moving your tongue itself, or from your holding your tongue rigid and stationary and moving your whole head, or a combination of the two. Alternatively you can use a soft, broad tongue instead. Gently lick across the surface of her clitoris using as long a portion of the upper surface of your tongue as you can. Again do so in a down to up motion such that your tongue touches her clitoris only when moving from down


to up. If youre holding your tongue soft and broad, and so stimulating her with the length of the upper surface of the tongue, then it is also possible to produce the required movement by covering your lower teeth with your bottom lip, sticking your tongue out so that it rests on the bottom lip and curls down to touch your chin and then moving your jaw up and down whilst keeping your head stationary. The result will be a lapping motion of your tongue over her clitoris, produced by the movement of your lower jaw. This is a good technique to use when you want to perform cunnilingus for an extended period of time as the jaw muscles are usually much slower to tire than either the neck or the head muscles. Dg. III-04: The cunnilingus jaw motion Until she becomes more aroused her clitoris is very sensitive and so you have to be gentle in your initial stimulation for it to be pleasant for her. As her degree of arousal increases you can make the stimulation you apply more intense. To do so increase both the pressure of the stimulation and its speed. Or one or the other if you want to take things a little more slowly. The more aroused that she is the more intense the stimulation that she can take and will want on her clitoris. Whereas at the start such harder stimulation would just be uncomfortable and unpleasant for her. Even more intense stimulation can be applied by sucking her clitoris into your mouth and flicking your tongue across it. If you do use this approach, make sure you dont touch the clitoris with your teeth. The clitoris is and remains very sensitive and touching it with your teeth will do nothing to enhance the sensation for her and will probably feel actively unpleasant to her. You can make the stimulation more intense still by suckling upon her clitoris like a baby suckling at its mothers breast. With each suckle also move your tongue across her clitoris, in time to the suckle. This technique produces very powerful, very intense sensations for the woman though and so shouldnt be used until she is very aroused and close to orgasm. Even then most women wont be able to take this for more than a minute or two. After the first few minutes of cunnilingus, once she has begun to get properly aroused you can enhance the sensations for her by inserting a finger or two into her vagina and stimulating the muscular ring near the opening of her vagina, and also her g-spot. Unless shes feeding her clitoral stimulation and coming orgasm inwards and upwards theres little point in stimulating her deep point or cervix during cunnilingus as doing so wont significantly enhance her experience by much. Some


women also like to have a finger or two inserted into their anus during cunnilingus. But some women dont like this so check the reaction from your partner before proceeding with this. As she approaches orgasm just keep on doing whatever you are doing. Dont stop or slow down the pace or decrease the pressure. If you like, and can, you can increase the pressure and/or the pace somewhat though. As her orgasm starts, just keep on going. Once the first strong orgasmic wave has occurred you may want to slightly reduce the speed and pressure of the stimulation you are applying, but dont do so by too much. The continuing stimulation serves to continue her orgasm and she will not be best pleased if you stop now. When her orgasm finishes she will tilt her hips away from you or gently move your head away from her genitals. Generally, the clitoris is too sensitive after (outwards) clitoral orgasm for any direct stimulation of it to continue. So relax, shake your tongue and jaw muscles out and move away. Now turn to intercourse where a much higher degree of depth and intimacy is available for both of you. Fellatio Whereas women tend to prefer a more circuitous approach, men prefer a direct, to-the-point approach. Grab his penis with one hand and start masturbating him slowly, whilst fondling his testicles with your other hand. Appreciatively. Lovingly. Enjoying what you are doing. But only for a few strokes, 10 at the most. Then get your mouth into action. If you like, you can lick once or twice around the head of his penis in a circular motion and also up and down the shaft. Then take the head of his penis into your mouth. This is where most women tend to be let down by poor technique. The best way to do it is as follows. Open your mouth fairly wide, about -1 wider than what is necessary to slide his penis into your mouth. Keep your lips extended over your teeth as you do so, so that if you were to look into a mirror your teeth would not show at all. Also keep your lips rigid enough so that you can then close your jaw fairly tightly over his penis without your teeth touching his penis in any way. Instead, you lips will press firmly and strongly onto his penis. If you practice this in a mirror without anything in your mouth your lips will form a tight O shape. Dg. III-05: Standard lip position for fellatio So youve got his penis in your mouth. The next step is to introduce suction to the process. A really strong vacuum is made by


sucking as hard as you can on his penis and then making the vacuum even stronger by moving your tongue back and up with the motion coming mainly from the middle section of the tongue, and doing so as if trying to suck an extra little bit of air in from between your teeth. Dg. III-06: Making the suction extra strong Keeping your tongue in this position not only increases the strength of the vacuum within your mouth, it also means that your tongue will stimulate the head of his penis as your head bobs up and down. The final step in this process is to grip his penis with one of your hands directly below your lips. Grip with your hand using roughly the same amount of pressure that your lips are applying to his penis further up, or more if you wish. So: you have his penis in your mouth with your lips applying a strong pressure to it. There is a strong vacuum within your mouth and your tongue presses up against the underside of his penis. You have your hand on his shaft gripping it with roughly the same degree of pressure as your lips are exerting. Dg. III-07: The basic art of fellatio Now simply begin to move your head up and down so that your mouth slides over the length of his penis. Move your hand at the same rate, in time to the motion of your mouth. And thats the basic fellatio technique. To give your cheek muscles a bit of a rest you can alternate the strong suck with twisting your tongue around his penis head whilst his penis is in your mouth. You can use your free hand to massage his testicles or his perineum or you can stick a finger or two into his anus to stimulate his prostrate. If you wish to play about a bit you can use one of these alternatives to the basic technique: 1) Hold your mouth open with his penis inside. Now circle your head around so that his penis moves around inside your mouth in a circular motion. Watch your teeth, and use your tongue to enhance the process. This technique is good to use if you dont want him to come just yet. 2) Only partially close your mouth over his penis. Go slowly and on each upstroke breathe a full lungful of air in through your mouth. The cool air will waft over his penis as you do so. On the down stroke breathe out a full breath of air. The hot air from your lungs will waft over his penis as you do so.


3) Suck hard just on the upstroke. On the downstroke massage his penis head using the length of your tongue from tip (at the beginning of the downstroke) to root (at the end of the downstroke). The techniques of deep-throating and throat-fucking are too involved to go into here. They will be fully covered in the above mentioned planned DVD though: The ASP little box of tricks. At any rate, when he does come, swallow. If you have yet to develop a taste for his semen swallow immediately, fast and repeatedly: it will feel good to him and youll barely taste anything at all. Normally women automatically wait for a while before they begin to swallow, and this is why the taste of semen lingers in their mouth afterwards. If you begin to swallow as soon as he starts to ejaculate you really will taste very little, if anything at all. Alternatively, if you are at the stage where you actively enjoy his semen and its taste, then take your time about it swish it around in your mouth a bit and then swallow it at your leisure. But whichever way you go about it, do swallow. And not just because he wants you to. You can compare spitting his semen out to how youd feel if after going down on you he started spitting, gagging and wiping his tongue and then went to brush his teeth. Youd feel he wasnt really enjoying it, that he just did it for you and that there was something undesirable or unpleasant about your genitals and their taste and smell. Swallowing his semen you can compare to how much more enjoyable cunnilingus is for you when you know that your partner is not just doing it for you but because he actively wants to, enjoys doing it for himself. A lot more enjoyable for both of you this way isnt it? Nowadays, in the West, whilst most men have learnt to at least try to give a woman pleasure, women have yet to learn to at least try to give a man pleasure. A lot of them think that just doing the bare minimum themselves and letting the man do what he wants is enough. This is a lazy, unmasterful, undeveloped attitude. You should actively enjoy pleasing your partner. And not just in sex but in every area of the relationship. Which, incidentally, is the key to getting what you want out of both your relationship and your man.

Thrusting techniques
With all of these techniques focus first on becoming technically competent at them. Once you have begun to attain technical competence the technique itself will soon begin to become intuitive and will start flowing naturally and effortlessly. At that point you can release your focus to enjoying the sensations and energetic movements that the


different techniques produce, both in you and your partner, and observing how these techniques relate to the other practices.

Male thrusting techniques

Skill in thrusting is far, far more important for a man than for a woman. Other than the increasing and directing of his sexual energy thrusting is practically the only tool that a man has at his disposal to use to fetch a woman to orgasm during lovemaking. Not only that but the use of advanced thrusting techniques help you to really get to know your partner internally, all her sensitive and tingly spots, what makes her heat up the most effectively and what doesnt really work for her, how she reacts to various depths, angles, strokes, etc. during the various stages of lovemaking and how all of these are affected by her moods and by your other actions during lovemaking. As you make love, try to pay attention, energetically, internally and esoterically more than externally (see ASP II for details on how to do this) to all of these factors. It is indeed good practice to be as aware of your partner as you are of yourself during the whole lovemaking process, but more on this later. For now just try to pay attention and notice her responses. On a slightly different note the use of many of these techniques helps in the mastering of ejaculation control useful if youve skipped straight ahead to this section without focusing on the orgasm practices sufficiently to master whats covered there (tempting to do, I know, especially if you already are in a sexual relationship. And why not?) Finally, there is the consideration that thrusting is essentially a very yang, a very male activity: it is the mans job far, far more so than it is the womans. All the more reason to make sure that you are competent at it. In all of the following descriptions entering refers to the inwards stoke not the literal entering of the vagina and withdrawing refers to the outward stroke not the literal withdrawing of the penis. At no point during the thrusting techniques should you actually fully remove your penis entirely from your partners vagina. Deep thrusting This does not refer to the full thrust all the way in and all the way out but to entering the vagina as deeply as you can comfortably go and then never really pulling out anymore than 2 or so from there. The big advantage of this stroke is that it enables you to remain continuously deeply inside your partner and yet also allows stimulation to continue. It is for this reason that, in the deep stages of lovemaking (as in ASP II) it is


this stroke which you will be using almost exclusively, and only gently at that (you will find that excessive movement interferes with the sensations and energy movements, both for you and your partner). Due to the nature of the stroke it produces far more stimulation for the woman, especially in and around the cervix, than it does for the man, if used during the later stages of lovemaking. This is because during these later stages, and especially after a few orgasms, a womans vagina will distend (open up) quite significantly causing the portions of her vagina towards the entrance to be comparatively tight, gripping the base of your penis, and the deeper portions to be comparatively open. Dg. III-08: a) An unaroused vagina b) A fully distended vagina Due to this difference in the level of stimulation between the man and the woman this technique can also be used to fetch a woman to orgasm without there being any real danger of falling over into ejaculation. The technique then. Push your penis into the vagina as deeply as it can comfortably go. All the way if possible but maybe less depending on the length of your penis and the depth of your partners vagina. Especially if you are in the early stages of lovemaking do so gently and be careful not to hurt your partner by ramming your penis into her cervix with excessive force. Dg. III-09: Entering the vagina fully From this point a variety of movements are possible including a gentle back and forth practiced by pulling out only by 2 or so before pushing back in. This version of the stroke is useful when both you and your partner want some hard, animalistic fucking yet you yourself do not want to risk being pushed into ejaculation. Dg. III-10: Deep and straight thrusting This version of the stroke is best used to strongly and continuously stimulate her deep point and can lead to some very powerful deep point / uterine orgasms for her very quickly. However, in the later, deeper stages of lovemaking, for example when soulmerging, deep thrusting is best used to stimulate your partners cervix. One way to do this is with small circular movements either around the cervix in the space between the hump of the cervix, the end of the vagina and the vaginal walls.


Dg. III-11: Deep thrusting strong cervical stimulation Or on and around the cervix itself Dg. III-12: Deep thrusting smooth cervical stimulation Flicking the tip of your penis across the tip or the whole of her cervix in a side-to-side motion is also an option. Dg. III-13: Deep thrusting side-to-side cervical stimulation In practice this is most easily achieved by first pulling your right hip away from her whilst pushing your left hip towards her and then pulling your left hip away from her whilst pushing your right hip towards her. Dg. III-14: Side-to-side cervical stimulation hip motion Keep the penetration deep whilst dong so and it will cause the sideto-side movement described above. If instead of flicking your penis across her cervix in this side-toside motion you do so in an up-and-down motion: Dg. III-15: Stimulating the cervix and the clitoris at the same time then you are also able to stimulate her clitoris at the same time using your pubic bone. This technique is best when used with a variant of the missionary position. In practice it is most easily accomplished by resting at least a part of your weight on her and then moving your whole body horizontally back and forth either by pushing with your toes or by pulling with your arms Dg. III-16: Stimulating the cervix and the clitoris at the same time: in practice This produces both clitoral and cervical stimulation at the same time and can be very intense for her. In order to hit the clitoris just right she can either arch her hips or you can lift and control her buttocks using one hand. Once you are competent at the basic technique, play with it. You could, for example, experiment with varying the speed and / or strength of the stroke. Or you could try stroking exclusively along the left side of the cervix in an up/down motion. Or combine the slight in / out


movement with the circular movement to produce a spiralling motion onto and then off of the cervix. Dg. III-17: Spiralling the cervix Circular thrusting Circular thrusting involves moving the tip of your penis around in a circular motion at one steady depth within the vagina. It is most useful for stimulating the cervix and as an alternative basic stroke to the straight in-out. Dg. III-18: Circular thrusting When you are still starting out on the path of Advanced Sexual Practice you will probably find that alternating between straight in-out thrusting and circular thrusting greatly helps in the control of the ejaculatory urge. Later on, youll find that deep, gentle, circular thrusting is a great way to continue the stimulation in a sensuous way during the deeper stages of lovemaking. You can vary circular thrusting by varying the speed with which you circle, the size of the circles and the force which you use. Small, gentle circles are especially good for stimulating the tip of your partners cervix whilst big, forceful circles are good for stimulating both your partners cervix and her deep point using one thrust. This latter is achieved by angling your partners hips upwards (for example by placing 2 or 3 pillows under them when in the basic missionary position), and then rubbing across your partners deep point on the up portion of the circle, whilst rubbing across the bottom of her cervix on the down portion of the circle. In order for this stroke to be useful and effective it is best to use it only considerably into the sexual session when your partners vagina is well distended and both her deep point and her cervix are very receptive to stimulation. Dg. III-19: Using the circular thrust to stimulate both deep point and cervix Spiral thrusting This entails moving deeper into the vagina using a spiralling motion and then moving shallower within the vagina also using a spiralling motion.


Dg. III-20: Spiral thrusting: a) the in-stroke b) the out-stroke It is rather like stirring a deep pot of stew. The advantage is that the penis is always at an angle within the vagina, rather than entering or exiting straightly, and can therefore press more strongly against the various parts of the vaginal walls. Practice this technique along different lengths of the vagina. This technique is best used to move from thrusting at different depths of the vagina in a way other than straight and direct. For example when moving from shallow thrusts to deep thrusts. As you do so it enables you to press against parts of the vagina that the straight and direct thrust just cant reach. Such a movement is also subtler and less forceful. Shallow thrusts Shallow thrusting refers to strokes which penetrate no deeper than about halfway into the vagina, often much less than that. Predominantly they are useful for hitting the g-spot, and also the sensitive, usually significantly tighter ring of muscle at the very opening of the vagina. For detailed instructions on where the g-spot normally is and how to find it refer to the female orgasm practices section, or ask your partner. The shallow thrust also produces especially strong sensations for the man as the head of the penis is moved back and forth through the tightest area of the vagina. The technique then is to pull back to the very opening of the vagina. Dg. III-21: The shallow thrust: as far out as you go And then to push in slightly or until you hit the g-spot. Dg. III-22: The shallow thrust: as far in as you go In practice hitting the g-spot is easiest for most men using rearentry positions such as doggy-style. Men with a very high angle of erection however, whose erect penis nearly pushes against their belly area, should also be able to quite easily reach the g-spot using front entry missionary style positions if they use a hand to lift and direct their partners hips or place a pillow under their partners buttocks. For other men this is also a possibility too, but is in practice a little more difficult. Again, experiment with the depth of penetration. Try hitting the rear wall of the vagina opposite the g-spot, varying the angle of


penetration in other ways, using circular as opposed to direct movements, etc. Deep / full thrusting This is the most traditional and the most popular of the Taoist thrusting techniques. The technique is to alternate a set number of deep thrusts with a set number of full thrusts. In the translations which you will nowadays read of the old writings you will find that most patterns which are recommended take the form of a large number of deep thrusts (e.g. 9, 8, 5, 3) alternated with one full shallow thrust. What they are really recommending is a series of deep thrusts interspersed with one full stroke where you withdraw right to the very opening of the vagina and then push all the way back into the very depths of the vagina. You do not intersperse the deep thrusts with one shallow thrust of the sort described in the previous section. That really would tend to destroy the whole rhythm of your lovemaking, and is an example of the confusion which often arises out of poor translations of classic texts. The key advantage of interspersing the deep thrusts with the one full thrust in this way is that, provided your penis is large enough and your partners vagina is tight enough, the one full thrust pushes more air out of the vagina thereby creating a greater vacuum within the vagina which produces a very pleasurable sucking sensation on the penis and the cervix during the subsequent deep thrusts. Step by step then: 1) Thrust at a deep level for a number of strokes, using any variety of deep thrust that you wish Dg. III-23: Eight deep strokes 2) Withdraw to the very opening of the vagina being careful not to break the vacuum by coming too far out Dg. III-24: The full thrust: outstroke just completed, in-stroke about to begin 3) Push your penis relatively fast and quite forcefully deep into the vagina once more thereby forcing more air out of the vagina and strengthening the vacuum. Dg. III-25: The full thrust: just completed


And then return to step 1) once more. Incidentally, dont get caught up in counting your exact number of deep thrusts. They dont have to be exactly the same between each long, full thrust. Let the rhythm establish itself naturally and instead pay attention to the sensations produced and to your partner. Deep / shallow thrusting You can also of course alternate actual shallow thrusts as described in the shallow thrusting section with deep thrusts. Should you choose to do this a good few shallow thrusts more than the simple one mistakenly recommended by the modern translations of the old Taoist classics would be necessary to build up any significant g-spot stimulation. And at any rate once you have built up such stimulation there is little point in then letting it go to waste by moving to cervical stimulation which you then let go to waste by returning to g-spot stimulation and so on. Far better to focus on shallow thrusts and g-spot stimulation for a while, build up the energy, give the vagina time to distend, and then move the energy and the lovemaking deeper by progressing to cervical stimulation. Perhaps focusing on g-spot stimulation for a while once more when you sense that your partner is at a point where this move will bring her to a good orgasm. Then return once more to the deeper thrusting. Certainly alternating the deep/shallow strokes in a set, fixed pattern during lovemaking seems to have little point to it other than interrupting the stimulation of both partners and so the rhythm and flow of the whole thing. Drawing strokes The left side of the penis corresponds to the left testicle and to the left side of the body and the right side of the penis corresponds to the right testicle and the right side of the body. Consequently if you wish to bring the left testicle into play more fully, for example in order to draw it in closer to the body, then stimulate the left side of the penis more. Similarly if you wish to balance the energies between the left and right sides of your body. It is the drawing strokes which are used to achieve this. The technique then. Move your hips to the left by about 2-4 so that the base of your penis is no longer on a straight vertical line with the opening of the vagina but is instead offcentre by those 2-4. The tip of your penis remains in the vagina. Dg. III-26: Drawing strokes, starting position


From here push your penis into the vagina all or most of the way. You should feel the stimulation far more strongly on the right side of your penis than you do on your left Dg. III-27: Drawing strokes: all the way in Then pull farther out to return to the starting position as above, again feeling the stimulation more on the right than on the left side of the penis. Rather than utilizing a straight thrust you can alternatively use a more drawing stroke achieved by keeping your left hip stationary whilst moving your right hip forwards and back. Dg. III-28: The drawing stroke: hip motion This produces a more fluid motion and a steadier sensation. It should be obvious how to vary the above technique in order to stimulate the left side of your penis more than the right. You can also use this technique to balance the left and right sides of your partners body or to move energy between the two sides. Curved and long thrusting This is the standard thrust often used almost mechanically by many men where the penis is pushed all the way into the vagina and then withdrawn until the very opening. This stroke can be an excellent one to use in the middle stages of lovemaking if it is modified to produce greater finesse rather than being used in a pumping piston motion to fetch you to quick ejaculation. By the middle stages of lovemaking the sexual energy should have heated up and expanded sufficiently to allow the whole penis and the whole vagina to be very sensitive and receptive to sensations, rather than their sensitivity being largely limited to specific, localized areas. That is why this stroke is so good to use during those middle stages: it allows the full length of the penis to rub against the full length of the vagina. To perform this stroke push the penis all the way into the vagina as far as it will go, ensuring that the majority of the motion originates from the hips alone rather than from the movement of the body as a whole which is a different technique. Dg. III-29: Curved and long thrusting: a) as far out as you go b) as far in as you go


Once the penis is in as deep as it will go withdraw it as much as it is possible to do without taking it out of the vagina altogether, which is again achieved using movement of the hips alone. Then push it all the way in once more. One of the best and simplest ways of refining this stroke is simply to slow it down. Lots. Make it a very, very slow and sensuous stroke during which you pay attention to every sensation and feel every bit of your penis and of your partners vagina. Also notice the energy movements and the other, more physical, reactions that this stroke produces both in your partner and within your own body. The two most important of these is that this stroke can be used to spread the natural lubricants of the vagina throughout the entire length of the vagina, and also this stroke helps to strengthen the mans erection if it is receding or reducing. Other methods can be used also. You can enter fast and hard on the in stroke only to withdraw with infinite slowness and tenderness. Or vice versa: enter slowly and sensually, withdraw with speed and force. This last produces a feeling for both of you rather akin to your penetrating your partner for the first time, as at the very beginning of lovemaking, except again and again and again. You can also try varying the angle of penetration and the rhythm. Full and long thrusting To perform this stroke push the penis all the way into the vagina as far as it will go, in as straight and direct a way as possible. In order for this to be possible it is necessary if you are using a missionary-type position to support your body weight on your hands or elbows and move the whole torso. Otherwise the thrust will turn into a more curving motion which is the previous technique. Dg. III-30: Full and long thrusting in missionary Once the penis is in as deep as it will go withdraw it as much as it is possible to do without taking it out of the vagina altogether, which is achieved by moving your whole body forwards as shown in Dg. III-30. Then push it all the way in once more. Slowed down this too is a very good thrust to use during the middle to later stages of lovemaking. However, because it involves a lot more movement on the mans part, over a long period it is a lot more tiring, and so distracting, for you than curved and long thrusting. Combinations and variations


Essentially there are basically six ways in which the process of thrusting can be varied: angle of entry, direction of thrust, speed, force, depth and rhythm. In slightly more detail: Angle of entry: rather than entering the vagina straight on you can begin off-centre resulting in an angled stroke. We covered doing this to the left and to the right in The Drawing Strokes. Above, below and diagonally are other alternatives. Direction of thrust: The thrust itself does not have to proceed straight in and then come straight out again, though this is one very nicely balanced option. It is possible to curve the thrust upwards for example so that the head of the penis stimulates the g-spot and the base of the penis on the side facing away from your body pushes against the ring of muscle around the vaginal opening. Other forms of such curving strokes are possible, as are circular strokes and also changing the stroke halfway through e.g. from straight to curving. Speed: It is possible to thrust: quickly, slowly or somewhere in the middle. And to do so, on the instroke, the outstroke or both. To stop or pause at the end of the outstroke, the end of the instroke, in between or not at all. And to vary the speed halfway through a stroke. Force: The power behind the stroke. Usually felt more on the instroke than on the outstroke. It is also possible to make this power energetic rather than physical. Depth: How deeply you choose to enter the vagina and up until which point you choose to withdraw. Rhythm: The timing of the strokes in relation to one another. Whilst an irregular rhythm does occasionally have its uses, for example to break a pattern or in between changing thrusting techniques, as a rule a regular rhythm is preferable. This does not mean to say that you have to keep all your strokes limited to one fixed speed. Rather what is important is that there is some sort of consistency, regularity and order to your thrusting you are not just flailing spasmodically all over the place. You can, for example, steadily increase both the depth and the speed of your thrusting so that each stroke is both faster and deeper than the one before, provided that the increment by which you do so is fairly consistent each time. This consistency is important because your body along with your partners body and the more subconscious aspects of her mind, tend to like and need some sort of predictable regularity on the basis of which to know what to do: relax and allow the energy to build up? Go for the orgasm? Enjoy the sensuality of the sensations? This is not possible if there is no real degree of regularity on the basis of which to come to this sort of understanding.


It is on various combinations of these six aspects of thrusting that the thrusting techniques presented in this section, and indeed all thrusting techniques, are based. By varying these six aspects in different ways you yourself can develop your own thrusting techniques. The key factor is to do so in a way which enhances lovemaking both for you and your partner. To do this, pay attention to both your own body and energies and to your partners body and energies and then make your decisions on the basis of that. It would be foolish for example to move from a forceful deep, straight thrust to a gentle, shallow thrust just as your partner is on the very verge of orgasm. If you must change your thrust at such a point far better to go for a stroke which continues this deep stimulation such as a deep circular thrust. At any rate, practice, develop your awareness, and it should all flow easily and naturally very soon indeed. The variation of thrusting techniques Whilst the man is still learning mastery of ejaculation control variation of thrusting technique is a useful tool for him to employ. As he feels himself approaching ejaculation he can change to a stroke which gives him less stimulation thereby preventing himself from ejaculating. The main problem with doing this though is that, provided the two partners are reasonably energetically aligned, it is precisely when you are approaching ejaculation that your partner will also be nearing her orgasm. This is because as you get nearer to ejaculation your penis fills with huge amounts of energy which of itself causes your partner also to come very near to her orgasm. Likewise, if she approaches orgasm her vagina fills with huge amounts of energy which of itself causes you to come very near to ejaculation. The real solution is not to retreat from your orgasm by changing to a less stimulating thrusting technique which will prevent both of you from orgasming and so leave you both feeling unsatisfied. Rather what you must do is master the orgasm process so that when you feel yourself approaching ejaculation you can direct that energy into an internal orgasm thereby removing the urge to ejaculate or you can send it into your partner causing her to orgasm and then directing the energy that her orgasm releases to produce your own internal orgasm. The ramification of this all is that you can then use variation of thrusting techniques to enhance both your orgasms rather than to merely help you control your ejaculatory urge. The basis on which to do this is to realize that the physical movement is intimately connected to the orgasmic and energetic aspects of sex. At the start of sex for example, the energies are usually just beginning to warm up and you are both quite a way from orgasm. Consequently a deep, forceful thrust would be


inconsistent at this stage. Rather a gentle, partial stroke would be more appropriate to the energetic and physical nature of this stage of lovemaking. Conversely, when you are both approaching a powerful orgasm a shallow, light thrust would not be satisfying. You will want a deeper, more intense thrust which provides you both with stronger sensations and a greater sense of union. Something such as a deep spiralling thrust would therefore be more appropriate. Finally, when you are actually changing from one thrusting technique to another you very rarely want there to be a big jump between the sensations produced by the two different techniques. Occasionally a big jump has a pleasing drama and forcefulness about it, but more usually it is more satisfying for the lovemaking to flow and dance effortlessly rather than jump all over the place. In practice this is achieved by ensuring that the thrusting technique to which you intend to change is appropriate considering where the lovemaking and the orgasm process is going and then melding the one technique into the other. As a rule, when you are both approaching orgasm thrust deeper or faster or more forcefully or a combination of the three. And when you both want to focus more on the sensuality of the lovemaking thrust more slowly, more fully and more gently. For example, say you are using long and full thrusts and are both approaching orgasm. Consequently you both feel the desire for more intense, closer stimulation. So you decide to change to a deep back and forth thrust. You then do so smoothly by decreasing the extent to which you draw out of the vagina whilst also increasing the attention you pay to your partners cervix at the deepest end of the stroke. Whilst doing so ensure you dont lose any of the controlled power so characteristic of skilful thrusting at the close-to-orgasm stage. Within the space of 3 or 4 strokes the transition between thrusting techniques should have been fully effected. An important point regarding thrusting during orgasm which must be made is that women generally like some sort of stimulation to continue during their orgasm it helps to make it more intense, satisfying and total for them. Without this sort of continued stimulation many women feel that they have had only half an orgasm. Conversely, men tend to prefer to stop altogether during ejaculatory orgasm. However, once you have learned to orgasm internally without ejaculation you should find that it is perfectly possible and also more satisfying for you to continue to thrust, albeit more gently, during your orgasms. Most women also, prefer this sort of more gentle stimulation during the orgasm itself. Should your partner prefer a harder, more intense stimulation during her actual orgasm you could try using a thrusting technique which stimulates her very intensely but you only comparatively mildly, such as the deep circular thrust.


Once you are aware of all this though detailed focus on technique isnt really that necessary. With a little time and a lot of practice all of this should flow effortlessly and naturally.

Female thrusting techniques

To be honest thrusting is not really a very female activity. Due to the physical mechanics of it all it is difficult for a woman to achieve the same degree of skill in thrusting that it is possible for a man to attain. Further, a womans pleasure does seem to become more limited by taking the active role in this way than a mans pleasure is limited by his taking this form of active role. Far better then to let him do the great majority of the work is this area. In terms of the mechanical aspects of lovemaking a womans skill is better focused on the more internal muscular stimulating techniques such as milking. Nevertheless, it is useful for a woman to develop some degree of skill in thrusting for the times when she wishes to stimulate her man in this more active, external way as well as to use to signal to her partner what she wishes him to do and to enable the two of you to thrust together, in unison. Also, combining basic female thrusting techniques with internal muscular techniques can produce some truly exquisite sensations for both you and your partner. The standard thrust: woman on top The standard thrust is effected by means of hip movements very similar to that employed by men when they are thrusting. Due to its reliance on hip movement rather than leg muscles this is the one thrust which it is relatively easy to maintain over a long period of time when you are on top. Despite this, it never fails to surprise me how few women are aware of this thrusting technique and how even fewer are competent at it. Hopefully this is one of the many things which this book will go some way towards rectifying. To perform the standard thrust then, the first thing you have to do is assume the right position: astride your man, leaning forward, with your outstretched arms supporting a good portion of your weight. This is in order to allow you a good degree of freedom of movement with your hips. The up-thrust is then effected by curving your hips as far back as you can. Your lower back should curve upwards as you do so, and your perineal region will rise considerably above the upper surface of your partners torso. The down-thrust is then effected by curving your hips forward as far as you can. Your lower back should curve outwards as you do so and your perineal region will move


downwards to rest on, or very near to, the upper surface of your partners torso. Dg. III-31: The standard thrust: woman on top: a) fully down b) fully up This thrust can be varied by changing the speed at which you curve your hips back and forth and also the degree to which you move them back (which determines how far out of your vagina your partners penis moves to) and forward (which determines how deep into your vagina you move your partners penis). The straight thrust: woman on top The straight thrust is the name given to moving in such a way that your partners penis goes from being held at or near the opening of the vagina to being deep within the vagina, possibly with the head pressing against your cervix. In the woman on top positions this necessitates an up and down movement of the whole torso which is achieved by means of the flexing of the leg muscles. Dg. III-32: The straight thrust: woman on top The precise way in which the leg muscles are flexed to produce the upstroke is dependent upon the specific sexual position being used. The downstroke can either be achieved through the effects of gravity as you allow your whole upper torso to return to the initial starting position or if you are in a sexual position where you are leaning forward taking a portion of your weight on your hands it can be effected by pushing backwards using your arms and shoulder muscles. Dg. III-33: The straight thrust: the downstroke No form of rocking, grinding or hip movement can, in this sort of position, achieve anywhere near the same effects. It is because this thrust is dependent on some sort of flexing of the leg muscles that the extent to which it can be varied with regards to speed, force, direction of thrust, etc. is severely limited, even once you have developed good leg muscles through your practice of The Five Tibetans or other exercises. You can however alter the depth of the thrust quite easily by varying the extent to which you come up/go down. The angle of thrust is also easily changed by placing yourself slightly off-centre to your partners penis. This will enable you to better direct the penis to where you want it to go, an effect


which can also be achieved by altering the angle at which you hold your hips. And, more internally, by contracting your internal vaginal muscles to fetch specific parts of your vagina into closer contact with your partners penis. Finally, it is very worthwhile combining this thrusting technique with the internal milking technique. For example, during a full upstroke simultaneously perform a pulling milking contraction and then follow this with a pushing milking contraction on the downstroke. Or vice versa. The standard thrust: woman on bottom This is achieved using a back and forth curving movement of the hips. Dg. III-34: The standard thrust, woman on the bottom It is far easier to vary the thrust when in this position than when on top. This thrust is most useful as a signal to your partner as to what you want him to do: for example thrust faster if you want him to go faster, deeper if deeper, pull away if shallower etc. Also it is useful to practice it a bit in order that the two of you can perform joint thrusting techniques comfortably and easily. Finally, you can use the same arc of motion, except holding it steady at a particular point, in order to angle your hips and so your partners penis to stimulate specific areas within your vagina when it is your partner who is doing the thrusting. The circular thrust This thrust involves moving your hips in a circular motion to produce a stirring movement of your partners penis within your vagina. Whether you are on the top or the bottom, the motion of the hips is the same. It is worth experimenting with varying the size of the circles along with the depth at which the penis is held to produce different effects and sensations. For example you could try small, deep circles to stimulate the cervix or large, fairly shallow circles to stimulate the g-spot. Also practice combining the circular thrust with the straight thrust to producing a spiralling movement, both when on top and when on the bottom. Dg. III-35: Circular thrusting Thrusting in doggy-style


The rear-entry position commonly known as doggy-style and other positions like it affords you far greater control of the thrusting process than is possible in any other position. It will, however, probably be necessary to tell your partner to keep still before hand. In this position all the thrusting techniques we have covered so far, both those involving moving the whole body and those involving moving primarily only the hips, can be used with ease. Dg. III-36: Thrusting in doggy style This allows for a good little trick to use in the very early stages of lovemaking where the penis is held no deeper than the bottom third of the vagina and a variety of circular, spiralling and straight strokes are used to massage the penis head. It is in these early stages of lovemaking that doggy-style rear-entry positions are best used because they do not allow for the alignment of the energetic centres of both partners which is necessary in the later, deeper stages. You might also want to take a look at the various thrusting techniques covered in the section Male thrusting techniques it shouldnt be too hard to figure out how to adapt the techniques given there so that you can perform the female equivalents yourself. Do bear in mind also that whilst doggy-style is the easiest position for most women in which to perform the more involved thrusting techniques it isnt too much harder to perform them in most woman-ontop positions either. So feel free to experiment and decide for yourself what you like best. Thrusting together Thrusting together requires a little coordination and a good intuitive connection between the partners but it is well worth the effort for it can produce some truly amazing results and sensations. A good basic thrust to begin with to help you to get used to moving together in this way is the basic back and forth stroke. With the man on top, he pulls outwards whilst the woman pulls backwards. Dg. III-37: Thrusting together the outstroke Then he pushes inwards whilst the woman pushes forwards. Dg. III-38: Thrusting together: the instroke Practice this until it flows quite naturally and masterfully and you are both used to moving together in this way, easily and fluidly changing


such things as the speed, the depth of penetration, the angle, the force of the stroke etc. Then learn to do the same with the woman on top. Another good technique to try is for one of you to thrust circularly whilst the other thrusts back and forth. On a more advanced level you can both use circular or spiralling thrusts, except in different directions (one moves clockwise, the other anti-clockwise) using different sized circles or spirals and, with practice, at different speeds. This can result in some very different sensations for both of you.

Sexual positions
There is a vast plethora of possible sexual positions and an equally vast number of books available telling you all about them. However, it is not really worth spending huge amounts of time learning, memorizing and perfecting all of these, not to mention acquiring the necessary flexibility to perform some of them. The returns in terms of variety, intensity or depth of pleasure so acquired simply do not justify it. Though by all means feel free to work your way through them with the handy assistance of a reference book and then make up your own mind. An easier and quicker approach is to learn the basic positions on whose variation the vast plethora of positions is based (with only a few exceptions). These are: man on top, woman on top, rear-entry, side-entry, standing and sitting upright. Combined with, where appropriate, either a face to face approach or a front-to-back approach. It is these basic positions along with some of their basic variations which we shall cover in this section. Regarding the variation of the basic positions it is worth realizing that there are 2 basic ways in which this is done. The first is by varying the way in which the woman holds her legs. Closer together and drawn up towards the body tends to make the vagina shorter and tighter; spread apart and held further away from the body tends to make the vagina longer and more open. By holding each leg at a different position it is possible to affect the left and the right sides of the vagina separately. And by placing one or both of the womans legs in such a position that they will be moved as the man thrusts it is possible for the way in which the vagina is internally held to be varied over the course of each thrust. Secondly, by varying the relative positioning of the hips (e.g. straight on, slightly off-centre to the right etc.) it is possible to vary the angle of entry of the penis into the vagina. Thereby changing the course of the entire thrust. This can be used to stimulate different parts of the vagina, and of the penis, and to produce deeper or more shallow penetration.


On a deeper level its also worth being aware that the face-to-face positions with the fronts of your torsos physically touching, aligns your energy centres to your partners. This allows for the melding (joining) of your energy centres to the corresponding energy centres of your partner. Thereby producing a feeling of great closeness and other effects 1 . Conversely, in other positions this type of joining does not readily occur thereby naturally leading you to tend to focus more on your own sensations and pleasures. Consequently, if during sex this is what youd prefer to focus on for a while, then it is best to use a position which is not face-to-face with the fronts of your torsos touching. If you bear these principles in mind then you will be able to easily create your own positions and, more importantly, you will understand why you are doing so (for example, to make the vagina tighter, to allow for deeper penetration, to feel closer to your partner, etc.). Then the different positions will become a valuable tool rather than being a mere novelty item. Man on top positions Dg. III-39: The basic missionary The standard missionary position allows for easy penetration and easy thrusting. By supporting his weight on his hands the man avoids any great mixing of the energies. Placing a pillow or two under the womans buttocks in this position helps with g-spot stimulation. Dg. III-40: The vagina tightener This variation makes the vagina tighter resulting in stronger sensations for both partners. Deep penetration is however more difficult with the womans legs in this position. The man supporting his weight on his elbows produces sufficient proximity of the two partners to allow for the relatively easy mixing of energies. Dg. III-41: The deep penetrator This position allows for deep penetration and for great closeness as the energies will naturally mix quite strongly. Which makes this position good for stimulating your partners deep point, especially if your penis is still a little on the short side.

This happens naturally to a limited degree but can be made to happen to a much greater degree using conscious intent. It is primarily for this reason that only face-to-face positions are used at ASP II.


Dg. III-42: The right angle Allows the partners energies to be easily kept very separate. Good for sex over lovemaking. Woman on top positions Dg. III-43: The standard woman-on-top The standard woman on top position. Allows her to easily direct her partners penis to where she wishes it to go. Do note that it does not have to be the woman who thrusts in this position; she can remain comparatively still while the man does the thrusting. This position is also ideal for the practice of the milking techniques. Dg. III-44: The woman squatting on top This position makes the vagina tighter and allows for fairly deep penetration. It does, however, require greater leg strength and is not the best to use if you wish to practice internal muscular techniques. Dg. III-45: The great closeness: woman-on-top Allows for great closeness between the partners and the easy mixing of energies. In this position thrusting is most easily performed by the man. Rear-entry positions Dg. III-46: Doggy-style Good for hard, animalistic fucking. Also a good position to use should the woman wish to massage her partners penis using more external movements. Dg. III-47: The g-spotter For most men this is the easiest position in which to stimulate their partners g-spot. Despite the physical proximity of this position the face to back approach does not produce the chakric alignments necessary to allow for the easy mixing of the partners energies. Side-entry positions


Dg. III-48: Spooning Sometimes a good way to start sex in the middle of the night after youve both been sleeping and are not yet fully awake. A very easy, relaxing position for both partners. Does not, however, allow for very deep penetration. Dg. III-49: Side-entry, face-to-face Again a very relaxing position, but with the advantage that it allows for the easy mixing of energies. Dg. III-50: The long-timer In this position the woman lies on her back and the man lies on his side. The mans legs pass under the womans legs and her leg nearest to him rests on top of his pelvis. The great advantage of this position is that, like all side entry positions, it is very easy to maintain as it places very little stress on the body. This means that this position can be maintained for hours without the body really tiring. However, unlike the other sideentry positions, in this position it is relatively easy for the man to enter the woman quite deeply indeed and thrust fairly fast and powerfully. Which makes this position the perfect one to use for long-lasting sex sessions. Chakric alignment (see ASP II p. ) is however not possible in this position and as such this position is not ideal for lovemaking, soulmerging, etc. Standing positions Dg. III-51: The power stand Normally a hard position for the man entailing significant leg and back strength and stamina. If however you combine not ejaculating for a month or so with the practice of the Chi-kung / martial arts horse stance or embracing the tree stance then this position becomes very easy to maintain over long periods of time (provided your partner is not seriously overweight). Allows for hard thrusting, deep penetration and also the easy mixing of energies. Dg. III-52: The forest stand Good if youre outdoors


Sitting positions Dg. III-53: The classic tantric The standard position normally recommended and used by tantric sex practitioners. Allows for the easy mixing of energies and is also the easiest position in which to draw the energy upwards through the spine due to the erect, straightness of the spine. Thrusting is however difficult for either partner in this position, though internal muscular techniques can be used here with ease. Also maintaining an erect spine in this way is difficult over long periods of time for most western couples. Dg. III-54: The westernized tantric A westernized version of the previous position. Both partners being able to place their legs on the floor makes thrusting much easier and more effective for them both. Also, the man can lean against the chair back for support when he needs it. If whilst doing so, he pulls the woman towards him so that she is not sitting completely straightly erect but is leaning slightly forwards, and at the same time he supports her back by linking his arms behind her shoulder blades, then her back also can relax for a while. Dg. III-55: The Paris chair The having sex version of the preceding lovemaking position. Also allows for easy thrusting by the woman if she fetches her arms into play, using them to help her move her body up and down. A note on the use of sexual positions Sexual positions should be used to enhance not detract from the pleasures of sex and lovemaking. As such, during sex try not to break the flow of the whole process by stopping halfway through to laboriously rearrange yourself and your partner into a new position. Rather, try to fluidly move from one position to another all the while keeping the penis within the vagina. This is easy to do between positions which are all of the same basic type (e.g. man on top). With practice you can also get the changes between positions of different basic types flowing smoothly as well. The deeper that you move into lovemaking, the more you will find your desire for the variety offered by such things as different positions decreasing. Once you are in the very deep stages of lovemaking you will


feel no need, no desire to change positions at all. Indeed physical movement as a whole will have become something of a distraction and so will be very limited at this stage. Regarding which positions to use when, simply try to use a position which complements and makes easier that which you are trying to do at that time. For example, you want to feel close to your partner? Use a face to face position which involves the torsos touching. Hard fucking? Doggy styles pretty good. And so on. Practice and experiment and you should quite easily reach your own conclusions and understandings in this area.

Coming together
As your partner approaches orgasm you should feel a build up of warmth and energy in his penis or within her vagina. A build-up which is released in the orgasm resulting in the feeling, afterwards, that there is less energy centred there. Pay attention to these phenomena until you are able to feel them quite clearly and notice them with ease and precision. Once you can do this it is then possible to notice when your partner is sufficiently close to orgasm and then have or induce an orgasm of your own in which you allow the energy to flow outwards into your partner rather than inwards and upwards. This strong flow of energy into your partner should be enough to fetch him or her to orgasm also and then the two of you will be orgasming together. If it isnt, work on your timing and on ensuring that the outwards energy flow is powerful enough and directed enough. Do note that it is only energy which flows outwards in this technique it does not involve ejaculation. Further details on how to do this can be found in the Male Orgasm Practices section. After your partner has finished his or her orgasm you can then draw the energy which you sent into him or her back into you, so that you yourself do not end up losing any energy. Once you have begun to use the techniques contained in ASP II however you will both be drawing in such massive amounts of energy that this sort of energetic accountancy becomes highly irrelevant.

