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OM_MA1. Given on 06/10/2012.To be submitted on or before 11/10/2012 morning by 10 a.m.


Dos and Donts
1. Every student has to submit this assignment on an individual basis using blank papers of A4 size ONLY. Each student has to mention on every sheet the Assignment No, Roll No, Name and Section at the top and Page no in the bottom. 2. Student is allowed to refer his/her notes, books and other materials. However they cannot copy from one another. Evaluation will be done on students understanding of the subject, ability to collate and respond on individual basis to every assignment question. 3. In evaluation if copying is seen then marks will be deducted from all papers with similar answers. No requests will be entertained at any circumstances. 4. An answer though referred has to be distinctive and not plain reproduction from internet or referred books. 5. Student is expected to produce focused answers and use charts or diagrams or any aids for better presentation.


OM_MA1. Given on 06/10/2012.To be submitted on or before 11/10/2012 morning by 10 a.m.

Question 1: a. Explain in your own words, understanding Operations as Transformation Process Take an example of any one type of Organization of your choice and list the entire transformation Process. E.g. It can be a boarding hostel, Commerce College, gaming company, motorbike manufacturer, stock sub-broker, Utility service maintenance contractor In the type of Organization that you selected, ensure what other departments or functions will perceive their relation with Operations function b. List the measures of productivity in the Organization selected by you with examples Question 2: a. With exception of Maruti Suzuki, take any 4-wheeler automobile manufacturer with limited models in India and explain what should be done as product design to expand their market share. b. Do detailed fault tree analysis for any consumer product of your choice except for the fries given in the notes. (OR) DO QFD for any product of your choice as Competitive Assessment for Customer Requirements Explain in your own terms how product design should be planned for better Green Environment


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