In The Dark

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In the Dark The concept: Panic stricken Pac-Man in the dark with a flashlight. a) The player takes control of a character who is looking around the dark play space for their objectives. the game is a top-down thriller game that deals with the issues of General Anxiety disorders and panic attacks. Core Mechanics: i) Moving around a Dark room with a limited field of vision. ii) Collecting items which lead to victory. iii) Enemies will attack the player on sight unless they are avoided by being outrun by the player iv) Upon seeing an enemy the player begins to experience panic and their abilities will be inhibited Core Emotions to elicit from the Players: i) Fear ii) Empathy iii) Apprehension iv) Panic v) Fear Game Elements a) Player Character i) The Player Character (PC) is controlled by the player ii) They move around the environment looking for the Victory Points iii) They have 2 move states (1) Walking- Need to put limitations on these movement states or remove them from being separate and give the player a single movement speed (2) Running- This could possibly increase Panic Rating b) Panic i) Panic is the way that the players own body works against them. ii) Classical human vs Self conflict, Naturalism iii) Tracked as a Panic Rating(PR) (1) Panic Rating increases by + x when the PC sees an enemy. (2) The Panic increases as the distance of the enemies, when seen, decreases. (3) Hindrance (a) The Panic will hinder the players progress (b) HOW?! c) Environment i) The Environment of the game is the playspace in which the game takes place ii) There is minimal lighting in the game (1) Either (a) The player hold the only light (b) There are ambient lights in the environment (i) We discussed these being the victory condition.

(ii) We discussed these being moveable. d) Enemies e) Victory Conditions f) Losing Conditions

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