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Parental Support and Study Attitudes among College Students towards their Academic Performance

Jacqueline Sybell M. dela Cruz Jessabelle S. Gentullaga Mahatmah M. Maulana Zehan Loren E. Tocao

Mary Faith E. Uy A Research Paper Presented to Notre Dame of Tacurong College In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Arts Major in Political Science

UNDERGRADUATE Notre Dame of Tacurong College City of Tacurong, Sultan Kudarat

February 2011


Table of Contents

Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENT... 3 DEDICATION. 4 ABSTRACT............................................................................................................................................. 5 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................... 6 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 8 METHODS Research Design. 11 Respondents of the Study 11 Instrumentation... 11 Ethical Consideration.. 12 Data Gathering Procedures..... 12 Statistical Treatment... 12 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION... 13 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSION, AND RECOMMENDATIONS Summary of Findings.. 17 Conclusion.......... 18 Recommendations... 19




In every journey, there is always beginning and end. In every sacrifices and trials, there is always hope and success. This paper will not be made possible without the helping hands of those who have unselfishly shared their time and prayers for us. Special thanks are offered to the following: First and foremost, to our Almighty God, who gave us emotional strengths, knowledge and wisdom in writing this study. The researchers express their gratitude to their beloved parents who gave their moral support, prayers, care and love, the one who inspires for the researchers to continue and succeed. To Dr. Rosmalin G. Arzagon , Dean of CAS-Ed, who extend her help and shared her knowledge to the researchers in making this paper a successful one. To Mary Faith E. Uy, research adviser, who extend her patience in helping and guiding the researchers in making this paper and to become a better one in the future. Lastly, to our family, friends, relatives and classmates who supported us in making this project possible. The Researchers



This research work is dedicated to those who supported the researchers especially to our loving parents, friends, to Dr. Rosmalin Arzagon, Dean of CAS-Ed, to our research adviser Mary Faith Uy, and to our Alma Mater the Notre Dame of Tacurong College. The Researchers


This descriptive- quantitative study was conducted to determine the status of the parental support and study attitudes of the respondents. There were 70 students of Notre Dame of Tacurong College enrolled in Political Science 1 (Politics and Governance with Philippine Constitution) during the second semester of school year 2010-2011 who were requested to serve as respondents to this study. A survey- questionnaire formulated by the researchers was used to gather data from the respondents. Upon retrieval of the questionnaire, the gathered data were tallied, classified, tabulated and computed employing frequency, percentage and ranking as statistical tools. Results of the study revealed that the top five items indicating parental support were: parents value education and tell thats a way to a successful life, the assistance given by their parents, they discuss the value of good education and career option and they show interest in their progress at school. The top five study attitudes of students towards their academic performance were: to finish a degree is very important to them, they believed that they can finish their studies, they were interested in dealing with their subjects ,they are inspired to study because of their parents support and they do their school works seriously. The results of the study can provide and establish awareness about the parental support and study attitudes of the respondents in relation to their studies. Students will excel and gain more knowledge if they have positive attitudes toward their studies and have a good support from their parents.


Education is one of the major concerns of a country because through this it may improve and develop its jurisdiction and big possibilities to produce competent citizens. Moreover, it helps people to use their reason and faculties to think, thus resulting to self-development. Academic performance of learners is a big factor to gauge their success. According to an educational institution, academic performance refers to the achievement of the students on their studies after having met the standards set by the institution. Further, academic performance may also refer to how the students deal with their studies and how they cope with or accomplish different tasks given to them by their mentors. It is a fact that education plays a vital role in the life of every Filipino. However, due to many unavoidable circumstances like low economic turn-outs, financial problem, peer pressure, family problems, poor educational reforms, access to education became impossible to many. In other countries like America, poor academic performance among students are continuing to grow in number, in fact, up to 75% of the students are dropping out, have low performance in terms of academics. According to the present census conducted, the Philippines illiteracy rate is 12% of population over 15%, and a number of Filipino students in terms of academic performance are continuing to have low rates. According to some researchers, there are many countries all over the world that are dealing problems pertaining to education and having low academic performance rate. According to an article entitled Problems in Education, low academic performance of the learners are attributed to improper funding of teachers, lack of both students and teachers facilities, lack of motivation and interest among students. Moreover, lack ofadequate funds, staffing problems in remote school sites, educational inequities in terms of


access and quality of education are factors that ruined the education in the Philippines (Angara, 2006). Based on numerous researches, parental support given to students has a direct influence on the academic performance of students. Parental support refers on how the parents support the studies of their children, on how they provide things necessary in developing their skills physically and intellectually. Parenting style is a factor that influences the academic performance of students (Rodriguez, 1986). It refers on how the parents discipline their children and the extent of support that they give to their children. A positive family climate favors the development of well-adapted natures, stable integrated subjects while unfavorable family climate promotes non-adaptation, immaturity, lack of balance and insecurity (Castellano1986). According to Ronjin (1987), the parents involvement on the studies of their children has a great influence and has a direct relationship on students achievement. Parental expectations are generally associated with higher levels of educational attainment. The child-rearing beliefs, academically enriching home environment and standards of acceptable behavior in and out of school are equally important to academic performance and achievement (Liddel, 1990). Based on the aforementioned facts, parental support plays a vital role in molding the physical and mental abilities of students; it improves their academic performance in school.

