Building Web Apps Using The ArcGIS API For Silverlight

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Building Web Applications Using the ArcGIS API for Silverlight

This course teaches how to use the ArcGIS API for Silverlight and the Silverlight platform to efficiently develop highperforming, engaging web applications that meet theneedsoftheirintendedaudience.Youwilllearnabouttheobjectsavailableinthe API, how to write code for a Silverlightbased application, and how to incorporate ArcGIS services and ArcGIS Online content to enhance your web applications. While this course focuses on functionality available with ArcGIS 10.1 services, many course conceptsareapplicabletoArcGIS10.0and9.3.1services.

Getting started with the ArcGIS API for Silverlight

This course is designed for Web developers who want to create Silverlightbased applications that include ArcGIS services and functionality and GIS professionals who wanttocreateSilverlightbasedwebmappingapplications.

APIfeaturesandcomponents Adding a web map to a Silverlight application ArcGISsystemcomponents ArcGISResourceCentre


Completion of ArcGIS for Server: Sharing GIS Content on the Web or equivalentknowledgeisrequired. ProgrammingexperiencewithVB.NETorC#andfamiliaritywiththeSilverlight Platform, web service concepts, and the Extensible Application Markup Language(XAML)isrequired.

Addingdatalayers TheMapobject Layertypes,includinggraphics RESTwebservices

Aftercompletingthiscourse,youwillbeableto BuildanapplicationthatincludesanArcGIS.comwebmap. BuildanapplicationthatintegratesGISdatafromavarietyofwebservices. Addcomponentsthatsupportinteractivemapnavigationanddynamicdisplay ofmaplayers. Incorporate query taskstoallow userstoselect map features and access their attributes. Addfunctionalitythatallowsuserstoperformgeoprocessingtasksanddisplay theresults. Add feature editing functionality to support webbased data collection and editingworkflows.

Using feature layers for data display and querying Displaying GIS data based on spatial, temporal,andattributecriteria Eventlisteningandhandlingforend userqueries

Thematic mapping using dynamic and graphicslayers Typesofrenderers GenerateRendererstask Dynamicmapservicelayers

Workingwithtasks Anatomyofatask Geoprocessingtask Printingtask

Duration: 2days Cost: $1,500.00+GST CommencementDates: Forthelatestcoursecalendarpleasevisit GIS/Training

Editingdata Feature services and geometry services Featuretemplates Workingwithsecureservices

WorkingwithArcGIS.comwebmaps Leveraging layers and graphics in a webGISapplication

GISTrainingManager 048021042 0212747525

Enhancingyourapplication Extending a web GIS application using additional API objects, controls, and tasks

EagleTechnologyisatruesystemsintegratorandopensystemssupplier,sourcingthebestproductsfrom arangeofvendorsandbringingthemtogethertoformthebesttotalsolutionforcustomers. Eaglehas40yearsofhistoryinITandisatrustedadvisortothetop100enterpriseandgovernment,SOE andutilities.

Eagle Technology knows that education and training are vitaltoeverysuccessfulGISimplementationand understands the challenges of getting and keeping the skills andknowledgeofyourstaffuptodate. Eagle Technology offers courses covering a variety of topics relatedtoGIStechnologyandGISapplications. Eagle Technology has a strong commitment to quality. We evaluate each course and always aim to improve our service to customers. We have a variety of highly qualified trainerswhoareexpertsintheirsubject,andhaveexcellent delivery and training skills. Our trainers are Certified Esri Instructors. This means that they have obtained the Esri technicalcertificationintherelevantcoursetechnologyand are CompTIA CTT+ Trainer (an independent IT Training Certification)certified.

Eagle Technology uses qualityEsri trainingmaterial to deliver coursesinaninstructorledclassroomenvironment.Avariety of courses are offered that explain GIS concepts, explore GIS applications and teach participants to use Esri GIS software and related technologies. Instructorled courses divide time equallybetweenlecturesandexercisesandcombine delivery,handsonexperienceandclassparticipationto createarichlearningenvironment. EagleTechnologystrainingfacilitiesinAucklandand Wellington have been accredited as Esri Authorised Learning Centres.

Many courses can also be delivered onsite, which is a cost effective option if you have four or more people who require traininginthesamesubjectarea.

TrainingNeedsAnalysis EagleTechnologycanfacilitatethedevelopmentofaTrainingPlanforanorganisationinconjunctionwithanimplementation ofEsritechnology.AtrainingneedsanalysiscanalsobeundertakenpostdeploymentofEsritechnologyoratanorganisation thathasamatureEsriTechnologydeployment.

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