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MICROBIOLOGY AND PARASITOLOGY Microbiology-the study of microscopic organisms (microorganisms) and their interactions with other living things

ngs (micro-small, bio- life, logy-study). -the term microbe-used first by Sedillot (1878)-replaced by microorganism

Parasitology - the study of parasites and parasitism

Importance of Classifying Organisms 1. It makes the study of organisms convenient. 2. It helps in the specific identification of any given organism. 3. The study of each distinct group of organisms helps is to integrate life as a whole. 4. It provides information about the organisms, which occur in specific geographical regions. 5. Indicates the evolutionary relationship by establishing the gradually increasing complexity of forms and structures in different groups of organisms.

Levels of Classification

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Some Organisms and Their Uses

Button mushroom (fungi) are famous taste when cooked. Several species of edible mushrooms are being successfully cultivated

Most plants are cultivated for food like potato, corn, rice, carrots, and other roots crops

The fungi genus, Penicillium is used not only for medicine, but also in cheesesmaking

Escherichia coli, Bacillus, and Streptomyces produce vitaminB12, and roboflavin they are when placed in a meduim with coconut water. Bacillus and Streptomyces species in the same medium also produce antibiotics

Bacteria, aside from their medical uses, are also aids in digestion and fermentation. They also decompose dead plants and animals into forms used by the environment

Some fungi, like yeast and those belonging to the genus Streptomyces, are indispensable in bread-making.

Ficus elastica, commonly known as the rubber plant, provides raw materials for the rubber industry.

Abaca plant (Musa textilis) is known for its strong and durable fibers in making ropes, fabrics, and many other.

Econimically, animals are as useful as plants.Meats sold markets come from pigs, cattle, goats, and poultry. Many clothing materials like leather and wool come from animal skin.

Humans, animals, plants, and microorganisms are interdependent. People need plants and animals for food, clothing, and shelter. Plants need animals for carbon dioxide; animals need plants for oxygen. Each cannot exist without the other.

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