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Annex 1.

Overview timetable
TERM 1 Monday Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TERM 2 Monday Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 TERM 3 Monday Week 1 2 3* 4* 5* am
Soc Epi 3 UCL

Tuesday pm Intro to computing UCL am pm

Wednesday am pm am

Thursday pm Principles of social research (optional) LSHTM am

Friday pm

am Induction week

Health policy, process & power (optional) LSHTM

Intro to Soc Epi

Extended Epid. LSHTM

Extended epid LSHTM

Statistics LSHTM

Statistics LSHTM

Reading Time

Essential reading seminar UCL

Reading time

Reading week Soc Epi 2 UCL Optional unit (Statistical modeling UCL)

1 week for private revision Examination week

Social dimensions of inequality UCL am Reading time

Reading week

All teaching by LSHTM Friday

Tuesday pm Reading time pm Applied health promotn UCL am Soc Epi UCL am Revision sessions UCL pm Critical appraisal - student presentations Tuesday pm

Wednesday am Reading time Wednesday am Reading time pm am pm am

Thursday pm am


Statistical methods in epidemiology LSHTM

Optional unit (Med Anthrop LSHTM; Popul & Develop LSHTM)

Study proposal UCL All teaching by LSHTM

Thursday pm am

Friday pm

Summer project planning Reading/revision(Thu)

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