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Minnesota College Republican Chairman Slams DFL, Franken on Student Loans DFL, Franken Hypocritical on Student Loan Issue

Saint Paul, MN, June 18th, 2013: Minnesota College Republicans Chairman, Andrew Hasek, slammed comments made today by MN DFL Chairman Ken Martin and Senator Al Franken. Chairman Hasek stated, Im truly appalled that Senator Franken and the DFL are playing politics instead of following Congressman Klines leadto ensure student loan rates dont double on July 1st. MN DFL Chairman Martin held a press conference at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities today to attack Congressman John Kline for his work on student loans. Kline is making it harder for low- and middle-class Minnesotans to earn a college degree, Martin said. Young constituents deserve to know Kline is not working in their best interests. Hasek called this statement patently false, since Klines bill is based on President Obamas student loan proposal. Chairman Hasek agreed with Congressman Klines statement, Its time to put these politics aside. Lets get the Senate to move. Lets help these students behind us, so we can move on to solving other problems. Hasek called on Chairman Martin and Senator Franken to, put aside petty political attacks and pass Congressman Klines common sense bill. He went on to say, This isnt a Republican or a Democrat issue, this is a student issue. We must work together and support the best interests of students by passing Klines bill.


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