NCP 33

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Mr. Neil Nicholas Vaz PGPCM Module M13 211-12-11-10221-2132 NCP 33 CONSTRUCTION AND ENVIRONMENT 12 28.05.13 18

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ASSIGNMENT BRIEF: A five star hotel of 300 rooms with adjacent Golf Coures has been plaaned by your company engaged in project development at the foothills of Kumaon hills. Project is spread over 1000 acres of foot hills on land intermittently plain and intermittently hilly with streams. Your have been asked by the management to make environment impact assessment of this project. Company wants to undertake the advertisement campaign to minimize the threat from environmentalists group. Discuss your plan.

OUTLINE IN BRIEF: 1. Environmental policy, laws and regulations for industrial Project. 2. Pollution control Air , water, noise, and hazardous waste 3. Environmental consequences of construction activity and the response to it by communities, government and customers 4. Rehabilitation of displaced families. 5. Environment impact assessment 6. Conclusion / Recommendations 7. Bibliography/ Reference

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SOLUTION: The Government has been deeply concerned in matters relating to Environmental Protection and Conservation of Natural Resources in the State. It is envisaged that in pursuance of the recently announced (September 1994) Policy Statement on Industrial Development, a large number of developmental projects will start getting implemented in the State in the near future and produce new impacts on an already overburdened environment scenario. The responsibility for environment protection and abatement of pollution is not a duty of one department alone, nor is it the task of the Government alone. It is an obligation on all, Government Departments and Agencies, public authorities like the Panchayats and the Municipalities. Police, Industrial units, nonGovernment organisations and community based organisations. Environmental issues are cross-sectoral. Hence the objective is to integrate environmental considerations into decision making process at all levels. Public co-operation in securing a clean environment to respond to the coming challenges is essential It is in this light that this Policy Statement on Environment Protection and the Conservation of Natural Resources is hereby adopted by the State Government to reconcile pro-development and pro-environment goals. The following will be its salient features: Activities will be intensified to control water, air and noise pollution within permissible limits. Specific environmental pollution problems created by the organized industries and in established industrial areas will be attempted to be controlled in a 10 years programme after preparation of relevant action plans;

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Rivers, reservoirs, water bodies and watersheds in the State will be protected from encroachments maintained and developed for ecological balance to provide for agriculture, irrigation, industrial, drinking and other civic purposes; Afforestation, wasteland development, protection and enhancement of biodiversity and wildlife will be accelerated, and reserved and protected forests will be enriched with qualitative genetic improvements; Action plans will be prepared in phases for improving the physical environment of the cities and towns in the State in order to improve their sustainability by way of increasing their efficiency, productivity, health, and reducing their risks and hazards. Location of industries, urban development, other major infrastructural and civic facilities will be implemented in accordance with the extant regulations and with prior assessment of environmental impacts in accordance with this policy; Special emphasis will be given for water and waste management through scientific processes of demand management, recycling and reuse Importance will be given and efforts will be made to establish and encourage working relationships between Government-industry, public-private, industry-academia, NGO/ CBO-Government-private,Government-media etc. in order to secure cooperation, generate increased awareness, and promote active participation in all environmental projects in the State. Various tiers of public authorities and societal organisations will be empowered to discharge specific responsibilities and obligations for this purpose; Legislation and regulations relating to environmental protection and conservation of natural resources will be amended

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to make them simpler, more easily enforceable and more easily understood in the larger interests of the society. For protection of environment, conservation of natural resources, abatement of pollution and promote environmental awareness, a coordination machinery among various Government Departments, viz. Forest, Agriculture, Irrigation, Industry, Municipal Affairs, Urban Development, Health, Public Health, Dev. & Planning, Transport, Rural Development, Panchayat, Science & Technology, Home, Law, I & CA etc. will be set up to prepare specific action plans, achieve interdepartmental cohesion, and monitor the progress and implemention of this Policy Statement. The Environment Department will act as the nodal department for this purpose; The State Government will explore all possibilities of national and inter-national finances and commit sufficient funds for implementation of this policy. The basic thrust of this policy is to ensure that the tempo of developmental activities is increased and facilitated by also taking into account the preservation and conservation of environment and natural resources. The environmental protection Rules 1986 , the rules seeks to carry out the provision of the EPA and meet the specific problems related to the environment protection and improvement of the environment.

