Accounts 2007

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(All figures are given in pounds sterling unless otherwise stated.)


Balance from Santa Rosa Fund, 31.12.06 5336.01

Petty Cash 23.83
Also in dollars cash account $ 414
Donations from supporters 7222.90
Fund raising 1190.26
Represented by:
Quiz Night 334.74
Tapas Night 405.50
Acoustic Cafe 202.30
Tavistock College 6th Form Rag 200.00
Fair Trade Event 47.72
Mobile Phones recycled for resale 20.00
Gift Aid 989.26
Bank Interest 87.69

Total 14869.95


Donations to projects in Nicaragua 10671.19*

Represented in $, money drawn in 2007:
Santa Rosa School
Materials 1025
School General Fund (previously mini-funds) 1500
School Staff Bonuses (in Nicaragua) 960
Computer expenses and running costs 600
Staff training in computing skills 650
Volunteer Expenses for Staff Computer Training 218.4

Villa Espana
German Pomares pre-school, salary 1200
German Pomares pre-school, materials 100
Rosario Mayorga School,materials 300
Rosario Mayorga School Library, materials 300

Cosiguina Peninsula
Cosiguina Youth Centre, resources 880
Cosiguina Primary School, materials 400
Jose Urtecho School 400
El Viejo Recreation Centre for street children 400
Sta Maria de la Merced School – roof 850

Associacion Quincho Barrilete 830

Nicaraguan Jewellery for resale 100

Additional Volunteer Expenses 26.3
Money Drawn for disbursement in 2008 10125

Costs of Fund Raising 271.28

Affiliations 60.00
Donations to related organisations 200.00
Newsletters, printing cost 191.86
Plaque for Virginia (former headteacher) 51.34
Postage 187.44
Stationery and photocopying and computer memory stick 69.79
Bank charges 52.98

Total 11755.88
* Total amount includes some project costs for 2008

Balance: £ 14869.95 - 11755.88 3114.07

Represented by:
Current account 3090.24
Petty cash 23.83
Dollar cash account $ 63

Pat Mayston, Santa Rosa Fund Treasurer

Rick Blower, Auditor

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