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These are My Holidays ‫ב‬:‫(אלה הם מועדי (כג‬

Six Days ‫ג‬:‫(ששת ימים (כג‬

And the Seventh Day ‫וביום שביעי‬

Yom Echad HaShem Himself struck
HaShem only being the First Born (no
in the world angel( First day of
1 Special Light of First night of Exodus, Pesach
first day hidden light from first day
away shone
Firmament created
Splitting of the Reed Last day of
2 separating between
the waters Pesach
Origin of fruit- HaShem judges the
3 bearing trees future fruit harvest ‫שבועות‬
Heavenly bodies Beginning of yearly
4 created cycle ‫ראש השנה‬
Water libations and
Day’s creations
special prayers for
issued from the
5 waters, including
water, life-source of all ‫סוכות‬
Sukah to be made out of
the Levithan
skin of Levithan
HaSheshi Celebrate the Torah as
6 Creation of Man observed by man ‫שמיני עצרת‬
Shabbos Shabbason
Creation of Shabbos
Ochel Nefesh forbidden
7 HaShem forgave
HaShem forgave the ‫יום הכיפור‬
Adam HaRishon
Jewish Nation

Seven festivals represent the seven aspects of the formation of

the spiritual world, just as the seven days of the week represent
the seven stages of the creation of the physical world

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