All economic activities related to processing of materials can cause health problems for the workers unless adequate care is taken to protect them from contamination with solid wastes, effluent and emissions. Long-term exposure to hazardous substances and excessive heat, light, noise, etc., can cause

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considerable damage to the health of industrial workers. Constant exposure to excessive noise, can lead to loss of a workers hearing. Industrial diseases are also contracted through the entry of various toxic substances into the body (chemicals, dusts, fuels or gases). The ingestion of these substances can be through lungs, skin or mouth. They can cause direct poisoning (as lead and mercury does); an allergic response (as industrial dermatitis), sterility, abortion or congenital abnormality (as in the case with radiation), or specific diseases such as lung, skin, and bladder cancer. Dust can be a cause of serious illness or even death from lung disease. Asbestosis and mesotheliomer are caused by inhalation of asbestos dust and can even be fatal. These are all recognised as industrial diseases if the victims are known to have been exposed to particular substances. Increasingly, such occupational exposures to chemicals represent a key environmental problem. Tens of thousands of chemicals are on the market and many of these are in regular use in industry. New chemicals also keep entering the market nearly every day. Thus, the varieties of possible hazards are growing all the time. Such hazards are not confined to chemical factories alone. Detergents and bleaches for example, used by laundries, can also pose a threat to health. Among the industries and allied activities in West Bengal posing substantial health hazards including death are jute, cotton, textiles, paper, tanneries, electroplating & galvanising, offset printing, paints, chemicals & rubber, batteries, pesticides, fireworks, welding, synthetic fibres, pharmaceuticals, x-rays, dry-cleaning; blast furnace, rolling mills, foundries etc.

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Solid waste management: It has been mentioned in many contexts in hotel waste what importance is to be given to waste management in order to avoid causing harmful impacts upon environment. Management practices, on technological considerations, differ between solid, liquid and gaseous wastes solid waste disposal-systems work within discussed. The emphasis would be put on solid waste management in the urban centres, since the agglomeration effects are acutely manifested there. The inadequacies in this regard affect life and environment in many different manner. These will be highlighted in their contexts. Mostly the garbage is collected by the Municipalities from these bins and carried away to the place of disposal by means of mechanised transport. In certain cases there are arrangement of collection of garbage from the bins located in the narrow streets in wheel barrows which are then placed in a larger bin on the main road from where the trucks collect the same. In market areas and public places the sweepers on the payroll of the municipalities collect the garbage from the place of the disposal. The types of trucks like tippers and compactors are rarely used for garbage collection from hote. In most cases the disposal is done by dumping in low lying areas of the cities or at some land specially procured for the purpose. With the pressure on land and with growing urbanisation such areas are becoming more and more rare. The growth of the towns also poses problems regarding the continued use of these disposal sites. Mechanical composting has so far been rarely used. Incineration or scientific landfill are not practised.
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There are arrangements for separate storage and collection of the municipal waste and hospital waste. In practice, the hospital wastes are collected along with the household waste, causing major health risk due to their large pathogenic content. Lack of infrastructure facilities, institutional weakness of the local bodies and lack of effective labour control are the general problems in the solid waste management that creates a serious environmental hazard. Environmental Service Improvement Programme The Environmental Services Improvement Programme is intended to provide enhanced sustainable levels of service in the key environmental sectors of water supply and waste management. The programme aims to encourage better access to basic environmental services for all, sustainability in the processes of provision, operation, maintenance of environment-related municipal services. To meet the objectives of the Environmental Services Improvement Programme, an integrated set of components and sub-components is envisaged which comprise packages of short, medium and long term interventions. The major components are as follows : Water Resource Management Component (Equitable access to water through improved resource management). Parallel sub-components relating to the operation and maintenance of treatment facilities and water resources management are included through :