Taking sex deeper

This section doesnt really teach anything new it just summarizes and brings together everything covered so far into a unified whole. Thereby showing the connection between everything and so making explicit and clear anything you might not be entirely sure about. So then:


Deeper sex means deeper orgasms, a greater feeling of closeness between the partners, greater unity between their two souls and, consequently, a strong and more harmonious overall relationship between them. All in all, the deeper you take your sex the more intense, the more profound, the more pleasurable and the more transformative the whole experience becomes. In order for this sort of deeper sex to be possible it is, firstly, necessary: 1) to be able to internalize your attention and hold a steady, relaxed focus 2) to have a high level of sexual energy 3) to be in good physical condition All of these three factors are interconnected. For example, if you cant effectively internalize your attention youll find it very difficult to increase your sexual energy: conversely, if your level of sexual energy is low youll find it much harder to effectively internalize your attention. Also, if youre in poor physical condition your physical body will not be able to contain any significant quantity of sexual energy; conversely, if your sexual energy is low it will be difficult for you to maintain your body in good physical condition. Consequently its all quite circular and progress leads swiftly to more progress, cumulatively and rapidly, whilst deficiency leads to greater deficiency, also cumulatively and possibly rapidly. Hence the importance of The Foundation Practices becomes obvious. Secondly, in order for this sort of deeper sex to be possible it is necessary: 1) to increase the sensitivity of your sexual organs. For a man this refers mainly to the shaft of the penis. For a woman this refers mainly to the internal portions of the vagina. 2) to not rely solely upon stimulation of your clitoris or penile head for the production of sexual sensations and increased arousal. Your vagina or penile shaft also has a very important role to play and function to fulfil in the sexual and orgasmic processes. These two factors also are interconnected. If the sensitivity of the deeper portions of your sexual organs is low youll be unable to find anything but the stimulation of your clitoris or penile head even remotely satisfying. Conversely, if you focus only on stimulation of your clitoris or penile head, and rely on such stimulation for your orgasms, then youll never really develop any real degree of sensitivity in any other portion of your sexual organs. Hence the importance of The Orgasm Practices becomes obvious. Thirdly, in order for this sort of deeper sex to be possible it is necessary:


1) to attain a good mastery of the physical lovemaking techniques. Otherwise youll be so caught up in trying to get these right that you wont be able to focus on the deeper aspects of sex nor will you be able to relax sufficiently to enjoy the whole thing. 2) to know, experientially, how to orgasm and what orgasm is. Most people tend to rely on having their body forced to a very partial and shallow form of orgasm (which for women means clitoral orgasms and for men means ejaculatory orgasm). However, as should be clear to you by now, there is a lot more to orgasm than the energy loss and shallow contractions which form the limits of most peoples orgasmic experience. Again, these two factors are interconnected. Its not possible to attain a good mastery of the physical lovemaking techniques and have them powerfully flow if your body and energetic system is not clear as to how to relate them to the orgasmic process. Conversely, if you dont know what orgasm really is and dont know how to really orgasm then it will be very difficult for you to enthusiastically and effectively perform the physical techniques with the degree of subtlety and mastery which is required. Hence the importance of lots of sexual and orgasmic practice becomes obvious. Now, all of these factors combine to produce deep sex and the secret as to how they do so is this: they allow you to enter the meditative state during sex and, whilst in that state, to powerfully control the internal, energetic aspects of sex rather than having them control you. Once you begin to practice with this youll find that a bit of the way into the sexual session, usually around a hour or so, the internal energies will start going deeper and higher of their own accord, and so also expanding and becoming more powerful of their own accord, too. Once this begins to happen you dont really have to control and direct them anymore you can just flow with them. Yet bear in mind that you can reassert control over them at any point should it prove necessary. Finally do note that whilst you may be having sex in a meditative state (i.e. with internal awareness, focus and, at times, control) this does not mean youre sitting cross-legged humming and barely moving. The point is to be able to be in this meditative state at all times during the sexual session when fucking hard like an animal as well as during the slower, more sensual stages of lovemaking. And at the end of the day all that this meditative state amounts to is an exclusive focus on, and a strong awareness of, all the sensations and energy movements of which sex consists. Rather than thinking, for example, about how to thrust properly, what your partner feels for you, or even when and in what way you are going to orgasm. Just let it all flow, control the flow if need be, and keep your awareness


on what youre experiencing rather than off lost in the mists of your desires or the mire of your thoughts.

The mystical purpose of sex

Other than great pleasure and, on occasion, giving a soul the opportunity to incarnate, sex has one other mystical purpose. It is this: whenever you have sex with anybody, no matter how well or how badly or how willingly you do so, you absorb a portion of their energies and they absorb a portion of your energies. Essentially what were talking about here is the mingling of your auras, though parts of your deeper soul will also touch (but not merge and join, unless a deeper connection is established). Because of this you will take on some of your partners active karma (the karma that he or she is gong through at that particular time) and your partner will take on a portion of your active karma. What this all amounts to is that all that your partner is: his character, his deep soul, his lifes experiences and his mood at that time will affect you; just as all that you are will affect him. The point behind it, the reason (or one of the reasons) why this occurs is that because of it when you have sex with someone you will experience, in diluted form, what it is like to be them, what it is like to live life from their perspective. Hence you will, even if only slightly and barely consciously at that, learn what he has learnt and also on the other hand feel the effects of his imbalances through your sexual interaction. It is all rather like a more powerful version of spending time with someone who is depressed and so feeling depressed yourself, actually experiencing the depression yourself or spending time with someone who is very happy and so actually experiencing great happiness yourself. Except with sex the intermingling of energies is more total, more obvious and longer-lasting. Further, although with regards to the levels were referring to here this effect occurs most with reference to moods and emotional states, at a deeper level it also occurs with reference to states of consciousness and the nature of your spirits themselves. For more details on this deeper level, and how it all works at that level, see the section The deeper mystical purpose of the union of the sexes on p. . Now many people can sleep with someone and not notice much difference within themselves. Usually this is due to the state of an incredible lack of awareness of themselves and of their own consciousness that most people live in. Also it is because if your sexual partner is very forgettable as a person, with little talent, brilliance, insight or even such negative but highly noticeable traits as a powerful cruelty, within him then there will be little there to have an effect on your soul


and so little there to notice. Nevertheless, some effect there will be even if it is only a move towards greater mediocrity on your part. This is why it is good to be wise in your choice of sexual partners and always remember that by having sex with them you will, to an extent, be taking on their character traits, their fears and their emotionalities as well as the more external manifestations of their insights, talents, qualities and the like. Now it is possible to prevent all of this from occurring provided you are conscious of it and how to do so (see the section Clearing the effects of unified energies on p. for more information on this). However, if you deeply love and respect your sexual partner this wont be what youre really seeking to do. Rather you will want to find a way to deepen the lovemaking between the two of you, to totally experience all that your partner is through lovemaking and to join together down to the deepest levels of your being. It is on how to do all of this that ASP II focuses.

Anal sex
During normal vaginal sex the man stimulates the woman to a deep orgasmic state which results in her energetic structures expanding and pulsing and thereby drawing in large amounts of energy. This in-drawing of energy on the womans part continues even after the orgasmic contractions have subsided, resulting in a steady drawing-in of energy from the external universe by the woman once a few deep orgasms have opened and activated her energetic structures sufficiently to allow such a drawing-in process to be ongoing, continual. This drawn-in energy is then automatically shared with the man (provided he is open to it) because the open energetic state necessary for, and characteristic of, the female deep orgasmic process also means that she, her being and her soul, are open to her partner to partake of as far and as deeply as he is capable of doing. It is this opening of the core of her being which produces the feeling of deep profundity and intimacy which women experience with deeply orgasmic lovemaking. It is this pouring forth of the core of her being into her partner which produces the feeling of deep acceptance by her partner which women also experience with deeply orgasmic lovemaking. The man for his part absorbs large amounts of yin from the woman which serve to encompass and pacify his naturally more yang energy, thereby causing him to feel more tranquil, satisfied and at peace. Also, the large amount of yin he receives from his partner produces the feeling that she has truly given herself to him; which, quite literally, she has, in the form of her characteristic core yin energy. Now, a mans energetic structures are not constructed in the same way as a womans and so he himself is technically unable to draw in large amounts of


energy during sex in the same natural and total way as a woman (unless the couple are in the midst of a full soulmerge, see p. ). Consequently the overwhelming majority of the energetic flow during deep orgasmic vaginal sex is from woman to man. Hence it is through such sex that the man gets the yin he needs to balance out and harmonize his yang. The woman in her turn gets the yang she needs to give substance and direction for her yin from the relationship as a whole and also, to a limited extent, from the mans ejaculation. Hence the main esoteric reason why, for the average man and woman, the man will focus more on the sex whilst the woman will focus more on the relationship. Now all of the above has already been covered in this book, albeit some of it implicitly rather than explicitly, and so you should already be aware of it. It is repeated here just so you can have it clearly in the front of your mind when we turn to that which is to follow. The key point is this: during anal sex the direction of the energetic flow is reversed: it instead flows from the man into the woman. So the man pours the core of his being, his yang energy, into the woman. As a result anal sex gives a man the same feelings of deep intimacy and profundity which a woman experiences during vaginal sex. At the same time the woman herself will absorb a lot of yang energy from her partner during anal sex. This yang will give substance, force and, often, direction to her yin. Thereby enabling her to fetch her innermost nature and desires out to the surface to be expressed and lived. It is for this reason that women will often, after a good bout of anal sex, behave in a free, uninhibited manner with less dependency and more substance to them. It is because their yin has been given substance and body by the yang they have absorbed from their partner. Hence also why women who regularly have anal sex are usually a lot bitchier and couldnt-give-a-shit in their behaviour the presence of substantial yang energy in their core gives them the force and the ability to fetch out into the world things they would normally keep within themselves and not live or express. However, a mans energetic structures are not like a womans and so will not draw in energy in the way that a womans are capable of doing. As a result the energetic flow man to woman which occurs during anal sex will reduce and subside after a while (usually 10 minutes to a hour or so) as most of his surplus yang energy flows into the woman. As a consequence the profundity and usefulness of anal sex cannot, of its own, be sustained for very long. The solution is simple: merely alternate anal sex with vaginal sex. Ten minutes of anal sex followed by twenty minutes of vaginal sex followed by a hour of anal followed by twenty minutes of vaginal again as the desire takes you and the flow of energy guides you.


Other than both partners establishing a balanced yin/yang energetic state within themselves there are two other advantages to alternating vaginal and anal sex in this way. Firstly, when the energy flows naturally from one partner to another, e.g. from woman to man, it does retain the essential qualities of the partner from whom it originated but is nevertheless naturally and automatically refined to a very significant extent in the process of being absorbed by the receptive partner. As a consequence the energy the receptive partner absorbs will be purer and more refined than it was whilst within the partner with whom it originated 2 . It is this which constitutes part of the beauty and magic of sex. Now, if you are continually alternating the direction of the energetic flow by alternating between vaginal and anal sex you will be continually refining your core energies as they move between the two of you. As a result, after a good session of alternating vaginal/anal intercourse both of your energies will be a lot purer, a lot more refined. Secondly, the yang energy which the woman has acquired through the preceding anal sex session will give her energetic core more power and substance resulting in her drawing in more energy, more powerfully during the vaginal sex session which follows. (This also means that she will orgasm more easily and more powerfully during vaginal sex if it follows on from an anal sex session). A good portion of the energy which she absorbs in this way will be passed on to her partner, who will, as he absorbs it into his energetic structures, make a good part of it yang. A good portion of this yang he will then, in his turn, pass on to the woman during the anal sex session. Consequently, with each change from anal to vaginal to anal sex the absolute quantity of energy in play will increase and so the feeling of intimacy and pleasure, and the strength of both partners orgasms, will increase also. That is the basic process. There is also one further important factor to consider. Deep anal penetration of the woman by the man results in the head of the penis passing through the very centre of the womans Jupiter chakra. This point in the female rectum is also a sensitive orgasm point, much like the g-spot or the deep point within the vagina, but with its own specific characteristics and effects. Dg. III-56: The Jupiter female rectal point You will notice that this key point is quite a way up inside the woman and so once again, the man needs a significantly large penis in order to reach it. Stimulate this point enough and the centre of the womans Jupiter chakra will connect with a minor, yet very potent, energetic centre
Hence one of the reasons why we tend to idealize our love partners: we are quite literally receiving a very idealized energetic description of them during sex.


within the tip of the mans penis leading to the woman experiencing a very potent, very intense type of orgasm as yang energy ignites within her Jupiter chakra causing it to rush up to her crown, filling her central route with yang energy and blasting open all the chakras located upon it on the way. In terms of sensation it feels as if your whole core is filled with sparkly, tingly light and as if the top of your head has been blasted upon in an intense, but very pleasurable way. If you close your eyes youll probably see bright white light behind your closed lids. Thats how powerful this form of orgasm is. However, this orgasm is not, unfortunately, sustainable for a long period of time because you will recall this particular orgasmic process started at the Jupiter chakra and then shot upwards. As a consequence it lacks the Saturn element necessary to give it a strong and substantial foundation. So, after a while, the energy will begin to flow back down into the Saturn seeking to fill it too. As this occurs the woman will begin to feel the strong urge towards vaginal sex once again. By this time the man will probably have poured all his yang out into the woman and so he too will be inclining towards vaginal sex once again too. The key thing to realize is that now all her chakras, from the Jupiter and up, are blasted open as a result of the specific type of anal orgasm just described. Consequently, once her Saturn chakra has also drawn in enough energy (usually this takes 5-10 minutes of vaginal sex to achieve) she will then orgasm very easily and very powerfully during the vaginal sex. Drawing in large amounts of energy as she does so. And so the upward orgasmic spiral continues. Women: emotional and psychological readiness Now before we turn to a few basic physical considerations it is probably necessary to address the issues of psychological and emotional readiness regarding anal sex. If you feel these topics have no real relevance to you or your partner(s) simply skip to the next sub-section: Anal sex: physical practicalities on p . A lot of women nowadays do have a real issue about anal sex. They view it as dirty and unnatural and are afraid it will hurt, etc. The main piece of advice I have to give in this area is: get over it. Do not indulge your fears and do not tolerate emotional prejudices within yourself. If you want advice of the more limp-wristed, therapy-oriented kind then take a look at the plethora of such books already available on the market. But dont expect any of these books to improve your sex life or even solve your problems and issues regarding sex. The fact remains that the more you focus on your problems, the more you indulge them, the more energy you pump into them and the stronger and more


entrenched they become. In practice what is necessary in order to overcome your fears, emotionalities and psychological obstacles is to shift your state of consciousness from one perspective to another. In this case from viewing anal sex as invasive, something to be defended against and resisted to viewing it as an intensely pleasurable mutually profound experience. Use meditation wisely and with focus and discipline work directly on the fears and prejudices within yourself, at the point or points within your body where they are located in their energetic form. Dissolve them, remove them or change them as you see fit. And remember always to never let the subconscious forces within your mind-body complex control and restrict you. Your life is by divine right yours to live but it wont be if you let your fears and prejudices do your living for you. One final point worth noting on this topic. Never, in any form of sexual practice, is it predominantly a question of the right man. It is a question of balance within yourself and acceptance of your nature as an integrally sexual being first and foremost. From such a position of inner stability and confidence all sex with all men will be eminently pleasurable and satisfying (provided they have at least a basic level of ability on their side!). And the natural results of this is that as you live your life as someone who partakes of and enjoys sex more and more you will in time draw unto yourself a partner corresponding to, worthy of, your new state of being. So in this field too, as in all others of all life and all sexual practice, the starting point is you yourself. Men: womens emotional and psychological readiness The best way to overcome any emotional and psychological obstacles women may have regarding anal sex is to get them to the stage where they can easily enjoy anal sex to an extreme. The main thing to realize is that a woman wont really be able to enjoy anal sex until she is very strongly vaginally orgasmically. So fundamentally the best approach to take is for both of you to work towards making her strongly vaginally orgasmic, which does involve considerable work on her part, but also considerable work on your part, as well as attention to her body and orgasmic responses. Then, once she is strongly vaginally orgasmic, and has experienced the depths and the extreme pleasures which vaginal orgasms can produce, then suggest anal sex to her once more. Shell probably be a lot more receptive to the idea now, probably even eager to give it a go. Theres nothing like the prospect of extreme orgasmic pleasures to encourage a woman towards a particular course of action. If however she still isnt willing then you could consider finding yourself another woman who is more sexually adventurous or having an affair. After all if the woman you are with doesnt fully satisfy you


sexually and isnt willing to even try to fully satisfy you sexually then she isnt really entitled to object if you seek that satisfaction elsewhere. It might even teach her that she needs, metaphorically of course, to loosen up a bit. Anal sex: the physical practicalities The anus and the rectum need time and a gentle start in order to comfortably open up sufficiently to pleasurably allow anal intercourse to commence. Also, bear in mind that the rectum, unlike the vagina, secretes no natural lubricant of its own and so an artificial lubricant will have to be used. As always I recommend a good-quality natural oil for lubrication such as almond or macadamia nut oil. In terms then of the physical practicalities of anal sex the recommendation is to proceed as follows. First, have vaginal intercourse for at least a good half hour or so, taking the session deep enough to give the woman at least three or so, but preferably more, deep, intense vaginal orgasms. These will loosen up all her muscles in the pelvic region including those within the rectum itself. It will also change the way she experiences sensation: a stimulation which in a cold, unaroused state she would probably feel as painful she will in her hot, highly aroused state most likely feel as pleasurable in an intense sort of way instead. Next, lubricate one single finger well using a natural oil. Insert this finger into her anus, gently and slowly. Once it is fully in, rest it there a while. Then begin to move it in and out as you would when fingering her vagina. Continue in this manner until she opens up sufficiently, and begins to enjoy it sufficiently to enable you to insert a second finger. Again, once youve fully inserted both fingers wait a while with them inside her before you begin moving them in and out. Then continue the stimulation as she opens up further. At the same time you can also stimulate her vaginally if you like as this often helps the process. You can continue to three fingers if you believe it necessary, but two is often sufficient to open her up sufficiently for her to be able to accommodate at least a portion of your penis. Once you feel she is ready for it, fully lubricate your penis and insert the tip of it into her anus. Do not push your whole penis all the way into the anus at this point. She still needs time to open up and get used to its size and feel. Instead perform a series of gentle, shallow thrusts pushing no more than the top third of your penis into her. The more she opens up, the more of your penis you can push into her using a progression of gradually deeper thrusts to achieve this. And the good thing about her anus is that, unlike her vagina, it does not have a definite end. So even if youre significantly bigger than average you should be


able to fit all, or at least most, of it inside her. From this point of full penetration, thrust more or less as you would in standard vaginal intercourse but use steadier, smoother strokes and dont really bother with any of the circular thrusting techniques (no cervix here to stimulate you see). You may if you wish, and if your penis is long enough, pay special attention to her Jupiter chakra point by using a very deep thrust with minimal movement back out on the outstroke, no more than - 1. More importantly however, go with it and allow the yang energy to flow from you into her as it desires to do so. Do not try to control or direct it too much until you get used to feeling it and are sensitive to how it works. Not that youll cause any damage if you do so, its just that your progress will probably be slower if you try to control something before you fully understand how to do so and what effects it will have. So, whilst youre still starting out on anal sex, experience, observe and learn first. From the womans point of view, let go with the orgasms in the vaginal sex allowing them to take you to that place of intense, euphoric pleasure characteristic of deep orgasm. Then when the anal stimulation starts focus on the stimulation itself and feed it into the pleasurable sensations. If your partner is going too slowly working through progressively more fingers before inserting his penis into you, then tell him so. He isnt doing it so much for his own pleasure as out of consideration for you. And if you feel youre already ready for penile penetration, believe me he wont object. Then when the actual anal sex gets underway, let go and go with it. The sensations and the orgasms are usually very strong, very intense and very pleasurable. Much more intense than anything experienced through vaginal sex, though usually not as deep, profound or substantial as vaginal orgasms. In their own way though, anal orgasms are truly mind-blowing. One final point. After the first anal sex session within one sexual session there is no need to do the gradual finger-by-finger thing again. Her anus will usually remain open and relaxed whilst youre in the vagina once more so that when you want, or when she wants you to, switch back to the anus once more your penis should just slide smoothly, comfortably and painlessly in.

Ending the sexual session

In normal sexual practice the sexual session is terminated by the mans ejaculation and subsequent loss of erection. If you, as a man or a couple, are using the techniques presented in this book however, you will not be limited in this way. The question arises then: when do you stop having sex or making love? One option, which you will probably


experience quite a few times, is simply to continue having more and more orgasms and building up more and more energy until both your genitals are rubbed so raw and you are both so sore that it is simply no longer possible to comfortably continue to have sex. Whilst this sort of extremism can be fun occasionally, it does tend to effectively put you out of action, for the next few days at least. Also it is unlikely that you will always have the 4 or 5 hours plus that it takes to get to this state 3 . Alternative options are, therefore, necessary. The key considerations are that you wish to finish feeling both satisfied and energized. Probably the most pleasurable way in which to do this is to finish with an orgasm. One option then is to simply have an inwards and upwards orgasm and then withdraw. More satisfying though and also a better option regarding the conservation of energy is to begin the inwards and upwards orgasm and then continue it, orgasming more and more energy out of your genitals and up into the rest of your body until your erection subsides and disappears. Whilst this is going on you will feel your penis, P.C. muscles and deeper muscles contracting quite forcefully, usually in waves. There will also probably be quite forceful contractions in other parts of your body especially around the spine and belly areas, as well as softer, subtler muscular movements also. If you find any of these contractions uncomfortable or undesirable merely strongly will them to stop and they will do so. Whilst you are doing this it is a good idea for the woman also to be orgasming in a similar way so that you both finish in the same sort of state. Once your penis is quite soft, gently withdraw. Remaining within your partner at this point will probably prove too much of a temptation and youll just start all over again. Afterwards, pay attention to your sexual organs, especially your testicles, for a while, checking that there is not an excessive amount of energy there. If you have correctly performed the inwards and upwards orgasm there shouldnt be. But if there is, draw it upwards and transmute it so that your testicles dont end up feeling sore and overfull and to prevent any stagnation of the sexual energy. Needless to say it is best to finish the sexual session in this way only after both you and your partner have had several orgasms, built up a good amount of energy in the whole body and are significantly if not thoroughly satisfied. Also, if you should at a later point then wish to start

If the woman has a very refined energetic system it could take a lot more than 4 or 5 hours of really quite vigorous sex to get to this stage. This is because as a womans sexual energy becomes more refined it changes the composition of her vaginal secretions causing them to become far slicker and finer in consistency and so far more effective as a lubricant. So much so in fact that vigorous sex can continue almost indefinitely without any real soreness being experienced by either partner. An effect which is even more the case if youve both worked on packing a lot of energy into your sexual organs resulting in your both having a form of penile or vaginal iron shirt.


having sex again, you will be able to do so quickly and easily, no matter what amount of time has elapsed since you finished the last sexual session.

Having sex: an example of sexual practice at ASP I

All that you have learnt so far can now be put together to give you truly amazing sex: greatly heightened sensations, strong multiple orgasms, continuous and full-body orgasms, both powerful and also more subtle energy movements as well as that ease, comfort and confidence that comes when you know through experience that you really are exceptionally good at something. It will, however, all remain far closer to having sex than to making love. The feeling of extreme closeness, the union of two hearts, minds and souls and the life and personality changes which characterize lovemaking are not part of the practice at this level; though they may well happen automatically to some degree anyway, especially if you intend them to. They are part of the practice at ASP II, in fact they are the practice at that level. Do however bear in mind that you dont always want to make love. Sometimes you just want to have good sex. And with some people also. You dont want to be deep, profound and meaningful all the time, nor with everybody that you might choose to sleep with. It would all get kind of heavy and boring if you were, and you yourself would probably become more than a little self-righteous. So realize and learn to accept that theres nothing wrong with just having sex, theres nothing wrong with hard, animalistic fucking occasionally. Thereby you will have released yourself from your own mental limitations to enjoy these activities also and so will have become more free. And it is freedom which is the big mystical secret, the key to enjoying the earth life. Exactly how you combine all the techniques that you have learnt so far within the sexual session is something that is infinitely variable and best left to you and your partner to experiment and play with. An example might well be helpful though, perhaps just to get you started and to give you an idea of what is possible. So then: They are both standing. He approaches her from behind, turning her head so that her lips meet his, and kisses her. At the same time he cups one of her breasts in one hand and begins to gently stroke and massage it whilst the other moves down to her genitals. He parts the lips of her vagina and inserts the tips of his fore and ring fingers in order to lubricate them. Then he uses his thumb to pull back and hold back her clitoral hood whilst using the other fingers to stimulate her clitoris. As he does so he moves to concentrating on the nipple with the other hand and


kissing and using his teeth along her neck. She meanwhile is moving her hands over her own body quite strongly pushing against her skin and muscles and enjoying all the sensations. She feels orgasm approaching and so directs it internally and lets it come in a series of powerful contractions which leave her feeling tingly all over. As she is orgasming the man slightly reduces his stimulation of her clitoris making it a little more gentle. Likewise her nipple and her neck. Her orgasm finishes and she moves the mans hand away from her genitals, turns to face him and kisses him on the lips whilst looking him in the eyes. As she does so she moves one hand to his testicles which she begins to gently yet firmly massage and she lubricates the other hand with a good amount of saliva before moving it down to the head of his penis which she then begins to stimulate. He soon becomes very strongly erect and she continues for a brief while. Then she moves her one hand away from his testicles and onto his chest and gently pushes him back onto the bed so that he is lying face up. She then moves on top of him as in the standard woman-on-top position and inserts his penis into her vagina. She sits down fully on top of him with his penis as far inside her as it will comfortably go and then begins to use the internal milking techniques and contractions. Slowly and sensually at first and then with greater force and speed, all the while not thrusting in any sort of way whatsoever. After 3 or 4 minutes of this she herself is coming close to orgasm and she feels that he is also. She begins the basic up/down thrust continuing the milking while she does so, in time to the thrusts. He meanwhile feels her orgasm fast approaching and so allows his to happen first directing the energy release from it to flow powerfully outwards into her vagina. This causes her to begin to orgasm also and they both continue to orgasm in this way for a minute or two taking pleasure also in the sensation of their partners contractions. During the orgasms the degree of movement from both partners is somewhat reduced in order that they can both concentrate on the sensations of the orgasms as intensely and as fully as possible. The man then sits upwards and the woman extends her legs behind him so that they are in the classic tantric face-to-face sitting position. They both begin to thrust in gentle, circular motions and soon continuous, gentle orgasmic contractions begin for both partners. These contractions push/guide the sexual energy upwards along both the spine and the central energy route. Very soon their whole torsos begin to tingle and feel pleasantly warm as the sexual energy builds up. This is accompanied by many series of deep, gentle wave-like contractions throughout their torsos. They both continue their slow, sensuous thrusting for a little while longer and then gradually allow it to stop as they both remain motionless, enjoying the orgasms and energy movements.


As these begin to reduce the man moves the woman backwards and they form the man on top position where he is resting his upper body against hers. She holds him tight with her arms and also wraps her legs around him, but not so tightly as to restrict his capacity to thrust. The man begins to thrust, quite forcefully now, using an eight deep one long and full pattern. The strength and force of the thrust is enjoyable after the slowness and sensuousness of the previous position. As the energy begins to build-up the woman contracts her vaginal muscles in such a way as to press her g-spot more strongly against her partners penis. Feeling this contraction, the man moves on to thrusting using a drawing stroke where he draws his penis over the front wall of the vagina, hence stimulating her g-spot even more intensely. Both partners hold back from orgasm for a fairly long time this time, allowing the sexual energy to build up in the genitals until it reaches quite tremendous levels. She directs this energetic build up to the area of her g-spot, whilst he focuses it on the area of his Jupiter orgasm point. Once the energetic build-up has reached a truly tremendous level for the woman, she feels that she is ready for the orgasm and allows it to come, releasing it upwards as it does so, in the form of very powerful contractions of her vaginal walls, contractions which then spread up into her cervix and uterus. And then higher causing both her belly area and the deeper parts of her body radiating out from her central route, to shudder quite forcefully. Whilst she is orgasming the man slows his thrusting down a bit and focuses on enjoying the sensations of her orgasm and her reactions to it4 . As her orgasm begins to die down he strongly contracts his abdominal muscles allowing standard tantric orgasm to begin. It does so with strong contractions of his prostrate, penis and P.C. muscles which expand the orgasm up through the physical orgasm channel to the Jupiter orgasm point and beyond. The woman comes out of her orgasm enjoying the sensation of her partners orgasm and his reactions to it. As his orgasm begins to finish the man begins to thrust very, very, slowly using a long, full stroke. This is complemented by the womans use of internal vaginal contractions and occasional milking strokes. This process continues for a half-hour or so during which time both partners have many orgasms, some localized in the genital area, some spreading

It will tend to make the orgasm, and its accompanying sensations and energy movements, more intense if you keep your reactions to it internal rather than making them very vocalized and external. This helps to keep the focus strongly internal thereby directing the energy into the orgasm itself rather than into your vocalized reaction to it. Do not worry about your partner noticing the proximity, occurrence or strength of your orgasm. Your genital contractions, energy movements and spontaneous muscular shudders will be more than enough to make all of this obvious to him if he is even a little attentive. All of this incidentally, also applies to the man and his orgasms. Prior to orgasm however, vocalizations such as moans, sighs, breaths, etc. can be used to deliberately vibrate the genitals in various ways, thereby increasing the degree to which the genitals are stimulated.


out through the whole body. Then, gradually, they allow the movement to stop, simultaneously both beginning a continuous inwards and upwards orgasm as they do so. The mans penis begins to reduce in size and become soft and the womans vagina begins to close up more and to stop secreting lubrication. Once most of the sexual energy has been orgasmed up in this way both partners gently intend the orgasming to reduce and finally to stop and then the man withdraws. They then lie in each others arms, both feeling warm, tingly and thoroughly satisfied. Every so often their bodies remind them of the powerful sexual session which they have just experienced in the form of spontaneous energy movements, gentle muscular contractions and light orgasms.

The prevention of ejaculation

Your work with the male orgasm practices should be more than enough to give you good control over the ejaculatory process and so allow you to decide whether you ejaculate or not and, if you do, when you do so. Nevertheless, a little extra guidance cant do any harm, especially as for many men this is the most difficult thing to master and until they do so, particularly if they tend to ejaculate prematurely, both their sex life and that of their partners will be mediocre and unsatisfying, at best. The main and the best way then to prevent yourself from ejaculating is to open and strongly connect your Saturn chakra to your central route during sex. Ejaculation normally arises because too much sexual energy builds up at a point just behind your testicles on the internal portion of your penis. This point corresponds to, and is directly connected to, the outer reaches of the forward portion of your Saturn chakra. Dg. III-57: The prevention of ejaculation: energetic structures involved If you strongly connect the centre of your Saturn chakra, and so your Saturn chakra as a whole, to your central route then the sexual energy will powerfully flow from this point behind the testicles into the centre of your Saturn chakra and from there up into your central route. Hence it wont build up at the point just behind the testicles and hence the uncontrollable urge to ejaculate wont come about. Further, lots of orgasms, most likely coming in waves and extending up your central route and out from there, will probably also result. And you will be more open to your partner too, right down to the deepest level. The technique then. During sex focus on the centre of your Saturn chakra. Intend that it open up and connect to your central route. If this


doesnt cause the rest of your Saturn chakra as a whole to automatically open up and connect to your central route also, then focus on the rest of the Saturn chakra and direct it, too, to connect to your central route. Focus on your Saturn chakra as a whole and its connection to your central route and intend that that connection be strong, open and powerful. Then direct your body to flow the sexual energy from the entirety of your genitals, but especially from the full length of your penis, up through your Saturn chakra into your central route. Focus on this flow for a while, if necessary using intention to make it smooth, powerful and continuous. Once the sexual energetic flow from your genitals into your Saturn chakra and from there up into your central route is smooth, powerful and continuous then your P.C. muscles will of their own accord push to start contracting in an inwards and upwards direction. Let them. Further, go with the muscular contractions and orgasmic energy movements as they begin of their own accord at other points in your body. Probably radiating outwards from your central route at one or more specific levels. Dg. III-58: The prevention of ejaculation in practice This technique also results to your being open to receive the universal and spiritual energy made Jing from your partner (see the section The deeper mystical purpose of the union of the sexes on p. for more information on this.) And it is this energy primarily which will fuel the orgasms within you in your genital area and at various points along your central route and out from there. At any rate, thats the main technique for the prevention of ejaculation during sex. It works especially well and it should be all you need. Nevertheless, for the sake of completeness, below are a few further pointers which combined cover pretty much every single possible aspect of ejaculation control that there is: Things to do before sex 1) Increase the size, and degree of balance, of your Saturn chakra. As you will recall, when the energetic capacity of the energetic structures within the genital area is just exceeded, ejaculation results. So by increasing the size of your Saturn chakra you will be able to handle a much higher sexual energetic charge without falling over into ejaculation. During sex your Saturn chakra will connect to your partners Saturn chakra, and if her Saturn chakra is a lot larger than yours and consequently holds a far higher sexual energetic charge then you will be pushed over into ejaculation. The way to avoid this is to devote some time to meditating upon your Saturn chakra to


open and enlarge it more, thereby enabling it to contain a far higher sexual energetic charge. The more balanced that a chakra is, the greater the extent to which you can enlarge and open it. 2) Do the necessary work as detailed in The Orgasm Practices. Primarily this means devote enough time and effort to your practice of the jelqing techniques and P.C. squeezes. A strong P.C. muscle enables you to better control how and in what way the muscles in your genital region tighten as you approach orgasm, which greatly helps in the control of the ejaculatory urge. The jelqing techniques strengthen the penis and open up the energetic meridians within it, which enables a far higher energetic charge to flow through your penis, for example from your partners vagina, without your being pushed into ejaculation. As regards physical preparation which you can do to help you control the ejaculatory urge strengthening your P.C. muscle and practicing the jelqing techniques are the most important. They enable you to get your physical body into the state where great ejaculatory control is physically possible and easy. 3) Dont have sex with a full bladder. When your bladder is full it will create an outwards and downwards pressure on your P.C. muscles thereby encouraging the ejaculatory reflex. An easy condition to change. 4) Dont have sex when tired or after overeating. When you are tired you will lack the necessary physical and mental strength and focus to easily avoid ejaculation. Your control over your energies will be limited as will be the degree of your internal awareness. In fact you will be in a state very similar to that which you were in before you started these practices: limited internal awareness, limited physical and mental focus and lacking sufficient strongly mobile energy to progress beyond very outwards, external pleasures. The difference is that whereas before it was your basic, permanent state resulting from a fundamental lack of sufficient sexual energy and of internal awareness, when you are tired now it produces only a temporary, and even then somewhat different such state, resulting from a slowing down of your energies and their redirection to other process rather than a basic lack of them. The solution is simple: sleep a while. Or if thats not really possible meditate open-eyed for a bit to temporarily restore your vitality to some degree. Regarding overeating, it tends to tax your body and energetic system in a way very similar to staying awake too long / not getting enough sleep: it draws the energy on which awakeness, vitality and awareness is based into other processes. In this case digestion. The solution with overeating is even simpler: merely wait an hour or two. Or, better still, dont overeat in the first place.


5) Do not have sex when under the strong influence of a not completely balanced Mars chakra. When you are feeling stressed or angry or aggressive etc., all your energies will tend to want to flow forcefully outwards into the external world. And this includes the sexual energy which will have a much stronger impetus than normal to want to flow outwards in the form of ejaculation. One solution is to simply not have sex when under this sort of influence from the Mars chakra. A better, longer-term solution is to balance and master your Mars chakra to the extent that you no longer get stressed, angry, feel hostile or aggressive, etc. but instead have a strong, determined, focused will which you can direct as you wish. Using it, for example, to add great force to your internal, upwards focus. Points to always remember during sex 1) Dont stop suddenly. Suddenly stopping stimulation or thrusting tends to break the pattern of energy build-up and movement and so often pushes you into ejaculation even if you were not that close before you stopped. This is a bit of an apparent catch-22 situation because most men tend to stop suddenly during intercourse only when they feel that they are about to ejaculate and yet dont want to do so. The solution is to continue the stimulation or the thrusting but at a greatly reduced rate/speed and simultaneously direct the continued energetic build-up and energy movement inwards and upwards. It takes a little discipline and a little practice but it is quite easy to get it flowing naturally and smoothly after a few tries. An added advantage of this technique is that it doesnt result in the womans stimulation being abruptly cut short. 2) Dont clench. This is very similar to the previous point. When they feel ejaculation coming on many men tend to forcefully clench (contract) their P.C. muscle, focus on the genital area and mentally intend/think: dont ejaculate, dont ejaculate, dont ejaculate. The trouble is that both by clenching the P.C. muscles and by focusing on that area you will be drawing more sexual energy there, thereby fetching you closer to ejaculation. Further, the direction of this clenching of the P.C. muscles is usually outwards and downwards, or at least without direction, rather than inwards and upwards, thereby hastening ejaculation even more. Clenching the P.C. muscles combined with stopping suddenly is as sure and certain a way as you could have of pushing yourself into ejaculation combined with a very unsatisfying and unwanted ejaculatory orgasm.


3) Have non-ejaculatory genital orgasms quite regularly during sex. During sex your body needs to orgasm and your mind and personality strongly want to. The genital muscles need to pump, the sexual energy needs to move and you need the satisfaction, the feeling of release, and the pleasure that orgasm provides you with. If you and your body are denied these things not only will the whole process of sex be not very enjoyable and somewhat tedious for you, but you will probably go ahead and ejaculate anyway with or without conscious volition in order to assuredly get these things. There is a definite limit on the amount of time and the degree of stimulation that your personality and body can comfortably experience before some sort of orgasm is necessary. You can work on increasing both these factors, but it is far easier merely to ensure that during sex you orgasm strongly, frequently and with a good degree of regularity. Its more fun too. 4) Overcome your mental desire to ejaculate. Practicing the previous technique should help greatly with this point. For this lifetime at least, though more likely much longer than that, you have been used to ejaculating and have become mentally and emotionally attached to it. These attachments create strong forcefields pushing you towards ejaculation, towards the old and familiar way of doing things. And, in the moment, your mind will come up with all sorts of good reasons why you should ejaculate: the pressure needs to be released, once why not?, she wants me to etc. And you will do so, whatever your intention at the beginning of the session may have been. The force of the tendency that your mind, your emotions and your body have to ejaculate must be overcome if you are to effectively and comfortably reduce the extent to which you ejaculate or stop it all together. Mentally, paying attention to the draining effects of ejaculation on your body, your energetic system and you sex life can be very useful. Emotionally, having plenty of non-ejaculatory orgasms should be enough to awaken this side of your nature to the advantages of the new way of doing things. Physically, teaching your body how to orgasm without ejaculation, accustomizing it to doing so and also drawing the sexual energy upwards and transmuting it when necessary should be enough to make it comfortable and happy with not ejaculating. Finally, bear in mind that this sort of change takes time. Youre not gong to want to stop ejaculation overnight, or be comfortable with so doing at every level of your being. So, be determined, focused and disciplined in your desire to change by all means, but do so slowly, gently and step-bystep. Within a few months or a year you should be able to get there easily and comfortably, rather than forcefully and with difficulty.


5) Have more sex. The more you have sex using the techniques presented in this book, the greater the extent to which you will master them and to which your body will get used to them. Also, the processes of focusing internally and the conservation and increasing of your sexual energy will greatly increase the power of your mind and the force of your intention. All of which will contribute to making it much easier for you to control the ejaculatory urge and process. Little tricks to use during sex if you like 1) Draw the energy upwards. If you continually draw the energy upwards it wont have the chance to build up and so you will find it very difficult to ejaculate as a basic amount of hot sexual energy in the genital area is necessary before ejaculation is possible. This is very much a beginners technique though, to be left behind once you have progressed a bit, because it is also a fundamentally unsatisfying technique resulting in your having absolutely no orgasms whatsoever. Also this continual drawing of energy out of the penis reduces the extent to which the penis will arouse the woman as well as making the penis less erect and reducing its sensitivity to sensation. As you continue to better master the techniques of advanced male orgasmic practice the levels of sexual energy which you will be able to handle and also hold in the genital area will dramatically increase, thereby helping to make this technique obsolete for you. 2) After youve ejaculated once take sex slowly for the next few days. After youve ejaculated it will take a few days (at least) for your body to build up the amount of sexual energy necessary for your internal, non-ejaculatory orgasms to be powerful and satisfying. And thats if youre using The Five Tibetans and the Energizing the sexual organs exercise. If youre not it might well take you a week or two or more. Until you have the requisite amount of sexual energy in place your non-ejaculatory orgasms wont be very intense, wont be very powerful, and wont really last long at all. Hence the temptation to ejaculate when you are in this low-energy state, for when you are in such a state ejaculation will produce a more intense, more satisfying orgasm. But then youd just have to wait even longer before you could get back to being strongly multi-orgasmic. Probably better then to content yourself with the sensations of lovemaking itself and the gentler, more subtle orgasms during this recovery period.