In addition, researchers found out that attitudes of the learners have a direct influence on their academic performance. Student attitude refers to the hypothetical construct that represents


an individuals degree of likes or dislikes for an item. It is generally the positive or negative views of a person over a place, thing or event. Attitudes may change and emotion greatly influenced the attitude change. Emotion works hand-in-hand with the cognitive process or the way one thinks about an issue or situation. Thus, emotion has a direct relationship on attitude. Sarwar (2004) explained that study attitudes refer to the behavior of the learners towards their subject or their viewpoint on their subjects. He found out that there is a strong relationship between study attitudes and academic performance of the learners. If the students viewed their studies positively they can really perform well. It is along the context that parental support and students study attitudes affect the academic performance of students among other factors that the present researcher is interested to conduct a study on this area. This study aims to investigate the level of parental support and the study attitudes among college students taking Political Science 1 (Politics and Governance with Philippine Constitution). This study is deemed significant for NDTC administrators as well as to the student- respondents for it will make them aware of the parental support given to students, to improve study attitudes when found necessary so that learning will be enhanced.

Review of Related Literature and Studies Numerous studies have been conducted to explain factors that influence academic performance. Diaz (2000) considered variables like parents academic level, gender, motivation, relationship between peers as factors that have direct influence on the academic performance of learners. Many factors had been considered by various researchers but according to them parental support is a big factor in influencing the academic performance of students. According


to Charles Reiseluth, family support is one of the agencies that powerfully shape childrens learning. The family is the primary social system for children and high parental control was associated with high achievement (Rollins & Thomas, 1979). When parents are involved in their childrens education at home they do better in school, when they are involved in school, their children go farther in school and the schools they go to are better (Henderson, 1997). School achievement improves when parents express high expectations for their children learning and future careers. Parental expectations are actors and critical to the academic performance of a student, higher expectations parents are generally associated with higher levels of educational achievement. The child rearing beliefs, academically enriching home environment and standards of acceptable behavior in and out of school are equally important to academic performance. Moreover, parents who have strong relationship and trust of to their children will make them active on their studies and performance. They found that a less physically crowded environment along with motivation and parental support, were associated with higher educational levels of children (Reynolds, et al.1998). Religiosity as an aspect of the family environment is another independent variable influencing academic achievement (Bahr, Hawks & Wang, 1993). Cassidy and Lynn (1991) explored how family environment supports impact motivation on achievement. Further, according to Hammer (2003) the home environment and parental support is as important as what goes on in the school. Parent education and encouragement are strongly related to improved student achievement (Wang, Wildman & Calhoun, 1996). Sattes (1997) concluded also in his study that a home environment encourages learning. Factors like reading to children, having books available, taking trips, guiding TV watching and providing stimulating experiences contribute to school achievement. The children are more likely to be exposed to experiences that stimulate intellectual development.



There are sixth characteristics that a family whose children are doing well in school. First, establishing a daily family routine thats include providing time and a quiet place to study, having dinner together and firm about times to get up and go to bed. Second, monitoring out-ofschool activities like setting limits on TV watching and arranging for after- school activities and supervised care. Third, model the value of learning, self-discipline and hard work like having a strong communication. Fourth, expressing high but realistic expectations for achievement, like setting goals and standards that are appropriate for childrens age and maturity and encouraging and recognizing special talents. Fifth, encouraging childrens development and progress in school, like maintaining a warm and supportive home, showing interest in childrens progress at school and discussing the value of a good education and possible career options. Sixth, family members encouraging reading, writing and discussions among family members. Moreover, income and family size were modestly related to achievement (Ferguson, 1991 in Henderson, 1997). Based on the aforementioned facts, parental support plays a vital role in molding the physical and mental aspect of a student, it improves the academic performance of the learners. Another factor that may affect academic performance is the attitude of the learners. Attitude refers to the hypothetical construct that represents an individuals degree of like or dislike for an item. It is generally positive or negative view of a person, place, thing or event. Study attitude refers to the behavior of the learners toward their subject and their individual viewpoint. A strong relationship between study attitude and academic performance of learners towards their studies would create high performance in academic. If the student viewed their studies positively, they can really perform well. Moreover, interest and the motivation of students affect the academic performance of learners (Sarwar, 2004).