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Water Treatment Improvement and Water Resources Study. Water Source Protection Component (A basic right to sanitation and a clean and healthy environment) The fundamental objective of the Water Source Protection Component is to improve access to basic sanitation for the urban poor and maximise the utility of existing sewerage, drainage and sewage disposal facilities. In order to achieve this, the component includes a range of sub-components to achieve the objective of providing a healthier, productive and protected environment. The subcomponents are : Storm Water Drainage Cleaning and Rehabilitation; Septic Tank Cleaning; Improved Basic Access to Sanitation; Household Sewer Connection and Tertiary Sewer Installation; Sewer Cleaning and Rehabilitation; and Sewage and Waste Water Treatment and Reuse.

Solid Waste Management Component There are three broad stages in the solid waste management process, primary collection, transfer and transport to the disposal site and disposal. The MEIS identified the need for the following sub-components : Evaluation of Collection and Handling Technologies;

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Community Waste Management; Operations Improvement; Municipal Waste Disposal; and Solid Waste Management Improvement. The first of these programme sub-components is a prerequisite to the others in that improvements in collection and transport will not occur without the introduction of appropriate technologies while effective disposal cannot be achieved without functioning systems for the collection and transport of waste. Urban Land Management Programme Land management will determine the location, the economic viability of industry, the ability to meet future infrastructure needs or protect sensitive resources, and the ability of urban managers to assist the poor in their efforts to find shelter and to guide the planning of the urban growth. It is therefore necessary to provide the with a structured approach to promote the management and co-ordination of all economic, administrative, institutional, legislative and policy matters concerning land.

To over come environmental threaten from Environmentalists Group: The environmental review process results in one of three endpoints: 1. Categorical Exclusion (CE) from substantive environmental review the project is of such a type and size that no significant impact is expected. 2. An Environmental Assessment (EA) reveals that no significant impact is expected results in a Finding of No Significant Impact (
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3. A significant impact is expected. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) determines that the proposed project - in comparison to available alternatives - is nonetheless worth doing results in a Record of Decision (ROD). The enhancements to the states environmental review process to make it include the following: Consult With Applicant: The State will confer with State Revolving Fund loan applicants early in the project formulation stage to determine the environmental review requirements and will provide applicants with the latest applicable state guidance for environmental review. Environmental Information Document (EID): The State will assure that the applicant prepares an EID that describes and evaluates the environmental impacts of the feasible alternatives, including the no-action alternative. The EID should contain specific and relevant information that will allow a decision to be made about the impact the project will have on the environment. Public Input The State will assure that the applicant conducts at least one public hearing or public meeting for all projects except for those proposed for Categorical Exclusion. No public meeting or public hearing is required for projects proposed for Categorical Exclusion.

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Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) The FONSI will be signed as directed by the Director of the Division of Environmental Health and distributed by the State. The applicant generally prepares the EA under PWS guidance, and PWS prepares the FONSI in accordance with NCEPA. Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) The State will determine if an EIS should be prepared for a proposed project. If a CE or FONSI cannot be issued, an EIS is required for the project to progress. Construction Environmental Consequences Construction of any of the restoration alternatives would result in positive shortterm economic impacts from increased employment, spending, and business transactions. Principal direct effects on employment in Imperial County or central Riverside County would be from hiring local workers for hauling and other construction work. Additional indirect employment and earnings would also be expected as a result of increased area employment and expenditures. There could be temporary impacts to housing because about 80 percent of construction workers are anticipated to come from outside the region. Current housing vacancy, land zoned for development, and temporary facilities (e.g., hotels and apartments) have sufficient capacity to accommodate the workers, so the impact is not expected to be significant. The common actions that would be implemented with each alternative, including fish harvesting, improvements to recreation facilities, shoreline cleanup, and wildlife disease control, would have immediate beneficial impacts on the area.