3) Begin a consciously induced orgasm. This is a very effective way to prevent ejaculation. When you feel ejaculation coming on simply begin the inwards and upwards consciously induced orgasm (see The male orgasm practices: part 2 for further details on this type of orgasm and how to consciously induce it). The contractions will begin in an inwards and upwards direction, the energy will move out of the genitals and your need to ejaculate will disappear. Continue this orgasm for a while until a good amount of sexual energy has been moved out of your genitals and your P.C. muscles have experienced quite extensive contractions. Pay attention to the sensations of the orgasm and the energy movements as you do so, in order that you might also enjoy the whole process. This technique also works if you use it after the point when ejaculation is normally inevitable but before any semen leaves the penis. 4) Maintain a slight inwards and upwards contraction at the point just behind the testicles on the internal portion of the penis. Dg. III-59: Preventing ejaculation the slight inwards and upwards contraction This form of contraction at this point will ensure that your P.C. muscles cannot begin to tighten in an outwards and downwards direction, thereby making ejaculation pretty much impossible. Youll probably find this technique most useful for making sure that you dont accidentally ejaculate during hard and fast animalistic fucking. At other times youll probably prefer to have more freedom to do whatever you want with your P.C. muscles. When you do choose to use this technique bear in mind that it is just a gentle contraction, a gentle tightening of the muscles in an inwards and upwards direction. During sex or other genital stimulation, the P.C. muscles will naturally begin to tighten slightly anyway as the energy builds up in that area. This is the normal prerequisite to ejaculation. All that you are doing with this technique is changing the direction in which the muscles tighten. Because it is not a strong forceful contraction you should be able to easily maintain it indefinitely. Whilst you are maintaining this sort of contraction you will probably feel a straight pull in the muscles around the urethra up to about way up the penis. This is not something to discourage: it contributes to the techniques effectiveness. However, it, combined with the P.C. contraction, will lead to the building up of sexual energy in the area of the P.C. contraction. You will therefore find the use of this technique more comfortable and more pleasurable if you combine it with a few inwards and upwards orgasms and/or with the drawing of


energy up out of this area to the rest of the body. You can always fetch that energy back down to the genitals if you so wish, perhaps to a different specific location. 5) After ejaculation, refocus the muscles. When you ejaculate all your P.C. muscles will contract in an outwards and downwards manner and will continue to hold themselves in this way following the ejaculation. The next time you have sex, it will be necessary to refocus these muscles directing them to lift slightly and begin to tighten in an inwards and upwards direction. Otherwise theyll just begin to tighten in an outwards and downwards direction, fetching you closer to ejaculation and reinforcing the focus of this patterning. It will probably take you about 10-15 minutes of gentle, continually directed focus during sex to once again establish the tendency to tighten and contract in an inwards and upwards direction as the basic, natural way in which the P.C. muscles want to operate. After that, it will be much easier to have inwards and upwards orgasms once again, whereas if you try to go for them before that it will all probably feel a little forced. With regards to your partner 1) Teach your partner these techniques. Most women dont actually know how to orgasm and must be virtually forced to it! If the only orgasms that they can have in this way are clitoral then, in terms of ejaculation control, this isnt really a problem. However, in terms of vaginal orgasms this means that the way they will orgasm is by merely waiting for a massive amount of aroused sexual energy to build up in their sexual organs until it becomes so great that it pushes of its own accord to release through orgasm. Initially, during the earlier stages of lovemaking, this shouldnt really present a problem to you as the amount of sexual energy needed to bring her to orgasm at this stage will probably be way below what you are used to handling as a result of your practice of the techniques contained in this book. And if the orgasms are vaginal they will also serve to warm her vagina up, make it feel more energetic and so be much more pleasant to be inside. However, as the sexual session continues your Saturn chakras will automatically begin to meld or at least join and so much larger amounts of energy will be able to gather in her vaginal area. And there is only so much energy that can be held within the genital area before ejaculation becomes unavoidable. You can of course simply direct your energy up and out with an internal orgasm but then shell go from being right on the verge of a powerful orgasm to being quite a long way away from it and wont


know why. Or you could simply close off your Saturn chakra to her completely but then you would no longer feel as close to each other as before (it will become a lot more like fucking, rather than being like making love), and your own orgasmic capacity will also reduce once youve disconnected your Saturn chakra from your partners. Besides, it is much more satisfying and enjoyable if orgasm is a mutual process. Consequently your partner needs to learn how to orgasm the energy upwards before it builds up to the extent that it pushes you over into ejaculation. For your part, you need to learn how to handle ever larger amounts of energy within the genital area. And as a couple you need to both co-ordinate yourselves to each other and learn when to orgasm and when to allow the energy to build up. Bear in mind that this aspect of the nature of orgasm and lovemaking is not an excuse for incompetent technique and poor control on your part. By the time the chakras merge in this way she will already have had 3 or 4, at least, of the best vaginal orgasms of her life. However, in terms of Advanced Sexual Practice that is a beginning not an end attained. Finally do note that, in terms of choice of sexual partners, it is only women who have not fully embraced their womanliness, who dont revel in and enjoy it, who have to be forced to vaginal orgasm, who even can be forced to vaginal orgasm. This is because when a woman is truly womanly, and so in harmony with her deeper nature, her energetic structures in the genital region can expand pretty much indefinitely and hold a nearly unlimited sexual energetic charge. Consequently the energetic capacity of the energetic structures in her genital region can never really be effectively exceeded should she decide to merely allow them to expand instead. And so she cant ever be forced to vaginal orgasm (instead she is free to decide for herself when and in what way to orgasm). Women who are more male than female by contrast, who try to think like a man, compete like a man, etc. will, like a man, tend to have a very definite limit as to the extent to which the energetic structures in their genital region can expand. Consequently such women can be forced to vaginal orgasms, and indeed in terms of vaginal orgasm will probably only be accustomed to, and only be able to, orgasm in this way (i.e. by being forced to it). Needless to say their orgasmic capacity will therefore be very limited and so they wont be the best in bed. Everybody can learn and improve of course, but unless other considerations are involved why bother with second best? 2) Demonstrate to your partner that ejaculation is not necessary or desired. Many women believe that a man is only satisfied sexually if he ejaculates and that if he does not it is because she is in some way


a bad lover. Explain to her that this is not the case and that you actually prefer not to ejaculate and that your orgasms are better, more powerful and longer lasting, not to mention multiple, when you dont. Then demonstrate this to her during your lovemaking as shell probably still be skeptical until she sees and feels the truth of it within her and on top of her. If you dont explain things to her in this way shell probably try to make you ejaculate in some way by, for example, allowing massive amounts of energy to build up in her vagina or stimulating you strongly when you are experiencing a powerful internal orgasm which nonetheless is only a little externalization away from ejaculation. And besides there should be trust and communication between sexual partners Occasionally you might encounter a woman who is satisfied only by the power of being able to make you ejaculate. What she wants is to know that she has made you ejaculate and that therefore she is a good lover because she has satisfied you to the point where you do not want to continue to have sex and cannot continue to have sex. Whilst you yourself are not as able to satisfy her. If you do end up with such a woman, well she might have other aspects to her being, such as her breasts, which make up for her limited character. What you must realize though is that explanation and reasonableness are of less than no use in such a case. What is necessary is a metaphysical firm hand and to show her whos in charge. Whatever all the feminists who arent lesbians may say all women want to be dominated (though in a tender way the iron fist within the velvet glove). It makes them feel that theyve got a strong man standing beside them who can be relied upon. And women such as these even more so they need to be dominated and early on during your acquaintance too or the relationship will deteriorate into little power games and shell develop a healthy contempt for you. Which to be honest youll entirely deserve. So instead of explanations and pleading which shell ignore, fuck her hard and close off the connection between your Saturn chakras as you do so, so that no matter how much energy builds up in her genitals it wont even begin to affect you. Fetch her to many powerful orgasms without being too gentle at any point and without having any genital orgasms yourself which she might notice at any point either. Then just withdraw fully erect once she is orgasmed out. Then you can explain to her how you prefer to make love than just to fuck and how orgasms are more satisfying for you when you dont ejaculate. This time shell listen. Alternatively, dont get involved with a woman with these sorts of personality problems in the first place.


Homosexuality, lesbianism and bisexuality

First and foremost the most important thing to realize with regards to this topic is that there should be no judgement and no self-judgement with regards to sexual orientation. It wont get you anywhere or increase anybodys happiness but more importantly it will, like all judgement, make the energetic nature of your Saturn chakra a lot heavier which means that the expression of your Saturn karma will be a lot more substantial and a lot harder to go through. Under any circumstances Saturn karma is the heaviest and the most painful to go through you dont want to do anything to make life harder for yourself than it has to be. So live and let live. The second important thing to realize with regards to this topic if you are homosexual, lesbian or bisexual yourself is to not allow emotionality or attachments to develop within you as a result of your homosexuality, lesbianism or bisexuality. Many people get so focused, so absorbed by their sexual orientation and what it means to them that their progress in all other areas, as people, significantly slows down or even stops altogether. So you are homosexual, lesbian or bisexual. Thats fine. Accept it if that is what you choose to do or change it (technique explained below) if that is what you prefer to do but above all dont make an issue out of it: get on with your life and do not lose the focus of your spiritual progress. This all having been said the following can now hopefully be stated without it feeding or producing any prejudice: both homosexuality and lesbianism are the result of an inharmonious connection between the physical and energetic bodies of a person. Namely, a homosexual will have a female energetic body whilst a lesbian will have a male energetic body. And as a matter of technical esoteric anatomy a female energetic body simply cannot harmoniously connect to and fit within a male physical body. Likewise for lesbians with their male energetic bodies and female physical bodies. Under such conditions of disharmony between different aspects of your own being, internal peace and balance is very hard if not impossible to achieve. Bisexuality is a somewhat more complicated case which is best understood by looking at the specifics explained below. First though let us look a little closer at homosexuality from an energetic perspective. There are many factors and many imbalances involved but fundamentally they all trace back to the same root cause: the inter-chakric energetic spin cycle will move upwards in an anticlockwise direction starting from the rear of the Saturn chakra in a homosexual. That is to say the direction and route of the energy flow will


be exactly what it normally is in a heterosexual woman. This will result in characteristically female tendencies in the homosexual man, the most pronounced of which will be a strong need to receive from the world around him and from his relationships with people and lovers. Sexually however the specific way in which he would need to receive in order for that desire to be satisfied requires sex with a heterosexual man whose energetic upwards spin starts at the front of the Saturn chakra. Consequently deep, profound, fully satisfying sex is not possible between two homosexual men. Also, the female direction of spin within him will turn his energies inwards making him very emotionally introspective, self-absorbed and self-indulgent. All of which are characteristics which might well often be of value to women in their path but which sit uncomfortably within the male psyche and usually hinder rather than help progress along the yang path of spiritual evolution. Lesbians by contrast spin like a man resulting in their having characteristics which whilst useful to the male esoteric path are usually a hindrance to one on the female path. With regards to sex and sexual partners they want to give, protect and be strong. However they lack the physical structures necessary to give energetically to their partner in the way they desire, namely a penis with all the relevant internal nerve and energetic connections. Also, unless their partner is a heterosexual female, she wont have the energetic structures necessary to receive what her partner is trying to give her because an energetic upwards spin originating at the rear of the Saturn chakra is necessary in order to receive energy in this way during sex. So sex between two lesbians also can never be truly deep, profound and satisfying. Thats not to say it cant be very good and mutually pleasurable. It can. But the highest summits of the sexual experience are as inaccessible to lesbian couples as they are to homosexual couples. Bisexuals of both sexes spin upwards through both routes. As a result their inter-chakric energetic spin cycles form a complete caduceus with both flows going upwards. This means that they contain both male and female within themselves, and consequently they are usually able to be a lot more balanced and a lot happier within themselves than either homosexuals or lesbians. Also, it must be noted that outside of the fairly limited circle of advanced mystics, advanced internal martial artists and Chi-kung masters it is usually bisexuals who have the clearest, most blockage free downward inter-chakric energy path, except that the energy flows upwards through this path in their case. With both paths flowing upwards in this way there is simply not enough energy in the body (usually) to give either flow any real force, power or intensity. As a result the energy simply isnt there to enable them to reach the peaks of sexual ecstasy with a partner of either sex. There is however one


exception to this rule, noted below. Also, as both streams spin upwards there will be a very outwards, very external focus within the bisexual personality which usually manifests as a strong absorption in, and focus upon, the sexual experience. And finally, as there is no downwards spinning path for it to flow along bisexuals cannot draw energy in from above into this particular energetic system (viz. the inter-chakric energetic spin cycles). As a consequence bisexuality and the eternal youth practices cannot be combined. In terms of differences between male and female bisexuals, male bisexuals usually have both streams flowing upwards with about equal force. Female bisexuals usually have the male (i.e. clockwise) stream flowing with greater force than the female stream making them very forceful, adventurous and active in sex. However, if by nature they are very womanly, very strongly sexually female, then both flows will be about equal in them making them very feminine, receptive and focused on their own pleasure yet also very active and adventurous sexually. Also in this case both flows will have significant power due to the ability of the female energetic structures to draw in large amounts of energy from the external universe and the fact that they do so more strongly the more strongly sexually feminine a woman is. As a consequence female bisexuals who are strongly feminine and womanly are usually the most internally balanced and harmonious of the non-heterosexual groups. However, if they are interested in getting the eternal youth practices working within themselves then a change to a downward-flowing clockwise inter-chakric spin cycle path, and hence heterosexuality, is necessary. It must be said at this point that one or several homosexual, lesbian or bisexual experience do not make you homosexual, lesbian or bisexual. They do however push both your energies, and so you, in that direction. You will, following such experiences, notice that your bodies and your energies are a little confused, probably trying to spin both ways. This is an easily fixed situation: merely meditate for a few hours directing your inter-chakric energetic spin cycles to flow in the manner correspondent to a full heterosexual state: i.e. clockwise upwards and anti-clockwise downwards for a man, the reverse if youre a woman. Refer back to the section The Advanced (i.e. effective) Practice of The Five Tibetans on p. for more details on this 5 . This incidentally is the method by which you can make yourself heterosexual if you are by birth or inclination homosexual, lesbian or bisexual in nature or temperament. Simply make your inter-chakric energetic spin cycles flow in the manner correspondent to a heterosexual of your sex. Set the energetic body up in

Obviously the more consistent and exclusive your homosexual or lesbian sexual practice is, the more entrenched it will become and the more time and force of focus it will require to change.


a particular way and the physical body will follow as will your psychological and emotional desires and inclinations. However do bear in mind that the more consistently and exclusively you have been homosexual, lesbian or bisexual the more focus, time and inner force will be necessary to change your habitual patterns. The energies within the body learn over time to behave in a certain way and it usually takes repeated and consistent meditation to teach them to behave in a different way and keep on behaving in that way. Still, it shouldnt take them more than a maximum of -1 hour a day for 6 months or so, probably much less, to teach your bodys energies to change in this way. Similarly, if you spend substantial amounts of time (around 1 hour and up) with homosexuals or male bisexuals if youre a man or with lesbians or female bisexuals if youre a woman, then their energies will begin to affect you in a way similar to if you had sex with them. Thats to say your energies will begin to become like theirs spinning in the way correspondent to homosexuality, bisexuality or lesbianism. The more time you spend with them, the more of them there are, the closer your physical proximity to them and the stronger their overall energy in relation to yours, the stronger and more noticeable will this effect be. However there is no cause for concern as this situation too is easily rectified with a little meditation. And if you make your own inter-chakric energetic spins cycles very strong and powerful, flowing in the way correspondent to heterosexuality of your sex, then it would be very difficult indeed for you to be affected in this way by proximity to homosexuals, lesbians or bisexuals. The less sexual a person you are, the weaker your energetic flows, and the less strongly heterosexual you are, the more your energies are likely to be affected in this way. Finally, it should be noted that it is because neither homosexual or lesbian sex can be used to reach the summits of the sexual experience that these forms of sexual practice are not included in this book. I neither concern myself with nor teach mediocre sexual practices, but rather only focus on the very depths and the very heights of sexual practice, or at least on those areas of sexual practice which have the potential to be taken to the deepest depths and the highest heights or take your sexual experience there for you.

Choice of sexual partners and the wisdom of the body

With some people your energies will complement each other perfectly, there will be a strong and instant chemistry and your sexual desires and inclinations will always seem to match. With other people


you will work at appreciating their good qualities, try to find them attractive, put large amounts of effort into your relationship and your sex life and yet things will never quite seem to work and the sex will never really be sensational. Now, it is true that the problem could very well be you. If things never seem to work and the sex never really is sensational, it probably is. If this is the case for you youve got to consider doing some serious work on your energies, your personality, your desires and your judgements. More often though the problem is simply that sexually you will work very well with some people whilst with other people it just wont work at all. You as an ego personality may well want to get on with, be sexually involved with, or be in a long-term relationship with, someone who, on a deep, energetic, soul level you really are not suited to at all. The reasons for this are various ranging most commonly from emotional attachment all the way through loneliness, insecurity, and sticking to what youre used to (due to fear) to the simple desire to have sex now and this person happens to be there. For most people it is rare that the ego personality is in accord with the deep levels of the personality, the subconscious mind and the soul; usually there is a large degree of separation within the self 6 . The point to realize though is that if you are not well suited to a person of the opposite sex sexually then you wont be well suited to that person on any deeper romantic or relationship level. It is an indication that your energies, your deep personalities, are not well suited to each other, do not complement each other and that consequently you have little of real value to offer each other. Do not confuse this with your partner merely being highly sexually incompetent. That is a temporary state which can be corrected comparatively easily and swiftly. The basic incompatibility of your souls is another matter altogether. If your sex life is normally good, orgasms normally come easily to you, the energy flows freely and arousal is automatic and almost instantaneous, yet with your current partner your sex life is poor, orgasms come only with great focus and effort, the energies dont really flow but must be continually forced and directed and arousal takes time in coming and is weak when it does (or perhaps you even have to consciously induce it) then you can take this as a blatantly obvious indication that you and your partner really are not suited to each other at all. No matter what your insecurities, your daydreams or your emotional attachments may say. Learn to listen to your body. It is often far wiser than the ego personality with all its preconceptions, flawed judgements and emotional desires. Or, as Id probably enjoy saying in one of my more iconoclastic moods, learn to think with the little head.

The tracking meditation helps to connect the various levels of the self and to strengthen the communication between them.


Control and letting go

These techniques, with all their focus, redirection and conscious control may well seem more than a bit artificial and unnatural to you when you are just starting out with them. And isnt sex and lovemaking supposed to be about letting go and allowing it to happen? The question you have to consider is: what is it that you are letting go to? You release the conscious control, detach and let the body, the energies and the chakras do their thing, but what determines that thing, what is its basis? The answer to both these questions is: the subconscious patternings held within your physical, emotional and mental bodies. The way that these bodies are habituated to doing things due to your repeated doing of those things in those ways in the past, both in this life and in previous ones. They become so used to doing something in a set way that first it becomes a habit and then it becomes natural and automatic. Consequently, if you then begin to do things in a way which goes against these habits it will feel very unnatural and consciously controlled at first. With time, and lots of practice, your physical body, your emotions and your mind will get used to doing things in this new way and then this new way will begin to become the habit and eventually the natural and automatic way of doing things. When that stage is attained, doing things in the old way will then feel very artificial and unnatural to you. Its all a question of deciding what you want your experiences to be, what you want your life to be, and then going into your body, your mind and your emotions and changing the way they operate, the way they are held, to correspond to the reality that you desire. In terms of your personality, your life and your big dreams as well as of your sexual practice.


II. Advanced Sexual Practices: level II

It is at this level that you will learn about the deepest, most profound aspects of lovemaking, as well as the techniques which will enable you to induce then and, if you wish, control them. These techniques, these practices, are very much the culmination of all your work so far. They produce the deepest pleasures, the deepest feelings of union and closeness, and can be used to quite dramatically change your personality, your soul and your life. Unlike the techniques and practices covered at ASP I, at this level your choice of partner is very much an essential consideration and central to the whole process. Also it is necessary to have reached a level of mastery in the other techniques to the extent that they all flow easily and naturally, or at least with the barest amount of effortless direction. If you have not yet reached this level of mastery now is the time to go back to The Orgasm Practices, and ASP I, and work on developing it. It is difficult to learn how to take off and fly when you have yet to learn how to walk properly, let alone run. Having said all that, once you have come to experience the depth and profundity of lovemaking as at ASP II you will appreciate that it has all been very much worth the effort. And you will understand that this is the way sex is meant to be. Deep, blissful, free, profound and very, very close. Or, to put it another way, when sex is properly practiced it is one of the highest, most ecstatic, most transformative of all human activities.

The deeper mystical purpose of the union of the sexes

Everything within the physical reality always has a deeper mystical purpose behind it. On the deepest level that purpose is always the same: for the Source of all things to experience itself, to get to understand itself better. The Source of all things is half yin and half yang and the process of the Source experiencing itself is essentially yin getting to understand yang better and yang getting to understand yin better. Sex too has this deepest mystical purpose behind it, not just the two individual partners getting to know and understand each other better but also, through them, the Source getting to know and understand itself better. In terms of sex, this occurs in very specific ways with regards to very specific aspects of each partners being (and so of the reality). Essentially what occurs is that the woman absorbs the mans understanding and degree of mastery of the chakric lessons from him whilst the man absorbs a deeper understanding of the nature of the universe and of his partners particular


Spirit from the woman. But let us look at it all a lot more clearly from the perspective of what each sex gives to the other. The woman giving to the man Depending on her level of esoteric development the woman connects to the universe and her Spirit either solely through the crown or through some combination of crown, 3rd eye, Moon chakra and the place within the body near the heart chakra that the Spirit connects to the denser bodies via. More specific details on this connection and what it involves are given below. For now the point is that, as a result of this connection to the universe and her Spirit, large quantities of energy will, fairly subtly, flow into the womans central route from both the external universe and her Spirit. Even if you know that it is happening, the energy when it enters you is so refined and so subtle that it is hard to feel and pick up on unless it really is a tremendously powerful flow and/or you have developed your awareness to a high degree of sensitivity. As this energy moves through your energetic system though it will become denser and more obvious as it flows down through the central route to the level of the Saturn chakra. Once it reaches the level of the Saturn chakra it should be very easy to pick up on. Powerful and quite dense will the energy be at this level but it will still retain the essential nature of the part of the universe which you have connected to and of your Spirit (if you have connected to it also). These qualities will make it easy to distinguish from your Jeng and the basic Jing within you which accumulated cold over time after being drawn in through your chakras. This particular universal and spiritual energy by contrast will only pour into you hot i.e. when you are sexually aroused, and the more sexually aroused that you are, the closer you feel to your partner and the deeper the two of you take the sexual session and your orgasms, the more powerfully will this universal and spiritual energy pour into you. It is unlimited and within one sexual session it is possible, probable even, that more such universal and spiritual Jing will fill you, and through you your partner, than all other energies which both of you had to start with, combined. Indeed it is this universal and spiritual Jing which mostly fuels the deeper levels of orgasm for both of you. Now, this universal and spiritual energy will flow into the vaginal walls below the level of the cervix (starting at about 2/3 3/4 below the level of the cervix) and will connect especially strongly to the muscular ring near the opening of the vagina which is where the Saturn chakra is located and which serves as a sort of anchoring point for the central route to the physical body. From the walls of the vagina it will also spread to fill out any space between those walls. As a consequence your partner


will absorb it through his penis and into his central route from there. Due to the way the mans energetic structures work he will absorb this universal and spiritual energy from you through the portion of his penis below the penis head i.e. through his penile shaft, more strongly so through the portion of his penile shaft from the base to about before the head of his penis and most strongly so through his base point. Dg. III-60: Deep spiritual energy flowing from the woman to the man Now this flow, both into the woman and also from the woman into the man will occur more strongly if: I) the woman knows her nature, is true to it and allows it to flow naturally; and II) the man is aware of his spiritual nature and connection to the universe also and allows that connection to flow during sex. Not that the man will as a result draw in spiritual and universal energy as the woman does. But his being aware of and allowing his own connection will serve to make the womans connection stronger and so the flow of universal and spiritual energy into her will be stronger. And the stronger the flow, the easier and the more powerful will the orgasms be, for both of you. With regards to where the universal and spiritual energy will enter the woman from, and what its nature will be, this depends on the level of the womans esoteric development. Most women are not at a level where they can connect directly to their Spirit nor to the higher levels of the reality beyond the Great Void. As a consequence they tend to connect to the lower planes below the Great Void, the astral and the causal predominantly, and connect to their Spirit only indirectly via these three planes. This sort of connection is through the crown. If a woman is more developed she can and does connect to her Spirit directly and energy will pour into her central route directly from her Spirit at round about the level of her heart chakra which is the point within you where the Spirit connects to the denser bodies. If a woman is more developed still, she will connect to the higher planes beyond the Great Void through her Sun and Moon chakras, to her Spirit through her heart connection and to the lower planes through her crown; she may also connect to the Earth through the portion of her central route which extends out below the bottom of the torso. Dg. III-61: How deep spiritual energy flows into a fully esoterically developed and connected woman during sex However, there is little point in trying to establish these connections during sex through conscious intent. Only the connections which you are conceptually ready for will be established and these


connections will be established automatically, of their own accord, as you take sex deeper and feel closer to your partner. Each connection and each level of each connection embodies a particular conceptual understanding and only those connections embodying understandings you have already attained will be established. It is possible to attain the conceptual understanding embodied by a connection during sex and thereby establish a connection which was not open to you before but this is a very esoteric and involved aspect of the sexual process which will be covered at a later date in a book planned by The Aralzon Institute entitled Mystical Sexual Practices. For now let us summarize the deeper energetic flow from woman to man during sex: the energy will enter the womans central route through her crown, Sun chakra, Moon chakra and/or directly from her Spirit. It will move down through her central route to her vagina as a whole (below the level of the cervix) and the muscular ring near the opening of her vagina specifically. From here a portion of it will go to fuel her orgasms and another portion of it will flow into the man through his penis (below the penis head) and from there into his central route. On the way from his penis into his central route, and further up along his central route also, it will fuel his orgasms too. The main thing to realize is that as a result of the womans connection to her Spirit and the external universe she will feel that connection more and so be more aware of her essential nature. As this universal and spiritual energy flows into the man he too will partake of the womans understanding of the deeper nature of the universe and existence and will also become more aware of the higher, spiritual nature of his partner. The man giving to the woman Generally womens and mens energetic and meridian structures are fairly similar: they may use them differently and flow different energies in different directions and in different ways, but the basic structures they are using remain the same; what varies is the way they use them. However, men have an extra meridian which women dont have and women have an extra meridian which men dont have. It is through these extra meridians that the deeper energetic flow from man to woman during sex occurs. The womans extra meridian is located within her body and runs from her cervix up to her Moon chakra, running for most of its length between her central route and her spine. Dg. III-62: The female sexual meridian


But remember, this is a very special meridian so it does not just begin or end as a point. Rather at each end it spreads out into many fine meridians which look much like nerve endings and run through the entirety of the cervix at one end and the entirety of the Moon chakra at the other. It is this special meridian ending and connection which makes the cervix especially sensitive during sex and which allows for the extreme intensity and power of cervical orgasm. The mans extra meridian runs from the centre of his head out through the 45 Sun point (another yang approach / expression of the centre of the head, just like the Sun chakra / 3rd eye but used for slightly different things), and out and down through his aura in a long curving loop to the tip of his penis. Again at the beginnings and ends of this meridian it branches out like a whole lot of nerve endings to fill up the entirety of the head of the penis at one end and the entirety of the centre of the head at the other. Dg. III-63: The male sexual meridian Now, the man will have attained a specific degree of mastery over each chakric lesson and will approach each chakric lesson in a particular way. As a result each of his chakras will be held in a particular way. The way that each of his chakras is held will combine to form a specific, individual basic state of consciousness at the centre of his head. This specific, individual basic state of consciousness will represent and contain the essence of his understanding of all the chakric lessons. And it is this essential understanding which will flow through his extra meridian to the tip of his penis and from there into the woman through her cervix. From where it will enter her extra meridian, flow up to her Moon chakra through it, be absorbed from there into the centre of her head, whence it will flow down through her central route to her individual chakras. For women it is this which is the deeper purpose of cervical orgasm: the absorption into themselves of their mans understanding of each of the chakric lessons. Indeed it is through this mechanism that women were originally intended to attain a large part of their mastery of the chakric lessons, just as it is through the mechanism described in the previous section that men were originally intended to attain a large part of their connection to the deeper nature of the creation. However, the mechanism of the deeper energetic flow from man to woman will only work if a woman orgasms cervically in an inwards and upwards way. If you direct cervical stimulation into a downwards and outwards orgasm this mechanism will not work for you as the deeper energy from your man will not flow up to your Moon chakra. This is great though if you


dont particularly like or respect the deeper nature of the man you are with and so dont want to learn anything from that deeper nature of his. Or to put it another way, dont want to make his deeper nature a part of you in any way. In this case you can reverse the flow along your special extra meridian so that it flows along your Moon chakra to your cervix. A powerful outwards and downwards orgasm should result. Many women do this automatically anyway in a more subconscious way by fantasizing during sex. You see, your deeper, more subconscious fantasies are held within your Moon chakra and by focusing upon them you move them to a more superficial level of that chakra from which they are free to move to another area of your body. If your cervix is being stimulated at the same time the energy of the particular fantasy or fantasies you are focusing upon will flow through your special meridian to your cervix where they will lend their energetic power and direction of flow to the cervical orgasm which is building up there. And so a powerful outwards cervical orgasm will result. But if you want to feel closer to your partner and take sex and orgasm to the highest levels then inwards and upwards cervical orgasm is the way to go. Though do bear in mind cervical orgasm does not always have to flow upwards all the way to the Moon chakra to be worthwhile. On a less deep, yet still highly valuable in terms of advanced sexual practice, level cervical stimulation can be used to produce powerful uterine orgasms. The cervix is after all just the very bottom part of the uterus and so is strongly connected to the uterus as a whole. Compared to the deeper energetic flow from woman to man, the deeper energetic flow from man to woman is like a fine, directed thread. It is quantitatively much less. It is also not as deep nor as profound as the deepest energies it is possible for a woman to connect to (her spirit and the planes beyond the Great Void). Though it may be deeper and more profound than the energy which the woman does actually connect to (if she connects to the astral and causal only for example). However, the deeper energetic flow from man to woman is focused and directed and does relate to mastery of the lessons of the lower three worlds and so to mastery of the Earth life. So if you partner is very masterful and esoterically advanced, absorbing the essence of his understanding from him during sex in this way can be very useful and beneficial to you. Or even if he is just more advanced than you in an area of the Earth life which you value and want to better master. So to summarize, the deeper energetic flow from man to woman during sex flows up through his central route and his chakras to the centre of his head, out through the 45 Sun point into his extra meridian, down to the tip of his penis and from there into the woman through her cervix. From her cervix it flows up to her Moon chakra from where it is absorbed


into the centre of the head and then flows down into her central route and all her chakras. Dg. III-64: The deep chakric lesson energetic flow from man to woman * * *

And thats it. The thing to realize about both these mechanisms is that they happen automatically, of their own accord provided you dont block the process by being closed to your partner. How to be open to your partner, both energetically and emotionally/conceptually is what this whole book is basically about so we wont go into it again here. However, because the mechanisms described in this section occur automatically provided you are open to your partner no particular focus on technique is necessary to re-educate or teach your body and energies how to go about it all. As such no specific step-by-step techniques are given in this section. The mechanisms are just outlined to make you aware of this deeper aspect of sex and how it all works. If you wish though you can, during sex, focus on the whole process, how it works and how it flows, experientially understand it and then, if you so choose, adjust or modify it as you see fit. You should be familiar enough by now with your body and energies and how it all works for this to be well within your capabilities. The other thing to realize about all this is the circularity and connectivity of it all, both energetically and conceptually. Energetically, the more universal and spiritual energy which flows from the woman into the mans central route the more powerful will be the flow from the mans central route to the centre of his head and so through his extra meridian to the tip of his penis. Which means that the greater will be the power behind the deeper energetic flow from him into the woman and so the more totally will his essential understanding of the chakric lessons become a part of the woman and her chakras. Which, providing his chakric understanding is more developed (open) than the womans, will result in the womans chakras opening to a greater extent which will enable her to connect more strongly to the universe and her Spirit. Which will make the flow of energy into her central route stronger, and so on. Conceptually, the more the woman gives, the more she receives (which is a more intuitive and therefore more direct way of going about things. Yins nature is only indirect in a certain sense of that term). And the more the man understands that he should give and be open (which is what chakric development amounts to), the more he gives that understanding to the woman and so the more he receives (in a very rational, via concepts, yang and more indirect way).


Thus the final thing to realize becomes clear: men should be men: find their answers and their understandings out in the external universe, be that the physical world or the higher planes, and thereby master their chakras more. Whilst women should be women and focus on their naturally strong, intuitive, direct connection to the deepest levels of their being and the universe, which obviates the need to run around in the external world karmically doing and finding answers. Or perhaps more completely, men should first be men and master being men and then, whilst still being first and foremost men, begin to address the yin side of their nature and so the universe. And women should first and foremost be women and master being women and then, whilst still being completely women, begin to address the yang sides of their nature and so the universe. As always it is all connected and youre not going to have good sex as a man, let alone deep and exceptional sex, if you dont enjoy, accept and master being a man with all that entails. Just as you wont have good sex as a woman, let alone deep and exceptional sex, if you dont enjoy, accept and master being a woman with all that entails.

Placing your mind in your partners body

At this stage, it would prove useful to spend a little time learning how to place your awareness within your partners body. Just as using awareness and intention you can control the energies within your own body, so too is it possible to control the energies within your partners body. Conceptually this may well seem to you to be a very difficult thing to do. In fact, it is incredibly easy. Just relax and try it and you will see tangible results very quickly. The technique then. Stand or sit opposite your partner so that your torsos are no closer than 1m apart but not more than 3m apart. Have your partner hold up his or her right hand with the index finger of that hand extended. Now, you look at the tip of that finger, focus on it, and try to feel it, try to feel what it feels like, what condition it is in, how it feels within the finger. Dg. III-65: Placing your mind in your partners body Very soon, your partner should begin to feel the tip of her finger warming up quite considerably. She may also feel the presence of your mind within her body as a sort of foreign, external force within her which is however (depending of course on the nature of your relationship), quite welcome, pleasant and reassuring. This though needs a more subtle, developed awareness to notice it. The exact degree to which your partners finger will begin to heat up or tingle depends both on the force


of your mind and on the power of her energy. It is your focus which is drawing her energy to her finger causing it to heat up. On the basis of the practices which you have both done so far the effect should be very marked and easily noticeable. Once you can do this quite easily, which shouldnt take more than a few minutes practice, have your partner hold up the index fingers of both her hands and focus on one or the other without telling her which one. Instead, have her tell you. This is to help you both overcome the idea that it is her focus being drawn to her own finger that is causing it to heat up. Also try placing your attention in her left and right foot as well as in her hands and fingers. And doing so without looking at the relevant body part and also with your eyes closed. The next step is to proceed deeper within her body. Try tracking her spine. Try to increase your awareness to the point where you can feel the energy movements within her body as you do so. Focus on her individual chakras and see how they are held. This technique can, with practice, give you very deep insight into somebodys true nature very quickly, should you so desire it. Try also focusing on her genitals, feeling the energy build up there, and her herself becoming more and more aroused. Also you might want to try doing all of this from across the room and from different rooms. Your partner also, of course, should work at developing this ability too. It is possible to develop the technique and your awareness to the extent that you are as aware and as knowledgeable about your partners body as you are about your own. And are also as able to control your partners energies as you are your own (provided she is willing to let you and doesnt try to block or interfere with the process). As well as its sexual application this ability is also useful for coming to swiftly understand prospective partners. What is the nature of their soul and is it a nature to which you would wish to become very close? Is their heart good, loving and open or small, closed and full of petty spite? Are they a strong person and willing to allow you your freedom or would they seek to control and limit you? On a more physical level, is their body well looked after and free from such impurities as alcohol, drugs, meat and other toxins? Are they free of any sexually transmitted diseases or other illnesses? Is their internal muscle tone good? One word of warning though. If you do place your mind in another persons body remember to clean it, to purify and refine it, before fetching it back into your own body. Otherwise you will also fetch the other persons impurities, proclivities and essential nature back into your body to some degree also. The way to do this is using intention. As your mindforce leaves her body, but before it enters yours, intend that it be totally cleaned of any influences or energies that it may have picked up.


Focused intention alone is enough to achieve the desired end, and indeed is the most effective way to do so. If you wish though you can use some sort of visual imagery to help you such as seeing the mind-force as a small golden white sphere which is then temporarily engulfed in a cleansing, purifying, powerful purple flame. To be honest though such visual imagery really is not necessary and by this stage you really shouldnt need it. Finally, a piece of advice. Before placing your mind in your partners body, or in a prospective partners body, it is generally considered polite to ask their permission first, either overtly so or more tacitly. Particularly if they are self-aware to the extent that they will realize what you are doing

How to tell when your partner has an orgasm

It is useful to be able to tell when your partner has what type of orgasm in order that you might know how she responds to different types of stimulation and energetic movements without having to resort to the interruption and inaccuracy of words. Fortunately, this is very easy to do once you have a bit of meditative experience and a little insight into the sexual processes. Even these arent necessary though for most types of orgasm will have some very physically obvious effects. Such as a tensing of the bodys muscles, usually especially so around the pelvic area, in the build-up to orgasm. Not a full-on, total, body-builder-style flexing of the muscles, just a gentle, or sometimes not so gentle, tensing of them. With the orgasm this tensing is released to be followed by a very relaxed, much more flaccid muscle tone. Both of these different ways in which the muscles of the body are held are physically very obvious: pay attention and it is easy to see them and to feel them if you touch your partners muscles. Even more obviously though orgasms which are centred on or involve the genitals will produce contractions of the sexual organs themselves. The mans penis will rhythmically pump a few times and the womans vaginal walls will rhythmically contract in a series of involuntary spasms. The more intense the orgasm the stronger and more forceful these pumpings or contractions will be. Also, after the orgasm your partner will want less stimulation, or a total cessation of stimulation, especially if their orgasm has involved the movement of a large amount of energy out of the genital area. Energetically also, the signs will be there. As your partner approaches orgasm there will be a build up of energy in the genital area which you can feel as a very tangible increase in the warmth of their


penis or vagina. You should also be able to feel an increase in force and energetic pressure in their genital area. With the orgasm this build-up of energy will be released, probably downwards and outwards if we are talking of the more physical, external types of orgasm. Once it is released in this way the level of energetic warmth of your partners penis or vagina will decrease and the degree of energetic force and pressure in the genital area will reduce. In terms of orgasm not centred, even partially, at the genitals neither the energy movements nor the physical contractions will be centred at the genitals. For this reason it is unlikely that youll be able to feel the physical contractions of such orgasms on your genitals as you can feel the contractions of her vagina around your penis or the pumping of his penis within your vagina with more external, or internal yet still genitally-centred, orgasms. However, you can feel such contractions but in a different way. That way is in much the same way as you feel your own deep orgasmic contractions, except the body and nerve endings through which you will feel your partners orgasm will be your partners and not your own. This is quite easy to do (with a little practice) by simply keeping a portion of your mind-force within your partners body for the duration of the sexual session. Energetically too the deeper orgasms will be very noticeable, albeit in a less simplistically obvious way than the more genital types of orgasm. There will still be an increase in the energetic warmth of the area around which the orgasm is centred but this warmth, though probably greater and more intense, will be a more refined, less heavy, less dense type of warmth. Instead of an increase in the feeling of energetic force and pressure which accompanies the build-up of sexual energy at the genital level, when sexual energy builds up in the body at a level above the genital there will instead be a feeling of expansiveness to that energy as if it wants to go somewhere or (gently) explode. When it does do so it will tend to expand upwards through the torso or perhaps outwards from its centre into both your bodies and nerves. At a more advanced level this expansion will also be accompanied by a massive and powerful inflow of external energy. Both of these factors (direction of expansion and inflow of energy) combine to mean that following the nongenital types of orgasm your partners entire body will feel more energized yet in a relaxed, quietly powerful sort of way. Also it will seem sort of sparkly (try closing your eyes and looking at your partners body through your minds eye both before and after her orgasm). At the most advanced levels of orgasmic practice though, when the energies of the two partners are well aligned, youll know when she has an orgasm and what type of orgasm it is because you too will be


orgasming in the same way. Just as she will orgasm in the same way as you whenever you have an orgasm. And this is probably the easiest way with which to tell when your partner is having an orgasm.

Exchanging energies
During any sort of sexual intercourse the energies of the two partners will mix. It is this mixing of energies which makes sex a bit magical and which separates it from any form of masturbation. The closer the two partners are and the deeper they take the sexual session the greater will be the mixing of their energies and hence the more like lovemaking and the less like merely having sex will the sexual session feel to them. Now, the extent to which the energies mix in this way is determined by how open each partner is to the other, how much they feel for each other. It has to be a two-way thing for the necessary energetic dynamics to work. To put things succinctly the more love, of whatever sort, that each partner feels for the other, the more the energetic systems of the two lovers will open and connect to each other, consequently the more the energies of the two will mix and so the deeper the sexual session can be taken and the more intense and flowing the orgasms can be become. There are two points worth noting here. First, if you are not open to your partner, if you close your heart, mind, emotions and soul to her (or she to you) then it is simply not possible to easily establish the energetic connection necessary between the two of you for deep, intense, long-lasting multiple or continuous orgasms to occur. Secondly, the fact that when energies mix naturally they do so as a result of the love the partners have for each other means that this love itself purifies the energy of each partner as that energy begins to mix. This means that when you absorb energy from your partner in this unconscious, natural way through lovemaking you do not absorb your partners negative energies to any great extent as a result, because that negative energy is refined and purified as a result of the love you feel for each other. This by love purification process isnt perfect and its not 100% but it is in there and it does work, and the stronger your love for each other, the more effectively does it work. Then, when the sexual session is over and you (and your energies) separate youll both feel better and lighter because both of your energetic systems will have been refined and uplifted through this love purification process. So, the insight to realize is that love for your partner is very conducive to advanced sexual practice. If you want to progress swiftly and easily in your sexual practice the way to do so is to feel love for your


partner. You dont have to be in love with them or they with you but your hearts and your souls do need to be open to each other. Whether you then decide to bind your hearts and souls together is a decision which can be taken at a later date, if at all. It is only fear and insecurity which makes you insist that the binding must be performed first before the openness is allowed. In truth there is no advantage to be attained by being stingy with your love. Now, love cannot be taught 7 , but energetic openness, merging and deepening can. It is from this angle that the more advanced practices are approached in ASP II. Firstly then, during sex it is very easy, and often very useful, to consciously direct the exchange of energies with your partner. The way to do so is by using intention, just as when you draw your own energy from your genitals up your spine. Initially especially, you may well find an in-breath as you draw energy in from your partner or an out-breath as you move energy outwards into him or her, to be helpful. In time though, at least during the later stages of lovemaking, you will probably come to prefer using intention alone. For now, the techniques.

Directing energy into your partner

You feel the energy building up in your genitals and in your body yet your partner is still lagging somewhat behind. Consequently, to help things along, you fetch a large amount of energy into your genitals and then with an out-breath you direct this energy into your partner. You might wish to direct this energy to a particularly sensitive area of his or her genitals, such as the prostrate or the g-spot, and combine the energy movement with a simultaneous more physical stimulation to the same area e.g. a deep thrust to the g-spot or a powerful push-down on the penis shaft using the vaginal muscles, causing the inner portion of the penis to be pushed against his prostrate. Or you might prefer just to move the energy into your partner as a whole, in a more dispersed way through their whole body, in order to increase their overall energy level. Dg. III-66: Directing energy into your partner: a) in a directed way b) in a more dispersed way This technique has a variety of applications. Probably the most useful is to help two partners quickly and effectively equate their energy levels and their levels of arousal. It is also good to use to help push your
Well actually, mystically, it can be taught, and is, every second of every day of the creation. But thats a slightly more advanced lesson.


partner over into orgasm if he or she is fairly close to it anyway. For the woman, she can use it to direct extra energy into her partners penis and prostrate to help strengthen his erection. Also if you yourself feel that you have too much energy within you at any point this is a very good way to release some of that energy and increase your partners arousal at the same time too!

Drawing energy from your partner

This particular technique has throughout history acquired something of a bad name primarily because it was frequently used by Taoist sages and tantric witches to draw large amounts of sexual energy (which youll remember is equivalent to Jing, your basic life-giving, health-enhancing energy. See p. ) from unsuspecting acolytes. Thereby effectively increasing their own health and longevity at the expense of that of their acolytes. Not that the acolytes seemed to mind, they probably would only have wasted that same sexual energy in downwards and outwards orgasms anyway. Indeed, many of the more scrupulous masters absorbed only such energies as had already been released in this way. Nevertheless, the fact that they used their veil of secrecy to not fully reveal to their acolytes what exactly was going on makes the use of this technique in such a way not something to be encouraged because it does not increase the amount of awareness in the world but rather decreases the potential for such awareness. That having been said, there are many other, less selfish, ways in which this technique may be applied. Provided you are both aware of what is going on, it is preferable for the partner receiving the energy to draw it into themselves rather than to have it directed into them by their partner. This is because your partners energies will be refined to the extent corresponding to their level of esoteric development; but when you draw that energy into you, you are able to refine it still further. If your partner then draws that energy back to her, also refining it as she does so, she ends up with a more refined quality of energy. If, during sex or lovemaking, both partners continually exchange energies in this way then both will end up with a markedly more refined quality to their energy at the end of the sexual session. Further, unless you are both at the stage where you understand and know each other as well as you know and understand yourself, then it is easier to draw the energy into yourself directing it to where you wish it to go, then to have your partner try, less successfully, to do so. The technique then. After a few orgasms, when both your energies are flowing freely and orgasm comes easily to you both, you feel that you


want your partners energy inside you more fully, more totally, in order that it really become a part of you. So you focus on his genitals and with an in-breath draw a good amount of energy out of them and into your vagina, uterus and the rest of your body. As you draw the energy out of his genitals simultaneously intend that it be refined as you do so. So that when it enters your body it has already been refined 8 . After a while, he too draws her energy into his body, also prerefining it as he does so. Then it is her turn again. And so the process continues. Note that while the easiest and the most enjoyable way in which to draw your partners energy into your body is usually via the genitals, it is not the only option. It is also possible to draw in your partners energy through your mouth when kissing, through your hands, your chakras, your body as a whole and your aura. Nor do you have to limit the energy which you draw in to being only sexual energy or Jing. It is also possible to draw in Chi, Shen, other energies or just her energy as an undifferentiated whole. Be aware of these possibilities and experiment with them if you wish. Dg. III-67: The man drawing energy in from the woman Finally, it is worth realizing that any energy which you draw in from your partner will have to it the basic feeling which corresponds to her essential, central nature. This energy will become a part of you and so will have an effect on your energetic system. Pay attention to it and thereby learn from the essence of what she is. This effect is especially noticeable when you focus on exchanging Shen energies with your partner. Regarding things like transient moods and superficial characteristics these will tend to be effectively removed by your prerefinement of the energy before drawing it into yourself and so wont affect you.

