EG 15-14-1.2 Instrument Calibration: Scope

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EG 15-14-1.2
Page 1 of 21 Rev. 0 June 1999

Instrument Calibration
(This practice is appropriate for attachment to Inquiry or Purchase Document)

I 1.1 This guide covers calibration standards and recommended requirements for calibration procedures of pressure and temperature instruments. Frequency of calibration is recommended, but acceptable site practices will govern. Devices such as turbine meters, positive displacement meters, coriolis meters, capacitance level devices, etc. are not covered by this guide. The fundamental accuracy of flow elements, such as orifice plates, is not covered in this guide.


1.2 1.3


I 2.1 This guide is based on Exxon Research and Engineering Report EE.43E.85, Instrumentation Calibration Guidelines, by C. E. Gill.

R 3.1 The purpose of calibration procedures is to optimize the accuracy of devices that measure process variables (e.g., transmitters, transducers). Calibration procedures should be (1) simple and efficient, and (2) repeatable, regardless of time, location, and personnel. Calibration results are to be documented. Primary plant calibration standards are to be used to regularly check working standards and portable transfer standards, which in turn are used to check the operating instruments in the plant.


I 4.1 Primary Plant Standards are measurement standards that are directly traceable to national or international standards and are maintained in a protected environment in the primary standards shop. Except for recertification, this primary plant standard should not leave the standards shop. Primary Standards Shop is a facility where primary calibration standards are maintained. This shop should be clean, dust-free, humidity-controlled, and maintained at a temperature of 72F, 4F. Working Standard is a high-quality calibration standard which remains in the protected environment of the instrument shop. It should be directly compared with and proved against the primary plant standards. It should be used in the checking of portable transfer standards. Portable Transfer Standard is a portable calibration device intended for shop and field calibration of operational field transmitters and measurement equipment. These standards should have digital read-outs of 4-1/2 digits and an accuracy of at least two times better and resolution at least four times better than the field instruments on which they are used for calibration. Cardinal Calibration Points are defined as 0 percent, 50 percent, 75 percent, and 100 percent of the instrument range (except for square root extracting transmitters). Field Calibration is a calibration check and adjustment carried out with the transmitter or sensing device located in its permanent plant position. Bench Calibration is performed with the transmitter or sensing device removed from its permanent plant location and mounted in a controlled shop environment in an orientation identical to its field mounting configuration. Linearity is the difference between a straight-line transmitter output (or transducer response) at the cardinal points in the range and the actual output (response) during upscale excursion. Hysteresis is the difference between output measured at the cardinal points during an upscale excursion and the output measured at the cardinal points on the subsequent downscale return. Accuracy is the maximum deviation of the transmitter output (or transducer response) from the desired value during upscale or downscale excursion, whichever is greater. It is normally expressed as a percent of full scale, as determined at the cardinal points but may also be expressed in percent of reading or parts per million (ppm). The term limits of uncertainty is a synonym for accuracy. Optimum Calibrated Accuracy is the calibration which would give best accuracy in an instruments normal operating range. Generally, this will be in the mid 50 percent of its calibrated span. For differential pressure transmitters, Optimum Calibrated Accuracy should include final zero adjustments which may be required to compensate for high static line pressures.


4.2 4.3



4.5 4.6 4.7


4.8 4.9 4.10


ECA / EUSA Regional Engineering Guide

EG 15-14-1.2
Page 2 of 21 Rev. 0 June 1999

ENGINEERING GUIDE Instrument Calibration

(This practice is appropriate for attachment to Inquiry or Purchase Document)




Traceability is the unbroken chain of comparison of measurement apparatus emanating from the Bureau of International Physical Measurements (BIPM) in France through the various National Bureaus of Standards through industrial metrology laboratories down to operational measurement equipment. 4 Digit Meter is a digital indicator which is capable of displaying all ten digits (0 to 9) in the four least significant places but can only display a limited number of digits in the most significant place. An example is a milliammeter which, on the 20 mA DC range, cannot digitize above 19.999 mA without loss of least significant digit. The digit refers to the 1 since in this place in the display, the only digits which will appear are either a blank or 1.