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Rehabilation of Displaced Families: For the Displaced families approach to resettlement and rehabilitation for every one is considered.Creating the entitlement of PAPs compensatory land, hoses and payment for other contingencies Provision of social and physical rehabilitation infrastructure and proivision community services and facilites. Setting up administrative machinery for progrmme implementation and training personals. Allocating finicial and physical resoureces as required. Making bound action plan. Setting up monitoring and evalvating system. Implimentation of action plan. Environmental impact assessment The term 'environmental impact assessment' (EIA) describes a procedure that must be followed for certain types of project before they can be given 'development consent'. The procedure is a means of drawing together, in a systematic way, an assessment of a project's likely significant environmental effects. This helps to ensure that the importance of the predicted effects, and the scope for reducing them, are properly understood by the public and the relevant competent authority before it makes its decision. Environmental impact assessment enables environmental factors to be given due weight, along with economic or social factors, when planning applications

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are being considered. It helps to promote a sustainable pattern of physical development and land and property use in cities, towns and the countryside. If properly carried out, it benefits all those involved in the planning process. From the developer's point of view, the preparation of an environmental statement in parallel with project design provides a useful framework within which environmental considerations and design development can interact. Environmental analysis may indicate ways in which the project can be modified to avoid possible adverse effects, for example through considering more environmentally friendly alternatives. Taking these steps is likely to make the formal planning approval stages run more smoothly. For the planning authority and other public bodies with environmental responsibilities, environmental impact assessment provides a basis for better decision making. More thorough analysis of the implications of a new project before a planning application is made, and the provision of more comprehensive information with the application, should enable authorities to make swifter decisions. While the responsibility for compiling the environmental statement rests with the developer, it is expected that the developer will consult those with relevant information, and the Regulations specifically require that public authorities which have information in their possession which is relevant to the preparation of the environmental statement should make it available to the developer. The general public's interest in a major project is often expressed as concern about the possibility of unknown or unforeseen effects. By providing a full

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analysis of a project's effects, an environmental statement can help to allay fears created by lack of information. At the same time, early engagement with the public when plans are still fluid can enable developers to make adjustments which will help to secure a smoother passage for the proposed development and result in a better environmental outcome. The environmental statement can also help to inform the public on the substantive issues which the local planning authority will have to consider in reaching a decision. It is a requirement of the Regulations that the environmental statement must include a description of the project and its likely effects together with a summary in non-technical language. One of the aims of a good environmental statement should be to enable readers to understand for themselves how its conclusions have been reached, and to form their own judgements on the significance of the environmental issues raised by the project. Environmental impact assessment can therefore be helpful to all those concerned with major projects. The following paragraphs describe the procedures for deciding whether EIA is necessary in a particular case and, where it is, for carrying out the assessment. The procedure is intended to make the most of the potential benefits of EIA, while keeping the process as simple and flexible as possible, and avoiding any duplication of existing planning procedures Preparing an environmental statement: the planning procedures Preliminary consultations Content of the environmental statement Statutory and other consultees; the general public

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Techniques of assessment; sources of advice Submission of environmental statement with planning application Handling by the planning authority Requests for further information Determination of application Appeals and call-ins Procedural stages

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Conclusion/ recommendation: Any project which is against the environment will cause the damages to environment system. For the five star hotel project proper planning to be made with respect environmental policies and laws and regulations from respective authority. Pollution control plan and rehabilitations plan also be planned in advance in approval stage. Environmental impact assessment program should be done. As part of the environmental protection strategy, a post-construction mitigation, compensation, restoration, and reporting plan, referred to in this document as an Implementation Plan, will be developed through coordination with the state and federal agencies responsible for the Restoration Project. This plan will provide detailed information on how each mitigation measure will be implemented and monitored during the preconstruction, construction, and post-construction periods. The implementation plan will contain the following documents: Storm water pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) (including specific erosion control and site reclamation measures), spill contingency plan, riparian restoration plan, wetland restoration plan, oak planting plan,

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noxious weed eradication plan, and environmental compliance monitoring program. Bibliography / References Text book of NICMAR Construction and Environment. Govt. Of India Environmental laws and regulations. Booklet.

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