Arctic As CPR - Abstract 2010

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Polar Institutions: A Tale of Two Regimes

Henin, Thibaud Doctoral Student / Graduate Teaching Fellow, Department of Political Science, University of Oregon

International Studies Association Annual Conference 2013 Session SB27: The Ends of the Earth: Global Environmental Issues in the Arctic and Antarctic Keywords
Arctic Regime; Common-Pool Resource; Biodiversity; Index of Biodiversity Integrity; Appropriation; Law of the Sea; UNCLOS; sustainability

Current international conventions regulating terrestrial and aquatic polar environments did not anticipate the demilitarization of the Arctic and the impact climate change would have on industrialization and commercialization of the area. This increase in Arctic activity threatens to increase the rate of biodiversity loss already occurring due to ecosystem changes. This paper defines the Arctic Environment as a common-pool resource and examines the possibility of using an aggregate of environmental indicators coupled with an index of biodiversity integrity as the basis for a resource unit to measure and control provision and appropriation. It then examines the current system of Arctic Environmental governance, both hard and soft law regimes and conflicts. From the shortcomings of the current system, three proposals commonly found in academic literature Oran Youngs Strengthened Patchwork System; an Arctic Treaty based on the Antarctic Treaty System; and a Comprehensive Regional Arctic Regime are examined using Elinor Ostroms Design Principles illustrated by long-enduring CPR institutions as a basis for examining sustainability of proposed regimes. It concludes with policy recommendations for creating a comprehensive Regional Arctic Regime which does not incorporate the existing Arctic Council as its foundation and provides possible political scenarios which might enable such a regime to be created while creating binding regulation.

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