Development of academic intrinsic motivation is an important goal for educators because it is an essential for future motivation as well as for students effective school functioning (Gottfried, 1990).

Method Research Design The researcher used the descriptive-quantitative method. It provides an accurate description about the level of the parental support and study attitudes of 70 students of Notre Dame of Tacurong College enrolled in Political Science 1 (Politics and Governance with Philippine Constitution) . Respondents of the Study There were 70 students of Notre Dame of Tacurong College enrolled in Political Science 1 (Politics and Governance with Philippine Constitution) during the first semester of school year 2010-2011 who were requested to serve as respondents to this study. The sampling technique was census sampling which means that all students taking Political Science 1 subject were targeted as respondents to this study. Instrumentation To determine the level of parental support and study attitudes of the respondents in relation to their academic performance, the researcher used questionnaire for 70 students of NDTC to answer. Questionnaire is the best instrument to use because it provides respondents time to answer. .



The researcher formally informed the purpose of the survey to the respondents and they were assured of the confidentiality of their individual responses. Data Collection Procedure The researcher wrote a letter of permission to the Dean of CAS-Ed to request the complete list of college students taking Political Science 1 subject for the school year 2010-2011 and used as respondents of this study. Questionnaire was distributed personally and each respondent had their enough time to answer, when the said questionnaire was retrieved, the data were tallied, tabulated and analyzed. Statistical Treatment After the retrieval of all the questionnaires, the researcher processed the data supplied by the respondents. In presenting the profile of the respondents, frequency and percentage distribution was used and in presenting the answers of the respondents, the researcher used the mean and based on a scale. 4.50- 5.00 3.50-4.49 2.50-3.49 1.50-2.49 1.00-1.49 Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree



Table 1. Frequency and Percentage of the Respondents Gender Gender Male Female Total f 38 32 70 % 54.28 45.71 100

Table 1 presents the gender of the respondents. It shows that there are 38 or 54.28 % who are male and 32 or 45.71 % who are female.

Table 2 Mean Rating and Description of Study Attitudes of the Respondents towards their Academic Performance

Item No. Study attitudes 1. to finish a degree is very important to me 2. believe that I can finish my studies 3. doing my assignments seriously 4. interested in all subjects 5. viewed my subjects as interesting and enjoyable 6. always motivated to perform well in studies 7. observe strictly my schedule for study




4.26 4.18 4.13 3.94 3.92 3.90 3.87

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree

PARENTAL SUPPORT AND STUDY ATTITUDES 8. inspired to study because of my parents support 9. when I make mistake I would like to figure out the right answer by myself 10. set my mind to get high grades 11. I expect to land a good job after graduation 12. there are goals and standards in my studies 13. educations makes me a better person 14. ask help from teachers when find difficulty with my school work 15. viewed subjects in positive way Total 3.24 3.17 3.72 14 15 Undecided Undecided Agree 3.67 3.48 3.47 3.45 3.34 9 10 11 12 13 Agree Undecided Undecided Undecided Undecided 3.77 8 Agree


Table 2 shows the answers of the respondents on the effects of study attitudes in their academic performance. Most of the items rated agree by the respondents question number 1 got the highest rate with a mean of 4.26 respondents answered that to finish a degree is very important. According to Sarwar Muhammad this will provide big opportunities and big chances to be successful in life. Moreover, it will give more power to your position in the area of profession you have picked as well as advance up the ladder of achievement. Question number 2 with a mean of 4.18 believed that they can finish their studies, according to Riza Carlos, education is the greatest gift a person can give to his self. It will give big chances and opportunities in his life, this will open new investment in ones life. Moreover, there are 6 items rated lowest among the other items and needs improvement, question number 15 with the mean of 3. 17 of the total number of respondents answered that they rarely viewed their subjects in a



positive way , question number 14 with a mean of 23. 24 of the total number of respondents answered that they asked rarely their mentors when they find some difficulties in their school works. According to Abhishek Agarwal, right management in handling every activity of a student will create fast development in their academic performance, they will avoid anxiety and will be able to meet their goals easily, a strong relationship between a teacher and student will open for the willingness of both to grow and will generate great development in their academics especially in the part of the students.

