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Teaching in Tandem

Orange County Co-Teaching Initiative 2012-13 Session 6 Diane Daly-New

Professional Development Consultant

Environment Individualized Learning

Obedient Students Well-Planned Lessons

Leadership / Management

How many teachers think about managing a differentiated classroom.

We often think of classroom management as a synonym for control. We think , then, of the teacher as the person who must ensure that students stay quiet and still.

Accomplishing that requires that the teachers will supersede that of the studenta battle of wills.
A baseline assumption of such an approach is the unreliability of young learners.

A Different Approach Is
First askingWhat do my students need to succeed and how can my students and I work together to meet those needs? Then, managing the details necessary to accomplish that.

Children Get What They Need By Connecting Through These Qualities We Give Of Ourselves
Acceptance Understanding Respect Belonging Contribution Challenge/Support Purpose =A Balanced Success-to-Effort Ratio

All learners need a balanced success to effort ratio

Connections Dont Just Happen We Make Them Happen

Bonding and Connecting

Create one-on-one time with your students. Use appropriate self-disclosure Frequently verbalize high expectations with a belief in students abilities. Network with family and friends Use rituals and traditions Use Meaningful Dialogue when initiating a conversation with a student, ask yourself

Bonding and Connecting

How can I help you be more successful in class?

Exit Card Ideas

What do you like best and least about our class?

What could I do to make the class more interesting for you?
Source: Cummings, C. (2000). Winning strategies

Help Kids to Understand and Contribute to Differentiation as a Way of Life in the Classroom

Creating Community
interest/strength pairs 12:00

Flex Groups
mixed readiness quads 3:00

student selected triads 6:00

Managing Groups

Anchor Activities
interest /strength quads 9:00

__________________ __________________


What did you like about this activity?

What will you try immediately?

What will you need more time to plan?

Act As If What You Do Makes A Difference. It Does.

William James

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