Clearing the effects of mixed energies

Being with a partner that you love and pre-refining energy as you draw it into you will usually effectively ensure that you do not draw in

This is by far the most important principle to be remembered whenever you draw any energy into your body from an external source. Otherwise you are either committed to drawing in and living with all the negative aspects of the energy from that source or to spending hours subsequently refining within your body the energy which you have drawn into it. Of the two, the latter would be the preferable option, but it is an arduous and time-consuming process; far better, far more effective, and far easier, to simply refine the energy before it enters your body. If every time that you draw external energies into the body you intend that they be refined in this way, you can soon teach your body and your subconscious mind to implement the process automatically. And you will have also made all your esoteric work a lot easier.


any negative energy from your partner. However, the extent to which such negative energy is purified depends on the force of the intention which you use to purify it and the strength of the love which you feel for your partner. If your intention or your love is weak, or if your partner has very strong negative energy within her (for example due to being a very powerful, very negative person or due to serious chronic illness) then it is quite possible that you will still draw her negativity into you when the two of you have sex. Further, though pre-refinement and love will effectively remove transient negativities from your partners energy things like negative emotions, confused mind-states, sickness energy etc. the energy will still retain the basic characteristic of your partner, i.e. how he or she is at the core of his/her being. That is to say, any energy which you draw from your partner will have her essential quality. Whether you define that essential quality as positive, negative or neutral is a matter open to debate, probably as much within your own mind as in any more external way. What is often the case though is that you are with a certain partner who has certain aspects to her character which are perfect for her and her path and which you truly love her for but which are not completely appropriate to you and your path. And if you mix energies with her on a long-term basis, simply leaving her energy in your body afterwards you will begin to acquire aspects of her character which are something of a hindrance to the lifepath you want to take. For all these instances it is useful to know how to clear the effects of any drawn-in or mixed energy from your energetic system. The technique then. In a sitting position with your spine erect begin by focusing at the rd 3 eye point. Hold your attention there, breathe slowly, gently and deeply and calm the mind as taught in The Foundation Practices. Continue in this manner until you reach the more internal, more detached, quieter mindstate characteristic of meditation. Then widen your focus so that you are holding about 40% of your focus at the 3rd eye point and about 60% within your body as a whole. Pay attention to the nature of the energy in your body as a whole, the qualities which it has. Depending on your level of esoteric development (and the karma youre going through at that particular time) you will either find the negative (or undesirable) energy localized at some point in your body or flowing freely through your energetic system as a whole. If you cant identify where the drawn-in energy is in your body using observation alone, then, with your attention held at the 3rd eye point, instruct your body, for example, to heat up or gently vibrate in the places where the drawn-in energy is held. Then simply focus about 60% of your attention on the places in your body where that energy is held and, from the 3rd eye where you are


still holding about 40% of your attention, have the strong intention that the negative energy transmute into positive energy. Or that it change into energy with the characteristics that you want it to have. You will have to hold this focus, with this intention for long enough to produce the actual result. Usually were talking 5-20 minutes here. Whilst you are holding this focus youll probably feel yourself getting quite hot indeed. This is nothing to worry about it is one of the things which normally occurs when energy changes from a less refined state to a more refined state. When the heat begins to die down it is a sign that the process is nearing completion. If before that point you feel that youre getting too hot simply reduce the force of your intention, the force with which you are focusing, or alternatively just take a break for a while. Instead of transmuting the negative energy you could instead dissolve it or expel it from the body (and aura) if you wish. But transmuting usually works best in this case and also means that the draw-in energy within you is not wasted or lost. Still, use your awareness and decide for yourself in each specific case what the best approach to use is. Once youve finished, pay attention for a while to the energies in your body as a whole, and especially in the areas where youve been working, to ensure that all the negative has effectively been transmuted. If you feel there is still some negative left there, continue the technique until you are satisfied that youre clear. After youve confirmed that the energies within your physical body are clear, turn your focus to those parts of your energetic bodies which extend out beyond the boundaries of your physical body i.e. your aura. As you will recall, your aura extends out from your physical body about three feet in all directions, though youll probably only clearly feel that part of your aura which has a substantial energetic charge within it, say, for example, up to about 3 out from your physical body. Dg. III-68: The Aura Place 60% of your awareness within your aura, again holding 40% of your awareness at your 3rd eye, and repeat the process as given above with your aura this time. Continue until you are sure that your aura is clear and then spend a little time just focusing on your aura until youre absolutely certain that it, too, is completely clear. To reiterate though, if you love your partner, take care to pre-refine energy before you draw it into yourself, and have a fairly strong force of focus than you really shouldnt need to use this technique too often, if at all.


Chakric alignment
Recall the diagram of the seven major chakric levels given on p. . Chakric alignment refers to the physical positioning of your torso in relation to your partners torso such that the front of each of your chakras is in physical proximity to the front of each of your partners corresponding chakras (e.g. Venus to Venus). In practical terms what this amounts to is that you use a face to face position with your torsos touching. Dg. III-69: Chakric alignment Regarding the Moon chakra, as long as your Sun chakra is aligned to your partners Sun chakra it will align that chakric level and so there is no need to try to separately align the Moon chakra also. Which, incidentally, is also impossible to do, simultaneously. The same applies to the Admeitus / Erechtheus chakric level also. Regarding significant height differences between the partners, dont worry about it. Provided youre face to face with your partner with your torsos touching everything seems to work fine. If in such an instance you want to focus on the alignment of a specific chakra, then angle your bodies to fetch these two chakras (e.g. your Mars and your partners Mars) into closer physical proximity to each other. But when working with the chakric system as a whole such an exact alignment is not absolutely necessary. The advantage of aligning your chakras to your partners chakras in this way is that they will connect, vortices will be created, and large amounts of energy will be drawn in. This energy can be used to enhance the sexual process, for example by making orgasm easier to achieve and more powerful. It can also be used to energize the whole body, to cleanse and purify the entire body and energetic system and, consequently, to heal. It is also a great way to lift yourselves up when youre feeling low or tired. Whilst the mere physical alignment of your chakras to your partners chakras in this way will automatically produce this drawing-in of energy, the whole process can be greatly enhanced by the introduction of conscious intention. First align the chakras in this physical way. Then intend that they connect, create these vortices and begin to draw in energy. Place your mind in the chakras, either all at once or one at a time, and feel them connect to your partners chakras, feel them begin to draw in energy 9 .

Note that the intention is to connect your chakras to the corresponding chakras in your partner. For example, Venus to Venus, Mars to Mars, Saturn to Saturn. Trying to connect non-corresponding


As your chakras connect to your partners chakras in this way, they will also begin to join and merge to some extent. This is something which we will take a lot deeper later. For now, just let it happen and enjoy the strong feeling of closeness which it produces. Finally, it is worth noting that for your chakras to connect and join with your partners chakras in this way they have to be sufficiently similar, sufficiently complementary the one to the other, for their energetic alignment to be possible. There are some people whose soul is just so different to what your soul is that such an alignment simply isnt possible. The way that their individual chakras are held is just so different, so fundamentally opposed to, the way that your chakras are held that there is nothing there to base a connection on. Indeed your very being repels and is repelled by his or her very being. No matter how externally beautiful or attractive a proposition to your conscious system of values that he or she might be. To see if this is possibly the case between you and your partner go through each chakra, the area of life it represents and try to determine both your attitude to it and your partners attitude to it. Then see how these all match up. You dont have to have identical attitudes or even similar ones. What is important is that they be complementary. Complementarity is more easily understood in relation to the famous Taoist yin-yang symbol. Dg. III-70: The Taoist yin-yang symbol There is, at core, a fundamental sameness to both your attitudes as represented, metaphorically, by the small white circle within the black tadpole and by the small black circle within the white tadpole. However, there is also an essential difference to your two attitudes as represented by the one tadpole being white and the other black. Nevertheless, this difference is of a sort which causes the two attitudes to fit together perfectly. Perfectly complementing each other to make a newer, greater whole. An example might be useful. Both partners fundamentally enjoy life, live in the present and generally wake up and go to bed with a smile on their face. All of which are indicative of a strong, well-functioning Jupiter chakra. He, however, tends to enjoy life in a wilder, more raw, more extreme way whilst she does so in a more refined, more detached, more tranquil way. His extremeness and his wildness helps her to enjoy the more intense, the more extreme pleasures of life whilst her detachment and her tranquillity helps him to enjoy the more gentle, more tranquil pleasures of life.
chakras in this way (e.g. Venus to Saturn) wont really work and wont really produce much of an effect. Rather, it would also mean, as a point of physical practicality, that the alignment of the chakric system as a whole is not possible.


In practice, if you are looking at the chakras of two partners in this way you will probably find it necessary to look at how the chakras interrelate as well as how one partners chakras relates to the other partners chakras. It is possible to do the whole thing energetically, moving your mind, your awareness into your partners body, resting it within each chakra, and seeing how they all are held. Then relate this to what you understand about the way in which your own chakras are held. Also, of course, if you are not too concerned about the why of it all, you could simply just go ahead and try to align your chakras with your partners. If it works and the chakras connect, the vortices are created and the energy is drawn in, then great. If it doesnt, well, at least youll know that it doesnt. Generally you will find that the more loving you become as a person, the more accepting and the less judgemental and selfrighteous, the more will be the people with whom you can align chakras in this way. And the easier will it also be to align chakras with any one specific person, and the greater will be the extent to which you can do so.

Continuous, mutual, full-body orgasm

Using the techniques you have covered so far you will have probably already experienced full-body orgasm by generating the energy in the genitals, directing it upwards through the body by means of inwards and upwards orgasm and by drawing it up, and then allowing the full-body orgasm to follow. What you have probably not experienced is the continuous, mutual, full-body orgasm being the underlying state of your lovemaking. This is because the technique of the genital generation of energy and its subsequent upward direction simply does not produce enough energy in the body as whole to sustain full-body orgasm in both of you at the same time. Neither does it necessarily co-ordinate your energies with those of your partner. All that, however, is now about to drastically change. After you are a good way into the lovemaking process, when both you and your partner have had several orgasms and the energies are flowing freely, align your chakras with your partners chakras, as in the technique presented in the previous section. Allow the vortices to form and the energy to begin to be drawn in. Now, using intention, increase the extent to which energy is drawn into your bodies in this way. Merely intend it to be so and it will be so, though again you can use visual imagery if you find it helpful. At the same time, both partners should take an inbreath and begin a consciously induced orgasm. If one partner does so slightly before the other, it doesnt really matter. Alternatively, one partner can begin a non-consciously induced yet nevertheless


continuous orgasm and the other partner can then join in, orgasming in the same way, when they are ready to do so. At any rate, direct the orgasmic contractions and the energetic release from this orgasm upwards through the body, allowing them to spread through the torso as a whole. As they do so allow the vortices created by your aligned chakras to draw in even more energy which feeds into the whole orgasmic process, strengthening it, sustaining it, increasing it. In the body as a whole. Allow the orgasm to spread all the way down to your toes and out to the tips of your fingers also. You can of course use intent to make all of these natural processes stronger and more forceful if you wish. This drawing-in of energy via the chakras continues on an ongoing basis, thereby continually providing the full-body orgasm with the energy it needs to sustain itself. Further, because this energy is drawn in by your aligned and somewhat joined chakras, this fully body orgasm cannot help but be mutual and also produce a feeling of great closeness as you both share the same energy, which you draw in as one. Practice until you can make the whole thing occur quite easily and naturally. Then, if you wish, you can just detach from the whole process and allow it to continue automatically whilst you turn your attention to other areas, e.g. melding chakras or a few more localized genital orgasms for their quick intensity. Whatever it is that you take your attention to in this way it will be enhanced by the light (or not so light) contractions throughout your whole body, as well as the total, powerful energy movements, of the full-body orgasm. Finally, on a more technical note, in exactly what way is the energy drawn into your bodies when the chakras of both partners are aligned? Ordinarily, what occurs is that the front portion of your chakras will extend to touch, or possibly even merge with, the front portion of your partners chakras, spreading out as they do so rather like a funnel formation. At the same time, this funnel formation will spread out to the back of both your chakras, extending out beyond the surface of your skin into your aura. It is through this back portion of their chakras that both partners will draw in most of the energy. Energy which, to a good degree, will be moved to the front portion of the chakras as each chakra seeks to naturally internally balance itself. It is this movement of about half the energy to the front of each chakra which produces the feelings of great closeness between the partners as these front portions of their chakras are touching. Dg. III-71: Mutual full-body orgasm note the energetic closeness produced Occasionally what occurs is that your chakras will join with those of your partner to a greater degree to form what is almost just one set of


chakras which will feel like glowing, pulsating energetic balls centred about halfway between the two of you. Dg. III-72: Soulmerging through mutual full-body orgasm In this case the energy will usually feel as if it is being drawn from within the energetic ball itself, as if from a deeper level. Almost as if it is appearing within that ball from a deeper dimension, rather than being drawn into it in a 3rd-dimensional direction. This, however, is not a common occurrence at this stage. It is more akin to the sort of orgasm which follows a full soulmerge with your partner. Indeed it is a little over halfway between that type of orgasm and the type of orgasm more common at this level of practice. If it does occur for you and your partner at this stage you can take it as a very strong indication that you are naturally very well suited to each other, at the deepest of levels.

Chakric melding: an introduction

The practice as covered in the previous section is about as deep as you can take things without the nature of your partners soul having any really significant effect on the nature of your soul, your personality or your life. From here on in the nature of your partners soul would have a very marked effect on the nature of your soul, producing very easily noticeable changes in both your personality and your life. Consequently, the practices from this level onwards should be undertaken only when you are absolutely certain that you want what your partner is to affect what you are; and when your partner also wants what you are to affect what he or she is. Again, recall the chakras as they were covered on p. . Really the details given there are only meant to serve as a rough guide. What you should really be basing your understanding on is your own meditative experience of both your own chakras and those of your partner. You will recall that in that section it was mentioned that about 95% of your deep personality, or soul, is accounted for, is determined by, the way in which the major chakras located along the spinal axis are held: the exact form that they take in you, and hence the exact attitude which you have in relation to the areas of life that they govern. Now this is strictly true, although the six chakric levels below the Sun/Moon level also operate at another level, in another way. These aspects of the chakras area covered in the section: The deeper chakric levels on p. . These aspects of the chakras are, however, normally embedded deeper in the subconscious than the aspects of the chakras with which you


already familiar. The chakras do operate at both levels in everybody. However, most people are barely conscious of the first level of the chakras, let alone the second, deeper level. Further, because they have yet to begin to master this first level the vast majority of their focus, their life experience, their personality and their insight will be directed towards it. Only once it is mastered will the focus shift more to the deeper level. Consequently, for now, it is really only the first chakric levels with which you need to concern yourself. Now, seeing as these major chakras account for about 95% of a persons deep personality or soul, they will account for 95% of all that that person is and all that he experiences. From the condition and form of his physical body, to his opinions, his levels of insight, the way he does things, how he interrelates with other people, any special abilities or skills he might have and the nature of the experiences which come into his life. Hence the advantages of working with the chakras, because by changing the way in which they are held you are able to change all of these things, and more. What concerns us here is that it is possible, during sex, to merge and join one of your chakras with the corresponding one of your partner. To the extent that, for a while, there exists only one, large, joined chakra rather than two separate ones. This leads to the essential qualities of your partners chakra becoming a part of your chakra and the essential qualities of your chakra becoming a part of your partners chakra. Or, to put it another way, the way in which your partners chakra is held will fundamentally alter the way in which your chakra is held. And vice versa. Thereby fundamentally altering both of your souls, both of your personalities, and both of your lives. An example might be helpful. Say it is the Mars chakra which the couple decides to meld. Now they are both very dynamic and forceful people. Yet he is dynamic and forceful in a very gentle, very caring, very considerate way; whilst she is dynamic and forceful in a very steady, very measured, very step-by-step way. As a result of their melding chakras in this way his dynamism and forcefulness, whilst retaining its essential gentleness and caringness will also become more enduring, more steady. At the same time, her dynamism and forcefulness, whilst retaining its essential steadiness and measuredness, will also become more thoughtful towards others, more caring. It should be noted that any changes produced in this way do not necessarily have to be positive. If, for example, you merge Mars chakras with a partner who is very hostile and aggressive then these attributes will become a part of you. And while it is true that positivity and negativity are, technically, a question of how we interpret out experience of the reality, humans tend to be very consistent beings and there are some things which they will almost universally find difficult, painful and


unpleasant. How many people, for example, can honestly say that they enjoy sickness and poor health or that they dont enjoy love and affection? So use insight when choosing your sexual partner or partners and be careful who you choose to meld chakras with. There is another thing to consider. It is possible to reach the level of esoteric development where you just observe your thoughts and emotions, rather than: partake of them, become attached to them, pour energy into them, and take them outwards. That is to say, the level of development where you are aware of all your thoughts, emotions and desires, and how they come about (hint: theyre not caused by external factors, nor by your reaction to them. At most these things can act only as triggers). And are able to control your reaction to them and just observe them and learn from them. Or to put it another way, you are able to more or less control, or at least very greatly soften, the external manifestation of your karma, the form which it takes, if at all, and the extent to which it does so. This usually follows on from the attainment of Enlightenment due to the insight into the fundamental nature of karma and the increase in strength of the mindforce which comes about with Enlightenment. Once you have reached this level of development it is possible to use the technique of chakric melding not so much to change your life or your personality but rather to give you insight into the whole spectrum of approaches possible to the process of living. To give you actual personal internal, and if you wish external, experience of all these approaches. And hence of the advantages, disadvantages, pleasures and difficulties of it all. In short, it enables you to experientially understand all that human life consists of, all that it can be, from the earthly perspective. And to do so within a single lifetime. A useful tool indeed. Two final points need to be explicitly explained. Firstly, karma. Yes, melding chakras with your partner will cause you to take on a portion of the karmic patterning of your partners chakra. Each chakra has a particular karmic patterning to it: it is this which constitutes the way the chakra is held. Karmic particles then enter through your crown, filter down to the appropriate chakra and then go out into the world through that chakra, thereby taking that chakras patterning out into the world and hence bringing you your lifes experiences. If you meld chakras with your partner at a time when they have significant karmic energy within that chakra, then you will take on a portion of that karmic energy and hence also, for most people, a portion of the external manifestation of that karma. But do not fear karma. Karma is life, your personality is karma, your experiences are karma. Life is there to be experienced and enjoyed, to be lived. And karma does not have to be bad. Remember, it is responsible for all the good experiences that came into your life, as well as all the harder ones. And it is possible to change the underlying


patterning of your chakras, and hence the form of expression of the karmic particles through those chakras, and hence your life experience. How to do this? Change the way in which your chakras are held, change your basic attitude and approach to the areas of life governed by each chakra. One way to effectively do this is through meditation. Another way is through chakric melding. Secondly, the question of permanence. How permanent are the results of a chakric melding? In one way they are absolutely permanent because the memory of the particular, special way in which your partner held his or her chakra will always remain with you. In terms of the essential nature of your partners chakra affecting and changing the essential nature of your chakra, this is more or less open for you to decide. Youve melded chakras with your partner and you have fully understood, experientially, how your partner holds his or her chakra and the advantages and disadvantages of so doing. It is now up to you to decide to what extent to make this a part of your personality, to what extent to focus on it, pour energy into it and make it grow, or to what extent to continue to emphasize the way your chakra was held before the meld and so allow the effect of the meld to gradually recede and become just a memory. After one single chakric meld it will tend to do so over the space of about three weeks, though you can always call on the memory again and reinforce it should you wish to. If you continually meld the same chakra with your partner the nature of both your chakras will be fundamentally changed after between about 3 weeks and two months. This change will be as permanent as any such change can be and your chakra will have moved to a new form of basic resting state. To change it from this state if you desire to do so, you would have to work on changing it, through, for example, meditation. Just as you would have had to work to change the basic way in which your chakra was held before the melds. Further chakric melding with a different partner is, of course, also an option. In terms of any karmic energy which you might have absorbed from your partner, if such energy was present in his or her chakra at the time of the meld: any external experiences directly caused by such energy should have all occurred within about 3 months of the meld, though usually much, much sooner (a few weeks). This is because all such karmic energy is subject to a period of activation during which it is possible for it to fire, for it to happen. Once this period of activation is past, thats it, its over. The karma is dead after that point and can no longer fire in any way. And this period of activation never lasts for more than 3 months; normally it is much shorter. That is to say, I have never observed this active period to last longer than 3 months, nor do I know of any reason which might cause it to do so. The effects caused by the


external experiences which come about as a result of the firing of such karma is another matter. If, for example, the karmic particles youve absorbed fire and cause you to win the lottery or have a road accident, the effects of such events will reverberate in your life far beyond the occurrence of the events themselves. For such drastic events to be caused by the absorption of karmic particles from your partner is, however, more than extremely unlikely. And if it was going to occur to one of you anyway, why not share the burden or the good fortune, taking about half each? He or she is presumably the love of your life after all Finally, regarding changes to your personality, your physical form, your life experiences and your life conditions; bear in mind that such changes need work and focus on your part too to make them real, to solidify them. Chakric melding can cause you to understand such changes and how they can be brought about. It can give you the essential intuitive insight into the new way of being, the new way of living which is what is, esoterically, the most central, the most real, thing about any way of being or any way of living. And it can probably do so faster and more completely than any other technique or approach whatsoever. As well as taking care of those energetic, mystical factors which you cant really see and cant really consciously control, such as all those strange coincidences and convenient, timely meetings. But, just as is the case in life anyway, that which is contained within must still be brought outwards. You may through a chakric meld acquire the basic insight into what it is to be wealthy or beautiful but you will still have to do the necessary work to actually make yourself wealthy or beautiful. Or to put it another way, your chakric patternings may control the outline of your destiny, but it is up to you whether you fulfil that destiny or not. Chakric melding may be a powerful tool, but it is not magic. And you are still free and responsible for your own self and for your own life.

Chakric melding: the technique

Chakric melding is the name given to the merging and joining of one or more of your chakras with the corresponding one or more of your partners chakras. This results in there being, for the duration of the meld, not two separate chakras belonging to each partner, but one single larger chakra, shared by both partners. The technique then. The partners are in the later stages of lovemaking, when they have both had several orgasms and their energies are flowing freely. Their chakras are aligned, drawing in large amounts of energy. It doesnt much matter whether they are in a state of mutual full-body orgasm or not. Before they had started the sexual session they had both agreed to meld


their Venus chakras during the sexual session, when the time felt right. The time now feels right, so they both focus on their own Venus chakra, feeling it, its quality, the way it is held and also its connection to their partners Venus chakra. The bond between the two chakras, the energy movements between them, the way each chakra seems to be pulling its counterpart into itself. They continue to focus on these factors for a while, becoming more strongly aware of all of them as they do so. Then he extends his mindforce into her Venus chakra whilst also maintaining a relaxed awareness of his own Venus chakra. At the same time she does likewise. He focuses on her Venus chakra, its qualities, and its connection to his own Venus chakra and she focuses on his Venus chakra, its qualities, and its connection to her own Venus chakra. Then they both move their focused attention back to their own chakras whilst keeping a relaxed awareness of their partners chakra. As they do so they both intend the connection between their two chakras to strengthen and increase. It begins to do so and they feel their two chakras extending and expanding, growing in strength and power, as they reach out to meet their counterpart. As the chakras grow in this way, they increase in size to the extent that they begin to occupy the same physical space as each other. They might even begin to move into the space occupied by the chakras on either side of the Venus chakra, the Mars and Mercury chakras. This is nothing to worry about and doesnt seem to have any special effect provided that the focus remain on the Venus chakras. Dg. III-73: Expanding Venus chakras The energies of the two Venus chakras begin to mix and meld. You will notice that ordinarily a chakra has a small central core at which its essential nature is most easily and most forcefully held. Extending out from this central core, much like the Earth itself extends out from its core, is a more diffuse energetic field which has the same basic properties as the chakric core, but less forcefully so and in a less pure way. As the energies of the chakric-field-part of the Venus chakras begin to mix and meld, the two chakric cores connect and begin to exchange, mix and merge energies. As they do so, they too expand and reach out to meet their counterpart. Dg. III-74: The partners chakric cores connecting to each other By this stage your mindforce, your awareness will be in your partners body, in your partners Venus chakra and chakric core almost as much as it is in your own. You will feel your partners body and his or


her Venus chakra with all its qualities as much as you feel your own. Both partners then encourage the melding to continue and, using intention, they direct the two chakric cores to meld completely into one single core. Dg. III-75: Chakric melding level I At this point there will be just one Venus chakra with just one chakric core. Pay attention to this single chakra and feel its qualities. It should feel very much like a mixture of your Venus chakra with your partners Venus chakra, but somehow purer, somehow something more, something greater, something more complete. As the energy continues to be drawn in, using intention direct the chakric core to expand so that it occupies the entire chakric field. Dg. III-76: Chakric melding level II Once this is done the qualities of the melded Venus chakra will be felt very clearly, very forcefully in a very pure, distinct form. Also there will be a definite feeling of bliss and of extreme closeness to your partner. You will feel a deep, profound connection to your partner and the chakra itself may well begin to automatically pulsate. Stay in this state, enjoying the insights and sensations, for as long as you wish. When you are ready to finish the meld, do so slowly and gently. Gradually reverse the process, letting the core contract, separate into two separate ones, the chakric fields reduce in size, begin to separate and move into your two separate bodies and finally for the two chakras to disconnect and become two completely separate chakras, one in your body and one in your partners. Afterwards, pay attention to your Venus chakra and the ways in which it has changed and how it is now held. Also do likewise for your partners Venus chakra, just as she does with her own Venus chakra and with yours. As with melding the Venus chakra, so too with melding any other chakra, or with melding two or more chakras.

Orgasming as one within a melded chakra

Once you and your partner have fully melded one of your chakras (e.g. if youve melded your Venus chakras together) then, for the duration of that meld, within the area of that one chakra the sensory boundaries will dissolve and you will feel your partners body as much and as easily as your own. Consequently, within this area you will feel any orgasm as


much, or almost as much, within your partners body as within your own. It will truly feel and be as if you are orgasming as one, rather than as two separate entities merely orgasming at the same time. The way to induce, or begin to, orgasm in this way is to draw in more energy into the fully merged chakra. Very shortly the chakra will begin to pulsate: it will be continually drawing in energy to such an extent that it will also begin to emit energy in short, pulse-like bursts. Go with it and allow this to happen. This is one, solely energetic, form of orgasm at this level. Indeed, at this level, it tends to be the way in which most couples usually prefer to orgasm. You can however use intention to induce, or to allow to begin, more physical, muscular contractions which will tend to occur in time to the pulsing of the chakra. Should you choose to do so, be aware that these contractions can become very forceful and very intense indeed. So much so that you may wish to direct them to tone down a bit or stop altogether. In which case they will promptly do so. The melded orgasm is such a total, beautiful experience and set of sensations that it alone is a very good reason to be involved with a partner who you love and respect so deeply and so totally that you are willing to meld chakras with them on a regular, ongoing basis.

Clearing the effects of a melded chakra

Melding a chakra or chakras with your partner is not the same as the very transient effects of merely exchanging or mixing energies. When you meld chakras you are actually uniting a part of your soul with a part of her soul. Now, the karmic energy which you absorb from her chakra during the meld (i.e. the compulsion pushing you to think in a certain way, feel in a certain way, act in a certain way) will soon dissipate as it is used up, to be fully gone probably within a month or so. However, the memory of what her approach is to the lessons represented by the chakra which the two of you melded together will remain with you always. That is to say, if you melded Venus chakras then you will, ordinarily, carry around with you forever after a memory of her attitude to Venusian issues such as charm, elegance, ease, harmony and love. Now, that is fine if her insight into the life-lessons is more developed than yours and more useful to your lifepath than your own level of insight before the meld. If this is the case then you can simply focus on this memory of how to approach the Venus lesson, which will be held in your Venus chakra, and work/intend that it become your attitude to Venus issues as a whole. Definitely a very easy and a very fast short-cut to take in terms of esoteric development.


If however your attitude to Venus issues is more developed than your partners or more useful to your specific lifepath then obviously you will want to clear the memory of how that partner approached Venus issues from your chakric system. Now, the purer and the more developed that ones Venus chakra is (i.e. the greater your insight into the Venus lesson) the more powerful will that chakra be in you. So if your partner was objectively comparatively less developed in this area than you then the natural workings of the chakric system will, in time, clear your Venus chakra of any memory of the meld and its effects. However, you may wish to speed the process up, or it may be that you prefer your own approach to the Venus lesson after all and so wish to remove all traces of the memory acquired from your partners Venus chakra. The technique to do this is actually quite simple, precisely because it is quite advanced. Place your attention within your Venus chakra. Hold it there as you enter a state of meditation. Then hold the strong focus, have the strong intention, that your Venus chakra be cleared of any effects, memories and energies acquired as a result of the chakric meld. You will have to hold this focus for as much time and with as much strength of intent as was put into the original chakric meld in order for it to fully clear the chakra. Obviously, if you use a stronger force of intent (than was used to meld the chakra) then you will not have to hold the focus for as long as the chakric meld was held. And if you hold the focus for longer than the chakric meld was held for, then it is not necessary to use as strong an intention to achieve the desired effect. Whilst performing this technique maintain a detached awareness of the state your Venus chakra is in. Once you notice that it is completely clear then you can stop the technique in the certain knowledge that it has been effective. Another alternative is to simply meditate on the Venus chakra after the meld much as you did in the Balancing the Chakras section of The Foundation Practices. See what state it is in following the meld and learn what there is to be learnt. Then decide what state you wish, given your new insight, to hold your Venus chakra in and then using intent work on your Venus chakra so that it comes to be held in that state. At least while you are still starting out, youll probably have to repeat this technique a few times, reminding the Venus chakra precisely how you want it to hold itself, in order to make the change permanent.

The soulmerge: an introduction

Whilst a chakric meld usually involves the union of only one or two chakras, the soulmerge involves the union of the entire chakric


systems of the lovers. In terms of the created reality, you do literally become one, except on the physical plane. It produces the greatest feelings of closeness total union in fact and the deepest feelings of bliss. It also leads to everything that you are affecting and altering everything that your partner is, and vice versa. As such, it produces a linking of your life paths and your destinies, in this life and beyond. It is a highly enjoyable experience youll be walking around on a permanent high with a great big smile on your face and the world will seem like an amazing place for days, if not weeks, afterwards. But it is also a very profound and a very altering experience. Because of this it is probably a good idea not to enter into it too lightly. Esoterically, the big advantage of soulmerging is that the way in which each individual holds their chakras (in other words, the condition of each individuals soul), is the result of many lifetimes worth of experience and personal development on the basis of that experience. It is then possible for you to experience and understand the essential results, the fruits, of all that personal development in the space of a few hours. And so to come to a level of understanding that has taken your partner many lifetimes to develop. He or she meanwhile, will also gain the same from you. This highlights an important aspect of the sexual practice at ASPII: for the exchange to be equal, and so both the sexual practice and the relationship to be satisfying and rewarding for both partners, it is necessary that each have something to offer to their partner that is of value to that partner. Or to put it another way, the condition of your soul, the nature of your attitudes to, approaches to and insights into the fundamental areas of life experience must be developed to the extent that your partner values and appreciates them so much that he is willing to and desires to make them an integral part of his being. In like manner also, must the nature and condition of your partners soul satisfy you. If there is but little development, little insight and little perfection within your own soul then you will have but little to really offer your partner. He or she will learn but little from you and will progress but little as a result of his or her soulmerging practices with you. In such a case, it is unlikely that they will find the soulmerge with you either a very deep or a very altering experience. Even assuming that in such a case of uncomplimentarity you are able to produce a soulmerge at all. All the more reason to work on developing yourself to the extent that you have something of value, and perhaps something original, to offer to your partner or to your prospective partner. And then to ensure that your partner is at least close to being your equal. Finally, let us assume that you are with a partner who is your equal and that you have soulmerged with her on an ongoing basis for 2 or 3


months or so leading to a full understanding and integration into your being of all that she is and all that the condition of her soul has to offer. Would not the next step logically be to seek out a new partner so that you can learn from them in like fashion also? Not necessarily, for bear in mind that the condition of ones soul is not a static thing, it is an ongoing process. Each person is continually developing, continually evolving and probably with great speed if they are already at the level where they can effectively practice the advanced techniques contained within this book. As such, what you gain from a soulmerge with them today will be different to what you gained from a soulmerge with them last week or a month ago. And likewise also for them, in relation to what they gain from you. As such you are both continually evolving and progressing and then offering the results of this work to your partner, whilst also receiving the results of theirs. Thereby enabling the two of you together to progress with twice as great a scope, or twice as fast, as would be possible if each of you was going it alone. Not to mention that it is a rare thing to find a partner whose fundamental nature is so complementary to your fundamental nature that a deep connection automatically ensues and a deep soulmerge is easily possible. So when you do find it, recognize it, value it and try to sustain it 10 .

The soulmerge: the technique

It is possible to produce a soulmerge step-by-step by melding one chakra at a time, allowing each chakra that has been melded to remain so as you progress to the next one. However, it is easier, faster and feels more natural to work with all the chakras at the same time, melding them all simultaneously. This is the technique which we shall cover in detail now. The partners are in the deep stages of lovemaking, when they have both had several orgasms and the energies are flowing freely. They are in a face-to-face position with their torsos touching. Their chakras are aligned and connected, and their desire for physical movement is fairly limited. He releases his awareness and focuses it gently on all of his chakras simultaneously. Now, as in all that follows, she also does likewise. He feels his chakras, is gently aware of the nature of each of them, and also notices how they are all connected and how they interrelate. He feels the way that all of his chakras are connected to the corresponding chakras in his partner (e.g. Saturn to Saturn, Jupiter to
Dont get me wrong, Im not advocating or supporting monogamy, fidelity or, most of all, possessiveness and the desire to control and limit the freedom of your partner. Far from it. What I am saying is: try to fully appreciate a person of value when they come into your life. It is perfectly possible and wiser to do this whilst allowing them their freedom and maintaining your own.


Jupiter, etc.) as described in the section Chakric alignment. The way that all of his chakras seem to be drawn, feel to be pulled, towards their counterparts within his partners body. Whilst simultaneously his chakras also feel as if they are pulling, drawing her corresponding chakras into his body. He focuses on this sensation, this process, and gently encourages it to increase. Using intention, he directs his chakras to connect more deeply, more totally with his partners chakras. As they do so, they expand and begin to extend into her body as they join with her chakras. He allows his awareness to extend with them so that it is gently focused both within his body and within her body. She meanwhile has done likewise and so her chakras have also extended into his body, as has her awareness. Dg. III-77: The soulmerge: connected, expanded chakras They feel their chakric cores begin to connect, expand and be drawn to each other. Dg. III-78: The soulmerge: connecting chakric cores Using intention, they encourage or direct this process to continue and increase until the chakric cores have fused together and expanded to fill their entire chakric field. At this point their chakric systems have totally fused together to form one single, shared chakric system. Regarding the Moon chakra, it will tend to begin to fuse with your Sun chakra at the point when your Sun chakra begins to expand and merge with your partners Sun chakra. By the end of the process the Sun and Moon chakras of both partners will be fused together into one, single, slightly horizontally elongated (if youre sitting upright) chakra. Somewhat similarly will your Admeitus and Erechtheus chakras merge with your partners Admeitus and Erechtheus chakras to form one single, slightly horizontally elongated chakra. Dg. III-79: The soulmerge: united into one chakric system with expanded chakric cores Pause at this point and feel your joint natures flowing through yourself and through each other. Enjoy the sensations of union and closeness and the total insight and understanding which they give you of your partners nature, of her soul. Soon, you will probably feel these melded chakras pulling towards each other, extending into each other (e.g. Mars to Venus and Jupiter, Venus to Mars and Mercury). Allow this process to occur and, if necessary, gently encourage it to continue and


increase. As it does so, the whole chakric system will begin to fuse together until only one single, long, elongated chakra exists. This single, elongated chakra will be full of energy and will not only occupy the entire space of your bodies but also extend quite significantly beyond them into your auric fields 11 . Dg. III-80: The full soulmerge If it hasnt already done so, encourage this elongated chakra to extend all the way down to beyond the tips of your toes so that it encloses the whole of both of your bodies. As you continue to remain in this state, the single chakra, which is the fused essential nature of both your beings, will probably begin to draw in massive amounts of energy. If it doesnt, you can direct it to do so. As more and more energy is drawn in in this way the chakra will begin to pulsate with a regular rhythm. When the time comes when you wish to end the soulmerge, as with the single chakric meld, do so slowly and gently, working your way through all of the steps contained here in reverse. Afterwards, be aware of the changes which have occurred within your soul/chakric system and within the soul/chakric system of your partner. Also be aware of the new things which you have both learned, of the new insights and understandings which you have both acquired. And of the depth and the strength (and, if you can, the nature) of the connection which exists between you now.

Orgasming as One
Once you have taken things to the extent of the full soulmerge your joint soul will probably begin to expand and pulsate of its own accord. In the rare instance when it doesnt, it is useful to know how to induce it, and also to have foreknowledge of the exact nature of what will happen. The first point, which should be obvious by now and natural to you, is to just release your conscious control and let your body and your energies do what they want to do. You are, by now, very far from the

The aura is the energetic field which extends outwards beyond your physical body in all directions, usually for a distance of about 3 feet. During the high-energy environment of the ASP II practices you will probably be able to feel this aura in its entirety quite easily and strongly. At other times you will probably only feel it strongly to the extent that it contains a high level of energy. This can be as little as a limit of 2 or so out from the body. Even less for those people who do no energetic practices whatsoever. During sex, any sort of sex, your aura and its energies will tend to mix and merge with your partners aura and its energies. In this way you will both leave a lasting energetic imprint on each other for a few hours at least, but more likely for many days or more. This process can be greatly reduced, and almost prevented altogether, using intention. See the section Clearing the effects of mixed energies on p. for more details on this.


beginning levels of practice where the re-education of your bodies was necessary. Beyond that, the only thing that has to be done is to direct your joint soul to draw in more energy and, if necessary, to do so at a faster rate. This is accomplished using intention. This energy can be drawn into your joint soul either from outside inwards or from within the soul itself, as if from a deeper level, as explained at the end of the section The mutual full body orgasm. In practice, if you just go with it, it usually feels as if both these methods of energy being drawn in are occurring at the same time. Once there is a high enough level of energy within your joint soul, provided you let it, it will automatically begin to pulsate. More and more energy will flow into the joint soul causing it to expand and glow more brightly. It will reach a point when there is a tremendous amount of energy within the joint soul which feels almost as if it is too much to be contained within it. At this point a large amount of energy will be emitted outwards into the external universe from your joint soul in a short pulse-like burst, leading to a contraction of your joint soul due to the lower amount of energy now contained within it. This will be followed by a steady inflow, sometimes wavelike in nature, of energy from the external universe into your soul until your soul has expanded once again to the point where it emits the short, pulse-like burst. Dg. III-81: Orgasming as one: the orgasmic pulse This process will continue to a regular beat: the energy from your soul pulsing out into the universe and the energy from the universe moving into your soul. It does not tend to be a very fast, intense beat but rather a steadier, more gradual beat, albeit very powerful. But, as always, experiment and see for yourself what you come up with. Regarding physical contractions, these do often occur with this type of orgasm especially if you encourage them to. Unlike the physical contractions which occur within a single melded chakra (which are usually very strong and very intense, probably due to the concentrated nature of the focus in this case), the physical contractions which occur during a soulmerge are usually more subtle, more wave-like. They tend to take the form of a gentle contraction, or series of contractions, inwards to the very core of both of your beings as the energy flows in from the external universe, followed by a gentle contraction or series of contractions, outwards as the joint soul begins to come very close to the emission of the pulse of energy. The most intense and forceful of these outwards contractions will occur at the same time as this pulse-like emission. Whether the core of your being is located within you body, within your partners body, in both, or somewhere in between the two,


depends on where you choose to centre your focus. Once you have fully merged souls, it doesnt really matter where you centre your focus (or indeed whether you do so at all). You will feel just as comfortable and at home within your partners body as you are in your own. The full soulmerge and the accompanying process of orgasming as one is just about as deep and as total as sexual practice can get. It is very highly pleasurable, but not in any real conventional sense of the term. A very, very deep, very, very peaceful bliss might be a more accurate form of description. It does produce an altered state of consciousness, it is an altered state of consciousness. And, independent of its effects, the experience itself will leave you a changed person: So that is the nature of complete closeness, of true union, true yoga. You will have experienced a depth of union and a depth of peace and a depth of bliss which you have probably not ever touched before. And you will not be the same again for you will have understood, you will have personally experienced, that there is more to life than this physical plane. And that it is a deep, an ordered, a profound and a powerful more.

Controlling, modifying, limiting and preventing the soulmerge

In many ways this section represents a step downwards from the high of the previous two sections. It is included because this world that we live in is not always perfect and there are times when your partner, you yourself, your karma or your partners karma may be less than ideal, and consequently you would wish to hold back from a full soulmerge. Also because you may wish to produce specific effects using the soulmerge technique, by, for example strengthening your Venus chakra and its qualities over your partners Venus chakra and its qualities whilst also strengthening your partners Saturn chakra and its qualities over your own Saturn and its qualities. Thereby leading to the qualities of your Venus and of your partners Saturn chakra being more dominant in both your souls, personalities and lives than they were before the soulmerge. Preventing and limiting the soulmerge To start with then, the easiest way to prevent a soulmerge from happening, spontaneously for example, is to simply not use a position in which you are face to face with your torsos touching. This will prevent the necessary chakric alignment from taking place, thereby effectively precluding any possibility of a soulmerge occurring. It is still possible that individual chakras might spontaneously meld, especially your Saturn


chakras which, during sex, will always be in close enough physical proximity to meld in this way. More consciously, if you feel your chakras begin to expand and begin to connect with your partners chakras then focus on your chakras and, using intention, direct them to contract and to draw all of their energies within themselves, within your body. You can continue this contraction and closing up of your chakras until they are completely closed and no longer really drawing in or giving out energy to any significant extent. In such a state they cannot be affected to any real degree by your partners chakras or their energies. However, chakras do not really like to be completely closed it is not their natural state and it prevents them from fulfilling their function. As such it will probably need a continued focus for you to maintain them in this state. At all events, once the sexual session is over allow your chakras to open and function normally again, in order to prevent any undesirable energetic build-up or tension within your system. If necessary, focus on them one by one and gently encourage them to open up in this way, checking afterwards to make sure that they have done so. This technique is useful if, for one reason or another, for example personal preference, you are using a face-to-face, torsos touching position yet do not want to become close to your partner or allow what they are to have any real effect on you. Say, for example, because you are just having sex with them because its been a long time and you felt the need, but dont particularly like them as a person. Or if you are working as a prostitute and are with a client (and have yet to come to a full, Temple-of-Venus-like understanding of the true art and purpose of prostitution, its benefits and how it can be best mastered / perfected). This technique can also be used to close up one or several specific chakras rather than all of your chakras together. Bear in mind that you can close up your entire chakric system, or only specific chakras within it, not only to protect yourself but also to protect your partner from the nature of your chakras or from specific karma held within them, if need be. It is also possible, using the directed force of your mind, to push your partners energies and chakras, as well as their awareness or mindforce, out of your body. This could easily become a battle of wills however and if you do find yourself considering using this technique you really do have to question your wisdom as to your choice of partners and what exactly it is that you are doing with them anyway. Controlling and modifying the soulmerge More productively, it is possible to control the exact nature of the soulmerge in order to produce specific results. Say, for example, that the


condition of your Venus chakra is exceptionally good: very open, very loving, very powerful resulting in your being effortlessly at ease with people, internally tranquil, and happy with the nature of life. Your partners Venus chakra meanwhile is in nowhere near as good a condition. However her Mercury chakra is in a really superb state being strong, free-flowing and powerfully open resulting in her having a strong ability to communicate very easily and very effectively with people and also being able to think in a very clear, very logical, very step-by-step way. Whilst your Mercury chakra is in nowhere near as good a condition. In such an instance it would be advantageous to you both to soulmerge and during the soulmerge to add power and strength to your Venus chakra whilst also ensuring that her Venus chakra has but little power and strength to it. Thereby leading to the qualities and nature of your Venus overruling and dominating the qualities and nature of her Venus. Do similarly in the appropriate way to your Mercury chakras leading to the qualities and nature of her Mercury overruling and dominating the qualities and nature of your Mercury. Consequently leading, once the soulmerge is over, to the qualities and nature of your Venus being dominant in both your souls, personalities and lives and the qualities and nature of her Mercury being dominant in both your souls, personalities and lives. Now all of this will tend to happen naturally anyway to some extent because the more developed you are as a person in a particular area of life the more powerful will the energy of your chakra which corresponds to that area of life be. Much more powerful, normally, than a corresponding less developed, less mastered chakra in your partner (though there can, occasionally, for various reasons, be exceptions to this general rule). Consequently, your more mastered chakra will tend to naturally overrule your partners less mastered chakra. Nevertheless, it is useful to be able to strengthen and empower this process, both to make it more effective, and also to help you to become more conscious, more aware of the whole process. In practice, continuing the example given above, this is achieved by, starting at the very beginning of the soulmerge, when you have both just aligned your chakras, both of you focusing on your (the mans) Venus chakra, opening it up more, drawing more energy into it and making it more powerful. Continue doing this until the process can be left to continue on its own with just the barest amount of focus on it, as if in the back of your mind. More a gentle awareness than an actual focus. Then both transfer your focus to her Venus chakra and, whilst still keeping it completely open, draw energy out of it doing so through the back of her chakra, taking it right out of her body, exiting out through her back, and then out of the auric field to be dispersed and not reabsorbed. Continue to do so until it is at the bare


minimum size that it can assume and yet still remain fully open. At this point it should really feel very empty. Maintain a gentle awareness on her Venus chakra, ensuring it stays in this state and then both transfer your attentions to her Mercury chakra. Just as you strengthened your Venus and weakened her Venus, now strengthen her Mercury and weaken your Mercury. Then proceed to continue with the full soulmerge, except that your Venus will be much larger and stronger than her Venus (and so will contribute more to the nature of the melded, single Venus chakra) and her Mercury will be much larger and stronger than your Mercury (and so will contribute more to the nature of the melded, single Mercury chakra). Dg. III-82: Controlling and modifying the soulmerge Her Venus chakra will still affect your Venus chakra to some extent, just as your Mercury chakra will still affect her Mercury chakra to some extent. But they will do so to a greatly reduced degree. Afterwards, both of you pay attention to the nature of your souls, and especially to the nature of your Venus and Mercury chakras, to notice and understand the effects of this modified soulmerge. More simply, it is possible to achieve the same effects by simply intending that your Venus chakra and her Mercury chakra dominate during the soulmerge. This however does take greater focus, greater mastery, and a stronger force of mind. If you have these to a sufficient degree however, this technique is to be preferred because its simplicity makes it more effective: there are less intermediary factors involved to detract from the key intention and so to lessen the efficiency of operation of the mindforce. It is also possible to use the modified soulmerge technique to lessen the impact of any particularly difficult karma that is about to come through.

