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Rosicrucian Research ib la fiu

It Is YOURS To Use
LONG-FELT need w as fulfilled a Rosicrucian Research Library w as established in lu n e of 1939 through the kind assistance of the AMORC membership. The beautiful building houses thousands of volumes on Rosicrucianism, mYsticism, occultism, Science, art, music, literature, and related subjects. Each day it is visited by Rosicrucians w h o s p e n d in its pleasing atm osphere many e n j o y a b l e h o u r s without cost or obligation. Som e of its works cannot be found elsewhere. Q

For Those Who Cannot Personally Attend . . .

The books h av e b e e n ch o se n b y the stan d ard o th eir v alu an d im portan ce to R o sicru cian stu d en ts.

Although these books are not or circulation, you need not b e deprived of the benefits this library affords merely b ecau se you do not live ad jacen t to San Jos. W e are prepared to send direct to your home answers to your questions, obtained from the books of this Research Library. The information that you would search for if you were in this Library will b e obtained for you if possible, and m ailed to you. Of course, if you live n ear a large public li brary which has the sam e informa tion you will not need this Service. If not, the Rosicrucian Research Library will provide the information if it possesses it. Consequently you have, by this method, a ccess to these m any books.
E a c h a n s w e r w ill b e typew ritten an d w ill g iv e the so u rce rom w hich it w as o b tain ed .


Questions about your Rosicrucian teachings or your personal membership problems should b e directed as usual to the AMORC Grand Lodge officers for their attention. Your Library questions should be devoted to extra information, factual matters, as, for example, "W hat are the Eleusinian mysteries? Who were some of the prominent alchem ists? Who was C agliostro?" etc. The answer to each question will be limited to two hundred words, and will give the source of information. A NOMINAL FEE of 50 cents (3/7 sterling) must accom pany each separte q u es tion merely to cover the typing and mailing expense Research is gratis.
INSTRUCTIONS TO FOLLOW: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Do not ask for the solution of personal, legal, or technical problems. Think beore you write. Make your question brie and com plete. Limit your letter to one side of one sheet. Type your question or write it very carefully. Print or write your am e and address clearly and give your key number. If you ask more than one question, number each q u e s tion sep arately. A fee of 50 cents (3/7 sterling) (not in stamps) must accom pany each question. Allow ampie time for your question to reach us and for the answ er to be received by you, a s well as two or three days for research. We are not infallible. We m ay not b e a b le to answ er some questions. Ask questions about su bjects you would look up if you w ere in the library.

Always address for this purpose: ROSICRUCIAN RESEARCH LIBRARY

M-2 8 15 6
P R I N T E O I N U . S . A.

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