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STAGES / PROCESS OF ADAPTING THE TEXT There are some stages of adapting the text so that the text

chosen can be used in the classroom and is suitable for the learners level. First of all, we have chosen the text that will meet the learners interest. For this task, we choose the text about Health which is very suitable and can be motivated to the learners. This is because the text contains relevant and appropriate information for the learners to take good care of their health. Secondly, the text chosen should have an appropriate length. The best text is that it does not too long for the students. This is because if the text is very long, learners will become bored and take more time to read the text given. In order to make the text shorter, we have reduced the length of each sentences and overall text. Then, we had also substitute complex to the simple structures. We do that by choosing only the necessary points and simplify the sentences from long to short sentences. We had simplified a complex sentence into two simple sentence so that the learners can understand the text very well. Next, we also substitute some difficult words to a much simpler one so that the learners will not feel burdened to find the exact meaning. Misconception among the learners can also be avoided as they can understand the text very well. For instance, we had substitute word like variety to many types. This can reduce the language load for the learners. Lastly, we had also made some connections between each idea for every paragraph in the text. We used some connectors such as firstly, secondly, lastly and others which is familiar to the learners. By using the connectors, learners can understand the flow of the text very well.

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