The purifying effect of the soulmerge

The process of soulmerging as a whole, but especially in its later stages of the fully joint single soul and the pulsating orgasm, will tend to purify both of your souls and all of your chakras. This occurs due to several things which tend to happen during the soulmerging process. Firstly, it is the nature of the more refined, the more mastered of your two corresponding chakras which will tend to dominate throughout the whole process, overruling the nature and qualities of the less refined, less mastered of these two corresponding chakras. Secondly, it is the cores of the chakras which will dominate during the later stages of the process and


the cores of the chakras are the purest, most refined part. Thirdly, the process of willingly sharing your partners karma will tend to reduce the overall burden of that karma, rather than merely redistributing it. Finally, the pulsing orgasm will tend to purify, refine and uplift your entire system and being. It is my belief that it is the combination of these purifying factors which leads to the feelings of deep bliss and great profundity characteristic of the soulmerge. It should be noted though that there is a limit to the purifying capacity of the soulmerge. Your imperfections will still have a marked effect on your partner, just as her imperfections will still have a marked effect on you. So at the end of the day the best solution would still seem to be for both you and your partner to work at becoming as developed and as perfect as you can be before entering into the soulmerge process. However, it is also possible to just say: Fuck it. I love this girl. Lets do it and see what happens. This is not really a very masterful approach. It is a very human approach though. And I do believe that there are definite advantages to always continuing to live your basic humanity, no matter what level of esoteric development you may have reached.

The soulmerge and astrology

It is possible to use astrology to gain foreknowledge of the effects of a soulmerge. And also, if necessary, to confirm and clarify those effects which your intuition feels but your conscious mind still suspects and is unsure of. Astrology though should be used but as a guide and a confirmation. Your opinions and assessments are still best based upon your intuition, your meditative internal experience and your external life experience. Rather than on any given external ideas or theories. Finally, unlike the rest of this book which is entirely self-contained, the astrological methods covered in this section cannot really be effectively understood or applied without some additional knowledge and experience. See the annotated bibliography at the back of this book for some recommendations on astrological texts. The Sun / Moon effect The most obvious effect of the soulmerge is that the man will take on the womans external nature whilst the woman will take on the mans internal nature. This happens anyway after about three months or so of a couple continually sharing the same bed whilst they sleep, whether they have deep sex, or indeed any sex at all really, during this time. The key factors with the soulmerge is that it does so faster and also, importantly,


more consciously. You are aware of what you are doing and of the effects it produces. Also you can, if you wish, control the process to some degree. To see this effect astrologically if you are a man, take your partners natal Sun and all aspects to that natal Sun and just place it in your natal chart as you would any other planet. That is to say it is not just her Sun in 15 Libra which you are placing in your own chart but her Sun in 15 Libra which is, for example, trine her Neptune and contraparallel her Mars. You see, all aspects to a planet will affect that planets nature at least as much as that planets sign placement, usually more. And a Sun which is trined to Neptune is as different to a Sun which is unaspected or trined to Pluto as a Sun in Aries is to a Sun in Pisces (more so in fact). At any rate, once you have placed your partners natal Sun (bearing in mind all aspects to that natal Sun) within your own chart then simply see how that Sun sits within your own natal chart i.e. what aspects it forms to your own natal planets. Then notice how the transiting planets aspect this new Sun within your chart, and what effects these bring into your life, your emotional state and your mental state. Compare this to the effects of the planets transiting your own natal Sun. Also bear in mind that the nature of the Sun in a chart affects the nature of all the other planets in the chart, in terms primarily of their external, out-in-the-world effect. Dg. III-83: The Sun effect on a mans natal chart: Humphrey Bogart (born on 23/1/1899) and Lauren Bacall (born on 16/9/1924) Likewise if you are a woman and you want to see this effect astrologically then simply take your partners natal Moon, and all aspects to that natal Moon, and just place it in your natal chart as you would any other planet. Then see how it sits within your own natal chart i.e. what aspects it makes to your own natal planets. The fact that it is the external nature of his partner that a man will take on, whilst it is the internal nature of her partner that a woman will take on, may help to explain why men tend to be more concerned with the more external qualities of prospective partners whilst women tend to be more concerned with the more internal qualities of prospective partners. For it is these aspects of their partners being that will affect them each the most. Of course, most people will tend to consider both sides of the equation, as indeed it is best to do, but the aforementioned bias will still remain. Finally, there remains the question of which will be the stronger, your own Sun/Moon or the Sun/Moon of your partner which you have placed in your chart? The best way to answer this question is of course to pay attention to the effects of both your own Sun/Moon and of your


partners Sun/Moon which you have placed in your chart; and then come to your own conclusions on the basis of that. Ordinarily, the effect of your partners Sun/Moon will tend only to exert a degree of influence wihin your own natal chart, not even coming close to overpowering the effect of your own natal Sun/Moon. This does, however, depend. If for example your natal Moon is unaspected whilst his natal Moon has three squares and four trines to it and is conjunct a midpoint then it is unlikely that your Moon will have the force necessary to dominate more than his Moon. So the best answer remains to try it and see for yourself. The wider effects When you soulmerge with your partner you take on at least a part of the nature of his or her chakras. This will produce tangible and noticeable effects in your life, both internally and externally. To see these effects astrologically simply take all of your partners natal planets, as they correspond to the chakras of the same name 12 , and place them in your own natal chart alongside your own natal planets. Alternatively, if you are using a computer programme, you can just get it to draw up a synastry chart. Then see how these planets sit within your natal chart: most importantly that means seeing what aspects they form to your own natal planets. Analyzing the effects of the soulmerge in this way can help you to very quickly see what extra characteristics and abilitities you will have acquired as a result of that soulmerge. Also, because twice the number of planets are involved (and so many more planetary aspects are created than you have when it is only your own natal planets that are a consideration), an important insight is revealed: soulmerging with a partner allows you both each to be more than either one of you could be on his or her own. Again the question remains, which effect will dominate: that of your own chakric energies or those acquired from your partner? Again, much depends on the specific natures of the individual partners, of their individual chakras and chakric energies, and how these energies fit into each partners soul. Astrologically, this is revealed by the condition of the natal planets within your partners chart and then how they sit within your own natal chart. In practice, if you and your partner are strongly complementary to each other, are very right for each other, then everything will work out well and you dont need the astrology to tell you this. Bear in mind that while astrology will give you some insight into the relative strengths and qualities of your respective chakras, it does not account for the greatly increased force within the soul which comes about

For example, Jupiter corresponds to the Jupiter chakra


as a result of esoteric development. Consequently, if one of the partners is very developed in this way it will easily outweigh any astrological indications of relative strengths. On the other hand, if this sort of inequality exists between the partners it is unlikely that the relationship will be rewarding for either partner or that it will occur in the first place. All the more reason to ensure that you are involved with an equal to whom you can truly give and from which you can truly receive. Finally, you will have noticed that when you placed your partners planets in your natal chart, it became a lot fuller and the whole picture became a lot more complicated. In theory it would be possible to go around soulmerging with several or more partners leading to a natal chart, not to mention a life and personality, so full of different qualities, forces and interrelationships that it would be very hard to maintain any sort of consistency, direction or order to it all. In practice, however, this is never the case. The chances are that in your entire life you will probably only meet with one or two, or at the outside possibly up to 3 or 4, people with whom you are willing to soulmerge, with whom it is even possible for you to effectively soulmerge. And all of these will be in some way strongly complementary to your essential nature and your life path and will have valuable things to teach you. There is, after all, an order and a purpose to life and the universe. Further, after about a year of separation from a partner all direct influences from their chakras and energies will tend to have faded. All that will be left are the memories and the experiences gained and any deep changes within your soul which you have decided to keep and make a part of you. And is this not after all part of the process of life itself and the ways in which we grow? Balancing your chakras and the softening of the natal chart Essentially what the natal chart will show are potentialities. One of the key factors affecting whether these potentialities will be harmonious or inharmonious (in other words, whether, in actuality, they will be felt as being positive or negative) is the relationship which exists between the chakras. Astrologically, this is revealed by the aspects which the planets form to each other. Now, the more you balance, the more you master, your chakras, the more harmonious will the relationship between them be. And consequently the more harmoniously will all your psychological urges and all the various areas of your life fit together. Astrology can be used to give you very clear and precise indications, conceptually, of what needs to be worked on. The way to do this is to realize that certain of the astrological aspects essentially reflect the natures of the planets which correspond to the main chakras. For example, the square has the essential nature of the planet Mars. Consequently, if you increase the extent to


which your Mars chakra is balanced, if you master more fully the areas of life governed by the Mars chakra, then all of the squares in your chart will automatically soften to reflect this change. An example might be helpful. Let us say that in your natal chart Jupiter is tightly squared Saturn. Dg. III-84: Natal chart with Jupiter tightly squared Saturn: Angelina Jolie, born 4th June 1975, 9:09 am, Los Angeles, USA. For simplicitys sake well assume that your Jupiter chakra is very balanced whilst your Mars and Saturn chakras still need a lot of work; also well ignore any considerations of sign or house placement. Now Saturn squaring your Jupiter will tend to make you feel as if rules and restrictions are actively, aggressively limiting you in a very hostile sort of way, as if they are personally against you. This form of limitation will apply especially to your desires and attempts to enjoy life, to be exuberantly optimistic about it all, and to live in the moment. And indeed, more externally, your life will reflect this internal patterning and you will have problems with people in authority who use that authority to limit others such as judges, civil servants, perhaps some bosses, some schoolteachers, some policemen, etc. On the other hand, with Jupiter squaring your Saturn your inclination to expansively enjoy life and always looking on the bright side of things will lead to you being hostilely opposed to undertaking any sort of ordered, systematic work and your tending not to have sufficient patience or sufficient of an eye to the future to undertake this sort of work. You then spend some time in meditation and succeed in very significantly changing the way in which your Mars chakra is held, making it far more balanced. As a consequence you will no longer feel that rules, restrictions and the corresponding sorts of people limit and restrict you in a hostile, aggressive way. You will no longer feel that they are against you, are opposed to you. Or to your way of living exuberantly, expansively, optimistically and in the moment. And indeed in your external life they wont oppose you in this way anymore, though they might still restrict you in a more detached, routine sort of way. Still, this is much easier to cope with than focused opposition and aggression. And, on the other hand, you will no longer be hostilely opposed to hard, systematic work. Indeed, you might even undertake it in an energetic, dynamic sort of way, enjoying it as you do so and being optimistic about the results. You might even get to the stage where you realize that the best and most useful expression of the Jupiter squared Saturn natal aspect is to work in precisely such an ordered, systematic, optimistic way focussing this work into those areas where it will cause you to actually


overcome, remove and perhaps even destroy all restrictions which have been placed upon you or which life and others attempt to place upon you. So you see, balancing your Mars chakra will have made your personality a lot less jagged, a lot more flowing, and the experiences which come into your life a lot easier to cope with. Or perhaps, depending upon the degree to which youve balanced and developed your Mars chakra, those experiences could even be actively enjoyable and pleasant in a very forcefully substantial sort of way. As a consequence, you will be a happier, more tranquil, more satisfied person. And all from the balancing of one single chakra. Imagine what would happen if you worked on balancing them all! To help you foresee, astrologically, some of the effects that this would have, here is a list of the planets as equated to the aspects which reflect their nature. Chakra Admeitus Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Erechtheus Aspect Conjunct Semisextile Sextile Square Trine Quicunx Opposition Degrees 0 30 60 90 120 150 180

Do note that, except for the conjunction and the opposition which are seperated as shown above, all other aspects can express the nature of either or both of the lighter and the deeper of the chakric levels of the chakra to which they correspond. Hence the square, for example, can embody / express the Mars and / or the Pluto lesson of existence. For more on the deeper chakric levels see the section The deeper chakric levels in Scroll IV on p . Bear in mind that astrologers classification of aspects as harmonious or inharmonious are general rules and so do not always specifically hold at least in terms of your natal chart where it is your own degree of internal balance that determines a specific aspects effect. In terms of transits-to-transits, transits-to-natal, electional astrology and the like it is the degree of mastery over lifes 12 lessons attained by consciousness on the Earth as a whole that determines specific aspects specific effects; and in this case traditional astrologys classifications do, in most cases, tend to have more validity. For example, in terms of natal astrology, the trine is normally classed as the most harmonious of aspects, yet if your Jupiter chakra is in a very bad state, you probably wouldnt think so to notice the effects of the trines within your natal chart on your


life. This is because, while in any aspectual relationship between two planets one planet will reveal what is done and the other planet will reveal the field in which it is done (and vice versa also) it will be the aspect between the planets which will determine the way in which that which is done is done. And the way in which you do things is very central to how pleasant or enjoyable the experience is for you. Generally though aspects which correspond to the enjoyable chakras of Jupiter, Venus and Admeitus / Erechtheus will be felt as far more pleasant than aspects which correspond to the hard work chakras of Saturn, Mars and Mercury. And indeed in most people the pleasantchakras are more balanced than the unpleasant ones. Although for some people the very drastic, direct workings of the Erechtheus chakra, and so too of the oppositions within their natal charts, will not be something they are comfortable with or can appreciate and enjoy due to the strong desire for ease, consistency and lack of change which they maintain in their lives. At any rate the natal chart can be used to go through the various planets and clearly see the relationship between them and so between the corresponding chakras and areas of your life/personality. And then you can use this clarity to help you know which chakras to direct focused attention to in order to balance them most swiftly. Thereby leading you to being able to enter the soulmerge process in a far more balanced, developed state. Whatever traditional astrological theory may say. What it is important to realize is that that which is set is the geometric relationship between the forces operating in your natal chart, in your personality, in your life (i.e. the planets aspectual relationships to each other). That which can be quite easily changed is the degree of refinement of the forces operating within the context of this relationship 13 . (Or to put it more accurately, and much more mystically, the exact nature of your expression of the forces, of the way in which you access them, can be quite easily changed.) These forces are not, of themselves, negative or positive. It is only the degree of mastery contained within your attitude towards them that makes you experience them as negative or positive with negative or positive effects. Due to your meditation on your chakras at the level of The Foundation Practices it should by now be experientially clear to you that there is no such thing as a chakra which is essentially, of itself, negative producing negative effects. That depends on how it is held and your specific attitudes to the area that it governs. On the basis of this, the conclusion that there is no such thing as an essentially negative planet follows. The same holds true
In fact, the nature of the geometric relationship itself can also be changed, but this is more difficult to do, and further there is no real need to do so. Provided the forces which are operating within its context are balanced, the geometric relationship itself will help you to walk your path in this lifetime, and to do so harmoniously and with pleasure.


for astrological signs and houses also, but I shall not go into the basis for this here because this is not, after all, an astrological text. For now, just realize that whilst for most people astrology insightfully practiced can produce very accurate, very predictable, very standard results, once you begin to work esoterically at a deep level 14 all rules become merely guidelines which you can bend, control and play with to very significant extents. At this point, they begin to serve you rather than you serving them.

Going for conception after a tantric session

Conception essentially involves three aspects: the physical side of things, the soul side of things and the Spirit side of things. All three can be affected by your focus and intent and will be affected by your level of esoteric development and self-mastery. Physically, its a question of developing your awareness to such an extent that your DNA itself, and so the codings held in your sperm or eggs, changes. This side of it all is a little advanced and esoteric and also likely to induce incredulity in those who still arrive at their conclusions on the basis of societal opinion and so we wont really go into it here. Suffice to say that put together all the information youve been given in this book regarding meditation and the nature of the reality, and meditate a little on it all, and you should quite easily be able to figure out what needs to be done to attain results in this area. The soul side of things basically relates to exactly how the chakras will be held in the child which is conceived. Now, the soul which incarnates into that child will fetch its own patternings and proclivities through with it. But you can go about the conception process in such a way as to give that incarnating soul strong abilities and exceptionally clear expression in the areas governed by one or more chakras. Thereby enabling him to fetch his own patternings regarding those one or more chakras into physical incarnation in the strongest, purest way possible. This soul side of things is best left to the man to control and direct. This is because it is only really the woman who can control and direct the Spirit side of things. And it is the Spirit side of things which is more important, relating as it does to the very core of the being of the child which will be conceived. In terms of the Spirit side of things what you want to do is to connect to the higher planes of the reality in such a way that the incarnating entitys Spirit can come into the earth life in the clearest, purest, most total way possible. And it is only the woman who can connect to the higher planes in the way necessary to allow this.

Which incidentally, in case you didnt realize, is what we are doing at the level of ASP II!


Finally, it is worth noting that although it is the woman who establishes the necessary connections between the physical and the higher aspects of the reality which allow an entity to incarnate into the physical reality, which actual entity does incarnate unto the couple is usually determined karmically rather than by the sort of connection to the higher planes of the reality which is established during the process of conception. And these karmic factors may mean that the incarnating soul is incarnating more to the mother or more to the father or about equally to both members of the couple (though this latter instance is somewhat rarer). At any rate, let us now turn to what exactly is involved in terms of technique, first for the man and then for the woman. Men and conception If aiming to conceive a child the optimal way of going about the whole ejaculatory process is a little more involved than when you ejaculate just for the pleasure of it, or for any other purpose. If you wish your child to have specific attributes and abilities then you can flow all of the sexual energy which has accumulated within you over the course of the preceding tantric session into one of your chakras first prior to flowing it down to your genitals. Hold that energy there for long enough for it to be completely permeated by the nature of that chakra in its pure, perfect, up-on-the-causal state as opposed to how that chakra is held in you specifically. Whilst you are holding that energy within that chakra you may wish to make the process more potent by adding your intent to it viz. that the sexual energy absorb the qualities of that chakra. Further, the process is more potent still if you perform it with a chakra which youve melded to the corresponding chakra in your partner (see the section Chakric melding on p. for more information on this). Once youre satisfied that the sexual energy has sufficiently absorbed the qualities of that chakra then you can repeat the process at another chakra or proceed directly to flowing the energy down to the genitals. Any child you have as a result of the subsequent ejaculation will be strongly influenced by, or blessed with, the attributes of the charka whose qualities the sexual energy absorbed. You can also do a full soulmerge prior to flowing the sexual energy down to the genital region. In which case any resultant child would be able to clearly and strongly draw on the attributes of all the chakras. Now many would consider all of this to be playing with the natural order of things but the natural order of things works its will through whatever you do so I would consider such objections to be representative of an understanding which operates only on one level. But whatever. The choice as to whether you use the techniques presented here or not remains yours; the important thing I think is to be aware of


what you are doing, to know that the qualities of your sexual energy will have a marked effect on any child which results and, most importantly, to know that you have a choice as to what qualities your sexual energy will bear. At any rate, when youve got your sexual energy in the state that you want it, then flow it all down to your genital region whilst you are still quite a way from the point of ejaculatory inevitability. From there flow a portion of it out into your penis and from there out into your partners vagina and up into her womb. Use this strand of sexual energy to connect the sexual energy within you (with all its specific, imbued qualities) to the sexual energy within her womb (uterus). Hold this connection for a few minutes, letting the energy in her womb know what is coming, what to expect and so preparing her womb to receive it. All the while maintain the stimulation using slow, gentle thrusts (unless such a thrusting pattern is not quite appropriate to the qualities youve imbued your sexual energy with). Then when the connection is strongly established and the time feels right, ejaculate flowing all of your accumulated sexual energy out into your partner along with your semen; out into her vagina and then further up into her womb. Once youve ejaculated remain inside your partner for a good long time continuing to flow whatever accumulated sexual energy remains within you out into your partner whilst the energetic outpouring phase following ejaculation takes place. Withdraw from your partner once the switch occurs, or just before, and your body begins to draw in energy once more to replace that lost in the ejaculation. Then hold your partner and show her tenderness. You have after all just given a soul a very special opportunity to incarnate together. Women and conception The advantage of going for conception after a long-lasting, deep, highly orgasmic tantric session is that your energetic structures will be very open and so youll be very connected to the external universe. Specifically youll be connected both to Heaven and to Earth. And not just through your feet, perineal region and crown but through your whole being. It is this connection which allows that which is in Heaven (a specific soul) to come to Earth (incarnate) through you (as your child). Even during ordinary sex you will connect to both Heaven and Earth to some degree, probably just sufficiently to allow the esoteric side of the process of conception to take place. The advantage of making that connection as strong as possible is that the stronger and more open it is the greater the extent to which the incarnating souls essential nature can come through and also the greater the extent to which that essential nature


can be expressed in his Earth life. Provided, that is, that you go about it all in the right way. The thing to realize is that though which soul will actually incarnate into you is usually determined karmically, which parts of his being will be emphasized in his Earth life will be strongly influenced by which part of Heaven you connect to. Heaven is not just a homogenous place up there. It is in fact composed of many different worlds, or planes, each of which have their own specific characteristics. Weve already talked about the astral and causal planes, the plane immediately above the physical (astral) and the one above that (causal) respectively. This is the Heaven that most women connect to during the process of conception. There are, however, also the spiritual planes above the Great Void. Dg. III-85: The created reality The three planes above the Great Void are called the spiritual planes because it is from one of them that your Spirit, and (nearly) all Spirits, originate. Your Spirit is your deepest, most essential nature, the deepest part of you, the part of God within you. The term soul technically refers to your character on all its levels, your memory track containing all your insights, proclivities, desires, fears and thoughts. The soul is, technically speaking, a series of coverings or sheaths over your Spirit which your Spirit acquires as it moves through the three lower planes of mind and matter (physical, astral, causal). The undesirable thing about connecting to the astral and/or the causal when going for conception (as opposed to one of the three spiritual planes) is that doing so allows for the less essential parts of the incarnating entitys being (various aspects of his soul) to come into incarnation more strongly than the more essential aspect of that entitys being (his Spirit). In practical terms this will tend to result in his being and life flowing less and his desires and aims being harder for him to attain as the obstruction (various aspects of his soul) to the expression of his essential nature (the nature of his Spirit) come into the Earth life more strongly than his essential nature at the time of conception. As a result he will tend to think, feel and act from more superficial levels of his being rather than from his core and so all his actions, feelings and thoughts will have less force behind them and less clarity within them than could have been the case had the way in which he was conceived been different. The recommendation then to you is to connect to one of the spiritual planes with the entirety of your being prior to your partner ejaculating within you and preferably also for a good while afterwards. The technique is quite simple. Towards the end of a powerful tantric


session during which you have had many deep orgasms, enter a meditative state at your 3rd eye or at the centre of your head. In the meditative quiet, focus on your energetic structure as a whole and see or feel what higher plane it is connecting to. Then direct it to connect to the higher plane of your choice. You can do this merely with intent, or by telling your energetic structure to connect to it, or by focusing on the higher plane yourself at your 3rd eye and fetching the energy from it through your 3rd eye into your body as a whole until a connection is established. At any rate, once the connection is established youll feel the nature of all your energies change to become closer to the nature of the plane to which you have just connected. When you feel or otherwise observe that this change has taken place then simply continue with the sexual session until your partner ejaculates, all the while maintaining a small part of your awareness on the connection between you and the higher plane you have chosen to connect to. The connection to the Earth will by now have happened of its own accord and does not need to be enhanced or altered in any way. Do note that what youre doing here is not establishing a gateway through which the incarnating soul /Spirit can enter you. It will have entered you long before the actual sexual session which results in the physical conception actually takes place. Nor are you causing a karmic thread to be created between the incarnating soul and the zygote. That karmic thread is already in place. What you are doing is causing that karmic thread to become wide open and strongly connected to the spiritual plane from which the incarnating souls Spirit originally came in this cycle of incarnations. That strong, wide-open connection can then be used later on in the process of conception / pregnancy by the incarnating entity to fetch his / her spiritual nature through into physical incarnation with great force, strength and clarity. If you dont get pregnant from this particular sexual session it is worth repeating the process in three weeks time. The incarnating soul usually enters the mother three weeks prior to physical conception in order to familiarize itself with its future mother and also so that physical incarnation is not too much of a shock for it. The incarnating soul does not, however, usually enter the developing foetus until between about the 9th and 12th weeks of pregnancy, as timed from the date of conception. Until then it usually spends most of its time rotating around, up and down, the mothers spinal axis. If during this period abortion or miscarriage occurs then the soul simply leaves the mothers body and returns to the higher planes to await another opportunity, or karmic obligation, to incarnate. Incidentally, the incarnating soul will usually enter your body via your Moon chakra. If you meditate and are internally aware it should be fairly obvious to notice when exactly this occurs.


Regarding one of the more technical, and also the most important, parts of the process, the spiritual plane which you connect to must be the specific spiritual plane from which the entity karmically tied to incarnate through you comes from. Otherwise hell derive little benefit from the whole process. You see, each spiritual plane, each aspect of God, has its own specific nature, and so Spirits which begin their journey into physical incarnation from that plane will partake of, will share, that planes specific nature. The nature of the first plane above the Great Void, Sach Kand, is pure love. The nature of the second plane above the Great Void, Alakh Lok, is best summed up as focused, effective action; it is a combination of courage, efficiency and determination. The third plane above the Great Void, Agam Lok, is best summed up as freedom; it is a combination of power and detachment. So yes, God is pure love, but only in one of his aspects. Now, most people in physical incarnation originally come from the love plane, Sach Kand. About 98% in fact. This is because all Sprits will project downwards from that plane in their first cycle of incarnation. It is (usually) only if they rejoin God, travel upwards to one of his higher aspects, and then decide to re-enter the process of physical incarnation for a second (or third or more) cycle of incarnations that it is possible for the Spirit of an incarnated entity to originate from somewhere other than the love plane. Usually therefore if you just connect to Sach Kand you should be fine. Its only if the Spirit seeking incarnation through you is from one of the higher aspects of God that your connecting to Sach Kand in this way wont really be of too much help to him and to his Earth life. Not that it will hinder him as your connecting to the astral or causal would. It just wont help him actively progress for it will relate to a lesson hes already fully learnt (viz. pure love). To be honest though, when the time comes youll probably just intuitively very strongly know which plane to connect to and will do so quite naturally. You can if you wish meditate on it beforehand to be clear and certain if you like. At any rate, meditate and experience the truth of it all for yourself. One thing to note though: the causal is not the top of the creation and the ruler of that plane, Kal (also known as Brahm), is not the highest god. Hes also a devious little fuck wholl try to deceive you to keep you bound in the three lower worlds as long as possible. The only way to clearly see his true nature is to look at him from above his position e.g. from Sach Kand. So during the process of conception your focus is best devoted to establishing a clear and strong connection to one of the higher spiritual planes as this is not something you can leave to your partner for men, unlike women, cannot normally connect to these higher planes during sex in the way necessary to the process of conception. Thst is the womans


role / function here. Regarding the various astral and causal connections relating to the chakras which are involved in the conception process and the correspondent mental, emotional and physical abilities which result leave that side of things to your partner. You can if you like allow him to fully control any chakric melding which might be necessary or useful too. In order to be clear and comfortable about the whole process it would probably be helpful for the two of you to talk it through beforehand and to meditate together on what will be involved. So, to summarize the whole process: you connect to Earth and a specific part of Heaven whilst your partner imbues the process with the necessary astral / causal chakric attributes. You will probably find that it all feels very deep and very profound but the real purpose of going about things in this way is to give your child the best start in life possible. And it is an endeavour in which I wish you all the best.

The three stages of sex / lovemaking

Any classification of sex / lovemaking into stages is somewhat artificial. It can, however, help you to understand the process, and the possibilities which are open to you, to a greater extent. But do not allow this classification, or any classifications for that matter, to bind and restrict you. Learn from them by all means and use them to the extent to which you find them helpful, yet do not take them to be ironclad rules which must be obeyed. Bearing this in mind then, the stages. Stage 1: quick, intense genital orgasms This stage occurs at the very beginning of sex when both partners want the pleasure of the intensity of genital orgasms, and quickly. It is characterised by its emphasis on more external forms of stimulation, such as forceful thrusting. It does serve a useful purpose in that it helps to get all the energies flowing freely and powerfully. Provided, that is, that you make sure that these orgasms do not result in energy loss, either by making them inwards and upwards in nature or, if you do choose to make them outwards in nature, directing that energy into your partner to increase his/her arousal and then drawing it back into yourself later. This very genital aspect of sex does have to be mastered before you can effectively progress to any of the deeper levels. Stage 2: Multiple orgasms and the build-up of energy


This stage usually follows on from stage 1, though you may choose to just begin the lovemaking process at this level. It is characterized by slower more sensuous movements and by its emphasis on more internal forms of stimulation such as muscular contractions, the more subtle thrusting techniques and energetic movements. Its purpose is the build up of a strong energetic charge and the formation of a powerful connection between the partners, which is achieved through the mutual multipleorgasmic process. These orgasms do not have to be limited to just the genital area they can also be spread out into the body as a whole. Further, they can be layered one on top of the other such as by having the continuous mutual full-body orgasm form the basic foundation and then during and at the same time as that also experiencing powerful genital orgasm. This more energetic, more sensually orgasmic aspect of sex does have to be mastered and then used to some extent for the partners to have the energetic charge necessary to allow them to progress to the deepest levels of lovemaking. Stage 3: The alignment of energies and the merging of souls A powerful energetic charge and a deep connection between the partners are necessary to allow lovemaking at this level. It is characterized by a minimum of conscious physical movement: most of the directed action at this level is energetic and most, if not all, of the physical movement is spontaneous and thought-free. The muscular contractions of orgasm will continue, and most likely deepen, though the degree to which they are consciously directed or produced will be limited. The purpose of lovemaking at this level is to produce a deep connection between the partners, to allow them both to learn from each other on a deep, esoteric level and to produce within them an altered, higher state of consciousness. This sort of lovemaking can, however, also be used for other purposes such as karmic exchange, energizing, healing, deep pleasure etc. Once you have attained this sort of depth to your lovemaking youre pretty much free to do whatever you like with it. This is always the result of any deep esoteric practice: freedom. And, therefore, personal responsibility.

Lovemaking: an example of sexual practice at ASP II

Just in case an example proves to be helpful


He looks at her and she feels the sexual desire in his glance. They go to the bedroom, undress and move to the bed. He kisses her once, tenderly, on the lips and then pushes his very strongly erect penis into her very wet and open vagina. Almost immediately they both begin to orgasm. They remain almost motionless in this state, in a man on top, face-to-face, torsos touching position with him fully inside her, for several minutes, enjoying the orgasms and allowing them to expand. At first the orgasms are localized to the genital area but as more energy is drawn in and the whole process begins to flow freely they direct the energies and the orgasm to spread throughout their whole bodies. It does so and soon they are in a state of continuous, mutual, full-body orgasm, with the energy level and the degree of connection between them increasing as the orgasm continues. Once the mutual full-body orgasm is well under way they then, as one, begin to thrust together. First quite gently but soon very forcefully and powerfully indeed. They are still in a face-to-face man on top position but now the man raises his torso upwards, supporting his weight on his hands, to facilitate the thrusting. And all the while the full-body orgasm is continuing, drawing in more and more energy and deepening the connection between them. The hard, forceful thrusting satisfies the more physical, animalistic sides of their natures. During it, their Saturn chakras spontaneously meld into one. They both focus on this melded Saturn chakra, deepening and empowering the meld, whilst also continuing the powerful, forceful thrusting. Soon, they both simultaneously come to an intense, powerful, explosive orgasm centred within their genitals and Saturn chakra. As this orgasm begins to die down they begin to slow down and reduce the force of their thrusting with the man lowering himself down until his torso is touching his partners torso and he is supporting some of his weight on his elbows. They feel their chakras connecting and pulling towards each other. They relax their conscious focus and gently encourage their chakras to reach out to each other, expand and begin to merge. As their chakras expand into each others bodies they allow their awareness to expand with them and flow into their partners body. By doing so, they begin to feel and become aware of their partners body and energies from the inside, as well as their own. As each feels his (or her) partners mindforce entering his (or her) own body he (or she) welcomes it with a smile. As one, they encourage the soulmerge to deepen. More energy is drawn in, the chakric cores expand, merge and finally all join to form one single chakra. Once they do so he is fully aware, in a relaxed loving sort of way of all that she is just as she, too, is fully aware in the same sort of way of all that he is. The backdrop to all of this is the mutual full-body orgasm which is still continuing but in a deeper, more


energetic way now with more powerful, yet softer energy movements and deeper, yet subtler muscular contractions. As their souls join to form one single soul massive amounts of energy begin to pour in from the external universe in a steady, gentle, yet immensely powerful sort of way. They both still maintain some awareness of their separate identities but this is far less strong than their sense of one single identity, of being one. They are aware as One, intend as One, feel as One. Soon the steady inpouring of energy from the universe causes their soul to expand and begin to pulsate. As it does so the One feels its physical bodies begin to orgasm in time to this energetic beat. They stay in this state, enjoying the peace, the purity and the profound depth of it all, for around 3 or 4 hours. During this time physical movement is quite limited perhaps a few gentle thrusts or muscular contractions every now and then. The physical aspect of the pulsating orgasm does, however, continue. At some point they then feel a gentle urge encouraging them to return closer to their more separate identities. They do so slowly, allowing the pulsing to stop, the individual chakras to begin to form again, reduce in size and then separate. As the chakras begin to separate into two separate sets and return to the two separate physical bodies, they allow their awareness to do so also. They remain motionless for a while, feeling themselves into their two separate bodies and accustomizing themselves to it. When they both feel ready the man withdraws his by now fairly soft penis from his partners vagina. They then hold each other with infinite tenderness, feeling and enjoying the full effects of the lovemaking session on them both.

Spirit joining
Your Spirit is the immortal, eternal part of you. It is the part of God within you, the spark from the flame, the drop from the ocean. It is almost exclusively, but not absolutely entirely, just pure awareness. When it is within your physical body the Spirit is located in the area of the Venus / heart chakra. It is possible during lovemaking to touch, merge and fully join Spirits with your partner. If and when you are ready to do so, the exact way in which it might be done will become evident to you. For now, just concentrate on mastering the techniques already given and on increasing your awareness.


Scroll IV: A Little Extra Insight

This final scroll is somewhat different from the preceding three scolls in that its main concern is not the communication of specific techniques. Rather the aim here is to broaden and deepen your esoteric knowledge in terms of the nature of yourself, of life and of how it all works. Specifically regarding areas which will affect, or which can be affected by, your sexual practice. As with the techniques, do not just accept what is written here straight off. Rather, try it, apply it, use your awareness and your intuition, and come to your own conclusions. I actively wish to avoid taking you and leading you by the hand. My aim is to give you enough of a start so that you can then set off on your own. Thereby finding your own path, your own insights, your own techniques and your own understanding. Progressing as you do so towards that final of all mystical goals freedom. Where you determine your emotions, your thoughts, your actions and the course of your existence (including the Earth life). Instead of having these things determined by external influences, groups, opinions, established systems and energies and by internal forces which you dont control yet not even beginning to be aware that this is so. And then wondering as to the reason why when your life does not go as you want it to and your experiences are hard. The information contained in this section will help to start you on that path towards greater awareness, self-responsibility and freedom, but only if you apply it and do the necessary work. Just reading it may be interesting but it wont on its own really get you anywhere.

1. The deeper aspect of the chakras

As well as the aspect to the chakras which was covered in the section The chakras: an introduction on p. , there is also a deeper aspect to them. This deeper aspect is essentially a more internal, more masterful way of approaching the same central areas of life with which the chakras deal in their lighter, less developed aspect. At the Sun/Moon chakric level these two aspects are held at opposite ends of the head rather than the deeper level being located within the lighter level and both of these chakric levels have already been covered. At the Admeitus level the two chakric levels are similarly separated: the Admeitus level being located at the point of the chin whilst the deeper aspects of this chakra the Erechtheus level is located towards the back of the head,


near the base of the skull. The Erechtheus level is covered in this section. Below the Admeitus / Erechtheus level though both the lighter and deeper aspects are contained within one chakra. Both the deeper and the lighter chakric aspects are active in everybody, affecting their lives and their personalities. But until you have mastered the lighter chakric levels your awareness of the deeper chakric levels themselves and their methods of approach will be very limited if not non-existent. Let alone any degree of control over them. Nevertheless, if you do begin to actively work at balancing and mastering the lighter aspect of the chakras it is possible to get to the stage where you can then proceed to the deeper aspect of the chakras with amazing rapidity. For this reason, and for the sake of completeness also, this deeper aspect of the chakras is covered here. Dg. IV-01: The deeper aspect of the chakras Uranus: Again relates to real, tangible, probably primarily physical-world, results. The key difference is speed. In contrast to its slow, limiting, painful operation at the Saturn aspect, at the deeper Uranus aspect this chakra is concerned with the very quick, almost sudden, production of real, tangible results. A production effected by the powerful and directed application of an inspirational sort of insight. As such, at this level the chakra has a strong sense of independence of thought and action about it, a strong sense of freedom. Practically you may know that you are, for the time being, in some ways limited, but because you can clearly see the method with which to overcome this limitation, you do not feel it in the (unpleasant) way characteristic of the Saturn aspect of this chakra. Neptune: Again relates to the enjoyment of life. The key difference is that it is a peaceful, internal enjoyment of life itself, a quiet appreciation of the forces of existence. In contrast to the very expansive, externally focused sort of enjoyment characteristic of this chakra at the Jupiter level. At this deeper level there is a tranquillity to it like the still depths of the ocean. You know, observe, notice, are aware and deeply, steadily, powerfully appreciate it all. There is also a flowing quality to the chakra at this level: a connected, interlinked, progression of continual change, much like the flow of life itself. You observe the changes and the forces at work and just enjoy the harmonious flow of it all. Pluto: Again relates to the way in which you produce results and make things happen. The key difference is that you make things happen not by


external action but by determining the deep, fundamental nature of your being, of your soul and then just allowing that to fetch the corresponding people and experiences into your life and personal progress into your being. Unlike in its Martian aspect, at the Plutonian level there is no forcefulness, no aggression, no focused determination to this chakra. There is no running around trying to fight against the order of things. Instead you are working with the order of things. And so at this level there is a deep, quiet, profound sense of powerful, unstoppable inevitability to this chakra. Apollo: Again relates to being in harmony and at ease with things. The key difference is that you are in harmony with and at ease within the natural order of things, the ways of the universe, rather than with the external conditions of your life as is the case at the Venus level of this chakra. Essentially, at the Apollo level, this chakra relates to taking the natural, ordered harmony of the universe, the creation and reflecting it in the self, making it a part of the self, living it. Unlike at the Venus level, at the Apollo level this chakra is not concerned with comfortable, easy, enjoyable external life conditions. Rather it is comfortable, easy, enjoyable internal conditions which concern it, the condition of your soul. Which, if it is in harmony with the laws of the universe and the nature and purpose of your Spirit, will cause you and your life to flow with great ease, comfort, harmony and beauty in a most enjoyable manner. At the Apollo level this chakra is very much concerned with the application of the understanding of the nature of elegance and beauty rather than the mere enjoyment and appreciation of elegance and beauty. You see and understand what produces elegance and beauty in the universe, in the natural world, you see the purpose for them, the reason behind them and so you aim to produce them in your self, in your soul and in your life. Finally, in its Apollo aspect this chakra is very much lighter and less forcefully powerful than the preceding three chakras in their deeper aspects. Nevertheless, through its unforceful, harmonious, elegant action this chakra has the capability to be immensely transformative throughout your entire being and life. Vulcan: Again relates to knowledge. The key difference is that at this level the chakra is concerned with the practical application of a very specific type of knowledge: knowledge of the natural, divine order of things, the laws of reality and creation. Rather than with just the acquisition of any type of knowledge, as is the case at the Mercury level. At the Vulcan level this chakra is concerned with the application of your knowledge of


the order of things to yourself, your life path and your actions. As such, what the Vulcan aspect essentially relates to is practical wisdom, wisdom practically applied. It is a very direct, very practical approach. You clearly see what needs to be done, you know how to do it and so you do it. There is a definite, effective minimalism to it: you will do what has to be done effectively and directly with no wasted action, with the minimum of work necessary. At the Vulcan level there is a quiet, steady confidence to this chakra. It lacks the compulsive nature of the Mercury aspect of this chakra which is driven to run around continually collecting knowledge much of which proves to be pointless. Also in contrast to the Mercury aspect, in its Vulcan aspect this chakra involves the communication of knowledge not so much through words but rather through the practical application of that knowledge, through the living of it. Erechtheus Again relates to combat and fighting. The key difference is that at this level, unlike at the Admeitus level, you are not fighting from within yourself as the ego personality with all the human frailty, fear, uncertainty and emotionality which that entails, but from within your Self as the entire creation itself. Action and intention at this level is characterized by the same sort of detachment and unstoppability as the flows of nature and the laws of the universe themselves. There is a high degree of detachment involved for you dont, emotionally or conceptually, really care whether you win or lose, live or die, at all. This contributes to making your mindstate (or, more accurately, your soulstate) at this level entirely uncompromising: you dont care whether you lose everything and so this frees you to fight in the most extreme way in order to attain your desired end. In other words there is no holding back out of fear and caution. There is at this level the ability to ride within the flows of nature, to control and direct them, and to bend the laws of probability to your will. It is not so much that you feel no fear but that fear itself does not even exist, does not even enter into consideration. In practice, action and intention from this level is vicious, extreme, unstoppable and yet controlled, detached and flowing. It is not action based on the frail superficiality of human morality (as at the Admeitus level) but on the necessity of the moment and on an inner freedom to embody the forces of nature, of the universe. That is probably the key to understanding the nature of the Erechtheus level: you address the problem, the obstacle in the most direct way possible i.e. without letting your ego personality and human concepts such as morality, restriction and fear get in your way.


