Tutorial02 A04 Sol

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PHYS 1007 Tutorial #2 Section A04 - ThurPM

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Problem 1 A hot air balloon rises from the ground at the rate of 1.85 m/s. A champagne bottle is opened, expelling the cork with a speed of 5.0 m/s. When opened, the bottle is pointing horizontally and is 12.0 m above the ground. (a) Determine the maximum height above the ground attained by the cork. Take the positive y axis to be pointing up. (b) How long does the cork remain in the air? (Hint: 2 you may need the quadratic formula: x = b 2ba 4ac .) Take g = 9.81 m/s2 . SOLUTION (a) Solve the following equation for y , with vf,y = 0 and ay = g :
2 2 vf,y vi,y = 2ay y 2 vi,y 2g (1.85)2 y = 2(9.81)

y =

y = 0.17 m Since the cork was opened at 12 m above the ground, the maximum height attained is 12 + 0.17 = 12.17 m. the maximum height attained is 12.17 m. (b) Use the quadratic formula to solve the following equation for t: y = vi,y t + (1/2)ay t2 (12) = (1.85)t + (1/2)(9.81)t2 t = 1.76 s the cork stays in the air for 1.76 s.

Problem 2 Find the coecient of kinetic friction between a 4.0-kg block and the horizontal surface on which it rests if a force of 4.5 N is needed to push it with constant speed. Assume that the force pushes in a direction 18 above the horizontal. Take the positive x axis to be parallel to the surface, in the direction that the block is moving. Also, draw a free-body diagram for this situation. Label all forces and relevant information. Take g = 9.81 m/s2 .
y x


SOLUTION Find the normal force: Fy = N + F sin mg = 0 N = mg F sin Solve for the coecient of kinetic friction in: Fx = F cos fk = F cos k N = 0 F cos F cos = N mg F sin (4.5) cos(18 ) k = k = 0.113 (4.0)(9.81) (4.5) sin(18 ) k = the coecient of kinetic friction is 0.113.
y N x

fk 18 F mg

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