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Sudharsan Engineering College

Sathiyamangalam622 501
Self Evaluation Report by the Faculty Members on their performance for the year 2011-12 Date: 04.09.12 Name of the faculty : RAJA.K Designation and Department : AP/EEE Description Details No. of points 20 20 10 10 60 -

I. University Exam Result performance High Voltage Engineering (A Section)<70% - 0 point 89% 70 to 75% - 5 points, 76 to 80% - 10 High Voltage Engineering (B Section)points 87% 81 to 85% - 15 points, 86 to 90% - 20 Electric Energy Generation, Conservation points & Utilization (A Section) -78% 91 to 95% - 25 points, 96 to 100% result Electric Energy Generation, Conservation 30 points (Maximum 100 points) & Utilization (B Section)76% Points on result achievement (out of 100) II. PROFESSIONAL & RESEARCH ASSESSMENT (The points must be calculated

Allowed _ po int s ) No. _ of _ contributors

National conference (5 points per paper) International conference by institution only -

Technical paper published in Journals and conferences

(Maximum 25 points)

(8 points per paper)

International conference sponsored by IEEE/ DST etc.,(10 points per paper) National Journal (10 points per paper International Journal
(15 points per paper only for refereed journals not for paid journals) 20 points per book 5 points - <Rs. 1 Lakh 10 points - Rs.1.1 to 5 Lakhs 20 points - >Rs. 5 Lakhs

only for refereed journals not for paid journals)

Authorship of Textbook
(Maximum 20 points)

Funded Research projects

(Maximum 30 points)

(give details)
2 points - <Rs. 1 Lakh 4 points - <Rs. 5 Lakhs 6 points - <Rs. 10 Lakh

Fund from other agencies to conduct workshop/ conference if any

(Maximum 20 points)

(give details)
1 points - <Rs. 1 Lakh 2 points - <Rs. 5 Lakhs 3 points - <Rs. 10 Lakh

Consultancy projects
(Maximum 20 points)

5 5 65

(give details)
5 points all course work completion 10 points Synopsis submission 10 points per students viva voce completion 5 points per student guiding 5 Points per Year


(Maximum 10 points) Ph.D. Guidance (Maximum 10 points)

Years of Experience at SEC

(Maximum 25 points)

Points on research and prof. assessment (out of 150) Total No. of Points (out of 250) Checked Verified

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