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proper to the living present and by the syntheses achieved by consciousness. See also ACHIEVEMENT. STUM PF, CARL (18481936). Stump was a student of Franz Brentano and was a central and crucial figure in the develop m ent of mod ern psychology . His work influenced the development of Gestalt psychology, th e p s yc h o lo g y o f g ro u p d y n a m i c s , a n d w h a t c a m e to b e c a lle d phenomenological psychology . Stumpf adopted Brentanos descriptive methods, although Stumpf joined them to an experimental programboth thought experiments and physical experimentsthat sought to provide an intuitive underpinning for his conclusions. T he experiments helped to isolate what was most important in the phenomena under study and to provid e insight into the so rts o f exp erim ental variations that would continue to be most fruitful. When Brentano lost his teaching position, he suggested to Husserl that he go to Halle and work under Stumpf. Husserl did so, and submitted his Habilitationsschrift in 1887. Husserl and Stumpf were then colleagues at Halle until Husserl departed for Gttingen in 1901. Stumpfs influence on Husserl was such that Husserl dedicated the Logical Investigations to Stumpf. SUBJECT. A subject can be either 1. the subject of acts , that is, a conscious experiencing agent; or 2. the subject of predicates , that is, a noun or nominal phrase that refers to an object (individual or categorial, singular or universal, real [real] or ideal) and that serves as the logical subject of a proposition . SUBJECTIVISM . 1. Subjectivism is an epistemological position that claims that the proper object of know ledge is inherent to the subject . This position is consistent with both representative realism and subjective idealism . 2. Subjectivism is a form of relativism that claims that all knowledge and truth are relative to the subject of knowing. SUBJECTIVITY. Subjectivity is the condition or state of being or belonging to a subject of experiences having real (reell) and intentional content . SURRO UNDING WORLD (Um welt) . The surrounding w orld is the subjects environment. The subject is self-aware not only of its experience of the object to which it is thematically directed but also of a surrounding reality to which the subject has cognitive, affective, and volitional relations. This apperceived surrounding reality encompasses other things in the world, considered not merely as natural or physical things but as

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