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The Scoop By Seth Larson

3 prompts: ping, concrete, and slurp

EXT. A BOMBED VILLAGE - DAY Two figures trudge through the mud in a recently bombed out village in what could possibly be the Balkans. The leading figure is tall, handsome, wearing glasses and is dressed like a war correspondent with a vest, khakis, etc. The man following him has a camera on his shoulder, similar garb, bright red hair and freckles. CLARK, the reporter peers into broken windows seeking out a survivor to interview. JIMMY, the cameraman struggles to keep up. JIMMY Clark...I think maybe we shouldnt be here. CLARK Jimmy, this is important. The state forces just massacred these innocent people. Weve got to get the facts. Jimmy pulls his foot out of the mud with a yucky slurp. JIMMY Sure, Clark. But the AP says there are still paramilitary groups in the area. I just heard some gun fire. Its not safe here. CLARK Our safety isnt whats going to help these people. We have a duty to tell this story. Its the only way to stop the killing; weve got to wake people up! JIMMY Whatever. Ive just got a bad feeling about this. CUT TO: FATIMA and her daughter RIZA crouch near the corner of house wary for any sign of danger. They are terrified and dirty, wearing clothes that were given to them by the red cross. Clark and Jimmy enter from the other side of the frame. Fatima and Riza attempt to skulk away, but theyve been made.


CONTINUED: CLARK Wait! Please! I want to talk to you.


Fatima covers Riza with her body and attempts to push her around the corner of the house away from the strange men. CLARK Stop! I need to talk to you! Riza begins to cry, Fatima pulls her close and muffles her sobs with her body. She speaks over her shoulder afraid to meet Clarks gaze. He narrows the distance between them approaching cautiously hoping to appear non-threatening. FATIMA Please, they say there is food here. Please to not hurt us. CLARK I wont hurt you, I just need to talk to you. What happened here? FATIMA You know what happen. Kradic come. He kill the men, the boys. He kill my husband. He do this. Clark is in front of Fatima who has her back to the wall. Jimmy stands to the side filming the interview. RIZA (In a Balkan dialect) Mama wheres papa? FATIMA (gaining confidence) Shhh baby. (To Clark) You see we have nothing. He come here and kill us. CLARK You have the worlds attention. Tell us how we can help you right now? Fatima looks at him as though he were insane. Riza turns to face Clark, tears running down here dirty face, she clutches a filthy stuffed bear. FATIMA What you help us? You send food, clothes. Why not send soldiers to... (CONTINUED)


3. CUT TO:

The tires of a military jeep that is speeding through the town. CUT TO: Clark turns his head over his shoulder in the direction of the jeep. CUT TO: The jeep is full of armed paramilitary operatives. One of them in the back aims his gun. CUT TO: Clark turns his head toward Jimmy and the camera. CUT TO: A close up of a paramilitary troop loading a clip into a Kalashnikov rifle. CUT TO: Clark blows toward jimmy who immediately and forcefully falls backward into the mud. Clark turns and spreads his arms out to protect Fatima and Riza. CUT TO: (ECU)Clark narrows his eyes in anticipation. CUT TO: Clark stands with his arms spread, we hear the jeep getting louder. An automatic rifle barks and bullet holes appear in the concrete wall from right to left at the height of his torso. Instead of puncturing Clark, the bullets ricochet off of him with a ping. We hear the jeep drive off into the distance. Clark turns to face Fatima and Riza, Jimmy struggles to get up out of the mud. The women stare at him mouths agape. They recognize him now. RIZA Cant you save us? CLARK This is the only way I know how. FADE TO BLACK

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