AFP Farm Bill Letter

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Kathy- Great

news! The House listened to you! This afternoon, with a 195-234 vote, Representatives rejected the big, bloated welfare bill known as the Farm Bill. Leading up to the vote, we knew that it would be very close -- but your calls and emails made the difference! A very big THANK YOU goes out to every single one of you who got involved. Thank you for calling and emailing your House members. This is a huge victory for free market conservatives, and its thanks to your efforts. To see how your House member voted, check out the roll call vote. With this defeat Congress can go back to the drawing board, and create food and farm policy that works for Americans. Your efforst helped maked this victory possible. Thank you! In Liberty,

Tim Phillips President of Americans for Prosperity P.S. It doesn't stop here, now is the time to call on Congress to cut other wasteful spending. You can email your representatives here.
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