June Crestcom Session Outlines

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The Bullet Proof Manager

How to Improve Workplace Performance featuring Mark Sanborn
Passion is defined as, A deep, intense, driving emotion about a person or thing. In a world where 75% of people feel disconnected from their jobs, imagine the huge impact of helping employees to put more passion into the work they do. For the keys to this, we'll hear from Mark Sanborn. Mark Sanborn is a specialist and top author on leadership and customer service. He's also one of the youngest people ever inducted into the Professional Speakers Hall of Fame.

Learning Goals

Apply the PDA Principle. Discover the source of passion. Balance passion and process. Apply the Five P's of remarkable workplace performance.

Increase Accountability & Responsibility featuring Dr. Kim Alyn

In his play Twelfth Night, William Shakespeare wrote, Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. The questions this viewpoint presents to us are, When we thrust opportunities for greatness upon the people we lead, what will they do with it? How do we help them to seize that chance? Kimberly Alyn has some ideas about these questions. Dr. Alyn is a popular international speaker, a best-selling author, and a specialist in inspiring people to achieve more in their lives and their careers.

Learning Goals

Understand the impact of clear, personal and organizational values. Discover ways to help others clarify their values. Implement a successful accountability tool. Find ways to mentor people to higher levels of accountability.

Copyright, Crestcom International, LLC, Greenwood Village (Suburban Denver), Colorado U.S.A. [SGB13]

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