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EBS R12 New Features & Enhancements compare to 11i General Ledger (GL)


Business Benefit
Ledgers each one is separate. SOBs are gone in R12, Ledgers replace SOBs. Data is in the Ledger, and the management is in the Ledger Set. Accounting Setup Manager is a new feature that allows you to set up your common financial setup components from a central location. In R12, we enhanced the Multiple Reporting Currencies (MRC) feature with a feature call Reporting Currencies. We now support multiple currency representations of data from any source, including external systems, Oracle or non-Oracle subledgers, and Oracle General Ledger journals and balances. Have you ever wanted to report and view balances that were entered in your ledger currency separate from those balances that were entered and converted to the ledger currency? In R12, balances entered in the ledger currency are maintained separately from balances converted to the ledger currency for use in Reporting and Analysis. In R12, weve made many improvements to intercompany accounting. R11is Global Intercompany System (GIS) has been replaced with an exciting new product called Advanced Global Intercompany System (AGIS). We also extended intercompany balancing support to include encumbrance journals. Maintain a common system for global compliance. Internal Controls Manager provides a single system to standardize, document and audit internal controls and monitor ongoing compliance. Operate more efficiently with single global access across multiple lines of business. The new Ledgers and Ledger Sets allow for processing and reporting across different accounting entities. With multi-organization access control (MOAC) transactions can be managed across multiple operating units. Pre-built, adaptable vertical flows accelerate industry-specific

6 major initiatives Ledger and Ledger Sets Multi-Org Access Control Subledger Accounting Tax Engine Intercompany Bank Model

business processes SLA Centralized repository and engine for all transaction processing. Subledger Accounting enables you to create multiple accounting entries. Writes a full accounting entry for every subledger transaction (full debit and credit). Controls all aspects of journal entries. Because of the information captured, reconciliation is considerably easier. A major benefit that SLA brings in R12 is the ability to retain the full link between transaction and accounting data for all modules, and thus allow auditability. The accounting SLA creates is strongly tied to the underlying transactions. Introduces a common data model and UI across subledgers, replaces various disparate 11i setups, providing single source of truth for financial and management analysis SLA tracks how the journal entry is built from a transaction. You no longer have to constantly switch responsibilities in order to access the data in a different ledger. You can access multiple ledgers from a single responsibility as long as all ledgers share the same chart of accounts and calendar. You no longer have to open and close periods for each ledger separately. You can now open and close periods across multiple ledgers simultaneously by submitting Open and Close Periods programs from the Submit Request form. The Translation program has been enhanced to allow you to translate balances across multiple ledgers in a single submission. You can also run Financial Statement Generator (FSG) reports for multiple ledgers simultaneously as well as run a single report across ledgers. MassAllocations has been enhances to allow you to allocate financial data from one or more ledgers to a different target ledgereven if the target ledger is in a different currency. You can now share AutoPost Criteria sets across multiple ledgers that share the same chart of accounts and calendar and use the AutoPost Criteria sets to post journals across multiple ledgers simultaneously. AutoReversal Criteria Sets can also be shared across ledgers to reverse journals across multiple ledgers.

Accounts Payable (AP)

Feature Hierarchical Invoice model Headers Lines Distributions R11i Oracle Payables invoice hierarchy Invoice header Invoice distribution R12 Oracle Payables invoice hierarchy Invoice header Invoice line Invoice distribution Invoice Approval Document and Line level approval Payment process enhancements Toolset for Payment manager Capability to Allow fewer payment runs Powerful search tools improve online inquiry Selected Invoices page to view invoices selected for a pay run UnResolved Invoices could also be looked Reusable Payment run criteria requests Payment dashboard empowers to manage all current pay run procesing Support for electronic transmission technologies Increases efficiency of the payment process through lesser but effective payment runs An effective exception visibility process Enhances the management and visibility of payment process Richer Invoice information at various levels Reduce Auditing Costs Better support for Accounting and Tax - Automated multi period accounting Better controlled invoice approval Better support for Invoice Corrections Backwards Compatibility In R12 invoices can be created and processed with or without being matched to a Purchase Order. You can see the actions available at each level of invoice. Business Benefit Reduce Training Costs prevent human errors

