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Form Scoring*

Marais Scoring System

Study Number Name Description Clinical Criteria 1 2 Symptom duration of more than 5 days Systemic symptoms suggestive of tuberculosis (one or more of the following): weight loss, night sweat,persistent 2 cough >2weeks 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 History of recent(within 1year)close contact with an individual with pulmonary tb or a Focal neurological deficit (excluding cranial nerve palsies) Cranial nerve palsy (entrapment) Altered consciousness Clear appearance cells: 10-500 per l Lymphocitic predominance (>50%) Protein concentration greater than 100 mg/dL CSF to plasma glucose ratio of less than 50% or an absolute CSF glucose concentration less < 39 mg/dL Chest radiograph suggestive of active tuberculosis: sign of tb=2; miliary tb=4 CT?MRI?ultrasound evidence for tuberculosis outside the CNS AFB identified or Mycobacterium tuberculosis cultured 3 from another source-ie, sputum, lumph node, gastric washing, urine, blood culture 4 Positive commercial M.tuberculosis NAAT from extraneural specimen 4 4 2 1 1 1 Max 4 1 1 1 1 1 Max 4 2 or 4 2 4 : : Patients Score Max 6

CSF Criteria

Evidence of tuberculosis elsewhere 1 2

Keterangan: Possible = 6-9

Form Scoring*
Marais Scoring System
Probable 10

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