R 5.1 A hierarchy of primary plant standards should be maintained to compare against the working and transfer standards used for normal calibration and checkout tasks. These primary plant standards should encompass the major variables measured within the plant including analog signals. Principal parameters are pressure, temperature, and electronic, (volts, ohms, and current):
Electronic Pressure Temperature Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3


R 6.1 Each plant should maintain the following inventory of electrical standards which shall be kept in a locked compartment when not in use. a. Primary Standard Voltage Cells The primary standard for voltage should be an unsaturated cadmium voltaic cell which produces a voltage of 1.0193 VDC 0.0025 percent. Two unsaturated cell units should be purchased as the primary plant voltage standards for the main calibration shop and be returned alternately each six months for recertification. Care must be employed in the use of standard cells. The principal rule which must be followed in their use is to avoid current loads greater than 0.1 MA by never connecting them to anything other than a high-impedance voltage input device. b. Primary Standard Resistances The primary resistance standard should be NBS type resistors such as L&N Model Nos. 4020 B (1.0 ohm), 4025 B (10.0 ohms), and 4030 B (100 ohms) with an accuracy of 0.0001 percent. The unsaturated voltaic cells should be used in conjunction with a Kelvin Varley divider (or ratio divider) to define DC voltages ranging from microvolts to voltages of 0 to 100 and higher if necessary. The voltages produced by the Kelvin Varley divider should then be used to prove the plants working standard digital multimeter voltage scale. The procedure for proving the working standards should take approximately one hour and should be done once per week. This procedure should be carried out at a temperature of 72 4F. The working standard decade box should be checked against the working standard DVM at one-month intervals. Before checking the decade box check the working standard DVM against the primary standard NBS resistors (values of 1.0, 10.0, and 100.0 ohms). The working standard DVM should agree with the NBS standard resistors to an accuracy of 0.01 percent of value. The working standard decade box should in turn agree with the working standard DVM to an accuracy of 0.02 percent of value at the nominal resistances of 1.0, 10.0, and 100.0 ohms. Agreement between the working standard DVM and decade resistance box should be 0.04 percent of value, for ohmic value of 200 ohms to 1000 ohms. After checking the Working Standard DVM, the Working Standard Voltage/current source should be checked against the Working Standard DVM. Direct Voltage Checks should be made. Current output of the voltage/current source should be checked by feeding its current output through a primary standard resistance and measuring the voltage drop with the Working Standard DVM. Tolerances should be 0.02% of reading.




ECA / EUSA Regional Engineering Guide


EG 15-14-1.2
Page 3 of 21 Rev. 0 June 1999

Instrument Calibration
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R 7.1 The primary plant standard for pressures of 20 in. to 430 in. H2O should be a high quality mercury manometer. Accuracy shall be 0.02 percent of range or better. The manometer should be equipped with a magnified float index and vernier and compensation adjustments for ambient temperature and local value of the acceleration of gravity. The mercury should be replaced at least once every two years with fresh triple distilled mercury. The principal purpose of this primary pressure standard is to prove pneumatic dead weight testers at nominal values of 200 and 400 in. of water. Limits of error should be 0.07 percent of range. Precision Bourdon tubes are considered as transfer standards. Traps should be provided on both measurement ports of the manometer to prevent mercury spills. Each trap should have a minimum capacity of 500 cc. A safety valve, Circle Seal 500 Series or equal, should be installed on each trap to prevent over-pressure of the manometer. The safety valve should be set at 80% of the pressure rating of the manometer. In the case of the Wallace and Tiernan FA-187, the pressure rating is 75 psig which requires a safety valve pressure setting of 60 psig. Periodic bubble checks should be made on these safety valves to assure good seating. The primary plant standard for pressures above 430 in. H2O should be a hydraulic dead weight tester (Ametek Type T or equal) with a manufacturers guaranteed accuracy of 0.03 percent of setting or better. The primary purpose of this instrument is to prove pneumatic dead weight testers over the range of 430 in. H2O to 1500 in. H2O and transfer standard portable pressure calibrators from 1500 in. H2O and higher. Corrections for the ambient value of the acceleration of gravity shall be made for manometers and dead weight testers. Some values pertinent to Exxon operations are as follows:
SITE Baltimore Baton Rouge Benicia Billings Edmonton Fort Washington Genoa Hamburg Hong Kong Houston (Baytown) Ingolstadt Karlsruhe ACCELERATION OF GRAVITY cm/sec2 980.088 67 979.349 01 979.997 80 980.356 37 981.153 09 980.171 00 980.543 44 981.363 78 978.754 47 979.283 72 980.857 59 980.949 46 SITE LaBarge Unden Maracaibo Marseille Montreal Pittsburgh Rio de Janeiro Sarnia Singapore Southampton (UK) Valdez Vancouver ACCELERATION OF GRAVITY cm/sec2 979.707 80 980.212 30 978.159 72 980.473 55 980.630 09 980.097 70 978.789 90 980.369 93 978.066 68 981.115 50 981.993 49 980.920 68


7.2 7.3




R 8.1 The primary plant standard for temperature calibration should be an appropriately selected set of fixed temperature cells whose values conform to fixed points on the International Practical Temperature Scale (IPTS). Such cells are also known as freeze point cells and operate by obtaining a solid/liquid equilibrium of specific pure materials or elements at their melting point. In most refineries and chemical plants, a gallium cell and a tin cell of 29.7715C and 231.9681C respectively will serve the normally expected needs. The two freeze point cells for gallium and tin serve as the primary temperatures against which the working standard platinum resistance thermometer should be checked. A variance of 0.1C between the freeze point cells and the working standard is acceptable. This working standard resistance thermometer should be the primary standard used for determining ambient temperature for calibration of thermocouple transmitters and portable transfer standards. Since plant standard thermoelements are required, each plant should secure high-quality traceable thermoelements for each thermocouple or RTD type used within the plant. These should not leave the instrument shop and should be kept in a locked compartment when not in use. These thermoelements should be sent back to the manufacturer on an annual basis for recertification.