AP/AR netting

In R12 it allows netting of trading partners acting as customers and suppliers as well

Accounts Receivables (AR)

Feature Revenue Management Partial Period Revenue recognition New configurable accounting rules to determine treatment of revenue allocation for partial periods Revenue deferral reasons COGS and Revenue Matching The matching principle of accounting states that each expense item related to revenue earned must be recorded in the same accounting period as the revenue it helped to earn. Enhanced Payment based Revenue recognition Revenue recognition on payment by the customer/acceptance by the customer, evergreen lease payments, impaired loans Improves Transparency in Revenue recognition Business Benefit Adheres to IAS (International accounting standards)

Line level Cash application Allows application of receipts to specific transaction items (Individual lines, Group of lines, Tax or freight buckets) Support for Line level Cash application (for lockbox payments) Line level balances for transactions with and without receipt application Funds Capture Enhancements Uptake (from Oracle payments) Support of new bank account model, automatic electronic funds capture

In R12 it allows flexibility to apply receipts at a detail level

Allows efficient processing of Funds capture and flexibility in payment methods

Balance Forward Billing Allows cycle based/event billing at account/account site level Leverages Billing formats

Allows a regular and cyclical based billing functionality at account/account site level

New user interface for customer management

Cash Management (CM) Feature Bank account balances and Interest calculations Support for different bank account balance types-Value dated, Ledger, 1 day float, 2 day float Capability to verify interest amounts credited/charged by banks based on balance history and use defined interest rates schedule Cash Pooling Available in cash management also (only available in Treasury earlier) Bank Statement accounting Allows to define mapping rules Automatically create and recoincile transactions based on prior day bank statement lines Reduces Reconciliation issues Business Benefit Control over bank balances and cash positions Bank accounts for internal use in Cash Management, Payables, Receivables, Treasury and Payroll are consolidated in Release 12. If you were using internal bank accounts in prior releases, all bank accounts will be migrated into the centralized bank account model automatically during the upgrade.

Effective utilization of funds

Oracle Payments (New module) Features Centralized engine for making and receiving payments Enhanced disbursement process supports new flows and configurations Enhanced straight through processing (STP) for electronic payments Dashboard approach for monitoring and managing the payment process Support for wide library of payment formats and validations Common repository for payment data Oracle Payments provides a standardized way for applications to submit electronic payments to financial institutions. This includes validation at multiple levels, aggregation of payments across invoice selection batches, formatting, and transmission.

Sourcing Feature EMD Support Capability to support EMD Supports EMD Payment methods Cash, Cheque, DD,Corporate EMD, Bank Guarantee EMD Administrator-Can exempt a supplier from paying EMD/Refund/Forfeit Quantity based Price Tiers Offer different unit prices for different quantity ranges Drive lower bid prices through flexible price tier structures provided by different suppliers Generate extra savings by allowing buyers to award to lowest tiered price Business Benefit Supports End to End sourcing solution Eliminates Manual checks and coordination

Allow buyers to suggest tier structure Provide flexibility to suppliers to either respond to tier structure defined by buyers, or define their own structure Can be included in negotiations with any outcome Supplier Incentives Award based on supplier incentives Capture extra savings from new and incumbent suppliers Allow buyers to include incentives to compare actual award amount and make better award decision 2 Stage RFQ Requirement Lists can be created explicitly for Two-Stage RFQs Templates can also be marked as Two-Stage and used while creating a Two-Stage RFQ Classification of Requirement Sections visible in print view of negotiation in both buyer and supplier views Aids in evaluation of supplier responses in two distinct stages Checks and balances are built in to ensure that no commercial terms are visible during technical evaluation Data Security - commercial sections of quotes not short listed during technical evaluation can never be unsealed/unlocked Transparency of process across user groups by way of RFQ statuses and notifications 2 Stage RFQ is often mandatory in the Public Sector industry and certain Government organizations Reduce unnecessary complexity and improve usability Streamline the negotiation creation process with reusable negotiation styles Minimize effort devoted to supplier training Easier and accurate communication with suppliers Formatting provides clear requirement explanation List of acceptable values normalize supplier responses Faster and transparent evaluation of requirements with objective scoring Scoring model is defined upfront Oracle Sourcing scores responses as they are submitted Better scoring with objective and subjective scoring Mix objective and subjective scored requirements in a single negotiation for optimal supplier evaluation

