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If the magnitude of the resultant force is to be 9 kN directed along the positive x axis, determine the magnitude of force T acting on the eyebolt and its angle u. 2.3 = Se a intensidade da fora resultante deve ser 9 KN direcionada ao longo do eixo x positivo, determine a intensidade da fora T que atua sobre a argola e o angulo

26. Resolve F2 into components along the u and v axes, and determine the magnitudes of these components. 2.6 = Decomponha F2 em componentes ao longo dos eixos u e v, e detemine suas intensidades.

27. If Fb= 2KN and the resultant force acts along the positive u axis, determine the magnitude of the resultant force and the angle u. 2.7 =Se Fb =2 KN e a fora resultante atua ao longo do eixo u positivo , determine a intensidade da fora resultante e o angulo

210. Determine the angle of for connecting member A to the plate so that the resultant force of FA and FB is directed horizontally to the right.Also, what is the magnitude of the resultant force?

219. The truck is to be towed using two ropes. If the resultant force is to be 950 N, directed along the positive x axis, determine the magnitudes of forces FA and FB acting on each rope and the angle of FB so that the magnitude of FB is a minimum. FA acts at 20 from the x axis as shown.

continuao 218. The truck is to be towed using two ropes. Determine the magnitudes of forces FA and FB acting on each rope in order to develop a resultant force of 950 N directed along the positive x axis. Set u = 50.

226. The log is being towed by two tractors A and B. Determine the magnitudes of the two towing forces FA and FB if it is required that the resultant force have a magnitude FR = 10 kN and be directed along the x axis. Set u = 15.

230. Three chains act on the bracket such that they create a resultant force having a magnitude of 500 lb. If two of the chains are subjected to known forces, as shown, determine the angle of the third chain measured clockwise from the positive x axis, so that the magnitude of force F in this chain is a minimum. All forces lie in the xy plane. What is the magnitude of F? Hint: First find the resultant of the two known forces. Force F acts in this direction.

CAPITULO 3 32. If the 1.5-m-long cord AB can withstand a maximum force of 3500 N, determine the force BC in cord and the distance y so that the 200-kg crate can be supported. 3.2 = Se a corda AB de 1,5 m pode suportar uma fora mxima de 2500 N, determine a fora na corda BC e a distncia y , de modo que a caixa de 200kg possa ser suportada.

36. The gusset plate is subjected to the forces of four members. Determine the force in member B and its proper orientation for equilibrium. The forces are concurrent at point O.Take F = 12 kN. 3.6 = A placa de ligao est submetida as foras de quatro menbros. Determine a fora no membro B e sua orientao correta

para o equilibrio. As foras so concorrentes no ponto 0. considere F 12KN.

311. The gusset plate is subjected to the forces of three members. Determine the tension force in member C and its angle for equilibrium.The forces are concurrent at point O. Take F = 8 kN. 3.11 = A placa de ligao est submetida s foras de tres membros. Determine a fora de trao no membro C e seu angulo

para o equilibrio, As foras so concorrentes no ponto 0. considere F 8KN.

continuao: 310. The members of a truss are connected to the gusset plate. If the forces are concurrent at point O, determine the magnitudes of F and T for equilibrium.Take u = 90.

319. The ball Dhas a mass of 20 kg. If a force of 100N is applied horizontally to the ring at A, determine the dimension d so that the force in cable AC is zero.

327. If cylinder E weighs 30 lb and = 15, determine the weight of cylinder F. Se o cilindro E pesa 150 N e = 15, determine o peso do cilindro F.

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