ECA / EUSA Regional Engineering Guide

EG 15-14-1.2
Page 4 of 21 Rev. 0 June 1999

ENGINEERING GUIDE Instrument Calibration

(This practice is appropriate for attachment to Inquiry or Purchase Document)



For fast checking of operational thermoelements, an isothermal block may be employed which can easily be made in the plant (see Figure 4). Into one end is inserted the plant standard thermoelement and into the other is inserted the thermoelement under test. The block can be heated or cooled to any arbitrary temperature and then have the insulation slipped over it, the end cap insulation installed and the thermoelements inserted and their output measured for comparison purposes.

R 9.1 Frequency of calibration of field devices is related to equipment, application, and experience. Calibration checks and time intervals are dictated by one or more of the following criteria: a. If the periodic zero check dictates readjustment of the zero, a complete recalibration should be scheduled. b. Substantive evidence is provided by operations which indicates that the transmitters output is suspect. c. Contractual obligations call for more frequent complete calibration checks. d. Accurate record keeping via calibration reports indicate that calibration intervals may be extended or must shortened.


R 10.1 Interconnection of electronic components including primary plant standards and working standards shall be made with gold-plated spade lugs which are soldered to their leads. Leads will be standard #14 AWG, minimum. Alligator clip leads and banana plugs should be avoided.

FIELD-MOUNTED INSTRUMENTS R I 10.2 10.3 All instrument components should be calibrated as separate stand-alone devices. System calibrations where multiple components sequentially receive and transmit or modify a signal should be avoided. During calibration of pressure, differential pressure and pneumatic instruments, temporary connections should preferably be made using plastic or brass compression fittings. The purpose for this is: a. For ease of making up connections without leaks. To avoid damage to the instruments threaded connections during calibration (e.g., galling of stainless steel threads). All transfer standards used in calibration of field equipment should have digital readouts (4 digits minimum). Unless overriding considerations exist, zero adjustment should take place at 25 percent of range (rising) and span adjustment shall take place at 75 percent of range (rising). One exception is square-root extracting differential pressure flow transmitters where the zero adjustment should take place at 10 percent of P range and span adjustment should take place at 75 percent of P range. (NOTE: Zero adjustment refers to the process of making the transmitter output at 25% of range agree with a known value, or at 10% for square-root extracting transmitters.) Transmitter calibrations should be made only at ambient temperatures between 40F and 90F. Calibrations made outside these limits should be considered temporary and a recalibration performed when conditions permit. Permanent calibrations for transmitters in custody transfer, energy and/or material balance services should be made on the bench in the instrument shop. Where calibrations are carried out by contractor, the contractor should have his own primary plant standards and should follow the procedures defined in this standard. If the contractor does not have primary plant standards, his portable transfer standards should be checked against the plants primary standards using the procedures in this standard. b.


10.4 10.5



10.7 10.8

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EG 15-14-1.2
Page 5 of 21 Rev. 0 June 1999

Instrument Calibration
(This practice is appropriate for attachment to Inquiry or Purchase Document)

TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTERS R 10.9 Accurate calibration of thermocouple amplifier transmitters and A/D converters depends on how well known the ambient temperature is. If the ambient temperature is known only to within 2F, 1C, and then the entire calibration has a margin of error of at least 2C. Therefore, calibration of such equipment should take place only in an environment where ambient temperature is stable and is measured with the desired calibration accuracy. A portable digital temperature indicator which has been checked against the primary plant temperature standards should be used for measuring ambient temperature. When calibrating resistance thermometer amplifiers and transmitters, determine the appropriate curve of each particular RTD with its associated alpha value. Use caution when assuming an alpha value.


ALARM AND TRIP SWITCHES R R R 10.11 10.12 10.13 All switches which initiate alarms or trips should be set using a rising signal for high activation and a falling signal for low activation. Prior to setting, a switch device should be exercised twice over 0 to 125 percent of its stated range. Where switch/trip devices are equipped with pointers or actuation index devices, the positioning of such a pointer or index should not replace proper calibration.