Negotiation styles- Tailor user interface based on sourcing events

Negotiation requirements Objective scoring of requirements Buyer specified acceptable values and response scores Automatic scoring by Oracle sourcing

Enhanced Team scoring support Buyers define scoring teams Teams score and score computation Score Locking New collaboration team role-Scorer

Reduce analysis time with online team scoring Scorers work in parallel on their scoring sheets Buyers do not need to compile the figures from different team members Minimize buyers administrative role in the scoring process Oracle Sourcing coordinates team scoring effort At any time, buyers can query scorers status Increase bid evaluation transparency Share commercial terms with scorers on as-needed basis Archived audit trail of team member scores Remove non-compliant responses automatically Define minimum knockout criteria and let Oracle Sourcing enforce it Focus on the quotes that meet the minimum criteria Analyze in detail only quotes that are worthwhile Streamline sourcing process Shorter analysis cycle results in faster award decisions

Knockout Suppliers Buyers specify minimum requirements that suppliers must attain to remain negotiation list

PO (Core Purchasing) Feature Buyer Workcentre Business Benefit A Command Centre for Buyers View and Act upon Requisition Demand Create and Manage Orders and Agreements Manage Contract Deliverables Run Negotiation Events including Auctions and RFxs Manage Supplier Information Increases Productivity Optimized for Shared Service Centers Streamlined Interface Increases Efficiency Pre-Seeded or Custom Views for quicker access to information and prioritize tasks Document Management and communication Document Styles allow buying organizations to control the look and feel of the application to match the needs of different purchasing documents. Document Publishing Ability to attach files/drawings as attachments to suppliers Contractor support in Purchasing Allow Contingent Workers to Participate in Purchasing Activities Name documents to match business and naming conventions Enable or disable features on the document Reduce application complexity

Streamlines document management and eliminates manual processing

Leverage External Expertise Outsource Procurement Functions to Third Parties Provide Operational Support to On-Site

Raise and Approve Requisitions Create, Maintain, and Approve Purchase Orders Receive Goods and Services Compliance of Packaging constraints Apply supplier-specific order modifiers such as Minimum Order Quantity and Lot Multiple Ensure requisition UOM is compliant with Purchasing UOM or Unit of Issue Round up/down fractional quantities New User Interface for Purchasing setups

Contractors Maintain Compliance Contingent Workers Not Defined as Employees

Increased User Productivity Intuitive Self Service User Interface Shared Services Centers Perform Setups for Multiple Operating Units without the need to switch application responsibilities

Mass Update and Mass close of Purchasing documents Mass Update of Purchase Documents -Extended to Deliver to Person & Approvers, Extended to Closed Purchase Orders, Added New Parameters Mass Update of Requisition New concurrent program for mass update of Requisitions Mass Close of Purchase Orders New concurrent program for mass close of Purchase Orders

Forwarding of active Purchasing Documents and pending notifications which get stuck in the process due to termination of an employee Identification of all the Purchase Documents for a particular person Option to filter the documents based on parameters Simplified manual closing of Purchase Documents

iProcurement Feature Enhanced Catalog Management Buyers can delegate catalog management to suppliers and catalog administrators Create/update content online Bulkload content with improved error review capability Business Benefit Reduce the buying organization overhead in catalog management Streamline catalog creation and management Real-time availability for requesters after approval

Summary of all changes prior to submission Disposition at the line level provides control over price changes and item availability Approval, archive and version control Content Security Enhancements Control What Catalog Content To Show Inclusion and exclusion rules Replaces Catalogs and Realms in 11.5.10 Responsibility and Operating Unit assignments enable specific user sets to access specific catalog content. Improve Usability Single feature-set replaces and enhances functionalities previously provided by Realms, System Profiles, Catalogs, and Extractor. Increase Security Inclusion and Exclusion rules provide more control over content.

Fixed Assests (FA) Features In Release 12, the following features have been introduced: Sub Ledger Accounting Architecture and Inquiries Flexible Reporting using XML publisher Enhanced functionality for Energy industry Business Benefit Oracle Assets is fully integrated with SLA, which is a common accounting platform for Sub Ledgers. Customers can use the seeded Account Derivation definitions that work our of the box or modify them as required. We will continue to support Account Generator functionality for existing Asset Books even after upgrading to R12. We will support the New standardized SLA Accounting report and online account inquiry.

