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GHULAM FARID ZAIGHAM0092-0321-6572063

Lesson: 2

Clearing In the Sky

Q: 1 Why didnt the old man follow the advice of the doctors? Ans: The old man did not follow the advice of doctors because he wanted to farm the land by hard work. In this way, he can falsify their anticipation. Q: 2 What had the doctors told the old man? Ans: The doctors told the old man not to work hard. They asked him to take a rest and enjoy the few remaining days of life.

Q: 3 Where did the old man take his son? Ans:


GHULAM FARID ZAIGHAM0092-0321-6572063

The old man took his son on the top of mountain where he had cleared the land. Q: 4 Had the son ever been there before? Ans: The son had visited the mountain many times before with the exception of three years. Q: 5 What were the names of the vegetables the old man grew on his farm? Ans: He had grown potatoes, yams and tomatoes there. Q: 6 Why did the old man take the steep path? Ans: He wanted to realize his son that he was still energetic and healthy. Q: 7 Why did the son at the age of six cry?


GHULAM FARID ZAIGHAM0092-0321-6572063

The son lost his wooden plough in a furrow. Therefore, he cried at the age of six. Q: 8 What were the feelings of the old man at the age of seventy? Ans: He wanted to return to the places he had loved. He wanted to farm the land with his own hands. Q: 9 Why had the old man planted his secret garden? Ans: He wanted to refresh his past memories. He planted his secret garden to enjoy the taste of vegetables grown on new land with better taste.


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