CONTROL CENTER INSTRUMENTS R 10.14 Optimum calibration of transmitters and transducers providing measurement signals as input to control center equipment requires that the transmitter be calibrated to read most accurately at or near the normal operating value. This by definition requires that accuracy of zero and 100 percent full-scale level signals be sacrificed. Therefore, a transmitter zero output should not be adjusted to conform to the control centers interpretation of what the zero output should be. However, the control centers zero reading should conform to the zero output reading of the transmitter, as measured by the transfer standard, to an accuracy of 0.016 mA or 0.1 percent F.S. The control center inputs, including all analog signals to control center equipment such as multiplexed A/D converters, distributed instrument system inputs, input module racks, etc. should be checked for calibration as follows: a. At least once annually and preferably twice annually b. R R 10.16 10.17 When disparities are detected between transmitter signals measured during periodic zero and calibration checks. All calibration checks and adjustments of control center inputs should be made using the working standard voltage/current source which has been checked against the primary standards. Control center outputs should be checked at least once annually with portable transfer standards. Disparities greater than 0.25 percent F.S. should be considered as unacceptable.


I/P TRANSDUCERS, PNEUMATIC VALVE POSITIONERS, ELECTROPNEUMATIC POSITIONERS R 10.18 High accuracy calibration and record keeping is normally not a requirement with these devices. However, a hand-held mA source of reasonable accuracy which has been checked periodically against the plant standards is a necessary part of the checkout.


I I 11.1 11.2 The following procedure is for atmospheric calibration of a differential pressure transmitter, non-square-root extracting, in flow service. Refer to Figure 9 for the associated calibration sheet. Input pressure (or differential pressure) measurement should be made using a transfer standard quality digital pressure indicator. Pressure source may be a hand pump or precision-regulated instrument, air or nitrogen. The output signal should be measured using a digital multimeter or calibrator of transfer standard quality. If calibration is being done in place, in the field, close off the process block valves, (i.e., the primary take-off valves), as well as the manifold block valves, and open the equalizing valve at the instrument manifold before starting the calibration. Calibration should take place when possible with most, if not all fluid drained from the transmitter sensing capsule body (body high and low sides).


11.3 11.4


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EG 15-14-1.2
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ENGINEERING GUIDE Instrument Calibration

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11.6 11.7

Vent the high- and low-pressure side of the transmitter. Close the equalizing valve and connect the pressure source to the high-pressure side of the transmitter, closing all atmospheric vents on the high-pressure side while leaving the low-pressure side vented to atmosphere. Exercise the transmitter by applying approximately 125 percent of full scale differential pressure twice (i.e., 0 percent, 125 percent, 0 percent, 125 percent, and 0 percent) to the high-pressure side. While at 125 percent of differential pressure range, check for leaks by turning off the pressure source and looking for a drop in pressure. If the pressure drops no more than 5 percent in 30 seconds, the calibration may proceed, otherwise, the leak must be found and eliminated. Pressures which should be applied during calibration are the cardinal points: 0.0 percent, 25 percent, 50 percent, 75 percent, and 100 percent of the intended calibration range of the transmitter. Final zero adjustment should take place at 25 percent of range rising, and span adjustment shall take place at 75 percent of range rising. Make initial zero adjustments at 0.0 percent of the intended calibrated differential pressure range as follows: while applying zero pressure input, adjust the zero to produce 0.0 percent, 1.0 percent of the appropriate output signal (e.g., 4.00 mA 0.16 mA). Apply 100 percent of the intended calibrated range and adjust the span to obtain 100 percent 1.0 percent of the proper full-scale output (e.g., 20.00 0.16 mA DC). Repeat the above two steps alternately until both zero and full-scale outputs are within 1.0 percent of the appropriate values. Final zero and span adjustments are 25 percent and 75 percent may now proceed. In a manner similar to the above, apply alternately 25 percent and 75 percent of the intended calibrated range. Make final zero adjustments at 25 percent of input (rising) and final span adjustments at 75 percent of input (rising). Alternate between 25 percent and 75 percent making zero and span adjustments until the transmitter output is corrected to within 0.05 percent as read by the electronic transfer standard (e.g., for 4 to 20 mA DC transmitter, 25 percent output shall be 8.00 0.008 mA DC and 75 percent output shall be 16.00 0.008 mA DC). The calibration sheet may now be filled in by applying sequentially 0 percent, 25 percent, 50 percent, 75 percent, 100 percent, 75 percent, 50 percent, 25 percent, and 0 percent of the calibrated range of the transmitter and recording the output at each value to a resolution of 0.001 mA DC. These input and output values should be recorded on the calibration sheet. Reinstall the transmitter if this calibration has taken place on the bench. Reconnect all impulse lines and plug all vents. The foregoing calibration has been accomplished with atmospheric static pressure on the low side of the capsule. After the calibration, as described, has been accomplished, the instrument zero at full line static pressure shall be checked. This can be accomplished as follows: a. At the manifold valve at the transmitter, open the high-pressure and equalizing valves. Close the low-pressure manifold valve. b. Open the primary process block valves. c. d. e. Visually check for leaks and record the static line pressure to an accuracy of 20 percent. Observe the instrument output, and record this output as Zp on the calibration sheet.


