Courier October 3, 1968scan-130420-0001

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in the vaney. administrative intern and Welfare Department, discussesinlocalconlntinity to get the question of fluoridation


water supplies up for public vote with Dr.?rute e Stratton of Rockland, _who is chairman Health. Better Mid-Coast Area Cormrnttee. for

Photo by Poulson

Conference On .Water Fluoridation Program |~|e||l In Rockland Tuesday Rockland as with the group
campaign will be taken from the Public state-wide water Health Service money allotted to in public to get fluorine Dr. Dean supplies in Maine communities Maine _this year. has reached the Rockland area, Fisher, commissioner of the dewith Dr. Bruce Stratton named partment, is superiviaing the chairman of the local organi- effort. Tuesday, zation of citizens working for the Rockland was held chairman. with Stratton elected program. slated Known as the Mid-Coast Area 'Ihe second meeting, be for the purwill next week, Health, for Better Committee together with the organization will encompass pose of getting and setting up key members Camden. Rockport, Owls Head working committees, according and Rockland campaign t0Stratt0n. the a state basis, On Miss Linda Milvaney, an adis being Slwnsored by the Health intern in the Health ministrative and Welfare Department. fiDepartment, met and Welfare $14,800 which some nancedwith


representative of that depart-


ment. local organization's The fimction is to get towns and cities to put the matter up for public vote, and then to seek support at the polls According to state law, a local vote favoring the fluoridation is necessary' before it can be instituted. In the case of Rockland, the organization will ask city councilmen to put the question on the November ballot as a local issue.

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