The Sun/Moon chakric level remains the same as was described when going through the lighter aspect of the chakras. This is because the Sun/Moon chakric level is somewhat different to the other six chakric levels. The Sun/Moon chakric level has to do with understanding, with comprehension of the essential nature of things, of the natural, divine order of the universe, the creation and the form that this takes. And it is this understanding which allows you to move from functioning primarily at the lighter chakric levels to functioning primarily at the deeper chakric levels. It is for this reason that this change normally comes about following Enlightenment and the understanding thereby attained (though it does not necessarily come about following Enlightenment nor is it necessary to attain Enlightenment in order to move from functioning primarily at the lighter chakric levels to functioning primarily at the deeper chakric levels, though it is easier to do so if you have). Do note that excluding the Sun/Moon chakric level which is probably best viewed as the tool that you use to understand the other chakric levels you have six chakric levels with two aspects to each chakric level which gives you a total of 12 aspects. And so a total of 12 areas of life that must be mastered, 12 lessons that must be learnt. The way that these 12 lessons may be presented, the ways in which they appear in your life is almost infinitely variable but the lessons behind the experiences will always be these 12. Or to put it another way, the reason behind all the experiences in your life is to encourage you to move towards a greater mastery of one or more of these 12 basic lessons; and the exact form which your experiences will take is determined by your degree of mastery of these 12 basic lessons. Or to put this last in another way: by the exact way in which the 12 aspects of your chakras are held. What this means is that, although life may appear to be infinitely variable, there are, in fact, only 12 lessons to learn. Learn these and thats it, youve mastered life 15 . And then it all flows, becomes really easy, and living is a pleasure. Of course, it is much easier to learn these 12 lessons once you have a clear idea of what they actually are. And now you do. If you meditate on the chakras and their aspects you will have an even clearer idea for it will take the form of personal, experiential understanding. Do not be discouraged if its a little difficult at first to get to the deeper aspects of the chakras. You really do have to take your meditation much, much deeper in order to access these deeper aspects. Focus on the lighter aspects for a while, and on mastering them. Later, quite soon, youll be able to get some sort of impression of the nature of these deeper aspects which will, in time, become clearer and clearer.


Or at least life within the evolutionary context of this particular solar system.


On a different note, look at the difference between the way the chakras work when they are functioning at the deeper aspect and the way in which they work when they are functioning at the lighter aspect. To start with, at the deeper level the chakras are much more internally connected than at the lighter level. They work as a united whole rather than being balanced against each other (Saturn, Mars, Mercury vs. Jupiter, Venus, Admeitus). This reflects the overcoming, the transcendence, of the distinction between light and dark, positive and negative, pleasant and unpleasant which will have been necessary in order for you to move from living primarily at the lighter chakric level to living primarily at the deeper chakric level. At this deeper level, there is a depth, a stillness, a detachment and a peace which is entirely missing from the chakras lower aspects. In terms of your focus, your desires, your actions and the chakras effects, these will all probably be more internal when you are living primarily at this deeper chakric level, whereas these are all more external when you are living primarily at the lighter chakric level. Or, more accurately, at the deeper chakric level the flow will be from internal to external rather than from external to internal as is the case at the lighter chakric levels. Youll perceive the internal actions/changes necessary to attain a particular end / walk your path, and youll do them, thereby allowing the external results to follow from them. Rather than going through the external motions and thereby learning the required internal lessons. Of course, if youve reached a sufficiently high level of mastery you can, if you so choose, approach both chakric levels in the same way. To be living at the deeper chakric level it is necessary to have already pretty much mastered the lighter aspect of the chakras. Due to this mastery your life flows and is a lot easier. You possess greater clarity, greater tranquillity: youve seen the order of it all and understand how everything works, so you relax and appreciate (and use) the great harmony of it all in a far more masterful way. All of which are also characteristics of various of the deeper aspects of the chakras. That is why it is necessary to master the lighter aspect first after you have done so you are ready for the deeper aspect, you are in tune with it. Then, once you begin to work with this deeper aspect, along with this acceptance, this detachment also comes a greater power, a greater freedom to be what you want to be and do what you will. Essentially, the deeper aspect of the chakras is a much more masterful level. Finally bear in mind that when your focus does shift to this deeper chakric level if you then choose to simultaneously continue to live at the lighter chakric level also then life will be very enjoyable and a great deal of fun for you. After all, you will have already pretty much mastered this lighter level and it too is an essential, integral part of the human experience even once it has been


mastered. Too many people seem to forget this in their urge to go deeper, faster and so end up appearing to lose a great deal of their basic humanity and consequently drastically reducing the extent to which other people can comfortably relate to them.

2. A deeper insight into astrology

Astrology can be used to very accurately know yourself, your partner and the nature of the relationship between you, as well as its strengths and the areas in which you have to tread gently. Of course, all of this can also be clearly known through meditation and intuition, but many people do not have sufficient faith in themselves to trust in their intuition and instead base their behaviour and decisions on external ideas such as the prevailing social norms, friends opinions, experts advice etc. Unfortunately such external factors are usually of dubious wisdom and always present a biased, incomplete view of your own life, yourself, your partner and the relationship between the two of you. Whereas astrology properly practised can give you a very specific, accurate perspective of it all. Not that it should therefore be used as a replacement for meditation and intuition, but rather that it can be looked upon as an external confirmation of that intuitive meditative insight for those who need it, when they need it. As such, it will help you to have faith in yourself and your insights once you see that what you always suspected was the case between you and your lover really is the case and society, your advisers and the experts are all not completely right. The trouble though is that astrology, as it is currently generally known and practiced, is in a confused mess and so produces as much, if not more, inaccurate bullshit as it does spot-on insight. The purpose of this section is to show you how you can correct astrology as a science for yourself so that it is easy, accurate and to the point. The first thing to realize is that the central feature of astrology should be the planets. It is the planets which constitute/represent the 12 lessons of life, and your mastery of these 12 lessons is what constitutes the you of this lifetime: the fundamental nature of your personality, your body, your mind, your emotions, etc.; the state which they are all in and the abilities this gives you. The planets, therefore, and the relationships between them (planetary aspects), represent the essence and core of your being and so should form the essence and core of astrology. The zodiacal signs and the horoscopic houses are both merely indicative of how that essence is modified. The zodiacal signs will reveal how that essence is modified psychologically/emotionally in terms of your personality and psychological make-up. The best way to view


zodiacal signs is as a colouring added to the completed drawing given by the planetary aspects. The houses will reveal how that essence is felt to be expressed physically, in terms of your physical life conditions. Your actual physical life conditions will however be far more influenced by your planetary aspects than by anything that has to do with houses. To be honest, in terms of natal astrology, houses have little value or relevance (they are however relevant to relocational astrology). Nevertheless, the essence remains the same regardless of the manner (sign and house placement) in which it is modified. Indeed, the form of modification can be radically changed quite easily, for example, merely by changing the country in which you live (this branch of astrology is referred to as relocational astrology). Anyway, for those of you who are interested, the correct correspondences between the zodiacal signs and the planets is as follows: Cancer Capricorn Erechtheus Admeitus Mercury Vulcan Venus Apollo Mars Pluto Jupiter Neptune Saturn Uranus

Gemini Sagittarius Taurus Scorpio Aries Libra Leo Aquarius Virgo Pisces -

And it is a question of correspondences and not of rulerships. It is not that a particular planet rules a particular zodiacal sign. Technically, and more accurately, what it is is that a particular planet, and the astrological sign which corresponds to it, will both be manifestations at different levels of the same esoteric lesson. It is just that the planet will express this lesson in a direct way and with force, whilst the zodiacal sign will express this lesson in a more indirect way through the focusing of its energies in such a way as to modulate the expression of a planetary force. The traditional astrological concept of rulerships arose in the first place precisely because the expression of the esoteric lesson through a planet


was so much more powerful than the expression of that same lesson through a zodiacal sign placement. However, it is not the planet which actually rules or controls the zodiacal sign it corresponds to but the esoteric lesson which they are both expressions of that rules them both. It is probably due to the fact that traditional (and even present-day) astrologers did not know about the existence of all the relevant planets that they got the planetary/zodiacal sign correspondences a little muddled. As regards houses, they really are a too non-essential consideration for me to bother with them here. The crucial thing to realize is that, to be honest, the modulation of the expression of a particular planetary force does not really matter. It may be interesting to know and fun to play around with but that which is crucial is the lesson behind the expression and the degree of mastery which you have over it. It is this which will change your life because it will change your nature, it will change who, on a deeper level, you are. It is rather like being an actor: it does not matter so much whether you play Hamlet or King Lear nor whether you do so at one theatre or another. What does matter is how good, how skilled, how masterful an actor you are and how well you play the part. And so how much you enjoy playing it, how satisfying it is for you, and how much control you have over the whole process. Remember, you are not your personality, you are not your lifes experiences you are that central core of awareness which controls/determines these things. Your personality is just a tool that you use and like all tools you should keep it sharp and use it well but not become attached to it or dependent upon it. So, to state things explicitly: it does not really matter which zodiacal sign any planet (including the Sun) is in nor which house any planet is in. You can play with these factors quite easily using force of will (most useful in affecting planets sign placement) or by other more external means (most useful regarding planets placement by house). This can make your life different and in some ways easier or more successful, though this will probably be offset in other areas of your life. But to truly improve your life permanently and without any sideeffects you have to improve yourself and the key to this is meditating on the chakras guided, if necessary, by a good understanding of the planets and the relationships between them. To understand the planets as they affect you what you have to do is look at the geometrical relationship between the planets in your natal chart. Each 30 aspect (i.e. only the aspects listed on p. ) is indicative of a connection between the two, or more, planets and the lessons they


represent 16 . As such, each aspect will represent a special talent or ability which you have, or which you have the potential to very easily have. The exact nature of the talent so represented will depend on the planets involved in creating the aspect and on your degree of mastery of the lessons represented by the planets. At a deeper level, you can easily draw on all the talents represented by a particular aspect as you fully master the lessons of the planets involved and also realize that life is life and its all good for it is all God. For example, say you have Venus parallel to Pluto in your natal chart. This can mean: money (Venus) from big business (Pluto) or a powerful, compelling urge (Pluto) to make love (Venus) or a desire (Venus) for money and power (Pluto) or the ability to seduce (Venus) men of power (Pluto). And so on. It is really just a question of combining the symbolisms of the planets involved 17 . How you choose to manifest the aspect depends on you. Youll probably decide to focus on one specific area or another and then do the (little) work necessary to make it a physical reality. The thing is to make that choice consciously and to realize that you are free to change that choice at any time to one of the other abilities represented by that aspect. You can even if you wish embody within yourself, and so in your life, all of the possible manifestations of a particular natal aspect. What you cannot do is expect an aspect not to manifest in any way whatsoever in your life. It represents an interrelationship between the lessons of life which pushes you to learn both those lessons more totally and it will be expressed whether you want it to be or not. Far better then to decide for yourself how exactly it is expressed. This essentially is what living consciously, living masterfully consists of. You are free to choose what to be and how to live but it is easiest to be free in this way if you do so within the valid range of possibilities for your path in this lifetime, which consists of the lessons you are here to learn. And the lessons are learnt through the interrelationship between them. Thereby revealing the nature of progress: harmony, integration, unity. So that you yourself are one and consistent not a confused mess of conflicting desires, beliefs and actions. Similarly, in a relationship, what you are will relate to what your partner is, in a specific way, in order that the two of you can each learn specific lessons. Every experience and every person that comes into your life comes into it for a purpose and that purpose, mystically, is to teach you something. What exactly you are meant to teach each other can be
Actually there are some other geometrical relationships between the planets which are relevant also, but lets keep things simple here. The-multiples-of-30 aspects are by far the most important ones to focus upon at this stage. 17 For a good and accurate listing of the discovered planetsvarious symbolisms see the book Magi Astrology - the key to success in love and money (listed in the bibliography) or the website


seen by combining your two charts into one chart containing (at least in the near future) 24 planets, plus two Suns and two Moons and seeing what interaspects are created between your planets and your partners planets. It is clearest to see these if you use a zodiac-ring style chart i.e. one which does not contain any houses. Dg. IV-02: The combined chart showing those planets already discovered and all 120 interaspects for Madonna (born on 16/8/1958) and Guy Ritchie (born on 10/9/1968) How you both learn the lessons which you need to learn together is however entirely up to you. For example, say your Mars is trine to your partners Venus. This means that the lesson could be learnt by having: A desire (Venus) to fight (Mars) Or an aggressive (Mars) attitude towards money (Venus) Or having energetic (Mars) sex (Venus). The choice is yours, but it is evident that some ways of learning the lesson are generally easier and more pleasant than other ways, for most people. What astrology will do is clearly show you the possibilities and the possible dangers. You and your partner then have to be aware of these and take the appropriate decisions and actions. More technically, for any longitudinal (i.e. 30 aspect) to be valid (strongly evident) it has to be accurate within a 3 orb of influence. There are also declinational aspects (the parallel and contraparallel) which are valid within a 1 orb. However, longitudinally aspects between 3-6 of orb and declinationally aspects between 1-2 of orb can also be made to be valid. What such aspects usually represent are parts of your being which at one time were predominant in you, but which werent meant to really be a large part of your being or your path in this lifetime. Occasionally they represent abilities / lessons only partially learnt. In both cases the strengths of these aspects can be drawn upon should you wish to do so by focusing on the areas they represent and doing the slightly greater amount of work necessary to fetch them through. If you have such aspects it will still be very much easier to draw on the abilities they represent then it would be to draw on an ability represented by an aspect which you did not have. However, if you dont want such aspects to be a part of your life dont focus on them and then they wont really come into it, or into your being, in any significant or strongly noticeable way. (Unlike the tighter orb aspects which will). Regarding the lessons represented by the chakric levels of Apollo, Vulcan, Admeitus, Erechtheus and Aesclepius, there are in fact planets and planetoids in this solar system which are yet to be discovered (at least


by mainstream science) which astrologically have a nature corresponding to that of the chakric levels whose names they share. It should be realized that the details I have given in this book regarding the natures of the specific chakras are precisely that: descriptions of the natures of the specific chakras. They are not the symbolisms / meanings of the planets themselves though they are related to them in that the essential nature of the chakras in your body are exactly the same as the nature of the massive chakras up on the causal plane. It is these massive causal chakras which determine the nature, the symbolisms and meanings, of the planets. That is how the causal primarily affects the physical and why the movements of the planets affects the state and condition of your own chakras and your own life. The way to relate the meanings given here of the chakras to the symbolisms of the planets is to view the chakras natures as being the meanings behind the symbolism of the planets. An example would be helpful: Pluto the chakra deals with effecting dramatic change through determining the deepest levels of your being and then allowing the flow of life to fetch into your life conditions correspondent to this changed deep level of your being. Pluto the planet astrologically symbolizes big business, power and again dramatic change. When you set up a big business you are not running around doing all the tasks yourself. You are putting in place a system and then letting that system run on its own to fetch in the results with nothing but a little guidance from you. Because you are dealing with big business if you set it up skilfully and well it will fetch you good dramatic change lots of money and power; but if you set it up poorly it will fetch you bad dramatic change the loss of lots of money and power. Yet in both instances the esoteric lesson behind the physical-world experience is to realize the importance of setting up deep, important systems well, how to do so and to what extent to guide it once the system is in place (very little at all. Just make sure the clear focus is maintained). Finally, a note regarding free will. Astrology does not preclude free will. What it does do is reveal to you the pattern within which that free will is going to operate. As such the natal chart of a person can be viewed as a very accurate map of the ways in which that persons chakras will relate to each other. That is an important point so Ill repeat it: your natal chart is a graphic representation of how your own chakras spark between themselves. As already stated though you are free to decide for yourself in exactly what way a particular interplanetary or interchakric relationship manifests externally. You are free to decide for yourself how balanced or imbalanced your chakras are. Further, you are also free to decide for yourself the precise nature of the future karma which is expressed through your chakras. This point is explained more fully in the next section: The nature of karma, but for now it is enough to know


that it is one of the main reasons that 100 people born on the same day will live 100 very different lives. Being born on a particular day with its specific planetary geometry is analogously like being given a particular car with specific abilities. Now one day the car will be a Ferrari and another day the car will be a Landrover. The Ferrari you can use to drive fast along roads, get places quickly, pick up girls with, etc. The Landrover you can use to go off road, reach places few people ever explore, transport heavy loads with, etc. Depending on the day that you are born on you get, metaphorically, a Ferrari or a Landrover. However, where you drive that car to, what stops you make along the way, how fast you go and so on, all of these are factors that you decide for yourself. What you cannot do is change the Ferrari into a Landrover or vice versa. In other words the car that you have at your disposal to use does limit what you are able to do with it and so to an extent determines what sorts of things you do actually do with it. But where you drive it to, how fast you drive it there, how you drive and how hard you push the car given you all of these factors you are free to decide for yourself. Nevertheless, that having been said, all people born on the same day will all live their lives according to a preset timescale with specific types of things happening in their lives at specific, preset times. This does not mean that bad things have to happen and will happen at a specific time in your life. What it does mean is that at specific times in your life strong Venus karma will come through and at other times strong Saturn karma will come through. These times can be identified using the astrological tools of transits-to-transits, transits-to-natal and day-for-a-year progressions. However even though Saturn karma has to come through at some specific time it does not mean that it has to be negative. As you will recall Saturn deals with solidity and the heaviest energies in your body. Normally therefore in most people when Saturn activates it will release karmic energy dealing with such things as judgementalness, wishing others harm, pessimism, guilt and so on which of course will fetch very difficult and unpleasant experiences into your life. However, in its most balanced state, Saturn deals with solidity and the physical manifestation of the forces within your energetic system with the greatest weight behind them. So the solution to dealing with Saturn karma is to ensure that the heaviest energies within your body are still very positive and helpful. If you do this then when Saturn fires it will solidify positive things into your life with great force rather than solidifying negative things into it. So once again the advice is: balance and master your chakras, balance and master your chakras, balance and master your chakras.


3. The nature of karma

Karma is the most complex thing in the universe and there is nobody who understands it completely in all its facets, not even the entities who administer it. But just as you do not need to understand your body completely in all its detailed aspects in order to be able to learn how to swim, so too you dont need to understand karma completely in order to be able to soften it, de-energize it, redirect it and otherwise control it to your advantage. The basic insight which comes about at Enlightenment is that everybody is getting what theyre asking for. It is their thoughts and emotions, their desires and ideas which are fetching all of their external experiences into their lives 18 . All, including the hard ones. An example might be helpful. You think life is hard and difficult and so hard and difficult experiences come into your life. This in turn confirms you in your belief that life is hard and difficult, that belief gets stronger, and so harder and more difficult experiences come into your life. The whole process can soon get very circular 19 . The basic theory behind it is that, sooner or later, youll get fed up with being hit over the head in a more and more intense manner and so will change the way you do things, what you believe, what you desire, how you live. Thereby learning and progressing. Personally, I dont think its a particular good theory, especially as a basis for the universe, but I will say this for it: albeit it slowly, karma does work. It does, with a sure and certain inevitability, cause you to learn and evolve. And, when looked at from Gods higher, broader perspective there is a grand, beautiful harmony to it all. The problem is that, when looked at from the smaller, more limited human perspective this grand harmony seems to be entirely missing. It is as Buddha said: Ultimately, all suffering arises from wrong points of view. This probably doesnt really help you much though when youre crying over a broken heart or struggling to recover from a serious illness. It is useful then to work towards gaining some degree of control over the karmic process. Essentially you do this by controlling (not repressing) your thoughts, emotions and actions. As simple as that, yet this is the big esoteric secret to controlling your karma and hence your destiny and life. However, understanding the esoteric mechanisms involved will probably help you to better understand why such a simple
And the basic insight which comes about through living life is that you make what you want happen by doing what has to be done, by taking the necessary action. Think on how these two insights fit together. 19 The whole process, is, however far more subconscious than conscious. The key, then, is to become aware of the patterns within your subconscious mind. This can be achieved by meditating on the chakras.


solution works and how it does so, which in turn will help you to better control the karmic process. So then: Essentially what you have to know is that there are 12 types of karma corresponding to the 12 chakric aspects. Each type of karma is expressed through the chakra to which it corresponds. That is to say, when that karmas time to activate is due the energy associated with it will go out through the chakra in which it is held to draw to you the people and experiences necessary to fulfil your karma, and simultaneously to cause you to think/feel/say/do the things necessary to fulfil your karma. However, the karma itself is not the specific chakra it is associated with nor is it the way that specific chakra is held. The karma itself is a packet of energy particles very different from normal energy in that it cannot be directly affected or controlled using thought and intention. These karmic particles enter through your crown and are tuned to a specific chakra. After they have entered through your crown they will settle within that specific chakra doing very little other than weighing it down a bit until their time to activate comes. At this time energy will be emitted from that specific chakra to draw towards you the experiences necessary to fulfil your karma, and that energy will have the quality of both the state of balance of the specific chakra through which it is expressed and the nature of the karmic particles held within that chakra which are firing at that particular time. Now, the nature of the karmic particles will indeed be determined by what you thought/felt/did in the past, but also by what you think/feel/do in this very lifetime! In fact the majority of the karma of one lifetime is gone through in that very lifetime. Only a very small portion is carried over to be fed to you in future lifetimes, unless you generate so much heavy karma within one lifetime that the majority of it simply cant be fed to you in that same lifetime and so has to be stored up for future lifetimes. (There are only so many karmic particles that any chakra can hold; though the more open and developed a chakra is, the more the karmic particles it can hold). Usually what this amounts to is that, unless youre fetching very heavy karma over from past lives, the majority of what you go through in this lifetime will be a direct result of the karma which you yourself (as the present ego personality) generated in this very lifetime. So in other words, control what karma you generate in this lifetime in order to control your life conditions in this lifetime. Now, it was specifically stated above that karmic particles, unlike all other energies, cannot be directly controlled using thought and intention. What this means is that once a packet of karma has entered your system, thats it you cant change its essential nature in any way. However, you have to realize that that karma was created by your own thoughts, emotions and actions in the first place: these went out into the


world, reverberated up to the topmost planes and up to God, and then returned to you from God in the form of the karmic particles which entered through your crown. So you can control what the nature of the future karmic particles which enter your energetic system will be. You do this by simply controlling your thoughts, emotions and desires. Remember, what you think, emote and do happens (provided you do so with enough force for it to filter down to the physical). Further, you can have significant undesirable karma from a past life in a specific chakra yet you can overpower this undesirable karma by creating strong enough contradictory karma in this lifetime. For example, say in a previous lifetime you had an exceptionally strong desire to be rich and famous but never made it. This karma then comes through in this lifetime, yet now you want a quiet, simple life away from the public eye. Simply control your thoughts, emotions and actions so that youre not thinking, emoting, doing or saying anything that would contribute to further fame and fortune, but instead are thinking, emoting, doing and saying that which corresponds to your desire for a quiet, peaceful life. Looked at in this way karma is nothing more than self-evident common sense. There is a more esoteric dimension to it all but it is easiest to understand when viewed from this commonsense angle. The other way in which you can control the effect of karmic particles is this: all karma has to be expressed through the chakra to which it corresponds. There is no other way about it. As it does so it will of necessity take on the features and characteristics which correspond to the specific state of balance in which that chakra is held in you. So by changing the state of balance in which a specific chakra is held you will automatically change the effects of all future karma expressed through that chakra. Very quick, very easy and very effective. This is the big esoteric secret regarding control of your karma. It is especially effective because the state of balance of your chakras tend to, to a large part, determine the nature of your thoughts, emotions and actions. An example here would probably be helpful. Say in a past life as a mercenary soldier you used to kill women and children. For fun. Lots of them. Now that does not mean that in subsequent lifetimes you will keep coming back as a woman or a child to be killed many times over. Though this is indeed an outside possibility it would only really occur if you had not attained a greater degree of internal chakric balance in the meantime. Other possible scenarios include: you come back once as a woman and are killed by mercenary soldiers and so learn the lesson; you come back as a man whose beloved wife is killed by mercenary soldiers and so learn the lesson; or, if you really have progressed very significantly, you come back as a man who marries such a good wife that he then realizes that in no circumstances should you kill women for fun. And in fact all of these


scenarios have been played out at one time or another and are direct examples of the ways in which karma works and how people who start off in very similar ways can afterwards, due to their use of free will and discrimination, take very different paths. The point to realize in all of this is that karma is not retributive and God is not judgemental. Only mankind is judgemental and wants to punish, to make suffer those it deems as evil or wrongdoers. Karma, and indeed the whole physical universe, does not exist for the petty purpose of punishing people. It exists to teach and educate souls in their process of growth and maturation. And karma is the mechanism by which this is, primarily, achieved. To reiterate, to control and master your karma: I) control your thoughts, emotions and actions; II) balance your chakras. That way you are controlling both the content of your karma and the form it takes as a result of its expression. And of course you are simultaneously growing and maturing in a far quicker and more effective way than that allowed for by the karmic process.

4. The nature of beauty

One of the esoteric laws of the universe is: as above, so below; as within, so without. It is this law which is the basis of all astrology and most of mysticism. It is also the reason why meditation produces real, physical-world results. In terms of beauty what this amounts to is that if the internal state is beautiful then the external state will be beautiful. And if the internal state is not beautiful then the external state wont be beautiful either. Consequently, esoterically the insight is that you are able to determine the internal state to produce whatever external state you wish. So if you want to be externally truly, naturally beautiful work at making yourself internally beautiful. An immediate objection which might be raised is that there are in this world very many beautiful people who arent really very nice at all. This is indeed true for niceness has very little to do with beauty 20 . How nice a person you are has little bearing on your level of development. Niceness does not constitute even a minor part of any of the 12 life lessons. Nice people may well be pleasant, considerate and easy to get on with but niceness itself does not lead to internal progress nor is it the result of it. Remember, life consists not only of the ease and pleasantness of the Jupiter, Venus and Admeitus chakras but also the work and hardness of the Saturn, Mars and Mercury chakras. Niceness is,
Also, beauty relates far more to the nature of the deep soul than it does to the exact form of the thin patina of the external personality.


essentially, very incomplete. Not only that, but it has no achievement to it: its easy to be nice but its not going to get you anywhere and it is not, of itself, going to make your life easier for you. Come to realize that the world is not nice, God is not nice and the laws of existence are not nice. If there is a lesson you must learn you will learn it and life will keep on getting harder and harder for you until you do so with no regard as to whether this is pleasant, comfortable or nice for you whatsoever. The other big emotional / conceptual obstacle which many people have in this area is unwillingness to take full responsibility for all that they are. It is not my fault that I am ugly they will say, I was born this way / God created me in this way and there is nothing that I can do about it. The thing is God did not create you in this way. In terms of your physical body and your soul God did not create you at all. What God created was your Spirit and the system, the context, of this universe. You then entered this system and created yourself. And are still doing so. With every thought, every emotion and every action you are continually creating and recreating yourself. It is an ongoing process and you are free to do with it what you will (subject to the laws of the universe) whether you are aware of it or not. Of course, the more you take responsibility for yourself and the more aware you become, the greater the degree to which you can consciously control the process. In terms of what specific internal work must be undertaken in order to produce beauty, both internal and external, the chakra which has the greatest bearing on beauty is the Venus/Apollo Chakra, in both its aspects. Master and apply the lessons of this chakra in both its aspects and beauty will be the result 21 . However, because the essential lesson of the Apollo aspect of this chakra is the reflection of the harmony of the universe in the self, in practice mastery of all the chakras in both their aspects is involved. Though even if you master just the light chakric aspects the results will be very significant. To be even more specific, by far the greatest obstacle which most people need to overcome in this context is the lack of an open, loving, giving heart. Venus has a lot to do with loving yourself, loving life and loving your fellow human beings no matter their nature. Without this sort of easygoing, accepting, undemanding love any sort of beauty is very difficult indeed. Connected to this, because they tend to prevent it, are fear, suspicion, conditionality, judgementalness, self-righteousness (which is very closely related to judgementalness) and a desire to try to

Of course, it is also necessary to consider such things as diet, physical exercise and generally keeping the body fit, young, and healthy. But, think you that these actions do not form a part of the application/expression of mastery internally attained?



control other people, rather than just accepting them as they are 22 . But really all were doing here is approaching the same thing from a different angle. Fundamentally, just work towards loving unconditionally and all of these problems / imbalances will simply begin to just disappear. Finally, there is the question of how long it all takes. Well, how long does it take you to master your Venus / Apollo chakra? Regarding how long it takes for an internally established state of greater balance to manifest externally, the answer is: in some ways, instantaneously. Once it is firmly established as your new basic nature it will be immediately obvious to all in terms of the general feel about you / the atmosphere which surrounds you, the way the muscles of your face are held, the qualities evident in your eyes, your voice, your movements, etc. Regarding more physical factors, such as changes in your underlying bone structure, things will take a little longer. This is the physical world and it is subject to a time delay; changes to its basic form take a while. A complete, total change will have fully filtered through within 1-9 years, depending on the level at which the change is effected. For example, change produced on the astral, i.e. on the nature of your desires and how you handle them, will take a month before it begins to filter through to the physical world and three years before it affects the whole mind-body complex in the ways necessary to produce the physical change. A change on the causal, i.e. of your thought patterns, first has to filter down to the astral and then to the physical. Bear in mind that such changes once they are established on the higher planes will affect such things as how you behave, what you do, how you do it etc. Once they do filter down to the physical they wont only affect your physical form but also your physical life conditions things such as who you meet, what experiences come into your life, etc. The quickest way to effect physical change is to work on all levels at once: causal, astral and physical. That is to say: work on changing your thought patterns simultaneously with changing your needs and desires towards the same direction and also your physical wishes and actions towards the same direction. Thereby, even by the end of the first month the effects will be very noticeable 23 . Note that all of this also applies to changes in the opposite direction, towards greater ugliness. If you start off beautiful yet persist in small-hearted, limiting behaviour, views and approaches to life then this will with time manifest in your
Do note that all of these tendencies relate to the Saturn chakra. This reflects the fact that it is imbalance within the Saturn chakra which most limits the free operation and development of the Venus / Apollo chakra (and all the other chakras too for that matter). Hence the insight: it is necessary to master your Saturn chakra in order to be able to fully master your Venus / Apollo chakra. Its hard to appreciate, enjoy, be at ease within and in harmony with, the physical reality when you feel yourself to be (strongly) limited by it. 23 The reason that you dont see most peoples physical appearance altering rapidly within the course of one lifetime is that most people dont really change their basic nature by much within the course of one lifetime. Also, any changes which do occur are attributed by most people to the aging process.


physical form. And no amount of make-up or plastic surgery will be able to hide it. Evolution is not the invariable rule of life, devolution too is quite possible, and in some lifetimes you may well end up less developed overall than when you started. It is possible to objectively, honestly look at your physical form and see within it the areas in which you need to work as well as how your progress is going. However, due to the time delays involved this technique is best used only as a broad, general guideline. Your understanding is still best based on your intuition and your meditative experience.

5. Soulgroups, soulmates and twin flames24

A somewhat deep and esoteric subject, especially to throw you into raw, but Ill do my best as this is an area many people are interested in but unclear about. When a portion of Spirit leaves the Father to journey into the three lower worlds (physical, astral, causal) of mind and matter below the Great Void it does so as a large Group Soul. This Group Soul, once it reaches the top of the causal plane divides into 13 parts, each part reflecting a different aspect of the nature of the reality and so representing a different way of experiencing that reality. These 13 parts then each divide into two, one female part and one male part (or, more accurately, one part to reflect the female principle and one part to reflect the male principle). That makes a total of 26 parts. One soul sub-group (i.e. one male-female pair) remains in the causal world, sometimes journeying as low as the astral but never into the physical 25 . The remaining 24 parts (which together form the 12 male-female sub-groups) then journey into physical incarnation. Now, each Group Soul is learning one, and only one, overall lesson; usually this is something of huge scope or wide application such as the joy of service or acting strongly, independently and originally. And every single individual soul which originally came from that Group Soul and so will eventually rejoin it is also learning that one single Great Lesson. It is that lesson which will determine the overall direction of all his incarnations, the direction in which all his lifetimes are taking him, the deepest lesson behind all his experience in all his lifetimes. However each male-female sub-group will learn that lesson in a different way, from a different angle. And the male part of the subIn this section, in deference to common usage, I use the popular terminology rather than the technically accurate terminology used everywhere else in this book. If you want to be technical about it then in this section read Spirit for Soul e.g. Group Spirit instead of Group Soul, spiritmate instead of soulmate, etc. 25 This is because the 13th aspect of the nature of the reality does not exist within the physical world. It represents the union into one of the other 12 aspects. Also, this 13th part often does not separate into male-female aspects. Instead it just reflects those aspects within itself.


group will do so in a yang, male way whilst the female part of the subgroup will do so in a yin, female way. Thus, when all the individual souls come together and reform the Group Soul, that Group Soul will have understood its great lesson from each and every perspective possible within the created reality. Now, if you are male the female principle of your individual subgroup will be your twin flame (if you are female, it will be the male principle of your subgroup). The person who embodies this individual soul will be the person with whom it is possible for you to feel closest. And you will both understand each other totally and agree with each other on practically everything. This is because youre both learning the same lesson (Group Soul) in the same way (sub-group) just from a different perspective (male or female). Your twin flame is the incarnated entity whose nature is closest to your own, whose vibration is most like yours and so with whom it is possible to merge most totally. This is because, in all honesty, that which stops you merging totally with other people is that there will be aspects of their being, of who and what they are, that you, on a deep level, do not agree with. That you dont like, dont respect and cant see the point of. This is because you are two different people with different values, different hopes and different approaches. Hence what she is does not fit in perfectly with what you are. And ultimately this is because you are both learning a different Great Lesson in a different way. With your twin flame the situation is different. She is like a reflection of what you are and you are like a reflection of what she is. Everything which you value, everything which you respect, all the ways of doing things which you have decided are best, all of these will be embodied in your twin flame. It is almost as if you are the same person, just in different bodies and so more male or more female. A soulmate is a person whose soul comes from the same soul group as your own. You will both be learning the same Great Lesson, but in a different way. Nevertheless, there will be a great feeling of closeness and mutual respect between soulmates, as well as almost instantaneous affinity. Soulmates, unlike twin flames, can be of either sex. To be exact, usually of the 24 individual souls within the physical incarnation, 12 of them will be of the opposite sex to you and 11 will be the same sex as you. Whilst sex or a relationship with a soulmate will not be as total or as harmonious as sex (or a relationship) with your twin flame, it will still be very, very total and harmonious. You will both understand and respect each other and appreciate each others reasons for doing whatever you each decide to do. And the relationship will be deeper than any other that you have had because it will have the potential to be deeper as there will be a much greater similarity between what both of you are than will have been the case with your other involvements.


It is rare however for all the individual souls from one soul group to be in physical incarnation at the same time and it is rarer still for the ones within physical incarnation to be embodied on the same planet. That having been said, its not unusual for 4 or 5 soulmates all to be incarnated on one planet at the same time. Just dont expect to meet all 24! Further it is possible, but rare, for one individual soul to leave one soul group and remain separate or join another soul group. So you see, you really are free to choose your own path! Changing soul groups usually happens only when there is a strong connection between the lesson of your original soul group and the lesson of the soul group to which you change. One of the ways in which the actual change from one soul group to another can occur is through a deep love between two partners combined with profound sex. However, such a relationship is unlikely to be the most harmonious at least initially (and for initially here read many years at least) because you will both feel a very deep closeness to the other and will greatly respect a lot of what the other is but at the same time you will both be very aware of some very great differences between the two of you and what you each value, respect, strive for, etc. and also youll be aware (though more subconsciously than consciously) that if you proceed with the relationship, taking it deeper, then the threat you feel towards your presence in your particular soul group could well become a reality. However, in such instances, once the decision has been made and you are both part of the same soul group then such inharmonies will simply disappear. Now that the necessary background knowledge has been covered we can turn the question of real interest (for most people) in this area: how do you go about meeting your soulmate? The first thing to realize is that nothing in this life happens by chance or coincidence, (though it may well seem that way to the non-mystic) and that everything in life has a reason and a cause behind it. The second thing to realize is that, if you know how, you can control and determine those reasons and causes, thereby determining the effects that which happens in your life. And the third thing to realize is that opposites do not attract. Like draws unto like and each person draws unto himself others whose natures correspond to his own. Often more accurately this translates into: the part of your nature which is dominant at a particular time draws unto you another, the predominant part of whose nature at that time corresponds to yours. Hence two people may meet for no reason other than that they are both feeling horny that night. Such liaisons are usually short-lived unless the ego personality and emotional attachment gets in the way. And yet even in such instances you will know at a deep level of certainty the truth about the relationship and the limits as to what you can feel for each other


and offer each other. The difficult thing is being honest enough to admit it to yourself. So, the basic insight is that you draw your partner unto you by the nature of who you are, where who you are means the aspect of yourself that you focus most strongly upon and so give the most energy and force to. Now, the more developed that you become the less divisions you will have within yourself and the more like unto your core, your deep soul, will you become. Rather than being a person with many different aspects pulling in many different directions you will become a unified whole in which all the aspects unite and flow in the same direction. Usually, most souls within one soul group will develop in this way in time with one another (give or take a few hundred years). As this process of development continues there will come a time when the force of your soul is greater within your being than the force of your ego personality. At this point, your partner will be drawn unto you by your soul, rather than by your ego personality. This will result in your drawing a part of your soul (your Group Soul) unto you. In other words one (or more) of your soulmates (except your twin flame) will enter your life. You will be able to identify your soulmates by the feeling of deep and permanent closeness which will exist between the two of you and the automatic understanding that you will both have of each other and each others natures. So, to repeat, in order for your soulmates to enter your life you need to transcend the ego personality and be true to your souls purpose, become it. Or in other words, live your destiny. The situation regarding your twin flame is more demanding. Essentially the criteria are the same: become your soul more than your ego personality, and embody that which you are here to learn on the deepest level. However once you meet your twin flame, thats it you wont run around within the reality trying to understand things, get places, do things or grow. Youll feel complete and at peace and so wont have any reason to do any of these things. Therefore it is somewhat undesirable from your Group Souls point of view if you meet your twin flame without first having learnt all that you have to learn about your aspect of the lesson. And so the criteria to meet your twin flame is: get to the stage where you have learnt all that you have to learn about your aspect of the Great Lesson. In practice what this amounts to is being complete within yourself and completely self-sufficient, neither needing nor desiring of anything external. You see, your deepest driving force, in this lifetime and every other, has been to fully and completely learn your aspect of the Great Lesson. Once youve done that youll be completely complete within yourself and so will have no external desire


or need, not even that of meeting your twin flame 26 . And yet it is precisely at this point that your twin flame will enter your life. It is all somewhat paradoxical, not to mention frustrating and annoying to many. Nevertheless, there are solid reasons as to why it all works in this way. You see, when you do meet your twin flame you will both be so aligned to each other that you whole relationship will be completely harmonious and absolutely total. There will be no holding back anywhere because you will totally love, respect and agree with everything that she is, and she will totally, love, respect and agree with everything that you are. Incidentally, this will also make the sex fantastic as youll be able to go deeper than youve ever been and merge more totally than you ever have before with anyone else. The thing to understand though is that you are both so aligned to each other not so much because you both came from the same sub-group of the same Group Soul but rather because you have both done a lot of work on yourselves to align yourselves to the same thing, viz.: the same sub-group of the same Group Soul. (Though you may not have looked at your path from this perspective before). In relation to this there is one common error, prevalent in some circles, which must be corrected here. Aligning yourself to your subgroup of the Group Soul does not mean that you become androgynous in any way, shape or form whatsoever. All it means is that you understand the opposite aspect of your sub-group lesson. i.e. the yin to your yang. This is necessary because to fully understand the yang of anything you also have to understand the yin of that thing. For example, you cannot understand no-mind fully unless you also understand mind. But what were dealing with here is states of consciousness and yang leads to yin just as yin leads to yang. Yang is also contained within yin, just as yin is contained within yang. Dg. IV-03: Tai Chi The grand ultimate So you can understand the yin to your yang simply by going deep within your own yang itself. The point is that you are yang, not yin nor the union of yin and yang. For there to be any point to your meeting your twin flame there would have to be something for each of you to offer the other. And that something is the opposite polarity of each other. If you are androgynous, neutral, there would be no polarities to attract each other, no dance to be danced. What is required of you is to become complete in what you are, not to become complete in what you are not. And as you can see from the yin-yang symbol, the yang does, in a certain
Of course, you can get there the quick way by focussing on attaining a state of complete detachment in your meditation. This insight should help you to understand the nature of karma in a deeper, more esoteric way.


sense, have some yin within it and needs this yin to be complete within itself but it is most definitely firmly yang in nature. In fact, the classical yin / yang symbol is represented as it normally is in order to make a metaphorical / philosophical point (roughly that which has just been explained above). In actual reality there is no white dot in the black tadpole or black dot in the white tadpole. For you see, only by being definitely yang in this way is it able to complement the yin and dance with it (or vice versa). And how could it possibly be imagined that sex would ever be any fun with an androgene anyway?! Hence, to be blunt, if you are looking for your twin flame to make you happy, to make you feel good about yourself, to make you complete or to give you a sense of comfort and security then you wont find him (or her). And if you are in a relationship and demanding things from the relationship or from your partner then neither is your partner your twin flame nor will your twin flame come into your life until youve developed more. You demand from others only that which you yourself lack or are unsure of and from such a position of lack your twin flame will never enter your life. Nothing ever accrues to deficiency. It is from a position of abundance and completeness that you will attract your twin flame and that your twin flame will attract you and so you will both seek to give as you both overflow rather than both demanding and seeing what you can take from the other because you both lack and are deficient within yourselves. Or to put it perhaps more accurately, giving and taking will be the same thing for you will both in a very real way be the same thing and so you will feel no distinction as to who is giving and who is receiving or indeed between giving and receiving themselves. It will all simply be. Finally, it is worth nothing that because of how it all works you wont meet your twin flame until youre pretty much ready and able to leave the physical reality (or to remain within it only because you choose to do so). This is because, essentially what is necessary to meet your twin flame is to learn everything about your great lesson that you can within the physical dimension of reality. Hence the completeness and unity of being that is necessary to meet your twin flame. So, if you want to meet your twin flame the thing to do is to focus on mastering yourself and so also (thereby) mastering the physical reality. Running around looking for your twin flame wont get you anywhere and youll just waste time running in circles. And so, as usual, the fastest and surest way to external happiness, success and good things is internal progress. So meditate, meditate, meditate and live life as a meditation.


