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Written by: Michele O'Dea Bell Grade:K-University Age: 5-12

Activity Summary:
Students will learn how to make a clown drawing with pastel, paint or markers

First graders will gain experience in handling a brush and paint. By repeating simple shapes, students will create pattern. Students will demonstrate awareness of emotion by creating "sad" and "happy" faces.

What You Need:

White artist board (any size but the younger children work better with 8 x 10 Pencil Paint Brushes (small and medium) Tempera paints Black Sharpie markers

What You Do:

Day One 1. Each student will use an 81/2 x 11 piece of white paper to mock up their drawing before proceeding to the painting boards/tablets. 2. Once they have an idea of what they want to paint they will transfer the image lightly to the blank 8 x 10 artist's boards. 3. The student will then be given a small and medium paintbrush and instructed to paint in their entire 4. board leaving no white. The works of art are left to dry overnight. Remember to support and encourage their work and ensure them that the next step will take it to a whole new level

Day Two 1. 2. Give each student a Black Sharpie (or other permanent marker) and discuss the difference between permanent vs. water based markers. Model similar projects from last year or your own creation and show the students how to outline the basic parts/shapes of the image. It is not necessary to outline everything but to draw the original picture as closely as they can recall

3. 4. 5.

Some things to discuss and demonstrate are emotions, what does a happy face or sad face look like, and repeating shapes to create pattern. Emphasis should be put on drawing nice sized shapes that will be simple to color in. No tiny details! After the faces and patterns have been outlined, let students place their works along the whiteboard ledge and have a gallery exhibition. Invite other classes to see your work and demonstrate how to take a compliment and remain open to any comments they may hear.

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