11.8 11.9




11.12 11.13 11.14



11.16 11.17 11.18


11.19 11.20

If the indicated zero output (Zp) as measured by the transfer standard has shifted by more than 0.1 percent relative to Za (i.e., 0.016 mA for a 4-20 mA DC output transmitter), readjust the zero to obtain an output which equals Za as recorded on the calibration sheet which was filled in during atmospheric calibration. f. Determine what control center zero reading is at this point and enter this value on the calibration sheet. Maximum allowable difference shall be 0.1 percent. If this is exceeded, the control center input circuit shall be checked. At the transmitter manifold, close the equalizing valve and open the low-pressure valve. If the transmitter is in liquid or condensible vapor service and is located below the primary element, the vents on the measurement capsule body must be cracked open to bleed off air and noncondensibles and fill the body with condensate, seal fluid, or process fluid. The transmitter is now ready for service.


ECA / EUSA Regional Engineering Guide

ECA / EUSA I 11.22

EG 15-14-1.2
Page 7 of 21 Rev. 0 June 1999

Instrument Calibration
(This practice is appropriate for attachment to Inquiry or Purchase Document)

Calibration procedures for square root-extracting P flow transmitters are the same as for non-square-root extracting transmitters except the cardinal points are 0 percent, 10 percent, 25 percent, 50 percent, and 100 percent of differential pressure range. Proper outputs for these points are as follows:
DIFFERENTIAL PRES. % 0 10 25 50 100 OUTPUT % 0 31.63 50.00 70.71 100.00 mA DC VALUE FOR 4-20 mA TRANSMITTER 4.000 9.061 12.000 15.314 20.000

Basic calibration adjustments of zero and span should be made at 10 percent and 100 percent of the differential pressure range. However, final full line pressure zero adjustment has a greater tolerance than with non-square-root extracting and should be 1.0 percent of output (e.g., 0.16 mA DC for a 4-20 mA transmitter). This same tolerance applies when periodic zero checks are made.
Note: For Configurable transmitters such as the Honeywell ST-3000, periodic zero checks should be made by temporarily reconfiguring the transmitter to linear in which case the criteria for non-square-root extracting applies.


R 12.1 Repetitive or substantial zero shifts are a reasonable basis for scheduling a complete recalibration of a transmitter since: a. b. c. R 12.2 Zero shifts associated with modern P transmitters due to static line pressure effects are generally small and repeatable. Zero shifts of modern transmitters due to other effects are much smaller than zero shifts of older vintage transmitters. Substantial zero shifts are a good indication of a faulty transmitter.

The following paragraphs contain the procedure for performing periodic zero check on differential pressure transmitters. a. Using a transfer standard, read the transmitter output and refer to the calibration report for the last full calibration performed on the transmitter. Check that the operating full line pressure is within 20 percent of value used for the last full calibration. b. At the transmitter, close off the manifold valve on the low pressure side of the measuring capsule and open the equalizing valve, thus placing full equal line pressure on both sides of the transmitter. c. The transmitter output should read Za 0.1 percent (i.e., Za 0.016 mA DC). If this is the case, no further action need be taken. Proceed to paragraphs f and g. d. If the zero output is outside of these limits, the technician should again check to determine that the static line pressure is within 20 percent of the static line pressure used for the last full calibration. If the line pressure is within 20 percent, the transmitter should be replaced. e. If the static line pressure is more than 20 percent different than that used for the last complete calibration, shut off all block valves and using the vent plugs in the transmitter body vent both high and low sides to atmosphere. Refer to the calibration sheet for the value Zp and Za. The transmitter should now produce an output equal to [(2 x Za) Zp] 0.016 mA. If so, no further adjustments are required. If the indicated zero output shows a deviation greater than 0.016 mA, readjust the zero to equal (2 x Za) Zp. The transmitter is faulty and should be repaired or replaced. f. After zero check in Paragraph c, or rezeroing in Paragraphs d and e, determine what the control center zero reading is and enter this value on the calibration sheet. g. Plug all vents and close the equalizing valve and open the high and low pressure shut-off valves at the transmitter manifold. h. The transmitter is now back in service (on a temporary basis pending complete recalibration if the criteria for Za given in Paragraph c has not been met).

