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Sant Nirankari Mission Seattle Blood Donation Drive & Human Unity Day As per the divine words

of His Holiness Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj, Blood should flow in veins, not in drains, Sant Nirankari Mission Branch Seattle organized a blood donation drive on April 27, 2013 at the Bellevue Blood Donation Center. The day is observed by the Sant Nirankari Mission every year as Manav Ekta Diwas or Human Unity Day to commemorate the supreme sacrifice of Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji, former Head of the Mission and also to remember hundreds of devotees who laid down their lives for the noble cause of truth, peace, love and unity. The Bellevue Blood Donation Center admired and appreciated the enthusiasm of the devotees who participated in the event to donate blood with such a spirit of faith and devotion. Saints of all ages took part in making this event successful.

With the blessings of Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj, the evening concluded with a Manav Ekta congregation. The focus of Manav Ekta Diwas is to remember and pay tribute to the life and teachings of Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji and all of those devotees who sacrificed their lives for humanity. Many saints shared their experiences with Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji and his teachings in the form of speeches, devotional songs, and poems. This was followed by a video discourse of His Holiness Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj.

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