6. Love and its nature

At a very deep level all is one and there exists the realisation that you are a part of everything just as everything is a part of you. Or, more accurately, you are everything just as everything is you. At this deepest level love is equivalent to sameness, oneness, union. There is no difference between you and the universe, nor between you and God, nor between you and anybody else. Consequently you realise that there is no need to change yourself or others or to attach conditions to your love because you are one already. Love is not something to be attained, worked at, given or received; it just is, between you and everything and indeed between every part of the universe and every other part. Nor is this a temporary state since its very beginning and for as long as it continues to exist the nature of this universe will, at a very deep level (viz. that of the Sach Kand aspect of God), always be pure love. However, this level is quite esoteric and hard to grasp, harder still to apply and live in practice in this physical world. Nor, whilst the reality is separate within itself, would such an approach be a whole and complete way in which to live: there are other aspects to the Godhead other than pure love and mankinds function as it were is to express and develop these aspects of God in a variety of different ways through a variety of different combinations. 27 Nevertheless, whilst you probably wont choose to live your life solely as an expression of love in its purest sense, it is worthwhile experientially understanding the purest, deepest nature of love both for its own sake and also because every other form of love is just a more or a less dilute expression of love in this purest, deepest sense, often combined with a higher or a lower admixture of other concepts/emotions such as attachment, joy etc. The best way to fully understand loves deepest, purest nature is to meditate deeply on the nature of the Sach Kand aspect of God (see the section Going for conception after a tantric session for further details on the nature of the reality and the aspects of God). You will certainly find it a most blissful and illuminating experience. To repeat, love in its deepest, purest form is equivalent to sameness, oneness, union. At a less but still deep level love is equivalent to acceptance unconditionally given, i.e. without judgement of any sort. At this level a degree of separation exists as the love is given from one entity and received by another. Even if they both give to and receive from each other continuously and simultaneously still there persists the belief, the perception within themselves, that they are in some way separate to each
This indeed is the function (when viewed from the higher planes) of all the lower planes of creation below the Great Void and of all beings and everything else within them.


other. Nevertheless, unconditional love is quite a high state of being and definitely one worth aspiring to and trying to embody along with its correlate, unjudgementalness. Please note that unjudgementalness and uncondtionality means that you accept the other as he/she/it is without the desire to make him like (the same as) you nor to help him progress/see the light as this often phrased. True unconditional love accepts completely and allows the other to take his own path in life, make his own decisions and subscribe to his own beliefs and values. Even if the other makes what you yourself perceive as mistakes, even if those mistakes harm him. On one level they may be harmful but on another level they are rebalancing aspects of that persons psyche and so are a necessary part of his evolutionary path. And you only perceive them as mistakes from within the context of your own psyche and value system which is, of necessity, different embodying different priorities, different understandings and different goals to his psyche. 28 As a brief sidenote here there is the question of why, if unconditional love is unconditional and allows and accepts, why then is this Earth life and indeed life in the lower three planes of the creation as a whole something of a school where lessons are continually presented to each individual soul and the more that you progress and master these lessons, the better your life becomes and the happier and the more harmonious you are as a person? If indeed the lower three planes were truly an expression of unconditional love then there would be no such thing as progress and self-development for all states of being would be equally accepted, valued and loved. The reason as to why this is not the case is that the three planes below the Great Void are Kals domain not the domain of Sach Kand 29 . That is to say they are run by Kal, are an expression of his nature. And Kals heart is closed for he understands not love nor its nature. The reason for this is very esoteric and has to do with the exact way in which the creation was projected from The Source, the exact way in which the creation was able to be projected from The Source. Suffice to say that God needs and learns from mankind (and the lower three planes) just as much as mankind (and the lower three planes) needs and learns from God. And that the true nature of tragedy is forseeable inevitability embodying unfortunate consequences (though you wont see these consequences as unfortunate if youre completely unjudgemental, loving completely unconditionally). At a more superficial level love is equivalent to approval, to a judgement that this person / event / idea is one which you agree with, one
Psyche by the way comes from the Greek and means soul so we return once more to the chakras and their balancing and mastering. 29 Kal is the Lord of the causal plane of existence, and, consequently, of the three lower planes of the creation below the Great Void as a whole: the causal, the astral and the physical. See the section Going for conception after a tantric session on p. for more information on this topic.


which is harmonious with who you are, with your values. Either because he / she / it is like you or because he is as you yourself would like to be, in whole or in part. This is conditional love love which is given only if certain conditions are met and fulfilled; conditions which originate within your own psyche. The thing to realise about conditional love is that it is a form of judgement, a desire to restrict and limit another person (in order to make them like you are and so attain sameness, union with them; the deeper nature of love and each souls efforts towards it is evident here). Although at a very deep level within you, within your own subconscious, you already are one with everything and everybody and so embody and express love in its purest form every second of every day of your existence, at the level of the conscious ego personality it is, for most people, only conditional love which is experienced, which is given and received. Conditional love is, however, better than no love at all and often serves a useful function in many peoples evolutionary path. This is because, firstly, it helps them on their way towards an understanding of unconditional love and also because, for those who have yet to attain selflove, love conditionally given to them often acts as a powerful motivating factor pushing them to develop and progress (the Ill love myself and/or be loved by others if I become better / smarter / thinner / richer etc. syndrome). Of course in the latter case love unconditionally given to them would be a better solution as it will usually help them to attain a state of self-love far more swiftly than any form of conditional love they could be given. You see, the great thing about unconditional love, from the point of view of he / she who receives it, is that unconditional love is permanent and lasting: it will not be diminished by anything they do or fail to do, by anything that they are or that they fail to be. Once they experientially realise, once they feel, that another can love them just as they are then it becomes a whole lot easier for them to love themselves. Now, romantic love is usually conditional and consequently intrinsically temporary for its being given is dependent upon certain conditions being fulfilled and ones state of being is continually changing on all levels during ones sojourn in the three planes below the Great Void. Yet they can only give conditional love to you whilst you fulfil their conditions, and you can only give it to them whilst they fulfil yours. You may get lucky and you both evolve in the same ways, in the same direction, to the same timescale thereby enabling you both to fulfil each others conditions on a continuing, ongoing basis. This is what usually occurs when soulmates get together or when the lovers are from two different yet closely connected soulgroups. However, it is more often the case that your two natures, your two souls, will as time goes on develop in different directions. If this is the case with you and your partner then take what you each have to offer the other and enjoy the time


you have together, every moment of it, while it lasts. Then, as your paths diverge and you no longer are well matched, no longer have much which you value to offer each other, then go with the flow and take your own path with detachment, with gratitude for the magic moments you had together and without bitterness in your heart or regrets in your mind. The other alternative, the one which most people try to follow at least at first, is to try to layer some sort of permanency over their conditional love for each other. Such as, for example, through marriage vows, possessive love etc. Such attachment is understandable for even conditional love is a very pleasant, very intense, very precious experience for most people: it is a deep indication that another approves of who and what you are (which helps you yourself to build your own self-love) and it also means that you no longer feel all alone in this cold, hard world. Ultimately however no such measures are of themselves of any use or value. If your love for each other is conditional then there will come a time, most often in this lifetime but maybe several lifetimes down the road, when you dont fulfil their conditions and they dont fulfil yours. At which point your natures, your deep souls and your paths in life will begin to push you both to each take your different directions and any attachments, vows, possessiveness or other restrictions which youve layered over yourselves will only serve to build up tensions, difficulties and an increasing dissatisfaction within you both. Far better to go where life is taking you. Life was originally intended to be enjoyable and easy after all it is only humans who choose to make it difficult and a trial. Finally, of course, it is important to realise that staying in a particular relationship or situation only due to a sense of obligation or duty is neither going to make you happy nor is it going to help you to truly progress spiritually. If you do want a particular love relationship to be very long-lasting the only true solution is to make the love on which it is based permanent and that means unconditional. So that no matter where your partners life takes him or her, and yours you, and no matter what he/she becomes or what you become, you will always deeply, unconditionally love each other. When you both have such unconditional love for each other then no vows, possessiveness, attachment or other restrictive measures will be necessary. For you will always love each other no matter what. Perhaps a practical version of this solution for life on Earth would be to initially get together with your partner on the basis of conditional love and then work towards developing unconditional love the each for the other. In terms of permanency such a conditional love would be best founded upon the nature of your partners deep soul, or what most people would call the true, deep personality. Things such as external life conditions, spoken words and even actions are often more the flows and eddies of lifes


unseen forces being expressed rather than an accurate reflection/expression of the fullness of an individuals true, deep nature or soul. And everybody goes through hard, difficult periods in their lives (due for example to hard transits to their natal charts) during which their actions, words and life conditions and even they themselves will appear to others in an actively unfavourable light that is far from being an accurate representation of their true nature. The Earth life is, after all, primarily about limitation and learning how to overcome it. It would just be a shame if you failed to recognise a partner who would be ideal for you just because you were so caught up in focusing on superficial impressions that you ended up giving them more weight than the nature of his or her deep soul. Plus its one thing to fall in love with someone merely on the basis of the external motions they are going through and quite another thing entirely to fall in love with them on the basis of the true nature of their deep soul. Which one do you think is deeper, more profound, longer-lasting and of greater value? If love has to be in some way conditional and it does seem that for most people on this Earth at least romantic love does have to be in some way conditional basing that love on the true nature of your partners deep soul serves to make that love as long-lasting and as unconditional as is possible; for most people on this Earth, within the context of a romantic relationship. At any rate, along with loving conditionally the other big difficulty which most people tend to introduce into their love lives is loving with attachment. In this context the thing to realise about love, any love, is that it always connects both the giver and the receiver directly to the Sach Kand aspect of God and as such nourishes, sustains, lifts higher and makes more joyous both the giver and the receiver. Attachment, however, always originates within your own soul and remains connected to nothing but your own soul. As such attachment will always be fuelled only by your own personal energy. This means that all attachments of whatever form will always use up your own energies thereby decreasing the energy you have with which to live freely and happily. The more energy which is used up in attachment, the less energy you have for other things, such as awareness. Indeed when it is said that people fall ill of a broken heart be it physically or just an emotional state of deep melancholy and amotivation what in fact is happening is that they have built up a large forcefield of attachment within their own souls which, as it cannot express itself through the attainment of the person or relationship situation which it is directed towards, begins to accumulate in the body feeding upon all the bodys other energies to sustain itself. Attachment combined with conditional love is always a hard and difficult mix to live with as the attachment will push you towards wanting to hold, keep, possess and control the object of your love


whilst the fact that the love is conditional will both make you insecure that the love will at some point no longer be given to you aswell as making you continually critical and judgemental within yourself of your partner as you seek to ascertain whether he/she still fulfils the conditions you have set in order to give your love. So once again its a question of disharmony within your psyche, with different parts of your soul pulling you in different directions. The solution to attachment, of course, is detachment. That one is fairly common knowledge. What few people tell you or know is that the way to attain detachment is to realise that love comes from within you not from anyone or anything external. Consequently you dont need to do great things, become a better person, be involved with a particular man or woman or hold on to your partner in order to be loved. Once you realise that love comes from within you then you no longer crave after and need love to be given to you externally for all the love you could ever possibly use or desire, and a thousand times more, is already there inside you. This in turn frees you to enjoy any love given to you from outside for its own sake rather than to grasp after it as you seek to fill an emptiness inside of you. Not that such an emptiness can ever be filled by loved poured into you from the outside. Its an internal thing and has to do with your own understanding of love, yourself and how it all works. In practical terms essentially what is involved is opening and developing your heart chakra thereby allowing the deeper levels of your being to flow into the more superficial levels of your being. At any rate such internal work is well worth undertaking for a strong self-love is important both in itself and also as a basis for loving others. You see, the more open and developed that your heart chakra is (and also more generally your energetic system as a whole) the more you can love, the more that you are able to love. Both due to the mechanical aspects of it all (more love energy can flow through a wide open heart chakra than through a small and fairly closed heart chakra) and also because by opening your heart chakra more you fetch yourself closer to the Sach Kand aspect of God and so make your soul, your deep personality, more loving by nature. Please bear in mind that loving and being able to love relates to receiving love as much as it does to giving love. Although the first step is usually learning how to give love, learning how to receive love is also important and a part of true balance. Many people are quite happy and comfortable with giving love yet remain very judgemental as to who they are willing to accept love from. Again its a question of unconditionality. That and learning how to receive love into yourself, how to love yourself and accept being loved by another.


Anyway, once you do love yourself, and so have a lot of love inside you, it then becomes possible to truly, freely love others as love begins to overflow from within your being outwards into the world. You no longer have to be careful with your love (as you no longer need to be loved in return) and you no longer have to be stingy with your love (for it overflows from within you). It is this sort of love given from overflow which is the first step towards learning how to love freely and unconditionally. Rather than, as most people do nowadays, loving another as a sort of request to be loved in return. The next step in all of this would be to learn to love yourself unconditionally i.e. irrespective of what you are or are not, irrespective of what you do or do not do; loving yourself in all your totality including what you may now perceive as your weaknesses or bad points. Initially a more practical approach may be to love your whole self as totally and as unconditionally as you can aswell as loving your strengths and good points even more on top of that in a conditional love sort of way. At the same time work on improving your weaknesses and bad points so that you may conditionally love them, too, more. As you progress in this process you should come to the realisation that even regarding your own self love does not have to be (conditionally) based on anything and that you dont need any self-love insecurities in order to be motivated to progress and develop. You progress just because that is the harmonious flow of life, not in order to love yourself or be loved. Once you do get to this stage you will probably come to understand one final very important thing about love: namely that love is not compromise or self-sacrifice. Love is perfect and idealistic and so too therefore is any relationship which is primarily an expression of love (as opposed to attachment, possessiveness etc.). Doing what you will, what you desire is, you see, a form of self-love: the unconditional acceptance of your ego personality and its desires. This is a very advanced, very spiritually developed state of being in which your whole being flows and acts in perfect harmony and without any regrets or tensions within itself. It is of course very distinct from merely indulging desires which you feel / know on a deep level are in some ways unsuitable or unhealthy for you yet which you go ahead and do anyway due to your being in the grip of restrictive or compulsive emotions, desires or belief structures. Its a question of letting your deep Spirit purpose flow outwards to determine the nature of your thoughts, desires and ego personality. Thereby resulting in the various levels of your being all pointing in the same direction, aligning the one to the whole, uniting, becoming one. And thus allowing your Self to see, to accept, to love every aspect of your being, including your ego personality. Thereby allowing your life, emotions, desires and actions to effortlessly flow with ease and pleasure due to your loving acceptance of


them and the life process on all levels as opposed to having your desires, thoughts, habits and emotions controlling you and living your life for you. I would also add that true humility means submiting yourself to God's will, the purpose of the Spirit within you. It most emphatically does not mean denying the enormity of your greatness. At any rate, when you do love yourself unconditionally in this way and your whole being flows with ease and with harmony then, provided that your partner is at a similar level of self-development, you will both be able to do exactly as you want in your relationship together and yet the results will always be perfect. No compromise and no self-sacrifice will be involved on either partners part for neither of you will have jagged aspects to your personality or compulsive/restrictive desires, emotions or beliefs compelling you to act in fixed, inharmonious ways. You see, a perfect relationship is not just a question of finding a partner with whom you are perfectly matched but also, and more importantly, a question of both partners being internally balanced and developed themselves. Finally there is the consideration that in any relationship love alone is incomplete, it is not enough on its own. There are other aspects to God also and they too need to be expressed within a relationship for that relationship to feel fully complete to you. Namely: courage, effective action, power and detachment. That is to say, through your relationship with him/her you progress towards a greater understanding, and so a greater embodiment, of the qualities of God. Again see the section Going for conception after a tantric session for more information on God, the higher planes of the creation and the nature of it all. Nevertheless, the specific characteristics of the plane which your Spirit is from will determine which of the aspects of God are most important to you, which aspects you draw towards and need to feel the most. As the Spirits of most people in incarnation originally come from the Sach Kand plane of existence most people will indeed feel love to be the most important thing for them in any intimate relationship. Know thyself though and be aware that just maybe this is not the case for you and what you are really looking for in a relationship is to be helped towards a greater understanding of, for example, power and detachment. If your entire life youve always been very different from those around you in a subtle and unemotionally compulsive way then it is probably worth your time meditating on where exactly your Spirit originally came from in order to help you clearly see and understand what you really, at the deepest level, want in a relationship and so the form that relationship should take and with whom it should be.

7. Loyalty, fidelity and freedom


Just as everything that comes into your life does so to teach you something, so too everybody who comes into your life does so to teach you something. And this includes all your lovers, partners and your spouse or spouses. Very often, you in your higher aspect will have decided a long time before you ever came into this lifetime to be involved with more than one lover or partner during this lifetime in order to learn different lessons over the course of this lifetime. No two people are the same and you will usually learn very different things from your involvement with one person than you do from your involvement with another. So you see there is very definitely a purpose and a direction behind all the changes which your life is encouraging you towards. And just as is the case in all other areas of the Earth life, if you resist the change and fight against the flow of life you will be pushed more forcefully and more powerfully towards where you have to go. You can lean the lessons of life the easy way or the hard way but learn them you will. Then again, life was never meant to be difficult. It is only your resistance to the flow of life and lack of harmony with the lessons of life that cause you to make it hard on yourself. What this means is that if you are involved with one person in this lifetime and yet also have to be involved with another then you will be either gently encouraged towards it or, if necessary, forcefully and almost unstoppably pushed towards it. Just as you cannot stop a river in full flow by swimming upstream you cannot stop the flow of life by swimming against it. And to be honest you shouldnt desire to either because it is taking you to good places, better places. What you can do however, is decide in which part of the river to swim and whether youll enjoy the trip. The bearing of all this on fidelity? Well for most people it is simply not intended to be the case for them to be involved with only one partner in this lifetime. And the more they cling to their emotional attachments and their concept of fidelity the greater will be the physical turmoil in their life and the emotional pain in their hearts, for both them and their partner. You dont have to have a messy, bitter break-up with your current partner in order to be involved with another partner. You dont in fact need to break up at all. But if you believe that such a course of action is necessary then that is the course that your life will take. Remember, on the highest level life and the entire universe wants you to be free, is trying to make you free. It is you, as ego personality, who is fighting against it and trying desperately to remain limited and constricted because you enjoy the comfort and familiarity of the cage. In other words, if it is part of you path to be involved with more than one partner the way to avoid heartache, regrets and bitterness is to


simply not subscribe to the theories of monogamy and fidelity. However, this does not mean that you cannot be incredibly loyal, honest, strong and supportive (but never as a crutch) to those you love. You may have things to learn from somebody else and you may well end up involved with them and sleeping with them but that doesnt mean that you therefore have to love your original partner any less. Indeed, after you have learnt what you had to learn from the other you should be able to love your original partner more and in a more harmonious way as you will have developed yourself through the lessons you learnt and so your capacity to love will have increased. And, of course, if you are involved with another in this way love them too. Or do you think that there is room enough in your heart for only one person? This is not so. There is room enough in your heart for the entire universe if you allow it. Of course, all of this goes very much against the social norms currently prevalent to which the vast majority of the world is unthinkingly attached. Then again, this whole book goes very much against the accepted way of doing things so that doesnt really concern me too much. For yourself, meditate, feel and think on the issue and then make up your own mind. And if it does in the end work out that youre destined to spend a lot of time with only one specific partner and learn a lot of things from that partner then enjoy, flow with and appreciate this situation too. As for your partner? She (or he: what follows applies to both sexes just as what preceded did also) too has her own path to walk and her own lessons to learn. You do not own her and she is sovereign over her own life. Love, true love, is unconditional. There are no shoulds or should nots. Love allows and accepts. You do not love her because of what she does or does not do nor because she is willing to bend to your will and so give you a little sense of triumph or security. You love her because she is who she is, because of everything that she is. So let her live it. Only then will she have the freedom to truly blossom into all that she can be.

8. Treating your partner well

The greater your own internal balance and development (and/or that of your partner), the deeper, the more profound and the simply better the sex between the two of you will be because it will be easier for you to align to each other and to do so to a deeper level. And generally superb sex seems to produce a very harmonious relationship between the two people involved, whilst appalling sex seems to be indicative of problems in many other areas of the relationship also. On a deeper level, the reason for this correlation is that the greater your internal balance and


development, the greater will be the extent to which you treat your partner well, the extent to which you are able to treat your partner well. This is because all of your thoughts, opinions, emotions, desires and actions are an externalization of your internal state. If the degree of your development and mastery is but very limited then you will be so caught up in your own forcefields, issues and desires that you wont be able to even begin to be aware of the true nature of your partner or what he or she truly wants or needs. Instead you will focus on your own demands and what you will offer your partner will be things which satisfy these. Essentially the lesson which has to be learnt is to not treat others as you would they treated you, but as they themselves want to be treated. Everybody is different with their own individual needs, desires and levels of development and that which satisfies one soul is unlikely to completely satisfy another. This does not mean indulging your partners every wish and desire and allowing them to make a puppet of you. Mystically, that would be very bad for both of you. What it does mean is treating them in a way which will truly satisfy their soul, behaving towards them in a way (mentally and emotionally as well as in terms of physical words and actions) which they can appreciate, respect, understand and will like. To be able to do this entails knowing your partner, their needs and desires, that which pleases, satisfies and helps them and that which doesnt very well indeed. As should be obvious by now this has a lot more to do with knowing the nature of their subconscious patternings than with catering to any more conscious conceptions of their personality or external patinas as to what they are which they present to the world (and sometimes to themselves). It might help to know that, generally, in terms of sex and relationships, the two major points of contact, on a mans soul, will be the Mars and Sun chakras and, on a womans soul, will be the Venus and Moon chakras. In practice what this usually amounts to is that men want to have sex and to understand their partner and what she has to offer / teach them in a logical sort of way, whilst women want to love and to understand from their partner in an intuitive sort of way that they are cared for / guided (and people wonder why there is misunderstanding between the sexes). More specifically though what you really have to do is devote some time and focus, and apply your developed awareness to getting to know the nature of your partners soul. The more you master your own soul, your own desires and conceptual structures, the less will be the force that they have over you, and so the easier will it be to clearly and unjudgementally understand the nature of your partners soul. The unjudgementally is important: you are not looking into your partners soul in order to judge it and thereby rank your partner. Nor are you deliberately avoiding understanding and accepting what you


judgementally consider to be the negative aspects of your partners soul, in the mistaken belief that understanding is equivalent to judgement. It is not, and what you consider to be the negative or less developed aspects of your partners soul are as central to their being as what you might consider to be the more positive, more developed aspects. Look at, understand and then use your knowledge of both, but always remember that that which, quite literally, most separates judgement (Saturn chakra) from understanding (Sun/Moon chakras) is love and acceptance (Venus chakra). Bear this in mind and it will help you not to get stuck on that which you are receiving from your partner. There must be some sort of equality between partners in order for balance, harmony and satisfaction to be possible, but really, at the end of the day, what it is important to realize is that you are here to give not to receive, to help not to be helped, to serve not to be served, to love not to be loved, to make others happy, not to be made happy. Yet as you give, you will find that you receive, as you help you will find that you are helped, as you serve you will find that you are served, as you love you will find that you are loved and as you make others happy you will find that you in turn are made happy. And both partners will find that they receive from the other what they truly want, not because it is demanded but because it is offered. Yet again the reciprocity and harmony of it all becomes evident

9. Internal balance, sexual energy and health

The stronger your own personal energy, the less it will be affected by other external energies such as those associated with illnesses. Its rather like taking a bottle of dye and pouring it into a bucket of water or pouring it into the ocean. If you pour it into the bucket of water the effect will be very significant, markedly changing the nature of all the water in the bucket and being very externally noticeable. If you pour it into the ocean however, the effect on the ocean as a whole will be very limited and wont really change the oceans nature much at all. If you pay attention, an effect is still noticeable but this effect is not externally very evident at all. In a low energy state you and your energetic system are much like the bucket of water: contained within definite limits and easily affected to a great extent by external influences. And as you remember, it is sexual energy which is the basis for all the other energies in the body. So by using the techniques contained in this book it is possible to increase your basic energy level many times over. In practice what this means is that you will be able to be in stressful environments, hard situations and around sick people without


any of them having any real effect on you. All of these do have an energy to them and this energy will affect you (normally) but because the quantity of your energy is so much greater it will be rather like pouring dye into the ocean. And if the energetic effect is limited, the physical effect is limited. Further, using awareness and conscious intent (which you will have also developed as a result of these practices) it is possible to completely block any external energies, preventing them from having any effect on you at all. Or to remove them from you energetic system once they have attached to it. All of which will lead to your not really falling ill, either from externally contracted pathogens or from more internally caused (e.g. stress-related) diseases. Regarding the latter however, a degree of internal balancing is also necessary. Its not going to be much use making yourself pretty much immune to stressful situations if you yourself are still essentially an angry, hostile, stressful person. Once all of this has been established all that remains is to pay attention to your emotions and mindstates to make sure that no karmic negativity is filtering through. If it is, work at softening, limiting and de-energizing it. Regarding such types of illnesses what you probably will experience if you are using the esoteric techniques is that during the few days preceding the normal scheduled onset of the illness you will, in some vague way, not feel 100%. The actual onset of the illness itself will, however, be unlikely unless it is very heavy, powerful karma indeed. And even then you will have markedly softened it and reduced the extent of its effect. Finally, another reason as to why it is wise to combine the conservation and generation of sexual energy with internal balancing techniques is that an increased quantity of sexual energy will make you more awake, more aware, and all of your sensations will be more intense. Consequently, any hard, negative emotions coming into your life will also be felt more. Its not that they will actually come into your life with more power, its just that you will be more aware of them as they do so and so will feel them more. This in itself will probably be enough to encourage you to work more at balancing your internal environment, but if you are already aware of this need for balancing and of how to do it then the whole process can be effected with much greater ease. And as should be evident by now, the internal affects the external: a developed, harmonious, stress-free internal state is far more conducive to good health than is an imbalanced, undeveloped, emotionally torpid internal state.

10. Tastes and odours


The internal condition of your body will determine the qualities of your bodily secretions and odours and whether they are pleasant or unpleasant. Diet does play a role in this and you should pay attention to the effect which what you eat has on your bodily odours and on the nature of your bodily secretions. In this respect, by far the most important factor, as a rule 30 , is to limit your food consumption both in terms of quantity but also in terms of food groups eaten, particularly within one sitting. All digestion involves enormous effort on the bodys part and the more you overload the bodys digestive system the more will it be forced to work and so the more will be the toxins released into the body as a whole, whence one of the ways in which they shall leave is through the fluids your body secretes e.g. sweat, saliva, sexual fluids. The more you limit your food consumption, the less will be this effect and so the purer, the sweeter-smelling and the sweeter tasting will your bodily secretions be. This is not a recommendation for you to go off and starve yourself the chances are if you immediately stopped eating altogether youd probably die quite soon. And, until a certain level of esoteric development has been reached, a full balanced diet is necessary to the healthy functioning of a strong, fit body. However, the more that you refine, upgrade and purify your mind-body-emotional system the less will be the physical food necessary for its upkeep. Both absolutely and in terms of the heaviness of the foods you eat. Your desire and emotional compulsiveness towards foods will also decrease you will actually want and enjoy a more limited, smaller diet. As an example, in the West, vegetarianism is becoming increasingly popular as people dont actually want, dont desire, to eat meat. Amongst yogis, it is quite a common practice to live on fresh fruit alone. More extreme diets are also possible. As you reduce your diet in this harmonious, balanced, gentle way you will notice the amount of toxins within your body steadily decrease. Leading to your becoming a happier, more peaceful, more stress-free person. As well as 31 markedly improving the taste and smell of your bodily secretions. Of course this process is greatly helped by eliminating, or greatly reducing, your intake of obvious toxins such as coffee, cigarettes, drugs and alcohol. Living on a starvation diet of three cups of coffee, 20 cigarettes, a couple of gin and tonics and a bowl of brown rice a day aint going to make you a happier, purer person. You dont have to eliminate these things altogether your body is probably well able to cope with one coffee, or a cigarette or a glass of wine every few days, and heck, you might even enjoy it. It would definitely help to keep you from becoming too serious and self-righteous, which are more important

Because you should by now be well past the stage that you need to be told of the importance of eating only healthy, wholesome, unprocessed foods 31 (consequently)


considerations. But the regular or excessive intake of such toxins is a very different matter. The solution, of course, is to increase your awareness and pay attention to your body to see what it can easily cope with and what it cant, what overloads it. And then modify your food and stimulant intake accordingly. The last of these more external factors which must be taken into account is the use of cosmetics and bodily products such as soaps, shampoos, moisturizers, deodorants, etc. Nearly all of the commercially available variants of these products, including those labelled things like natural and organic contain large amounts of petroleum-based, aluminium-based and cetyl alcohol based ingredients. Now petrol and the like may by some generously broad definition be considered natural but your body doesnt like it and if you apply it to your skin some of it will be absorbed through the skin into the body. And all this stuff is very, very poisonous to your body. It takes a huge amount of energy and effort on the bodys part for it to get rid of these toxins. And like all toxins which must be removed from your system they leave via the bodily secretions which includes sweat, saliva and the sexual secretions. So your breath smells worse, your sweat smells worse and your mouth and genitals taste and smell worse. So guess what? You then use more of the toxic cleansing products to mask and remove these tastes and odours, thereby making the problem worse! And the cycle continues as the companies get richer. It may make sense for them, but it doesnt for you. The solution is to stop using these products and find natural alternatives. A good rule is to not put on your skin anything which, in smaller quantities, you wouldnt be happy eating. Instead of moisturizing creams use a light natural oil such as sweet almond or macadamia nut. Such an oil can also be used to shave with. Instead of deodorants, use a mixture of water and lemon juice or water and ethyl (cane) alcohol. In terms of toothpaste at least find one that is fluoride free 32 or use alternatives such as salt or a plain wet toothbrush. In terms of soap find one that is as natural as possible and use it as little as possible. If your system is internally very clean there will be little that needs washing off externally, and for what there is plain water should suffice. You could also try using a little of this soap on your scalp and afterwards applying a little light natural oil to your hair as conditioner. Natural alternatives to chemical-loaded shampoos and conditioners are the hardest of them all to find: Im not aware of a single one which is available within Europe.
Fluoride is a by-product of the aluminium processing industry and one of the most toxic substances known to man. Its really good at fucking up your immune system and making you dimmer. Nor does it help make your teeth stronger: nearly all modern research except that funded by those with an axe to grind shows that fluoride actually weakens your teeth. But some old myths die hard.


Bear in mind that when you first stop using these products it will take a few weeks for your body to clear out all the toxins that have built up within you due to your continued past use of such products. During this time, as you will lack their strong chemical masking effect, you will probably become more aware of your own natural taste and smell, and wont like it too much. Have patience, use your natural alternatives and shower regularly using just plain water. Within a week or two youll find that all these chemicals, lotions and potions are not only unnecessary but your skin, hair, mouth, scalp and body are actually far better off without them. More important than any of these more external considerations though (unless you are really off at the deep end) is the control and purification of your emotions. For most people there is nothing which pollutes their internal environment anywhere near as much as the heavy energies of their negative emotions. Things like anger, hostility, disapproval, depression, fear and so on. All of these will strongly affect the qualities of your bodily secretions, particular if they are intense or ongoing. You may be a non-smoking, vegan teetotaller but because you are also a very serious, depressed, hostile type of person you need to take two showers a day, use a whole lot of aromatherapy oil and yet still you smell unpleasant. So at the end of the day the answer is still: balance and master your chakras, balance and master your chakras, balance and master your chakras.

11. ASP and the spiritual path

In order to increase your awareness it is necessary to massively increase your energy. The mindforce is fuelled by energy and in a very real way is energy. Most people simply do not have enough energy in their system to be aware beyond a level which would mystically be considered a virtual coma. The easiest way to bring about this increase in energy is to conserve the sexual energy and then redirect it upwards. It is important though to ensure that you have enough sexual energy in your system for its redirection to make a significant difference. The great outwards drainage of sexual energy through ejaculation or menstruation that most people nowadays subject themselves to produces just too great a loss of sexual energy for any fast, significant spiritual progress to really be possible whilst it continues. Sexual energy is just too basic, too fundamental to the human energetic system. No matter what other energies you draw in, if your sexual energy is low it will be very difficult indeed to increase your awareness to any real degree.


It is not enough though to merely stop ejaculating or stop your periods (the latter of which it is also possible to achieve by merely drawing as opposed to transmuting large amounts of energy out of your sexual organs). Some sort of transmutation of the sexual energy is also necessary. Otherwise the sexual energy will begin to stagnate, causing all the other energies in the body to stagnate which will not only mean that there is no real increase in awareness but also will produce great dormancy as well as great tension within your system with corresponding negative effects on your health, emotions and mindstate. It is for this reason that celibacy (for men), without the practice of some sort of transmutation technique, not only does not help your spiritual progress but actually actively harms it and your health, and your emotional state, and your mindstate. Of course, with the effective practice of some sort of transmutation technique celibacy does become a viable option and, in some instances, is even to be recommended. However, once the ejaculatory urge has been mastered and the ability to orgasm inwards and upwards has been developed, celibacy is not the only option for those on the spiritual path. The techniques covered in this book allow you to continue to have sex and not only not lose any sexual energy, but actually end up with more than you started with! Nevertheless, there are times when, depending on your sexual partner, celibacy is still the best option for spiritual progress, whether you are a man or a woman. Essentially, this is when you wish to rapidly change your consciousness to learn the lesson of a specific concept or plane and so need to maintain a strong focus on that concept or plane without any distraction. Such, for example, is the case when you are going for Enlightenment. The reason is that whenever you have sex with someone you will to some extent be affected by their desires, their focuses and their energies. Normally, unless youre doing something like exchanging energies, melding chakras or soulmerging, this effect will be minimal and not enough to produce any significant impact on your spiritual progress. (Provided, of course, you take the necessary precautions such as guarding your chakras, pre-refining any energy you draw in and not having sex with anybody who has very heavy or very low energy.) When, however, you are engaged in an operation as delicate as entering the state of Enlightenment for the first time this minimal effect may well be sufficient to disturb the focus in your mindstate enough to prevent any real attainment. And so celibacy would be recommended. The one exception to this general rule is if your partner has already attained that which you are aiming to attain, and is living it. In which case sex with them, or even better a soulmerge, would greatly facilitate your spiritual progress. Also, the same holds true if your partner has not


already attained the state which you are aiming for but is sincerely focused upon attaining it, provided he or she does not have any real heavy karma in his or her soul. And after Enlightenment? Well, you will have increased your awareness and gained some significant understanding of how the universe works. A good idea would be to apply these things in order to attain a conscious understanding and mastery of the human experience itself. In this, the techniques of chakric melding and soulmerging can prove especially useful. It is like the old Taoist adage states: Before Enlightenment, carry water. After Enlightenment, carry water. In other words live life before Enlightenment and live life afterwards. Whilst you are aiming at attaining Enlightenment though, detach and maintain the focus 33 .

12. Sex magick

What sex magick usually involves is the use of the sexual process and energies in order to attain specific results. More often these results relate to the external world, but sometimes they are more internal in nature. Sex magick, if properly practiced, does work. In terms of your personal esoteric development though the use of sex magick practices can be quite disadvantageous due to their tendency to rely heavily on external ritual and to focus on drawing in and controlling energies which, comparatively, are very low-level. In terms of the sexual practice itself, all of the very external, very systematized focus characteristic of sex magick will tend to detract from the pleasure of the sexual act itself and hinder its deepening. Besides which, there are other better, more effective ways to attain all that can be attained through sex magick practices. If it is external-world results which you wish to produce then cut to the core of the issue and maintain a strong focus on those results, in your thoughts, emotions / desires and in your actions. Creative visualization practices are also an option but, instead of feeding the visualized image with the too-valuable-to-waste-in-this-way sexual energy, it is wiser (and can be more effective) to power it up using external, plane-related energies. Regarding internal, personal progress, learning from the nature of your partners soul is one thing but if it is more objective realizations and states of consciousness which you wish to attain, the most effective way to do so remains to go it alone. In terms of spiritual progress, as in life, the most effective way to do things is always
Do note that this recommendation applies only to the period during which you are focused upon attaining Enlightenment itself, not to the time during which you are doing all the necessary preparatory work for it. If youve done the necessary preparation this key period should not last long at all: a matter of days or a few weeks at most. Not that long really to go without sex.


the way which is simplest, most focused and most direct. After an excessive focus on emotions and desires, the main thing which binds souls to the lower planes (physical, astral and causal) is an excessive focus on knowledge and conceptual structures. The more you complicate the path, the longer it takes to travel and the harder is the journey. Still, if either of these areas and their associated techniques interests you, see the annotated bibliography where there are a few recommendations regarding them and sex magick in general.


Extras and Appendices

Annotated bibliography and other resources
In this section are detailed other information sources dealing with sex and related topics, aswell as other braches of esoteric knowledge. Do note though that with regards to sexual theory and practice (and to a lesser extent also with regards to metaphysical theory and meditative practice) all the other sources out there put together do not even come close to the depth and scope you have found in this book. If they did The Aralzon Institute would not have bothered to produce a book on the topic. So when looking at the other information sources given here be gentle in your judgement of them, take what they have to offer you and dont concern yourself with focusing upon their omissions and inaccuracies. At any rate only the best of whats out there is listed here.

General esoteric information

The Magus of Strovolos Homage to the Sun Fire in the Heart all by Kyriacos C. Markides These books cover a lot of basic mystical knowledge in a quick, clear and easily readable form. They are, more or less, narrative stories / documentaries and dont really contain any techniques. The Complete Ascension Manual Soul Psychology Hidden Mysteries all by Dr. Joshua David Stone These books, as well as others by the same author, present in an easily-readable, clear form the vast body of information which constitutes standard new age theory nowadays. Techniques are included. Do be aware though that most new age stuff tends to get lost playing about with astral and causal factors (though they often do not perceive them as such) which is why most new agers dont tend to ever get anywhere and are usually somewhat ineffectual. As such, my recommendation would be to not take any of the new age stuff too seriously nor devote much time or attention to it.


Pranic Nourishment also published as Living on Light by Jasmuheen. This book does contain a lot of new age fluff but it also tells you how to undertake a fast, intense and highly transformative process the main effect of which is that afterwards you will no longer need to eat or drink anything whatsoever: you will automatically attain all your nourishment energetically. It is chapter 14 which contains the relevant information. And Jasmuheen herself is a very clear, pure, developed and open-hearted person (even if her conceptual structures do need a little work) unlike many authors on metaphysical subjects nowadays who talk the talk without having first learnt to walk the walk. This book is available at metaphysical bookshops and from the website The Tao of Natural Breathing by Dennis Lewis A book on how to breathe. Correctly. Clear, well-explained and accurate. Highly recommended. The Magus of Java by Kosta Danaos. Though this book does not contain any secret techniques it does talk of the Taoist seventy-two levels of esoteric power and mastery. Its an interesting and easy to read story and you can later, if you wish, meditate on the techniques necessary to develop the powers talked of in the book. Opening the Dragon Gate The Making of a Modern Taoist Wizard by Chen Kaiguo and Zheng Shunchao, translated by Thomas Cleary A good story containing enough hints on traditional high-level Taoist training principles to enable you to figure out which techniques they used for yourself, with a little meditation and a nicely open third eye. Well written and easy to read. Recommended. Children of the Matrix: by David Icke. Despite his penchant for excessively serious crusading and accidentally humorous pronouncements, David Icke has managed to put together this book which is incredibly accurate for someone with no conscious psychic ability. It is easily his most accurate book yet, being around 80% correct and is far more spot-on than anything else out there. Further, most of the inaccuracies are contained in the parts talking of distant earth history. Children of the Matrix details how society, politics and economics work in the world today and who controls what. Because what is actually going on is so far removed from the standard representation of what is going on this book is best used to make yourself aware of the alternative possibilities, from which point you can meditate


on the factors involved and ascertain the truth of it all for yourself. Do note though that the information given in this book regarding the reptiles and the rituals they engage in is pretty much 100% spot-on. If you do decide to check them out in your meditation be aware that they have strong psychic abilities so be circumspect in the way you go about it and be ready to do forceful psychic battle if necessary. If you are engaged in psychic battle with them and are having difficulties merely ask for help from higher-plane warriors. There are many, many such higher-plane entities who are just looking for an excuse or an invitation to kick some illuminati butt. Also note that many of David Ickes previous books did not attain the accuracy of this one, being only between about 30%-50% correct. You might want to take a look at the David Icke website at As an aside its also worth looking at The Matrix film trilogy from which Children of the Matrix derives its name. The films contain a lot of solid and accurate mystical knowledge, some of it stated explicitly, some through analogy. Numerology: The Key to your Inner Self by Hans Decoz with Tom Monte. This is the best, the clearest and the most insightful book available on traditional Western numerology. You might also want to check out Hans Decozs numerology website at from which you can purchase numerology computer software, and even download some free numerology software. Twin Souls and Soulmates by St. Germain A book dedicated to the subject of soulmates and twin flames. It is quite a good book on the subject though it does lack details on the technical aspects of how it all works. The understanding embodied by its author, St. Germain, is very astral in nature unsurprising considering he is currently residing in the astral plane and this book is channelled material so do expect insight beyond the normal but not anything exceptionally deep or profound.

Astrology Really Works! by The Magi Society The Magi Society is the one astrological organization which uses and teaches a form of astrology based predominantly on planetary geometry as opposed to traditional astrologys somewhat unfortunate


focus on horoscopic houses and zodiacal signs. Due to their focus on planetary geometry The Magi Societys form of astrology, which they refer to as Magi Astrology, is actually consistently accurate and produces consistent, statistically valid results. In Astrology really works! The Magi Society set out to scientifically prove their form of astrology using methodology very similar to that sometimes utilized by genetic scientists. As well as comfortably succeeding in this project they also manage to communicate substantial valuable astrological knowledge in a clear, concise and direct way. Plus their books are easy to read and easy to understand which is always important. If something is hard to read or hard to understand it indicates that the author does not understand his subject matter in any deep way and / or is unable to effectively communicate what understanding he does have. Astrology really works! is currently out of print but there are plans to re-release it in the near future. Highly recommended. The Magi Society Ephemeris (1950-1999) by The Magi Society The majority of this book contains tables listing astrological information such as planetary positions. But the first 128 pages contain some very valuable, though quite advanced, astrological information with regards to midpoint conjunctions which they call Magi Quads. This was the first book by The Magi Society I ever encountered and I have to admit I was impressed because Id never even considered looking at midpoint conjunctions before even though they are a form of planetary geometry. So my thanks to The Magi Society for teaching me about these, and also other aspects of astrological knowledge. Also my thanks to them for undertaking to teach the public a valid, accurate form of astrology and so saving me from ever having to undertake that large, time-consuming enterprise. Highly recommended. Magi Astrology: The Key to Success in Love and Money by The Magi Society. Probably the most accessible of the Magi Societys publications this book explains how you can use astrology to choose very auspicious dates to found companies on, start jobs on or get married on and thereby help to guarantee the success of such enterprises. It also reveals how to accurately astrologically analyze any relationship so as to know ahead of time the most likely outcome of that relationship and what the pluses and minuses of it will be. As usual with The Magi Societys publications lots of examples are included and a lot of accurate, to-the-point astrological knowledge is presented in a clear, concise, easy-to-read format. Very highly recommended.

177 This is The Magi Societys main website on which you can find free lessons on Magi Astrology, a link astrologically explaining virtually every celebrity relationship and other useful and valuable astrological information. On this website you can also find out how to purchase The Magi Societys astrological software Magisoft, how to become a member of The Magi Society, and follow links to other astrological websites run by The Magi Society, such as which deals with financial astrology and which deals with the astrology of choosing a good wedding date. a good website to go to if youre looking for birth data i.e. when exactly particular famous people were born or when exactly important things happened. Essays on Astrology by Robert Hand. Robert Hand is probably the most thoughtful and incisive of the prominent traditional astrologers practicing nowadays. He is also willing to be original and thinks for himself which is rare and valuable in any field of inquiry. In this book chapter 4 entitled: Handling the Malefics is particularly worthy of attention. Planets in Composite by Robert Hand. This book covers the techniques and interpretations of the composite chart, a valuable astrological tool in understanding relationships. As usual though Id recommend focusing on the composite planetary geometry rather than any considerations of house or sign placement. Planets in Transit and Planets in Youth by Robert Hand. Two more good books on astrology by Robert Hand. Astrology for Dummies by Rae Orion. Despite the title this is the best introductory text to traditional Western astrology out there.