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ENGINEERING GUIDE Instrument Calibration

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R 13.1 For energy and custody transfer flow meters and tank level inventory transmitters or sensors, it is possible to achieve calibrations of pressure and differential pressure to an accuracy of 0.05 percent of full scale or better. Calibration of this type shall take place on the bench in the instrument shop and will require special equipment, namely an extremely high accuracy dead weight tester with dual outputs (for P calibrations). (NOTE: Most instrument shops will not have this very expensive piece of test equipment.)

I 14.1 A documentation system should be utilized which generates calibration records for the following categories: a. b. c. d. e. I I 14.2 14.3 Transmitters. Switches. Critical temperature elements. Calibration of control center devices. Calibration checks of portable standards against the primary and working standards.

Instrument calibration sheets should be filled out for all formal calibrations and recalibrations performed by plant or contractor personnel. Following figures can be used for calibration documentation:
Pressure - Portable Transfer Standard Check Electrical Portable Transfer Standard Check Temperature Portable Transfer Standard Check Basic Transmitter Calibration Sheet D/P Transmitter Calibration Sheet (Low Pressure Side at Atmosphere) D/P Transmitter Calibration Sheet (Low Pressure Side at Line Pressure) Alarm, Switching, and Trip Instrument Calibration Sheet Critical Temperature Element Calibration Check Calibration Sheet for Control Center Instruments Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 10 Figure 11 Figure 12 Figure 13


Revision Memo Revision 0 - Original Issue of Engineering Guide

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EG 15-14-1.2
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Instrument Calibration
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Primary Plant Standard Resistance 1.0, 10.0 & 100.0 Ohm

Primary Plant Standard Unsaturated Voltaic Cell Null Detector and Kelvin Varley Divider Ohms Ohms MV Volts Working Standard Digital Multimeter Working Standard Decade Box

Working Standard Millamp & Voltage Source




Volts Milliamps

pH Calibrators

MV Volts Milliamps


Portable Digital Transfer Standard MV, V, MA, Ohms

Portable Digital Transfer Standard MV, V, MA, Ohms

Portable Digital Transfer Standard MV, V, MA, Ohms

Portable Digital Transfer Standard MV, V, MA, Ohms

Portable Thermocouple Temperature Measurement & Simulation *

* See Temperature Hierarchy

In-Plant Analog and Control Signals

Thermocouple, MV and Resistance Transmitters

Portable RTD Temperature Measurement & Simulation *


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Gravity Correction

Primary Plant Standard Mercury Manometer 0-430" WC

Primary Plant Standard Hydraulic Dead Weight Tester 430" WC to 10,000 psig

Gravity Correction

Working Standard Pneumatic Dead Weight Tester

Transfer Standard Digital Pressure Measure & Source

Transfer Standard Digital Pressure Measure & Source

Transfer Standard Digital Pressure Measure & Source

Transfer Standard Digital Pressure Measure & Source

Transfer Standard Digital Pressure Measure & Source

In-Plant Pressure and Differential Pressure Transmitter Inputs In Plant Pneumatic Analog and Control Signals

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Freeze Point Cells Primary Standards

Working Standard RTD & TC's

Working Standard DTI's or Digital Multimeters

Temperature Baths, Ovens and Isothermal Blocks


Operating Filled System Transmitters, Controllers and Switches

Critical Operating TC's and RTD's


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Test Thermoelement

Side View Working Standard Thermoelement


End View 2" Copper Barstock 12" Long Pipe Insulation

Section AA Insulating End Caps (Both Ends)

5/16" Axial Drilling


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EG 15-14-1.2
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Instrument Calibration
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FIGURE 5 PRESSURE PORTABLE TRANSFER STANDARD CHECK Pressure: 4.0 to 1500 inches W.C. Working Standard Used Pneumatic Dead Weight Tester Mfr: ________________________________________ Ser. # ______________________________________ Rated Accuracy_______________________________ = AS Date of last check against Primary Standard __________________________ Transfer Standard Checked Mfr. ________________________________________ Ser. # ______________________________________ Rated Accuracy ______________________________ = AT

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Acceptance Criteria A2 AT + AS Accepted: Yes No Comments

Disposition (If not accepted) Hold for Recalibration _________________ Return to Factory ____________________ Correction Factors applied as Follows Reading ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Correction ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Date _______________ Date _______________ Other ____________________ Abandon __________________

Technician _____________________________ Supervisor _____________________________

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FIGURE 6 ELECTRICAL PORTABLE TRANSFER STANDARD CHECK DIGITAL MULTIMETERS AND CALIBRATORS (Use two sheets for calibrators, one for input mode and one for output mode) Portable Transfer Standard Checked Mfr: ________________________________________ Ser. # ______________________________________ Rated Accuracy_______________________________ = AS Variables; MV Working Standards Used Mfr. ____________, ____________, ________________ Ser. # __________, _____________, _______________ Rated Accuracy _________As, ___________ As, __________ = AS WORKING STANDARDS (INPUT, OUTPUT)

