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A2 p4

Developing skills through practice

Examining and auditing current practical skills Engaging with higher level equipment Improving use of lighting and camerawork

Task 1
Audit your skills Do a SWOT analysis of your skills and plan for how they need to develop 5mins


Complete the skills audit using the google survey on the A2 blog

Sony Z1E Semi-pro camera shooting DVCAM Advantages and disadvantages

Working in groups of 4, test lm using the camera. Objective - developing familiarity and condence with technology, understanding how lenses, angles and particularly depth of eld can improve the quality of your work 30mins

Shoot a range of shot sizes and angles Change the depth of eld and focus using manual focus and ND lters, lens and subject Change lighting conditions - only using natural lighting No shot must last more than 10 secs

All footage to be reviewed and discussed Questions How does focus inuence interpretation? How can use of light alter mood? Why is it vital to choose shots carefully?

Homework 1
Research unsigned bands, original music, your contacts and attempt to secure rights to a song. Evidence your work on your blog.

Homework 2

Whether successful or not in the above plan how you would like to visualise / interpret the chosen song.

Consider: representations of men and women, narrative and genre, ideology, target audience. Justify your plan in these terms. Tip: keep a clear eye on how you would sell this idea to the band/manager/record label as a promotional tool for the song. All work to be completed on individual blogs - be prepared to explain

Narrative V non-narrative Lip synching V no lip synching Dancing V no dancing Live action V animation Why is your song choice SO important?

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