C General 21

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Character Functions

int isalnum(int c); The function returns int isalpha(int c); The function returns int iscntrl(int c); The function returns int isdigit(int c); The function returns int isgraph(int c); The function returns int islower(int c); The function returns int isprint(int c); The function returns int ispunct(int c); The function returns int isspace(int c); The function returns int isupper(int c); The function returns int isxdigit(int c); The function returns int tolower(int c); The function returns returns c. int toupper(int c); The function returns returns c. nonzero if c is alphanumeric nonzero if c is alphabetic only nonzero if c is a control chracter nonzero if c is a numeric digit nonzero if c is any character for which either isalnum or ispunct returns nonzero. nonzero if c is a lower case character. nonzero if c is space or a character for which isgraph returns nonzero. nonzero if c is punctuation nonzero if c is space character nonzero if c is upper case character nonzero if c is hexa digit the corresponding lowercase letter if one exists and if isupper(c); otherwise, it

the corresponding uppercase letter if one exists and if islower(c); otherwise, it

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