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Study of any of 4Ps of company, how is it different/unique, comparison with competitors, consumer perception, industry trends etc. b. Identifying reasons for consumer preference of company and its products c. Branding activities of company d. Study of promotional mix of the company e. Dealers attitude and perception towards company and its network f. Effect of any promotional event on sales using basic research designs like before after, after only with/without control group etc. g. Any marketing innovation in processes/products etc. as undertaken by the company. 2. Finance a. Working capital analysis but dont restrict it to ratio analysis. Identify sources of wc specifically bank financing, cash management, inventory and debtors management. b. Carry out analysis of any major financial decision taken by company like buyback, merger, bonus shares, acquisition and its financial implications for investors and share holders etc. c. Study the changes in financing mix and level of operating and financial leverage undertaken by the company and its impact on profitability of the company. d. Study of any investment decision undertaken by the company and analysis of the same using NPV, IRR etc. e. In case if the company has any foreign exchange transactions, how they cover/hedge the risk arising from foreign exchange fluctuations? f. Any financial innovation in processes/products etc. as undertaken by the company.

3. HRM a. Pick any aspect of HRM i.e. recruitment, selection, training, development, appraisal, promotion etc. and study its trends, effectiveness and adaptability among employees. b. Measuring level of satisfaction of the company and reasons for dissatisfaction c. Conduct TNA of company employees. d. Any HR innovation in processes/products etc. as undertaken by the company.


Title Page Certificate From Organization Acknowledgement 1. Introduction to Company/Organization/Group- Max. 5 Pages 2. Introduction to Concept/Problem- Max. 5 Pages 3. Research Methodology- Max. 5 pages a. Objectives b. Need For Study c. Research Design d. Sampling Design e. Tools for Analysis f. Limitations 4. Data Analysis and Observations- Max. 10 pages

5. Conclusions- Max. 2 Pages 6. Suggestions- Max. 2 pages 7. Bibliography- Max. 2 Pages 8. Questionnaire (If Any)

ANSWERS TO FAQs 1. Is it necessary to have a survey in every project? No, in many of the projects where you are collecting only secondary data, no survey or questionnaire is needed. 2. How many copies we need of the project report? 3- one each for company, college and yourself. 3. What is the last date of submission of project report? 2 weeks after the completion of summer training duration.

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