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Solutions, Electrolytes, and Concentration

Pre-Lab Study Questions

1. Why does an oil and vinegar salad dressing have two separate layers?

Because oil is non polar and water is polar

2. What is meant by mass/mass percent concentration of a solution?

The amount of grams of solute in 100 grams of solution

3. Why are some electrolytes strong, while others are weak?

Strong electrolytes completely disassociate in water while weak ones do not.

4. What is molarity? Amount of substance concentration.

A. Polarity of Solutes and Solvents

KMnO4 I2 Sucrose Vegetable oil Soluble/Not soluble in Solute Water (A.1) Cyclohexane (A.2) yes/no yes/no yes/no yes/no yes/ no yes/no yes/no yes/no polar/nonpolar

Is the solute polar or nonpolar?

polar/ nonpolar polar/nonpolar polar/ nonpolar

Questions and Problems Q.1 NaCl is soluble in water, but I2 is not. Explain. NaCl is made up of charged ions, which can interact with the dipoles present in the water molecules. The large polarity of water means that it is very good at a dialectic constant, so the ions can be separated from each other resulting in dissolving. I2 is held together by a covalent bond. Neither atom is charged and they are not attracted to H2O. The dispersion forces cause the I2 molecules to attract to each other and not the charge.

B. Electrolytes and Conductivity: Make predictions about the substances below:

Substance of electrolyte B.1 Observations B.2 Type of particles (Intensity of light bulb) (strong, weak, non) NaCl(s) 0.1 M NaCl weak ion weak (ions, molecules, both)


0.1 M Sucrose 0.1 M HCl

none strong weak strong weak none

molecule ion both ion both molecule

non strong weak strong weak non

0.1 M Acetic acid, HC2H3O2 0.1 M NaOH 0.1 M NH4OH 0.1 M Glucose, C6H12O6

Questions and Problems

Q.2 For the three solutes below that were tested in A.1, write an equation for their solution in water: HCl + H2O --> H3O + Cl NH4OH <--> NH3 + H2O C6H12O6 + O2 <--> CO2 + H2O Q.3 Classify the solutes in the following equations as a weak electrolyte, a strong electrolyte, or a nonelectrolyte in water. a. XY2 (s) b. HX (g) c. XYZ(s) d. YOH(s) X2+ (aq) + 2Y (aq)


H+ (aq) + X (aq) XYZ(aq) Y+ (aq) + OH (aq)


C. Electrolytes in Body Fluids

C.1: Given the information below answer the questions: IV Solution: 20 mEq Na, 25 mEq Mg, 17 mEq Cl, 28 mEq S C.2 Cations Anions Na, Mg Cl, S 3 3

C.3 Total Charge of Cations Total Charge of Anions

C.4 Overall Charge

Questions and Problems

Q.4What would be the overall charge in any IV solution? Why? 0, because it is neutral.

D. Concentrations of a Sodium Chloride Solution: Use the exercise module, Concentration of NaCl Solution, for this part
D1 Mass of evaporating dish D.2 Volume of NaCl solution D.3 Mass of dish and NaCl solution D.4Mass of dish and dry NaCl

40g 10mL 50g 41g 50g - 40g = 10g 41g - 40g = 1g 1g/10g * 100 = 10% 1g/10mL * 100 = 10% 1g dried NaCl * 1 mole NaCl / 58.5g NaCl = .017mol

D.5 Mass of NaCl solution (Show calculations) D.6 Mass of the dry NaCl salt (Show calculations) D.7 Mass/mass percent D.8 Mass/volume percent (Show calculations) D.9 Moles of NaCl (Show calculations) NaCl

D.10 Volume of sample in liters (Show calculations) 10mL NaCl * 1L / 1000mL = .01L NaCl D.11 Molarity of NaCl solution (Show calculations) .017 mol NaCl / .01L NaCl = 1.7M

Questions and Problems

Q.5 A 15.0 mL sample of NaCl solution has a mass of 15.78 g. After the NaCl solution is evaporated to dryness, the dry salt residue had a mass of 3.26 g. Calculate the following concentrations for the NaCl solution and show your work:

a. % (m/m) b. % (m/v) c. molarity (M)

3.26g/15.78g * 100 = 20.66% 3.26g/15.0mL * 100 = 21.73%

3.26 * 1/58.5 = 0.56 moles NaCl 15.0mL * 1L/1000mL = .015L NaCl .056 mol NaCl / .015L NaCl = 3.73M

Q.6 How many grams of KI are in 25.0 mL of a 3.0 % (m/v) KI solution? Show work. 3.0 % / 100 * 25.0 = .75g Q.7 How many milliliters of a 2.5 M MgCl2 solution contain 17.5 g MgCl2? Show work. 17.5g/ 95.211g/mol = 0.184 0.184mol / 2.5M = 0.0736L 0.0736L * 1000 = 73.6mL

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