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Is the United States of America Secular?

Things to consider:
The word secular comes from the Latin meaning worldly things or things of this world. When you add the suffix ism you raise it to the level of a philosophical ideal Secularism is a philosophy which is anthropocentric, i.e. man centered. Thus we say a secular society is one which is distinguished from a theocentric, or God centered society. Our constitution is secular in the sense that it does not dictate a specific type of religion Our constitution does insure we individually have the freedom of religion; i.e. to chose our personal type of religious belief There is no phrase in the constitution saying, freedom from religion. A secular state is one in which man legislates laws, rules, and regulations to govern the people The moral basis for man centered law has no absolute truths for right and wrong In a secular democracy right and wrong are determined by the vote of the majority Justice is not necessarily mandated by the vote of the majority Considering the current condition of our legal system reasonable people must conclude we are a secular society.

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