Table 3. Mean rating and Description of the Parental Support of the Respondents towards their Academic Performance

Item No. Parental Support 1. set firmly the times to get up and go to bed 2. keep in touch with teachers and school staff 3. guide TV watching and other activities at home 4. helps in doing homework and other school works 5. maintains a warm and supportive home 6. attend school programs 7. showing interest in my progress at school 8. supports extra-curricular activities 9. recognize and encourage special talents 10. discuss the value of good education and career option




5.07 4.80 4.57 4.56 4.16 4.09 4.07 4.00 3.93 3.87

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree

PARENTAL SUPPORT AND STUDY ATTITUDES 11. I expect to land a good job after graduation 12. there are goals and standards in my studies 13. educations makes me a better person 14. ask help from teachers when find difficulty with my school work 15. viewed subjects in positive way Total 3.24 3.17 3.72 14 15 Undecided Undecided Agree 3.47 3.45 3.34 11 12 13 Undecided Undecided Undecided


Table 3 shows the answers of the respondents on the effects of the Parental support in their academic performance. There are 4 items rated as strongly agree by the respondents, question number 1 with a mean of 5.07 believed that their parents set firmly the times to get up and go to bed, according to www., giving importance to education will foster development in ones potential and will create a high standard of learning , question number 2 with a mean of 4.80 answered that their parents have communication to their teachers and school staff and respondents strongly agree that their parents helped them in doing their assignments and in their daily activities. Most of the items were rated agree by the respondents, their parents provide a warm and conducive area for learning, they attend school programs, supports and recognizes the talents and values the good education and career. Acording to Sargent (1994), education is understood to be a means of achieving greater equality and acquiring wealth and status for all learners may be motivated by aspirations for progress and betterment. Moreover, question number 14 with a total mean of 3.37 answered that there parents monitor their class works rarely , according to an article written by Martin ( 2000) , parents who show interest in the studies of their children, helps their child to practice all sorts of language comprehending skills



at the school. The results show a remarkably positive behavior at the school and with peers and getting involved with their studies would mean a lot and will cause high result of learning. According to an article written by Dr. Joyce Epstein , Center on School, Family and

Community Partnerships , providing all around support will foster growth in students education and will encourage them to exert more effort in doing there school responsibilities. According to her the old way of thinking was that parental involvement was all about parents. The new way is that it's about student success."

Correlational Analysis:
Correlations: C2, C1 Pearson correlation of C2 and C1 = -0.097 P-Value = 0.423 Correlations: C3, C1 Pearson correlation of C3 and C1 = -0.057 P-Value = 0.640 The researchers tabulated and analyzed the individual interpretations of the respondents in relation with their study attitudes and parental support and correlate it with their midterm grades . It was found out that study attitudes and parental support of the respondents had no significant relationship in dealing with their academic performance.



Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

Summary of Findings When the Parental support and study attitudes of the respondents were statistically computed, analyzed and interpreted, the following were the findings.

A. Study Attitudes 1. Majority of the respondents agreed that to finish a degree is very important to them , they believed that they can finish their studies, they do their assignments seriously, they viewed their subjects as an enjoyable and an interesting one, they are inspired to study because of parents support, and when they make mistakes they would like to figure out the right answer always motivated to perform well in studies and interested in all subjects, and they observed strictly their schedule for study. 2. There were 6 out of 15 items rated undecided by the respondents and needs improvement. Respondents are hesitant to ask questions to their mentors when they find some difficulty and they were bewildered if they will land a good job after graduation. 3. When the researchers analyzed the correlation between the study attitudes and grades, the study shows that there is no significant relationship involved.



B. Parental support 1. Out of 70 respondents, there were 4 items rated at as strongly agree by the respondents , their parents monitor and communicate to the school staff and teachers, their parents guide them in their activities and assist them in doing their school works. 2. Majority of the respondents agreed that their parents set goals and standards on studies, recognize and encourage their special talents, shows interest in their progress at school, supports extra-curricular activities, maintain a warm and supportive home, tell stories and share problems, and willing to attend school programs. 3. There were 2 out of 15 items rated undecided and needs improvement. Some of the respondents were bewildered if their parent checks their school works and failed to provide a quiet area for studying. 4. When the researchers analyzed the correlation between the parental support and grades, study shows that there is no significant relationship involved.

Conclusion Based on the results of this study, the following conclusion is drawn from basis of the findings: Majority of the respondents viewed their academic performance and studies positively and most of them agreed with a mean of 3.72. Majority of the respondents showed that there was a high level of support and guidance from their parents and most of them agreed with a mean of 4.04.



When the researchers tabulated and analyzed the individual data, it was found out that study attitudes and parental support does not affect the academic performance .

Recommendations The following are the recommendations: Based on the data gathered it showed that the in general, respondents have a positive attitudes towards their academic performance, they enjoyed dealing with their subjects however, the researcher recommends that they should build a good relationship to their mentors, find time to ask their teachers if they find some difficulties in their subjects and set their mind that education will provide a good future for them. Moreover, the respondents showed that there was a high level of support and assistance from their parents in dealing with their studies and academic performance but on the other hand the researcher would like to recommend that parents should give only enough support to their children.




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