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ENVH 441 Study Questions Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) Longree: pp. 397-426 1.

Four types of food service systems are discussed in the beginning of this reading. In these different systems the authors say that 9 areas require monitoring to reduce the potential of an FBO occurring. What are these nine areas and the public health concern for each?

2. What is the HACCP concept?

3. What is a critical control point? Give a couple of examples.

4. According to Bryan, what is covered in hazard analysis?

5. What are two conditions identified by hazard analysis that have been important contributing factors to foodborne outbreaks?

6. What are the problems when HACCP models are applied to small food service operations rather than larger food processing operations?

7. What is the problem with using microbiological monitoring in the HACCP system?



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