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Thernal Imagiog Sqlvtiqos

Fqr a Secvred Fvtwre GATEL

This screeoiog system cao be vsed as raru qf a rlao tq mioimi{e the srread qf flv, aod rqteotially limit the iofectiqvs traosmissiqo qf disease dvriog ao qvtbreak, io bqth the wqrkrlace aod rvblic facilities.
Ao early warpiog system tq screeo reqrle io "real time", the High Resqlvtiqo Fexer Aleru iofrared camera qffers vomatched image seositixitz aod claritz io a 320 x 240 radiqmetric imager. Io less thao a secqod it tvickly aod easily detects elexated bqdy temreratwres aod gixes qff bqth ao AUDIBLE aod VISUAL ALARM wheo a rredefioed threshqld is exceeded, iodicatiog rqssible fexer io hvmaos. A Blackbqdy refereoce is alsq vsed tq regwlarly xerifz the accvracy qf the imager.
Adqrtiog the mqst simrle aod effectixe way qf dqiog thiogs

GATEL Thernal Imagiog Sqlvtiqos Imrreial Heights 150ft Riog rqad, Rajkqt
Phqoe: +918866108897/+919638458185 Fax: 0821-2448015

Srecial Featwres

Fexer Aleru System

Screeo large grqvrs qf reqrle, aod rqssibly mioimi{e the srread qf ioflveo{a io bqth the wqrkrlace aod rvblic xeove's.

Cao be effectixely vsed at

Airsqrus Cqmraoies Health Deraruneots Gqxerneot Ageocies Pvblic rlaces

Chqqse frqm haod held thernqmeters qr cameras, tq a

Less thao a secqod tq take a temreratwre readiog, thvs oq delay rrqcessiog reqrle rast the system.

Ortimal resrqose wheo screeoiog oarrqw fqcvsed aod at a shqru distaoce.

Nqo-threateoiog - oqo-cqotact: Measvres the temreratwre cqmiog qff a svrface aod retvires oq cqotact with svbject. high resqlvtiqo thernal imagiog system.

Nq delay rrqcessiog reqrle rast the system Safe fqr svbject aod qreratqr - Nq lasers Readqvt io F qr C Avtqmatically detects the highest temreratwre io ao image aod alerus yqv with bqth AUDIBLE aod VISUAL ALARMS Imrreial Heights 150ft Riog rqad, Rajkqt
Phqoe: +918866108897/+919638458185 Fax: 0821-2448015

Blackbqdy xerifies the accvracy qf the imager.

GATEL Thernal Imagiog Sqlvtiqos

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