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Alex Hardie

Social Action Research Booklet

Contents Task 1: Brainstorm on social issues Task 2: Research on other action videos Task 3: Research on own video Task 4: contact details and angle for own production * * *

Task 1: Your brainstorms should cover: The issue The effect the issue has on community How easy it would be to cover the social issue What has been done to cover this issue before Rough idea on who you can interview

Idea 1: Racial Profiling- Presented/Panorama Style

Has an effect on everyone everywhere, People are very opinionated, some are very controversial It would not be too hard to cover as there is a wide range of things to talk about and many opinions that can be discussed. Facts, Figures and other statistics can be included a long with examples and interviews. It can be made in Henley as the population has a huge range of people- Old/Young/ Gay/Lesbian/Black/Asian/White etc. Also people will be prompted to remember their right to freedom of speech and they will have the option to remain anonymous during interviews to allow them to express opinions and thoughts on the subject.

Idea 2: Alcohol and Drinking- Panorama Style

Many people have opinions on what the price/age limit/ availability of alcohol should be. There is a lot to talk about (underage drinking/addiction) and it can be brought up on a local scale as Henley has many pubs and off licenses and also a huge majority of college students of drinking age. Does this impact education? Does it encourage underage drinking? Interviews can be conducted and interviewees can remain anonymous. The interviews would be random members of the public. The stats on the links below show the facts and figures about alcohol in general. There are also examples of other groups in links 2 and 3.

Alcohol may not be brought or consumed on College premises and you must not be under the influence of alcohol on College premises. ^ This link gives information on underage drinking, The consequences of underage drinking and the law

Idea 3: Poverty- Documentary/ Presented

There is lots of poverty and it is a huge global issue, mostly occurring in less economically developed countries. The documentaries would give facts, figures and local opinions and ideas of how it can be changed. There is potential to interview the local MP or political figure on the national issue. Nothing has been locally done on this subject before. Interviews will be conducted and they will be from a spectrum of people and encouraged to express their genuine opinion and how they feel on the subject

Task 2: Compare 2 social action video similar to yours Social Action Video 1

Drinking and driving

This social action is about drinking and driving and the damage you can cause through being under the influence, It is not they style we are planning to do but we are looking at the recreation element of the video. We want to have reconstructions of potential situations related to underage drinking. The video also has facts, statistics and information on drinking and driving. It is aimed to raise awareness and make people think twice about drinking and driving.

Social Action Video 2 Alcohol and Violence

This social action video is based on violence caused by alcohol, it gives facts, figures and a reconstruction/example of the type of thing that can happen through the influence of alcohol, This relates to our video because we plan to look at what the result of violence that is alcohol related, especially in college and underage. The reconstruction in this video is very poor but we would make it shorter and far more professional. This video raises awareness for the effects of alcohol abuse and tries to get people to think.

Task 3: Your research should focus on: Background on the Social issue itself:
People have been drinking alcohol for decades and recently , In the past 5 years there has been a growing issue with crime related, underage and illegal purchasing and drinking of alcohol in the UK, there are more and more off licenses and bars opening up while pubs are constantly closing down so any alcohol bought is having to be consumed either at home or in the street. Lots of groups have been created to raise awareness for the issue and help people to sober up, Such as alcoholics anonymous

Is there already a social action group to try and prevent the issue? Yes / No If there is: Who is involved with the group? What effects has the group had on the community? How has it
helped certain individuals? Does it already have an action video to help its cause? (up load these if there are) Alcoholics anonymous is there to help people who are addicted to drinking they aim to provide focus groups and various ways of quitting, they help anyone and everyone and has been going since 1935.

Are there any famous people involved in trying to prevent the situation? Not that we are aware of.

Is there government backing to prevent the situation?

The government are in a constant battle against alcohol abuse and help many different groups and have introduced laws to help combat the over purchasing of alcohol by introducing the law on raising the price of alcohol And having random breathalyzer tests on the streets.

How does the issue affect the community / nation / world?

Rather than affecting groups of people it affects everyone individually around the world, People have different tolerance levels and groups like alcoholics anonymous are helping people from all different age groups over the world.

Look at statistics on the social issue

60%-80% of all violence is related to alcohol 18% of adults say that they have become violent because of alcohol at some point of there lives Drinking and driving injures 50,000 people yearly. Over 2000 people a year have died from accidents related to drunk driving.

What can be done to prevent the issue from happening?

The price of alcohol should be increased, It should not be sold to the public in bulk, The drinking age should be 21 and over The % of alcohol in drinks should be reduced.

Task 4 Contact details and angle

Informative, educational or change of attitude? Discuss why and how you will achieve this.
The social action video we are producing is aiming to raise awareness and provide information on alcohol abuse and what effect lots of pubs near a college potentially has on the of age and underage student body. The statistics that will be shown in the video will aim to change the attitude of drinking irresponsibly

List of found footage you can use and reference where it has come from
1. Teenage Drinking and Violence- YouTube 2. Car crash due to alcohol- YouTube 3. Drunk driving reconstruction- YouTube 4. 5. 6. 7.

What ethical issues will you have to overcome or be careful documenting?

There are no major Issues, we need to make sure we interview a wide variety of people from all different places and backgrounds in order to keep with ethical equality laws. We must also be careful not to stereotype people and make it clear we are interviewing for opinions and facts and not just because it could look more controversial and therefor appear biased.

List of social action groups you could interview. Can you follow a volunteer or member of the project? N/A- No other social action groups are included in this video.

Contact details N/A Name: Position: Involvement in action: What can they discuss in the video? Where can they be interviewed? Phone number: Email address:

Name: Position: Involvement in action: What can they discuss in the video? Where can they be interviewed? Phone number: Email address:

Name: Position: Involvement in action: What can they discuss in the video? Where can they be interviewed? Phone number: Email address:

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