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In Jaimini astrology, argala means a sort of obstruction or impediment for the free flow of planetary influences.

Aplanet in a certain house from any desired bhava or signification or planet prevents or obstructs the progress of the influence and thereby diminishes its values and usefulness. There are two types of argalas: subha or benefic, papaor malefic. From sutras given by sage Jaimini no:5 to 10 we can interpret their meaning as The fourth,second and eleventh places or planets in them from the aspecting body are argalas Malefic in the third from the aspecting planet gives rise to evil argala. Planet in the tenth, twelfth,and third from argala cause obstruction to such argala. If planets obstructing argala are fewer or less powerful than causing argala then the power of argala cannot be affected. The houses or planets in trines (5 and 9) similarly influence the argala. In case of ketu the formation of argala and obstruction to it is calculated in reverse order Ex:. sat
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delhi 15/12/1964 16.04min Mer,sun,ket ven


Natural benefics in the above positions act as benefic argalas,natural malefics function as papa argalas. Argalas generated by position of planets in 4th,2nd,11th and 5th from aaspecting planets or houses can be counteracted by presence of planets in 10th,12th,3rd,9th houses simultaneously from the aspecting body. The argala caused by a malefic in the 3rd cannot be neutralised

If a planet obstructing argala is weaker than planet causing argala or less in longitude then the argala cannot be obstructed.

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