Astrological Software
Eventually The Aralzon Institute will release a full astrological programme for free distribution to the public via our website at We probably wont have everything ready to do this


until around 2008/2009 though. Meanwhile the current available options are: Starlite: The Starlite programme is available for free download from the website It is a very basic programme with no printing capabilities (though you can of course always press the print screen key on your keyboard and then paste it into Word and print from there). Still as far as basic astrological programmes go it is quite good, and it is free. If only the Kepler programme produced by the same people was as good value for money. Kepler: One of the main astrological programmes out there this one is unfortunately the least practical and least useful of all the main astrological programmes. I say unfortunately because they do provide the Starlite programme for free which is laudable. The good points of the Kepler programme are the report writers which come bundled with the programme for free and the astrological lessons included in the Avalon College section of the programme. However, overall Id say choose another programme instead. Solarfire: Quite a basic programme considering it is sold at the same price as, and marketed as, a mainstream full astrological programme. The good point about Solarfire is that you can animate the chart i.e. get it to move forward steadily day by day. Solarfire is also well put together and fluid to use. But its limited capabilities make me recommend Winstar over it. Winstar: Probably the best mainstream astrological programme out there, though it does take a few days to learn how to use it smoothly. Its worth the effort though as you can do pretty much every astrological search and calculation with this programme quite easily. Its relocational astrology mapping capabilities are also the best, and the best presented, out there. Also if you buy Winstar you get the basic astrological programme Winstar Express included for free. Leaving the clock box open on the Winstar Express programme enables you to animate a chart a day, an hour or a year at a time which is useful for choosing electional astrology dates. Magisoft: On the one hand Magisoft is undoubtedly the clearest astrological programme out there due to the chart form it uses which enables you to clearly see the planetary geometry of a day without houses getting in the way. Also the declinations are graphically displayed and you can animate a chart by any time increment you choose. The ability to


easily change which sorts of aspects are displayed on-screen is also useful as is the listing on-screen of when exactly each aspect becomes (or became) exact. Magi quads and midpoint crossings can also be easily calculated and displayed which are not attributes any other astrological programme has. Also you can buy versions of Magisoft with the best heliocentric and progression calculation abilities out there, as well as the most accurate interpretive text. On the other hand, Magisoft is very expensive for what you get: the full version will cost you over US $700, though you do get membership to The Magi Society included for that price. Also, it is not the smoothest, slickest programme out there. Very functional it might be but finesse it does not have. Its programmed in Visual Basic, believe it or not (at that price!). And it doesnt have an atlas, cant calculate composite charts and has very poor printing capabilities. The conclusion then would be that if youre really interested in astrology and / or in learning from The Magi Society, or if you have lots of money to spend, then Magisoft is worth the money as your first choice of astrological programme, simply because it is functional enough with a sufficiently clear on-screen display and has the calculational abilities to enable you to easily do most of what needs to be done in geometric astrology. If however your financial resources are more limited or youre not that interested in astrology then Winstar does have pretty much most of the calculational abilities of Magisoft, is slicker in use and presentation, and cheaper. You can find details on how to buy Magisoft on The Magi Societys website at There are a few other astrological programmes out there but I have not tried them and so cant really comment. At any rate, the ones listed here are the main options out there. Most astrology programmes can be purchased over the internet via the website:

Cosmology and meditation

The Path of the Masters by Julian Johnson. This book gives details on San Mat, a system of meditation based on the sound current and Spirit travel which takes you to the higher planes of existence up to Sach Kand under the guidance of the San Mat Master who is the current Avatar from the Sach Kand plane of existence on Earth at this time. Further, because the San Mat Master will feed you all of your physical and lower-plane karma (in the gentlest way possible) within three lifetimes of the current one, being initiated into San Mat


enables you to leave the lower planes permanently if you wish. Just visiting the higher planes would not be enough your lower-plane karma would pull you back down. Also included in this book is accurate esoteric information on the nature of the creation and the planes of existence. San Mat books are available direct from the organizations headquarters which are based at The Radha Soami Satsang, Beas, Punjab, India or from the San Mat representative in many countries worldwide, though I leave it to you to locate these latter. One important point to note though is that the San Mat path is designed for, and is only suitable for, those whose Spirit originally came from the Sach Kand plane of existence in this cycle of incarnations. Such Spirits will usually be on their first cycle of incarnations and San Mat is, essentially, a way out for them. If your Spirit in this cycle of incarnations originated from one of the higher planes of the reality than such a cop out option is not for you; there will be another, more independent and developed way to attain the higher planes beyond the Great Void open to you. Further, youll also have greater responsibilities and therefore also rewards and external life conditions open to you which it is part of your incarnational contract to fulfill. So if you yourself are such a person (viz. whose Spirit in this cycle of incarnations originally came from one of the planes above Sach Kand) and are considering the San Mat path my advice to you would be: Stop being such a spineless pussy. Go find your balls, your courage, and then start doing what youre supposed to be doing, what you came here to do. Limpwrist. The Tigers Fang by Paul Twitchell This book gives details, in the form of a spirit-travel narrative, of the planes of reality and their nature. Id say they erroneously consider some of the sub-planes to be full planes in their own right but perhaps this is just a matter of perception or interpretation. Paul Twitchell founded Eckankar a system of meditation and Spirit travel similar to San Mat in that being initiated into it and practicing the techniques given to you will enable you to travel to the higher planes. However, because the Eckankar Masters cannot control karma in the necessary ways being initiated into Eckankar does not guarantee that youll be able to permanently stay in the higher planes should you wish to. The Shariyat-ki-Sugmad by Paul Twitchell A more textbook-like description of the higher planes and the nature of the reality from the Eckankar organization. Eckankar books are available for order from high street book stores and


The Laws of Karma: A Deeper Insight into the Esoteric Teachings of Kriya Yoga by Goswami Kriyananda About the only available clear, detailed, concise exposition of the nature of karma and the ways in which it works. This book is written by Goswami Kriyananda who is the soul who in the entirety of creation understands and has the ability to control karma best (though perhaps he has yet to fully realize this). Highly recommended. This book, like all books by Goswami Kriyananda, is available from the website Beginners Guide to Meditation Intermediate Guide to Meditation both by Goswami Kriyananda. The best introductory books on meditation out there, both from a theoretical and also from a practical, techniques-given point of view. Both of these books are available from the website The Dictionary of Classical Mythology by Pierre Grimal as published by Blackwell. This is the full version of this text. An abridged version is published as The Penguin Dictionary of Classical Mythology. The full version is a lot better. As you may have gathered from the description of the chakras natures given in this book the Ancient Greeks knew what they were talking about esoterically, though they tended to disguise everything in myth and allegory. However, with the information given to you in this book you should, with a little insight and meditation, easily be able to decode the Ancient Greek myths for yourself. Which will give you access to a far deeper and more correct source of esoteric information than what is available in the books published on metaphysical subjects nowadays. The Aralzon Institute has plans to release several books on cosmology, meditation and other areas of mystical practice, the first of which Meditative Practice and the Nature of the Reality is due for release by around 2008.

Philosophy / Life Wisdom

That which distinguishes true wisdom from man-made ethics is that true wisdom reflects the laws and forms of creation and so is practical. Living in a truly wise way will make your life easier, more flowing and more harmonious and you yourself more developed, happier and internally peaceful. Wisdom does not restrict and hold back it frees


you and lifts you higher. All the books recommended in this section contain true wisdom. The Prophet by Khalil Gibran. The best book out there on this topic. Concise, simple, easy-toread, poetic and covering virtually the whole spectrum of the human experience from children to work to friendship. Very highly recommended. Rhetoric by Aristotle The best translation is to be found in The Complete Works of Aristotle published by Princeton University Press. It is actually in this book, rather than in his overtly ethical works, that the clearest exposition of Aristotles life wisdom is to be found. Specifically see Book I, chapters 5, 7, 9 and 11 and Book II, chapters 2-17. Aristotle does not look at life from a moral point of view but rather from an inquiring, searching-for-truth point of view which is what gives his material the substance and depth that is totally lacking from most later and modernday philosophers. Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche The key to understanding this book is to realize that its title is completely appropriate: for the entirety of the book Nietzsche is talking about how to progress beyond good and evil. The key, as with everything, is to work on your self. The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi The Shambala edition translated by Thomas Cleary is the best English edition out there. This is a short book which is especially worth looking at if you want to better understand the practical workings of the Erechtheus chakra. Musashi, an undefeated Samurai duelist, lived his life predominantly from a very developed, very balanced and very open Erechtheus chakra. Watchmen by Alan Moore This is a graphic novel which essentially is a large comic book. Many people, who believe that truth and wisdom can only come from serious, professional, authority sources will therefore probably consider it beneath them to find insight in this book. To them I say: Lighten up and learn to think and assess for yourself rather than needing to have your ideas and values given to you externally by authority sources which, you believe, imbue your beliefs and values with a validity that you are unable to arrive at for yourself. Plus Id probably have a wry smile over their


very earnest seriousness. The thing to realise is that, in terms of wisdom, the value of a work is determined neither by the respectability of the medium in which it is presented nor by the degree of established authority of its author(s) / creator(s) but by the amount and the depth of the wisdom it contains. The key to fully understanding what this specific book has to teach you is to look at each of the central figures as an examination in a particular approach to human perfection. Not only Jon and Veidt but also Blake, Rorschach and even Dreiberg (who represents the position that perfection entails being very human and as such acts as something of an counterpoint to the others). The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho An inspiring, simple book about following your dream and not giving up or compromising. Well-written, easy-to-read and quick to understand. Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman Despite the somewhat crap title this book contains a lot of solid, substantial wisdom and insight all presented in a readable, at times humorous, way. And Socrates (the mentor in the book and not the Ancient Greek philosopher) truly was a warrior in his own way, right down to the depths of his being, and so fully understood the real nature of the warriors path (at least from the perspective of where his particular Spirit originated from). Very highly recommended.

Throughout history, and nowadays also, cannabis has been used by many cultures and peoples to enhance, or at least alter, the sexual experience. As such this book would be incomplete if the use of cannabis to enhance the sexual experience was not considered, especially as a whole scroll is devoted to its consideration in the original text of the Kama Sutra. Let me say at the outset that sex and cannabis often make for a great combination: sex is pretty much always superb when youre very high. Aswell as its specifically sexual applications, cannabis can also be used to enhance such things as jelqing practice, vaginal muscular development exercises and dan-tien energy gathering, though not 3rd eye meditation and the like. In all of these capacities, aswell as when used specifically sexually, cannabis is indeed a very effective and useful tool. And great fun. Another point worth bearing in mind is that if your partner is sexually bland and unskilled and too lazy to learn the techniques given in this book then using cannabis prior to beginning the


sexual session will make that sexual experience a lot better than it otherwise would have been. A better approach of course would be for you both to put the requisite effort and time into developing your sexual skills and capacities independently of cannabis or any other external enhancement drugs, be they natural or medical. Or find yourself a partner with a greater level of sexual skill and expertise. At any rate, although it is, at least initially, easier and quicker to use cannabis to help you to reach the heights and the depths of the sexual experience it is not necessary, or even desirable to go about things in this way. For a start, if you first attain a good degree of mastery over the sexual process and then try sex and cannabis together the results will be far, far better than if you just went straight into stoned sex with no real understanding of energies, your own body or the deeper workings of the sexual and orgasmic processes. Further, it is unwise to allow yourself to get to the stage where you come to rely upon the use of cannabis in order for the sex to be good. That would be a form of dependence and so a restriction of your own freedom, which is never a good thing. Finally on this point please be aware that you do not need to use cannabis in any way in order to derive the maximum pleasure from the techniques contained in this book. Indeed I would say that at the higher levels of sexual practice and mastery cannabis use is a hindrance rather than a help. As always though I leave the final conclusion on this score to your own personal insight and experimentation. Another important consideration is that, if you do decide to smoke cannabis, it would be wise to perform 15-30 minutes or so of Chi-Kung the following day in order to fully clear the undesirable effects that smoking cannabis had on your lungs. The residue of marijuana smoke is a lot faster to clear from your lungs than the residue of tobacco smoke, and it is easier to clear it more totally, but cleared it should be. Also, do bear in mind that smoking or otherwise consuming cannabis does limit and constrain the free and full operation of the third eye. It does so by making superficial images come more easily, indeed they often flow freely of their own accord (if youve got access to quality product that is), but this is at the expense of the deeper levels of comprehension which become less accessible due to the energy held in them being moved to the aforementioned superficial levels. So cannabis use is best avoided for 2-3 weeks prior to, and during, any period of your life when a naturally deep, unforced understanding is necessary or would be useful. Though, of course, sometimes all you need is an understanding of the superficial sort and there are even times when such an understanding might well serve you better than an understanding of greater depth. So


use your own insight and decide for yourself when in your life cannabis is best avoided and when you are free to indulge. On another note, nowadays, in most of the world, cannabis is illegal and its use is subject to legal and moral censure. However, some time in the near future (within the next ten years) cannabis will be fully legal, freely available and untaxed across the world. Until then, the choices are Amsterdam or breaking the law (which, of course, is a terrible thing to do for your government always has your best interests at heart). My personal take on the whole issue is unjudgementalness and the belief that people should be free to do what they like provided they dont harm others in the process. Regarding personal use, be aware of your own body and what it can handle and then decide how high you can go on the basis of that. Whilst occasional extreme use (provided it is within your personal capacity) can be useful and productive, habitual use is, as ever, to be avoided. Regarding those involved in the enforcement of the current legal position on cannabis, be aware that even though you are just doing your job that is not a mitigating factor and you are generating some very heavy karma indeed for yourself which will mature (i.e. have to be paid) very soon indeed. At any rate, cannabis use is not an issue in which I personally want to get too involved but if you yourself do wish to do so then youll get the most out of the experience if you go about it in a knowledgeable and well-informed way. The recommendations given here should help you in this process. The Cannabible by Jason King A guide to the various strains of cannabis out there by probably the worlds foremost cannabis gourmet. The Big Book of Buds by Ed Rosenthal et al Another guide to the various strains of cannabis out there, their flavour, strength and type of high, this time written, it would seem, mainly by the various seed companies. Still, a good, clear book for all that. The Art and Science of Cooking with Cannabis by Adam Gottlieb This is the most concise, accurate guide on the market on how to cook with cannabis in such a way that ingestion of the finished products will make you high. The chief consideration in this process being that the active ingredients in cannabis are fat-soluble not water-soluble and so making tea out of it wont work. Simmering the cannabis in butter over a low flame for 10-20 minutes or so however will work very well indeed. Recommended.


The Marijuana Chef Cookbook by S.T. Oner Similar to the above book but with more emphasis placed on the culinary as opposed to the psychoactive part of the process. Many would consider the cannabis dosages included in the recipes to be on the small side. Nevertheless a clear, competent, well-presented book. Kiss of the Sun The Natural Marijuana Garden by John Alexander A book telling you all you need to know about growing your own cannabis outdoors. It is written in a clear, direct, concise and simple style and is, importantly, short. The majority of the grow books out there are too long, too complex and include information probably only of interest to the commercial grower. Recommended. Marijuana Growers Guide by Mel Frank A more detailed look at marijuana growing including information on both indoor and outdoor cultivation. A guide to the various coffeeshops (cafes where cannabis is sold and consumed) in Amsterdam, rating each one in terms of the quality and variety of cannabis sold, atmosphere, friendliness and the like. Thanks to the sites administrators for providing this service to the world for free.

Another area of human experience which is, in many parts of the world, subject to moral and legal censure. And again those doing the censuring and the judging are generating significant heavy karma for themselves, though for various esoteric reasons (which this really isnt the place to go into) this karma is nowhere near as heavy as that generated by those involved in the legal censuring of cannabis. I myself am, generally, on the side of freedom in all areas that do not directly harm anybody else. And personally I quite like hookers finding them as a rule to have more open hearts and to be a lot more honest (both to themselves and to others) than many of todays women who dont formally work as prostitutes. At any rate if youre interested in prostitution or are looking for a good hooker / brothel / massage parlour etc. then youll probably find the following websites to be useful. main site

187 posting forum including the most recent information (and without any porn banners) This website is free to access and contains information on the various prostitution options available pretty much the world over. What prices to expect, the sort of quality available, even recommendations on specific girls. It will probably take you a little while to find exactly what youre looking for because the material on the site is all contributed by the public. However, everything is well organized and the site is well run and it is all right up to date all the time. Many, many thanks to the sites administrator, Jackson, for providing this valuable service to the world for free. This website is similar to the world sex guide except that you have to pay for access and a lot of the information posted is better written, longer and its usually easier to find what youre looking for. Does this justify paying for access? That probably depends on how frequently you travel the world to go whoring and how much you like websurfing. Another free site giving superb, well-organized information on the prostitution scene in Amsterdam including a downloadable, printable map of the red light district and details on which streets specific nationalities of girls can be found in the windows. This site also offers information on the coffeeshop scene in Amsterdam, amongst other things, and they can also book your hotel room for you (the small commission they get from doing this helps to keep this free website up and running so booking your hotel room through them is a good way to say thank you for the superb free information they provide). Many thanks to the sites administrators for providing this excellent resource to the world for free. This site, in the naughty nightlife section, contains the best and most complete information on the large and varied Bangkok prostitution scene. It is updated regularly and also contains information on prostitution in other areas of Thailand, as well as some more general nonsex-related information for the foreign visitor to Thailand. Many thanks to Stickman, the sites administrator, for providing this excellent resource to the world for free.

Sacred Geometry


If you look at things from a certain perspective you will see that the entire reality, including the physical universe, is geometrically created. As a consequence certain geometrical proportions are to be found in every aspect of the natural world. All such proportions are derived from, can be found within, the flower of life the basic geometrical design used to create the universe. In terms of relatively recent history it was Pythagoras who first introduced the world in a detailed way to sacred geometry. Looking more to the future, all advanced technologies are based upon sacred geometry. On a side note, a basic understanding of sacred geometry will enable you to understand some of the layers of meaning contained within the Aralzon star / flower symbol, which is essentially a two-dimensional representation of the flower of life within a star tetrahedron. The recommendations given in this section serve as good introductions to sacred geometry. The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, volumes I and II by Drunvalo Mechizedek I would consider these two books to be the best introductions to sacred geometry out there due to their readability, simplicity, conciseness and the exceptional depth of understanding of their author which they embody. Combined these two books contain a lot of information on sacred geometry as well as on Earth history, the nature of reality and related esoteric subjects. Highly recommended. You might also want to take a look at the website: If you contact the flower of life organisation personally you can also get hold of a copy of the Strecker memorandum and videocassette from them, though for reasons of personal safety they tend to prefer to be very discreet about it all. The Strecker memorandum and videocassette detail how the AIDS virus was genetically engineered and then released into specific segments of the world population through smallpox and hepatitis B vaccination programmes, for the purposes of (attempted) population control. And also how both the vaccine and the cure already exist: they were created and fully tested well before AIDS was ever released. After all, the illuminati may well be (as they view it) Machiavellian and beyond morality, but they are not stupid. And they know that, at the end of the day, their own continued existence is dependent upon the continued existence of the human race. Sacred Geometry by Richard Lawlor Again, a good introductory text. Not as readable as The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life but concise and technically accurate nevertheless.


The Unknown Leonardo by Ladislas Reti (editor) This book contains Leonardo da Vincis sacred geometrical drawings and research for those of you who are interested.

The Five Tibetans

Do note that no book or other resource covers The Five Tibetans in as much depth as is to be found in this book that you are now holding. The Fountain of Youth also published as Tibetan Secrets of Youth and Vitality by Peter Kelder This is the original book which introduced the series of exercises now commonly known as The Five Tibetans to the world in general. This book includes the exercises themselves and also the story of how they were discovered in a monastery in Tibet and then brought to the West. The Five Tibetans by Christopher S. Kilham A superb little book giving a clear description of each exercise and also covering such things as meditation on the chakras and even upon the sound current! (which is very high-level). It was also Christopher S. Kilham who originally came up with the name The Five Tibetans for this series of exercises and not a certain German company who have dubiously registered the term The Five Tibetans as their personal trademark even though they didnt come up with it! Of all the books included in this bibliography The Five Tibetans by Christopher S. Kilham is the one I would recommend most highly.

Chinese Medical Qigong Therapy A Comprehensive Clinical Text by Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson A very comprehensive text covering nearly every aspect of ChiKung theory and practice. The very best book on Chi-Kung out there by a very large margin. It is also a very large book however, coming in at over 1000 pages. And its a little expensive for the casual reader (though the price is easily worth it considering the knowledge and deep understanding that this book embodies). A clear, well-organized work, written in a style which makes its content a lot more easily accessible and understandable to the Western mind than a lot of the other books on ChiKung currently available. This book is available for order online from the website Highly recommended.


The Root of Chinese Qigong: Secrets for Health, Longevity & Enlightenment by Yang Jwing-Ming This book doesnt contain any actual techniques but is very good on the theory behind Chi-Kung practice. The Art of Chi-Kung by Wong Kiew Kit A good book on Chi-kung, especially for beginners. The Art of Chi-Kung is written by a martial artist trained in the traditions of Shaolin Kung-fu, so you know that his Chi-Kung practice has some real substance behind it. Certainly the techniques he presents in this book are simple, easy to learn and do work. The real depths of Chi-Kung practice are however unfortunately not included here (even though the author knows and understands them). Nevertheless, recommended, especially if youre just starting out on the Chi-Kung path. A Complete Guide to Chi-Gung by Daniel Reid A good introduction to Taoist chi-kung practices by someone with a good understanding of them. This book is better written, easier to understand and embodies a deeper understanding than any of the Mantak Chi books which deal with the same topic (viz. Taoist Chi-Kung techniques). The Mantak Chia books are, however, better illustrated. Iron Shirt I by Mantak Chia Like nearly all of Mantak Chias books Iron Shirt Chi Kung I contains a lot of very good techniques which are nevertheless presented in such a way that it is very hard to put it all together into a coherent whole and you are left wondering whether the author actually really understands what he is writing about. The answer is that he doesnt, not really. He knows a lot of good techniques and has a broad range of esoteric knowledge but he doesnt really understand the depth and import of most of it. This is reflected in the fact that hes currently (2003) lost playing about with astral forces and factors even though he knows techniques which could sort everything out for him very quickly if he just cut to their essence. Nevertheless, this book does have some good diagrams and Mantak Chi himself has done an excellent job in fetching many of the esoteric teachings of China to the West. His openness with what he knows is also highly laudable. It is just unfortunate that he does not at the moment have any real depth as a mystic or skill as a teacher. Bone Marrow Nei Kung by Mantak Chia One of the few books authored by Mantak Chia which is clear, concise, to-the-point and easy to understand. The other ones which are


this good are Chi Nei Tsang I, The Inner structure of Tai Chi and Awaken Healing Energy Through the Tao. In terms of the book Bone Marrow Nei Kung, to actually develop the full art of Golden Bell youll have to take your practice a bit deeper than what is detailed in the text.

Penis enlargement
All of the material on penis enlargement out there is web-based and some of it is actually very good. Do bear in mind that all the penisenlargement websites which are at least reasonable offer a six month or so full money-back guarantee. All the sites which dont offer this (and there are many) tend to have very poor, limited information on offer once youve paid and got to the members-only section. This is a free site which basically reviews the available penis enlargement websites out there and rates the best ones. A valuable resource considering how many penis enlargement websites are out there and how few of them are good, how many poor or mediocre. Many thanks to Greg, the sites administrator, for providing this valuable service to the world for free. Another free site which reviews the penis enlargement websites out there and offers recommendations as to which are best. This site is larger than the previous one and also includes information on, and reviews of, the various penis enlargement supplements available and several other related topics. Many thanks to Brian, the sites administrator, for providing this valuable service to the world for free. Id say this was the best penis-enlargement site out there. Clear, well-organized and well-presented. I dont think much of a lot of the photos, but thats a minor niggle. This is the other very good penis-enlargement website out there. Clear, well-organized and well-presented. From this website you can order Viacyn, the best of the all-natural penile-enhancement supplements out there. Do note that such


supplements only enhance the effects of a penile enlargement exercise regime. They do not produce results on their own.

Dont expect anything even approaching the scope and depth of this book when looking at the other books on sex out there. The information and techniques they provide is nearly always limited, frequently misguided and often downright wrong. So read them with a critical eye and dont let their limitation hold you back or restrict your sexual practice. Also, importantly, dont get caught up in focusing on the more trivial, non-essential aspects of the sexual experience as many of the sex books out there recommend that you do. To do so would slow your progress and would not take you anywhere very special. In all honesty after reading and mastering the practices contained in this book there is very little to be gained by looking at the other sex books out there. However, there are a few little tricks you could pick up, a few minor pointers here and there, and you may want to read around the topic a bit. For these reasons there follow some recommendation as to the best of the other sex books out there. Books on sexual practice written with an awareness of energy Sexual Energy Ecstasy by David and Ellen Ransdale Other than the book you are now holding I would say that Sexual Energy Ecstasy is the best book on sexual practice out there. Though the authors have no real conscious very deep understanding of sex they do intuitively have a very deep understanding of sex and this does come through in the book, in places. This book presents a massive range of techniques covering pretty much most areas of sexual practice and approach. However, the techniques are not really organized into a coherent whole or related the one to the other so that the connections between them all can be clearly seen. Also, comparatively unimportant techniques are given the same weight, and space, as techniques which are much more essential and important. However, compared to what else is out there, this is a superb book. Flicking through it every so often will probably reveal to you many little techniques and approaches to the sexual process that you had not considered before. Further, this is the only sex book out there whose authors seem to fully understand the importance of vaginal muscular development and control to sexual practice: pages 91-93 and 358-363 are the relevant ones in this area. You might also want to take a look at pages 70-74 on aphrodisiac herbs, a


topic not covered in the book you are now holding. Highly recommended and congratulations to the authors for coming up with one of the few good sex books out there. Jewel in the Lotus by Sunyata Saraswati and Bodhi Avinansha A well thought-out book presenting techniques organized into a coherent whole. After Sexual Energy Ecstasy, Jewel in the Lotus is probably the second best sex book out there. It is a pity though that the details of the technique they call the cobra breath is not included in the text of this book and must be learnt personally from one of their instructors as it would seem to be essential to their system of sexual practice. Nevertheless, recommended. Art of the Bedchamber: The Chinese Sexual Yoga Classics by Douglas Wile (translator) Good English translations of old Taoist and other Chinese texts on sexual practice. Many of the techniques and ways of going about sexual practice are only indirectly alluded to or mentioned metaphorically but theres some good stuff there nevertheless and its all very readable. Also these texts were written by people who had quite a deep, profound understanding of sexual practice and this does come through in their writing, even if not overtly or explicitly so. A little meditation should reveal to you what theyre really talking about and what techniques they used. Recommended. The Multi-Orgasmic Man by Mantak Chia and Douglas Abrams Arava Mantak Chia has done a good job in fetching some of the basic techniques of Taoist sexual practice to the West and in making men aware that ejaculation is a separate physiological response to orgasm. However, much is missing from his books and teachings. With regards to this book the main omission is of any techniques actually telling you how to become multi-orgasmic. So Id say the title of this book is more than a bit of a misnomer. Also, his recommendation to stop ejaculating altogether without the teaching or inclusion of any effective transmutation techniques is somewhat irresponsible. Such transmutation techniques are included in Mantak Chias overall system but not until the level of the lesser enlightenment of Kan and Li, which is a bit of a way down the road. Nevertheless this book is one of the few written on sexual practice which displays a solid understanding of energy and how it works. Cultivating Female Sexual Energy by Mantak Chia Not a very readable book but it does contain some good parts to it. Specifically pages 180-201 on vaginal egg exercises, pages 220-230 on


different sexual positions to be used for healing different physical ailments and the Chi timetable on p. 249 which details at what times of the day Chi energy is most localized in the various organs, meridians and senses. If only for the sections just mentioned, recommended. Jade eggs for use in vaginal exercises can be ordered over the internet via the websites: The Multi-Orgasmic Couple by Mantak Chi et al A well written book containing reasonable information and techniques on Taoist sexual practice. Sexual Ecstasy The Art of Orgasm by Margot Anand Unlike some of Margot Anands other books this one is reasonably well-written and gets to the point fairly quickly. It also includes a few good minor techniques that you might find it fun to play with. Books and other resources on sexual practice written without any awareness of energy A large, free website containing lots of information on many aspects of sex, sexual practice, sexuality and related topics. Its all well organized and theres a plethora of information to be found here, including good details on foreplay and oral sex techniques. Most of the techniques are to be found in the General Sexuality Index subsection of the website at Many thanks to the administrators of this website for providing this valuable service to the world for free. Hot Sex by Tracey Cox Good title. Not a very deep or profound book in any way, nor really original. It does however do a good job of summarizing current mainstream sexual knowledge and techniques. Its also well-written in terms of readability and Tracey Cox does have a sense of humour which is so often lacking from the oh-so-serious and sincere majority of books on sex. Hot Sex does read a bit like an extended article in a womens magazine and it doesnt have any diagrams or illustrations whatsoever in it, which is a bit of a pity. Nevertheless, a good book on the standard aspects of standard sexual practice.


Anne Hoopers Kama Sutra by Anne Hooper Features photos which manage to be impressively unerotic despite the fact that they are of sexual positions. Nevertheless, this book does illustrate a large variety of sexual positions in a clear, easy to see whats going on sort of way; whereas some of the more artistically accomplished books on sexual positions sometimes leave you wondering as to the details of some of the positions they present. Regarding the textual commentary, in all honesty you would do best to ignore most of it. Recommended (for the photos alone). Sex, Drugs and Aphrodisiacs by Adam Gottlieb This book provides details on a wide variety of drugs primarily natural but also some chemical / manufactured ones which can be used to enhance or at least alter the sexual experience. Also included is information on herbal options for the relief of menstrual cramps and the overcoming of impotence (though as usual I would personally recommend solving both these problems energetically instead). This book is probably the best available in its subject area and it is written by probably the worlds leading authority on the ingestion of drugs for nonmedicinal purposes. The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women by Tristan Taormino A guide to anal sex for women, written by a woman (even if that woman is called Tristan). Seymores Squirters by Seymore Butts (director) This is hardcore pornography featuring female ejaculation. Also included in this video are clear instructions on how to make a woman ejaculate. And Seymore Butts pornography is always first-rate. Masturbation or manually stimulating your partner The books in this section essentially discuss the same techniques and responses. I dont recommend the version of prolonged orgasm which they advocate as it results in the loss of massive amounts of sexual energy. But if you modify your internal responses using the knowledge youve learnt in this book and use the external manual techniques presented in these books you can get some fairly deep, strong orgasms going. The One Hour Orgasm How to Learn the Amazing Venus Butterfly Technique by Bob and Leah Schwartz


Reasonable. Contains photos, as opposed to drawings, which some people may find illustrates the techniques involved more clearly for them. Extended Massive Orgasm by Steve and Vera Bodonsky After your experiences with Advanced Sexual Practices youll probably find the title of this book to be more than a little hyperbolic. Nevertheless, reasonable. ESO Extended Sexual Orgasm by Alan and Donna Brauer The best of the three whose authors have a somewhat deeper intuitive understanding of the sexual process than the authors of the above two books. A little question about the title: when is orgasm not sexual? A Hand in the Bush The Fine Art of Vaginal Fisting by Deborah Addington A book on vaginal fisting the practice of inserting the full hand into the vagina. Includes clear, step-by-step instructions on technique.

Sex magick
I find sex magickal practice to usually be far too ritualized and to focus on the magick side of the process too strongly to the detriment of the sex part of the process. Further, there are better, more suitable, more effective energies to use in magickal workings and sexual energy is too valuable to the body and your personal energetic system to be squandered in this way. Perhaps most importantly for those interested in the subject there arent really any exceptionally powerful sorcerers left in the world today (though 2 or 3 come close) and definitely none who are involoved in the practice or teaching of sex magick, let alone the publication of books on the subject. The recommendations given in this section then are the best of what is available but arent really high-level for all that. Still you might well find it fun to play around with sex magick a little bit. For real spiritual progress though or magickal results meditation and other solo practices are quicker, more effective ways of going about things. Some sex magickal practices will be included in an upcoming release from The Aralzon Institute entitled Master and Sorcerer: The Way of the Open Hand. Modern Sex Magick Secrets of Erotic Spirituality by Donald Michael Kraig


A good introductory book to the basics of most aspects of modern sex magickal practice. Includes information on polyfocal (orgiastic) and sadomasochistic sex magick practices. This book does not really go into any depth on any of the areas it touches upon though. Secrets of Western Sex Magic by Frater, U.D. This work has greater depth than the Kraig book but does not include step-by-step techniques. Rather, what is possible is outlined and the practitioner is left to figure out the exact way to go about things for himself. As such this book is probably best used by those with prior magickal training and knowledge. Also includes information on sex with succubi and incubi. Love, Sex and Magick by Sirona Knight Probably the best, most complete book on sex magick out there. It covers some of the basics of tantra, energy work and ritualistic sex magickal practices as well as having appendices on herbs and crystals and their magickal uses.

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Agam Lok The third plane of existence above the Great Void Alakh Lok The second plane of existence above the Great Void Aspect (astrological) A geometric relationship between two or more planets or other celestial bodies (e.g. Sun, asteroids). Astrological aspects are measured in degrees and are valid within a certain number of degrees either side of exactness (known as an orb of influence). Astral The next full plane of existence immediately above the physical reality. Balance The state of being in harmony with the laws of creation and the order of the universe. Embodying within yourself both opposites of an attribute, to an equal degree (though which opposite you choose to live and express can be decided separately). Base point a specially sensitive point on the penis located just above the testicles and extending all the way around the base of the penis in a band about 1 thick, though it is the portion at the front of this band which is usually the most sensitive. The base point connects directly to the dantien. Causal The plane of existence above the astral. Chakra An energy centre within the body which plays an important role in the functioning of karma. You have many chakras in your body, though it is the major chakras located along the spinal axis which are the most important. There are 12 such core chakras (though many, many minor chakras also exist). Each chakra relates to a specific geometric expression of the reality, a specific way of living life, a specific field of character and personality. It is within your chakric system as a whole that your deep personality, or soul, is held. Chi The basic life-force energy. A relatively mobile and refined form of energy within the body. Chi is less dense than Jing and more dense than Shen. It is Chi which fuels most of the bodys organs and functions. Ordinarily, it is primarily Chi energy which flows within the bodys meridian system.


Central route a large energetic pathway running through the centre of the body and starting below your feet, finishing above your head. Ordinarily, it is predominantly Shen which flows within the central route. Concentration The act of focusing upon something in a forceful, powerful, directed way. Dan-tien the main Chi storage centre in the body located, in men, about 1 below the navel and about 1-1 into the body. In women the dantien is always located at the centre of the uterus. Deep point A specially sensitive point in the vagina located on the front vaginal wall about 1 - 1 from the end of the vagina. The deep point is about 1 in diameter. The deep point connects directly to the dan-tien and the uterus. Energy The basic building block of the reality below the Great Void. Energy is more refined and less dense than matter but less refined and more dense than spirit. Energy can be controlled and directed using focused intent. Focus Gathering your mindforce into one place and merging it with one particular thing/person/objective. The Great Void A region of absolute nothingness separating the higher, spiritual planes of the creation from the lower planes of mind and matter. The Great Void is located between the top of the causal and the bottom of Sach Kand. Harmony Flowing with and accepting the current of life and the universe. Iron shirt The martial arts discipline of packing energy into the physical body so as to make that physical body resistant to physical damage, e.g. from blows, attacks with bladed weapons etc. Jelq A technique of penis enlargement which also serves to greatly open up the energetic meridians within the penis, make the full length of the penis more sensitive to stimulation and also greatly reduce the propensity of the penis to get sore due to large amounts of sex.


Jeng A very dense form of sexual energy which is directly connected to your pre-natal Chi. What your body does with its Jeng greatly affects how your body will use its Jing. Jing The basic form of sexual energy which can be increased quite easily and used to fuel orgasm and provide enhanced genital sensitivity. Jing is denser than both Chi and Shen. Jing is not directly connected to your pre-natal Chi. Karma The basic mechanism by which the universe works. Essentially it can be summed up in the realization that all action, thought and emotion and everything that you are will, at some point, return to you. It is also important to realize that inaction and not doing something youre supposed to do usually generates karma just as heavy as, or heavier than, any form of actual action. Love Equivalence. Acceptance of, sameness to and oneness with that which is loved. Meditation The act of focusing upon something in a total yet also gentle, relaxed and detached way. Meridian A pathway in the body through which energy flows. Much like blood flows through veins. Microcosmic orbit An energetic circuit composed of the Du Mai and Ren Mai meridians which run up the spine and down the front of the body respectively. Milking The contraction of the vaginal muscles so as to produce sexual sensations for both partners similar to those produced by thrusting but without any external movement being involved. Mindforce The energy of which your mind is composed. Most frequently refers to that energy which is held or located (even temporarily) at the third eye level. Natal chart A graphic representation of the planets within the solar system and their relative positions to each other at the time of your birth, as seen from the Earth (geocentric chart) or the Sun (heliocentric chart). Packing The act of compressing energy into the physical tissue of the body, often accomplished by means of forceful breathing techniques


combined with focused intent and physically striking or forcefully massaging the body. Packing energy into the genitals serves to greatly strengthen them and make them highly resilient to soreness arising from large quantities of vigorous sex. Physical orgasm channel An energetic meridian running along the front of the body from the perineum up to the top of the head and then round to the base of the skull. Expanding orgasm through this channel results in some very physical sensations. Pre-natal Chi the basic store of life-energy given to you at birth. The bodys basic biological clock. As your pre-natal chi is used up you age. When its all gone you die. Pre-natal chi can however be increased by fetching energy in through the downward flow of the inter-chakric spin cycle. See the section The advanced (i.e. effective) practice of The Five Tibetans for more information on this. Sach kand (also known as Sat Lok, Sat Desh, Muqam Haq and NijDham, amongst other appellations) The first plane of existence above the Great Void. Sexual energy The basic energy with which the universe is created and sustained. It is also the basic energy with which orgasm is produced and fuelled. Within the body sexual energy can take one of two basic forms: Jeng which is directly connected to your pre-natal Chi and Jing which isnt. Sexual meridian One of two special extra meridians, one of which only women have and the other of which only men have. The sexual meridians play a very important, very specific role in the deeper sexual process. Shen Mindforce energy. The most refined of the basic energies within the body, Shen is less dense and more mobile than both Chi and Jing. Soul The full totality of the deep personality containing all the thoughts, desires, proclivities, memories and approaches of a particular incarnating entity. Contrary to popular belief the soul is not immortal, though the Spirit is. However, the longevity of the soul far exceeds that of the physical body. When an entity is within a physical form its soul is predominantly held within its chakric system.


Soulgroup More technically accurately this should be called spiritgroup, but the term soulgroup is used in this book in deference to popular usage. A soulgroup is a large portion of Spirit which splits into 26 individual Spirits as it descends through the planes of existence into physical incarnation. Theoretically, all members of a soulgroup will reunite and join together once again to return to the higher spiritual plane from which they originally come. In practice, however, it almost never works out this way as some members of a soulgroup will return sooner, others later and still others will leave one soulgroup to join another. Soulmate a person whose Spirit originally came from the same soulgroup as yours, and who is still a member of that soulgroup (which is equivalent to still walking the path, still living the lesson of that soulgroup). Occasionally a soulmate is someone whose Spirit did not originally come from the same soulgroup as your own but joined your soulgroup later on. It is possible in some instances to change soulgroups by Spirit joining in a specific way during deep sexual practice. The Source The origin from which the entire creation comes. The Source is half light and half dark, half male and half female. It is often represented graphically by the Taoist yin-yang symbol. The nature of the Source reveals that all opposites are the same thing and that for one extreme to exist so must its contrary. Realizing this we can progress beyond judgementalness, beyond lower plane concepts of good and evil. Spirit The immortal, eternal part of you. Your Spirit is almost exclusively pure awareness, albeit awareness with certain qualities and hence a certain way of perceiving the reality. Your Spirit is the part of God within you and originally comes from one of the spiritual planes above the Great Void. Tantra Technically means just practice or technique but has come to mean in the West those yogic sexual teachings which originated in India. Taoism Originally an Ancient Chinese belief and practice system which encompassed esoteric and metaphysical ideas as well as meditative and other energetic practices. Taoism, like Sikhism (and unlike all other world religions) was originally begun by a lineage of Avatars (Spirits who entered the physical reality directly rather than going through the full incarnational process) from the first full plane above the Great Void, Sach Kand.


Third Eye The energetic centre located above and between the eyebrows and about - 1 into the head. Focusing on the third eye enables you to see and understand things beyond the confines of the physical reality. Tracking route Essentially this is the energetic pathway of the Du Mai meridian from the tip of the coccyx, up through the spine, into the head and to the 3rd eye point. Transmutation The changing of the essential nature of a thing to a higher, more refined state of being. In this book transmutation usually refers to the changing of sexual energy into one of the higher energies of Chi or Shen. Twin Flame The incarnated entity whose Spirit comes from the same sub-group of the same soulgroup as your own Spirit. Venus Also known as Aphrodite, though unless youre talking to her in Greek she prefers the name Venus. The Ancient Greek and Roman goddess of love. Very charming, very womanly, very beautiful and very sexual. Currently she is involved with helping humanity to master the lessons of the Venus and Chiron chakras and in trying to inspire women to revel in, live and enjoy their womanliness. Meditating upon Venus and her nature will help you to truly understand and appreciate the beautiful art of being a woman. Which is something that many women nowadays do need to work more upon. Visualize The act of trying to form as clear a mental image as you can of a thing, usually at your 3rd eye point. Most frequently this is done visually but you can fetch the other senses into the process too, trying, for example, to really hold the image of how a thing would feel. Visualization is a useful aid to meditation and concentration. Zodiac An imaginary belt around the Earth projected up into the heavens and divided into 12 equal-sized 30 portions which constitute the 12 signs of the zodiac.


Appendix I: The chakric cores

The core of each chakra is the essence, the foundation, upon which the lighter and deeper chakric levels of that chakra are based, and of which they are an expression. Each chakras deepest, most essential nature is to be found at its core. That nature is simultaneously both simple and complex and hard to understand if approached rationally / intellectually purely because it is so far removed from the conceptual framework of physical-world rationality within which most peoples minds are accustomed to operating and in relation to which they ordinarily intellectually understand things. It is for this reason, amongst others, that the focus in this book has been primarily upon the lighter and the deeper chakric levels rather than on the chakric cores themselves. However, by now you should be at the stage where you are able to quite easily comprehend the chakras essential nature by meditating upon each chakras very core. The cores of all the major chakras are located at the centre of the central route, as shown in the diagram below. To meditate on a chakric core first enter a calm, detached, meditative state of mind with your awareness held at your 3rd eye. Then place about 70% of your awareness within the core of the chakra whose essential nature you wish to understand whilst keeping about 30% of your awareness at your 3rd eye point. Then simply hold your focus upon that chakric core in this way until its nature becomes clear to you. Almost exactly as you did in the section Understanding the chakras except that you hold your focus a little deeper within your body this time. A full understanding of the essential nature of each chakra as expressed at its core can really only be satisfactorily attained through personal meditative experience. Nevertheless, a conceptual outline of that understanding is possible and youll probably find it useful: The chakric cores SATURN / URANUS RESULTS AND EFFECTS. Relates to learning from the reality itself. Mastering the reality itself. JUPITER / NEPTUNE ENJOYMENT AND APPRECIATION. Relates to enjoying the reality and the life process within it. MARS / PLUTO ACTION AND ACHIEVEMENT. Relates to the method of progress through the reality, how that progress is fuelled / moved forward / brought about.


VENUS / APOLLO EASE AND HARMONY. Relates to being in harmony with the nature of the reality and at ease within it. MERCURY / VULCAN KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM. Relates to learning about the nature of the reality and applying that knowledge to produce practical, useful results in terms of your personality and life experience. ADMEITUS / ERECHTHEUS IDEALISM AND EFFECTIVENESS. Relates to living freely and without compromise, making your dreams and values a reality. Detachment and self-discipline are strongly involved too. SUN / MOON UNDERSTANDING AND INTUITION. Relates to understanding the nature of the reality, and hence essentially transcending that reality. Dg. X-1: The chakric cores


Appendix II: Human physical anatomy

This appendix contains some simple anatomical drawings which you may find help you to understand your own, and your partners, physical body better. ANATOMICAL DIAGRAMS Dg. X-2. Male genital side view Dg. X-3. Female genital front view Dg. X-4: Female genital full frontal view Dg. X-5: Female genital side view Dg. X-6: Internal organs front view Dg. X-7: Internal organs rear view Dg. X-8: Skeletal front view


Appendix III: Human energetic anatomy

This appendix contains diagrams giving a simple outline of some of the aspects of the human energetic system. Essentially it is those aspects of the human energetic system used in Advanced Sexual Practices which are outlined in this appendix. The full human energetic system is, of course, a lot more complex and a lot more detailed than the simple outline given here. However, those energetic structures outlined here are the most important, the most essential, within the human energetic system as a whole. Dg. X-9: The meridian system main meridians, front view Dg. X-10: The meridian system main meridians, side view Dg. X-11: The chakra system front view Dg. X-12: The chakra system side view


The Aralzon Institute

The purpose of The Aralzon Institute is to make available to the world clear, accurate and precise esoteric teachings and information. In everything we do our aim is to be extremely competent, exceptionally efficient and highly honourable. And we dont compromise on that which must be done. Ever. It is our belief that some very positive changes are beginning within the creation and that the necessary steps have to be taken on this planet in this dimension to ensure that these changes flow smoothly. This we initially hope to achieve by giving people the information and esoteric tools necessary to free themselves from the bonds placed upon them and those which they have placed upon themselves. Secrecy and the withholding of valuable esoteric information from the general public is not something we support, practice or are willing to tolerate. Starting with this book our aim is to release all such valuable esoteric information to the world as a whole. The Aralzon Institute can be found on the web at It is also our intention to have centres worldwide within a few years where people can come to learn, talk or just kick back and chill. Maybe well see you at one of them sometime soon!


Sebastian Heller
[photograph] I breathe the air of freedom Though I walk the path of light; I hold darkness in my left hand And goodness in my right.

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