, mA

, ohms

, other


MV VOLTS mA ohms






% of F.S. = As

Acceptance Criteria A2 AT + AS Comments Accepted Yes No

Disposition Not Accepted; Hold for Recalibration ____________________ Return to Factory ____________________ Or Correction Factors applied as Follows Reading ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Correction ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Other ____________________ Abandon __________________

____________________ ____________________ Technician ________________________ Date ______________ Supervisor ________________________ Date ______________

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Instrument Calibration
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FIGURE 7 TEMPERATURE PORTABLE TRANSFER STANDARD CHECK Portable Transfer Standard Checked Mfr. ___________________________________ Ser. # _________________________________ Rated Accuracy ________________________ AT Type: TC , RTD , Both If RTD state alpha value ___________________ Working Standard(s) Used Mfr. ____________, ____________, ____________ Ser. # ____________, ____________, ____________ Rated Accuracy ____________ AS, ____________ AS, ____________AS Date last checked against Primary Standard _______________,_______________, _______________





% OF F.S. = A2


Ohms C/F


Ohms C/F


Ohms C/F


Ohms C/F


Ohms C/F

Acceptance Criteria A2 AT + AS Accepted: Disposition (If not accepted) Hold for Recalibration _______________________ Return to Factory __________________________ Correction Factors applied as Follows Reading ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Yes No


Other ____________________ Abandon __________________ Correction ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Date _____________ Date _____________

Technician _________________________ Supervisor _________________________

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ENGINEERING GUIDE Instrument Calibration

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FIGURE 8 BASIC TRANSMITTER CALIBRATION SHEET Tag No. _______________________________ Service # ______________________________ Xmtr Mfgr. _____________________________ Xmtr S.N. ______________________________ Calibrated Range ________________________ Calibration Units _________________________ EXISTING CALIBRATION CHECK NOTE: Cycle twice 0%/125%/0%/125%/0%, prior to starting check. Do not tap meter during test INPUT PORTABLE TRANSFER STANDARDS USED MODULE XMTR. OUTPUT Input Output INPUT Mfgr. Date Last Checked Model Ser. No. OUTPUT Mfgr. Model Ser. No. Date Last Checked Date _________________________________ Control Center _________________________ Model No. _____________________________ Instr. Spec No. _________________________

% 0 25 50 75 100 75 50 25 0

Existing Calibration Check (As Found) FINAL CALIBRATION FIELD SHOP

NOTE: If different calibration equipment is used here, provide mfgr. Model and serial numbers. Span shall be set at 75% rising. Zero shall be set at 25% rising. INPUT MODULE OUTPUT NOTES: Temp. of Transmitter: Temp. of Measurement Source: Temp. of Signal Monitor: Control Center Zero Reading: 5F 5F 5F

XMTR. % 0 25 50 75 100 75 50 25 0 Input Output

Final Calibration Check (As Left) Technician _________________________ Supervisor _________________________ Date _________ Date _________

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Instrument Calibration
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FIGURE 9 d/b TRANSMITTER CALIBRATION SHEET (LOW PRESSURE VENTED TO ATMOSPHERE) Tag No. _______________________________ Service # ______________________________ Xmtr Mfgr. _____________________________ Xmtr S.N. ______________________________ Calibrated Range ________________________ Calibration Units _________________________ EXISTING CALIBRATION CHECK NOTE: Cycle twice 0%/125%/0%/125%/0%, prior to starting check. Do not tap meter during test INPUT MODULE OUTPUT PORTABLE TRANSFER STANDARDS USED Mfgr. Model Ser. No. Mfgr. Model Ser. No. Date Last Checked Date _________________________________ Control Center _________________________ Model No. _____________________________ Instr. Spec No. _________________________


% Input Output 0 25 50 75 100 75 50 25 0 Existing Calibration Check (As Found)

Date Last Checked

FINAL CALIBRATION FIELD SHOP NOTE: If different calibration equipment is used here, provide mfgr. Model and serial numbers. Span shall be set at 75% rising. Zero shall be set at 25% rising. INPUT MODULE OUTPUT NOTES:


Temp. of Transmitter: 5F % Input Output Temp. of Measurement Source: 5F 0 * Temp. of Signal. Monitor: 5F 25 Static Line Pressure (dp Transmitter): 20% 50 Zp = , 2 x Za Zp = 75 Control Center Zero Reading: 100 75 50 25 0 Existing Calibration (As Left) Technician ___________________________ Date _______________

Supervisor ___________________________
*This value = Za Za = Zero output at atmospheric pressure Zp = Zero output at full line static pressure

Date _______________

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EG 15-14-1.2
Page 18 of 21 Rev. 0 June 1999