Enhanced Mass Additions for Legacy conversions

In R12 Additional attributes have been added to the FA MASSADDITIONS interface table to enhance the mass additions functionality. The new attributes that have been added are follows: Asset life, Depreciation method, Prorate convention, Bonus rule Ceiling name, Depreciation limit etc.

This new feature consists of default rules and Public APIs that can be used by customers to complete the preparation of mass addition lines automatically.

Automatic Preparation of Mass Additions

In R12 The Major benefits of this feature is that customers can: Avoid manual intervention during the Mass Additions prepare process and Avoid customization and use public APIs to effect custom business logic.

Major Asset Transaction reports have been modified to support XML publisher. Customers can modify or use new templates to view report output. List of thirteen reports Assets for which XML reporting is available: Asset Transfers Report Transaction History Report Asset Reclassification Report Mass Additions Create Report Cost Adjustment Report Cost Summary Report CIP Summary Report Reserve Summary Journal Entry Reserve Ledger Asset Additions Report CIP Capitalization Report Mass Additions Posting Asset Retirements

Automatic depreciation rollback

In 11i, users have been able to run depreciation for an asset book without closing the period. If additional adjustments are required in the current period, then the user submits a process to roll back depreciation for the entire book, performs the necessary adjustment(s) and then resubmits the depreciation program. In Release 12 the intermediate manual step of rolling back depreciation for the entire book in order to process further adjustments on selected assets is no longer necessary. As before users may submit depreciation for the entire book prior to closing the period. If it becomes necessary to process financial adjustments on one or more assets, the user may proceed with the transaction normally via the asset workbench or mass transactions. Oracle Assets automatically rolls back the depreciation on just the selected assets (instead of the whole book) and allows the transaction(s) to be processed normally. The asset(s) for which depreciation was rolled back is automatically picked up during the next depreciation run or at the time that the depreciation period is finally closed. It is no longer required to run depreciation rollback program manually. Depreciation rollback is executed only on select assets as required and not on the entire Asset Book; thereby enhancing performance of the program.

iExpenses Feature Enhanced Per Diem Setup First Period, Last Period, and Same Day Rates Multiple Destination Rules Enhanced Free Items Rules Enhanced Per Diem Entry New Allowances Setup and Entry Meals and Accommodation Allowances Mileage Setup Additional Unit of Measure - Swedish Miles Multiple Passenger Rates User-Definable Add-On Rates Enhanced Mileage Entry Accumulated Mileage Upload Expense Allocation is an enhanced process where: Expense report preparers can: Split expense lines Update accounting on a multi-row page Create shortcuts to simplify expenses entry Managers can: Analyze expense allocations on one Increase accuracy in expense report Streamline expense processing Expedite reimbursement Increase employee satisfaction Support Global Requirements Facilitate Smooth Mid-Year Transition Business Benefit Enforce Statutory Regulations Improve User Experience Eliminate Erroneous Expenses

page Be informed of relevant expense lines and total amounts Payables Personnel can: View all allocations on one page Ascertain expense lines that have been split Expense Report Export Web Pages allow: Administrators to: Run the Expense report export from the Audit Module Review the status of the Expense Report Export Analyze the output of the Expense Report Export Easier to use Better and more accessible information Stronger controls

R12 Reporting Features About 80% Standard Reports replaced by Extracts and XML Templates Designed, comprehensive fat extracts Not the old standard reports recycled Business Benefit Your users easily modify reports to their specification Using desktop tools like Microsoft Word Publish in any format; publish to the web; distribute electronically Centralize Reporting management consistency, source of truth XML Publisher enables customers to utilize a set of familiar desktop tools to create and maintain their own report formats based on XML data extracts from their existing Oracle Applications concurrent request programs. At runtime, XML Publisher merges the custom templates with the concurrent request data extracts to generate output in PDF, HTML, RTF, EXCEL (HTML), or even text for use with EFT and EDI transmissions.

Templates provided for all reports Other 20% Reports supported as before

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