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Dear Andrew,
I read in my magazine that you are ................................ (look)
for a penpal, so I ............................. (write) to say hello.
My names Joe Smith and Im 16. Im from Canada, but at the
moment I ............................ (be) on holiday in England. Canada is a fantastic
country. ............ you ever ............. there? (be)
I .............................. (live) with my parents and sister. Im a student
at a private college. I ............................... (be) at the same school for 4 years so
I know it very well. Most of the time I like ............................... (go) to school
but there are some things I cant stand ............................. (do).
Have you got an e-mail address? Its easier to keep in touch that way.
Looking forward to ........................ (hear) from you,
Best wishes,


My name is
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English & Fun

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