ENGINEERING GUIDE Instrument Calibration

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FIGURE 10 d/p TRANSMITTER CALIBRATION SHEET (LOW PRESSURE SIDE AT ANTICIPATED STATIC LINE PRESSURE) Tag No._________________________________ Service # _______________________________ Xmtr Mfgr. ______________________________ Xmtr S.N._______________________________ Calibrated Range_________________________ Calibration Units__________________________ EXISTING CALIBRATION CHECK NOTE: Cycle twice 0%/125%/0%/125%/0%, prior to starting check. Do not tap meter during test XMTR. % 0 25 50 75 100 75 50 25 0 Existing Calibration Check (As Found) FINAL CALIBRATION FIELD SHOP
OUTPUT Mfgr.___________________ Date Last Checked Model__________________ __________________

Date_________________________________ Control Center _________________________ Model No. ____________________________ Instr. Spec No. ________________________





PRIMARY OR PORTABLE TRANSFER STANDARDS USED Mfgr.___________________ Date Last Checked Model__________________ __________________ Ser. No. ________________

Ser. No. ________________

NOTE: If different calibration equipment is used here, provide mfgr., model and serial numbers. Span shall be set at 75% rising. Zero shall be set at 25% rising. INPUT MODULE OUTPUT
NOTES: Temp. of Transmitter: Temp. of Measurement Source: Temp. of Signal. Monitor: Static Line Pressure (Low Pressure Reference): Control Center Zero Reading: 5F 5F 5F

XMTR. % 0 25 50 75 100 75 50 25 0 Input Output

Existing Calibration (As Left) Technician _________________________ Supervisor _________________________ Date _________ Date _________

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Page 19 of 21 Rev. 0 June 1999

Instrument Calibration
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FIGURE 11 ALARM, SWITCHING AND TRIP INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION SHEET Tag No. __________________________ Service # _________________________ Switch Mfgr. ______________________ Model No. ________________________ Range ___________________________ Calibration Units ___________________ Type Switch: Date _________________________ Control Center ___________________ Use:

Shutdown Priority 1 Alarm Priority 2 Alarm Priority 3 Alarm Pressure Output

Number of Setpoints:

Electrical SPDT Triac Two Fixed MADC RTD

Pneumatic Voltage Output Other _____________ Other Adjustable MVDC Pressure

Differential: Measured Input:

Thermocouple Other ____________

Input Source Mfr. ___________________

Volts DC Temperature Bulb

Model ______________

Serial No. ________________________

Output; How Measured _________________________ Desired Setting (Circle One) Set Point 1 _____ (Rising/Falling) Set Point 2 _____ (Rising/Falling) Set Point 3 _____ (Rising/Falling) Comments Differential _______ Differential _______ Differential _______ Set Point 1 ______/______ Set Point 2 ______/______ Set Point 3 ______/______ *Calibrated Setting Differential _______ Differential _______ Differential _______

* Enter both process value and analog signal value as applicable, e.g., 60 psig/18.5 MADC Technician ______________________ Supervisor ______________________ Date: ______ Date: ______

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ENGINEERING GUIDE Instrument Calibration

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FIGURE 12 CRITICAL TEMPERATURE ELEMENT CALIBRATION CHECK Tag No. ______________ Mfg. _________________ Element Type; Thermocouple J ,K ,T ,R ,S Other ______________ RTD alpha ___________ Base Resistance @ 0C ________ohms How Checked; a) Freeze Point Cell b) Temp Bath c) Isothermal Block


Required Output


Measured Output


_____ _____ _____ _____

________ ________ ________ ________

ohms/mV ohms/mV ohms/mV ohms/mV

_______ _______ _______ _______

ohms/mV ohms/mV ohms/mV ohms/mV

For Thermocouples; Ambient Temp How Checked _________________________________________ Millivolts or ohms; working or Transfer Standard used Mfr. _______________ Ser. No. _______________ Date last checked against Primary ___________ Interpret Table 1 above in C/F error at stated temperatures C/F ____ ____ ____ ____ Accepted State Criteria Technician _____________________________ Date: ____________ Supervisor _____________________________ Date: ____________ Error _____ _____ _____ _____ Yes No

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Page 21 of 21 Rev. 0 June 1999

Instrument Calibration
(This practice is appropriate for attachment to Inquiry or Purchase Document)


Inputs/Outputs (Circle One) System Checked (Describe)

Quantity of I or O

Input Range/Parameter, 4-20/MADC / How Checked: Working Standard/Portable Standard (Circle One) Standard Used: Mfg. Model No. Ser. No. Date Last Checked


Reading of Input or Output 0% Required I/O Value Circuit Tag No. Slot No. or Other Identifier Measured or Indicated Value ____________ 25% ____________ 50% ____________ 75% ____________ 100% ____________

ECA / EUSA Regional Engineering Guide

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