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Fault Finding Checklist ViscoSense

Vessel Name: Hull nr: Actual Viscosity reading on controller Actual Temperature reading on controller HFO Bunker viscosity specification :___________________ :___________________ :___________________ :___________________ :___________________ mPa.s / cSt C cSt @ 50 C

Serial number viscosity sensor

The serial number of the viscosense sensor is a 5 digit number and starts with 7 or 8. serial number

Serial number interface box

The serial number of the interface box is a 7 digit number and starts with 148.

serial number

Fault finding Checklist ViscoSense

Mod.dd.: 26/04/2012

1. Inside the interface box youll find a diagnostic LED. During normal operation the LED will be light up as per below drawing. If problems occur in the system the LED will illuminate differently. A. If the LED lights up differently write this down. B. In the right corner you find a dot if problems occur is the dot corner flashing or constant burning.

Take Viscosity Measurement Control in manual or Temperature Control Open the bypass and close inlet and outlet to the ViscoSense sensor Remove the senor from housing and inspect visual. Clean sensor as per instructions in Technical Manual. Remove setscrew (2x complete from the flowtube) and remove flowtube carefully, clean the sensor head carefully with a soft rag.

Check the sensor head and flowtube coating and make a picture, send picture back

Install flowtube back and install sensor back into the system, please ensure only original size Oring, ID 25,17 x 1,78, is used. (wrong size Oring, will cause malfunction or wrong readings) Open inlet and outlet valve to sensor Close by-pass valve (wait for approx 15 minutes to stabilize system). What is the actual Viscosity reading on the controller, 15 min. after cleaning. What is the actual Temperature reading on the controller 15 min. after cleaning


mPa.s / cSt


Fault finding Checklist ViscoSense

Mod.dd.: 26/04/2012

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