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Basic Marketing Research

Expands existing knowledge base Becomes part of public domain Published in scholarly journals Conducted primarily by individuals with terminal degrees Used for purposes of theory discovery and theory verification

Applied Marketing Research

Conducted in order to solve specific realworld problems Usually propriety information Employs knowledge gained in basic research

Research Suppliers

Internal Full Service

External Limited Service

Full Service
Syndicated Data Services - collect information that is available to multiple subscribers Standardized Services - the service used to collect the data is standardized but the data collected is unique to each buyer Customized Services - the research service provided to each client is tailored to meet needs of that client

Limited Service
Field Services - specialize in data collection Market Segment Specialists - specialize in conducting research pertaining to particular market segments Data Entry Services - specialize in editing and coding questionnaires and entering data Sample Design & Distribution Services - provide distribution lists to firms and/or conduct surveys Data Analysis Services - analyze data already collected Specialized Research Technique Firms - employ highly -specialized services such as eye-tracking, skinresponse testing, brand naming, packaging services

Ethics in Marketing Research

Objectivity in Interpretation purposely withholding information changes in wording from original survey overstating generalizability of findings Integrity in Data Collection false data failure to abide by agreed-upon data collection procedures

Ethics in Marketing Research

Proper treatment of subjects lack of privacy in responses harmful treatment of subjects Plagiarism copying anothers survey instrument reporting anothers results as your own

Ethics in Marketing Research

Deontology - Focuses on individuals rights

Teleology - Focuses on trade-offs between individual costs and group benefits

Ethics in Marketing Research

Sugging - selling under the guise of a survey (Illegal) Frugging - fund raising under the guise of a survey (Unethical)

Ethics in Marketing Research

If you think you might be doing something unethical, it probably is unethical.

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