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Psychological testing

The purpose of psycho-diagnostic testing is to discover an individuals personal characteristics and abilities, their strengths and potential weaknesses in relation to a specific working area as well as their future career development. The results obtained by means of standardized psycho-diagnostic instruments are objective, reliable and realistic predicators of an individuals behaviour in an actual work situation. These results help us:

adopt decisions on employment (estimate of a persons suitability for a specific job) in career development (estimate of a persons potential and competence) adopt decisions and plan appropriate training (selection of personal development areas) in vocational guidance (assistance in selection of ones career)

We use psycho-diagnostic instruments on individuals in order to establish their:

Personal characteristics

The tests for measuring personal characteristics in individuals are used for establishing certain personality traits such as for example activity (initiative), dominance, cooperativeness, kindness, precision and conscientiousness, control of feelings and impulses, openness for the environment and new experience and similar. Ones personal characteristics cannot be defined as good or bad but rather as more or less suitable for a certain area of work.

Intellectual abilities

Intellectual abilities are a potential enabling a person to be successful in a certain area of work while the actual success also depends on specific situation, personal characteristics and motivation.

Work motivation

Motivation tests are used to established what motivates an individual when working.

Team roles

Team role tests are used for establishing the typical roles of an individual in a team.

Occupational interests

We use questionnaires on occupational interests to determine which areas of work and professions are interesting and suitable for an individual.


Values guide a persons interests and behaviour which is why they are considered an important part of his/her personality.

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