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GROWING PAINS & INFLAMATION Criteria: qualifications (isyarat) Syndrome: a group of signs & symptoms that go together Joint:

persendian Bilateral: both sides Unilateral: one side Contralateral: opposite side Ipsilateral: same side SIGNS of INFLAMATION XXX-itis (Keradangan) 1. Pain (nyeri, dolor) 2. Erythema (kemerahan, rubror) 3. Edema (bengkak, 4. Heat (panas, calor) 5. Loss of Function (kehilangan/kekurangan penggunaan, functio laesi) NSAID (Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drug) Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Mefalenic Acid, Naproxin Sodium Side effects of Aspirin: bleeding, gastric ulcer, Toxcitiy: acidosis, tinnitus Corticosteroids: anti-inflammatory drugs, powerful, but many side effects: Cortisol, Prednisone, Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone Paracetamol & Acetamenophen are not NSAIDs Only: Anti-pain (analgesic) & anti-heat/fever (antipyretic)

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