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Objective: Objective (true/false) will come from all lectures. Therefore carefully read all lectures. Question: 1. What is parallel computing and give one parallel computer example? 2. Why we need parallel computing? Justify your answer. 3. Briefly define data parallel architecture? 4. Briefly define functional parallel architecture? 5. Briefly explain Multiple Instruction, Single Data (MISD) with example? 6. Briefly define the MIMD architecture with example? 7. Why we move toward multicore systems? Justify your answer. 8. Briefly explain the cache coherence in shared memory architecture? 9. Briefly define the shared memory architecture and its disadvantages? 10. Why fine gained multithreading potentially faster than coarse grained multithreading? Justify your answer. 11. Briefly define the distributed memory architecture and its advantages? 12. Why implementing multitasking is relatively easier in an operating system than implementing multithreading? Justify your answer. 13. Briefly define the interconnection network and its types? 14. Briefly explain the metrics of interconnection networks? 15. Briefly describe Switch Network topologies? 16. Briefly define thread level parallelism 17. Briefly define the cloud computing and distributed computing? 18. Briefly described the issues and challenges of distributed computing? 19. Briefly explain cloud computing characteristics and cloud service models? 20. Briefly described the purpose of virtualization? Numericals: Suppose you have an application that is 10 percent parallel and runs on a cores. Rest of the code is sequential. Find the speedup?

machine with two processor

If the sequential version of code takes 1,000 seconds to complete then how long, the new version with some parallelized code will take?

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